Beispiel #1
// convert null-terminated BCD UID (8 digits) to 96 bit hid26 encoded binary array
BOOL bcd_to_hid26_bin(unsigned char *hid26, unsigned char *bcd)
    unsigned char tmp1[8], tmp2[26];
    unsigned int tmpint;

    if(strlen(bcd) != 8)
        return FALSE;

    // convert BCD site code to HEX
    sscanf(bcd, "%03d", &tmpint);
    sprintf(tmp2, "%02x", tmpint);
    memcpy(tmp1, tmp2, 2);

    // convert BCD ID to HEX
    sscanf(bcd + 3, "%05d", &tmpint);;
    sprintf(tmp2, "%04x", tmpint);
    // copy with trailing NULL
    memcpy(tmp1 + 2, tmp2, 5);

    // convert full HEX to binary, leaving room for parity prefix
    hextobinarray(tmp2 + 1, tmp1);
    wiegand_add_parity(tmp2, tmp2 + 1, 24);
    // magic 44 bit hid26 header
    hextobinarray(hid26, "1D555955556");
    // add manchester encoded hid data
    manchester_encode(hid26 + 44, tmp2, 26);
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
// convert 96 bit HID FSK data to 8 digit BCD UID
BOOL hid26_hex_to_uid(unsigned char *response, unsigned char *hid26)
    BYTE tmp[96], tmp1[7];
    unsigned int site;
    unsigned int id;
    // todo parity checking etc.

    if(!hextobinarray(tmp, hid26))
        return FALSE;
    // skip 44 bit header
    memcpy(tmp, tmp + 44, 52);
    // manchester decode
    if(manchester_decode(tmp, tmp, 52) != 26)
        return FALSE;

    // convert to hex, ignoring parity bits
    if(!binarraytohex(tmp1, tmp + 1, 24))
        return FALSE;
    // convert hex to site/id
    sscanf(tmp1,"%2X%4X", &site, &id);
    // final output 8 byte BCD
    sprintf(response,"%03d%05d", site, id);

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #3
// convert 16 hex digit/64 bit EM4X02 ID to 40 bit raw UID
// safe to do in-place as we use a scratchpad
BOOL em4x02_hex_to_bin(unsigned char *bin, unsigned char *em)
    unsigned char i, j, colparity[4]= {0,0,0,0};

    if(!hextobinarray(TmpBits, em))
        return FALSE;
    // check header
    for(i= 0 ; i < 9 ; ++i)
        if(TmpBits[i] != 0x01)
            return FALSE;

    // skip 9 bit header and strip/check parity bits - every 5th bit
    for(i= 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
        memcpy(bin + i * 4, (TmpBits + 9) + i * 5, 4);
        if(parity(bin + i * 4, EVEN, 4) != TmpBits[9 + i * 5 + 4])
            return FALSE;

    // check column parity
    for(i= 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
        for(j= 0; j < 4 ; ++j)
            colparity[j] += bin[i * 4 + j];
    for(i= 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i)
        if(colparity[i] % 2 != TmpBits[9 + 50 + i])
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #4
// print a hex value as binary
void printhexasbin(unsigned char *hex)
    unsigned int length;

    length= hextobinarray(TmpBits,hex);
    printbinarray(TmpBits, length);
Beispiel #5
// convert hex to unsigned long long
unsigned long long hextoulonglong(BYTE *hex)
    BYTE tmp[64];
    if(hextobinarray(tmp, hex) != 64)
        return 0L;
    return binarraytoulonglong(tmp, 64);
Beispiel #6
BOOL send_ask_hex(unsigned char *data, unsigned int pulsewidth, unsigned int tpb, unsigned int repeat)
    unsigned int length;

    if(!(length= hextobinarray(TmpBits, data)))
        return FALSE;

    return send_ask_bin(TmpBits, length, pulsewidth, tpb, repeat);
Beispiel #7
// convert hex to human readable binary string
unsigned int hextobinstring(unsigned char *target, unsigned char *source)
    unsigned int length;

    if(!(length= hextobinarray(target, source)))
        return 0;
    binarraytobinstring(target, target, length);
    return length;
Beispiel #8
// convert null-terminated BCD UID (8 digits) to 96 bit awid26 encoded binary array
BOOL bcd_to_awid26_bin(unsigned char *awid26, unsigned char *bcd)
    unsigned char i, p, tmp1[8], tmp2[26];
    unsigned int tmpint;

    if(strlen(bcd) != 8)
        return FALSE;

    // convert BCD site code to HEX
    sscanf(bcd, "%03d", &tmpint);
    sprintf(tmp2, "%02x", tmpint);
    memcpy(tmp1, tmp2, 2);

    // convert BCD ID to HEX
    sscanf(bcd + 3, "%05d", &tmpint);;
    sprintf(tmp2, "%04x", tmpint);
    // copy with trailing NULL
    memcpy(tmp1 + 2, tmp2, 5);

    // convert full HEX to binary, leaving room for parity prefix
    hextobinarray(tmp2 + 1, tmp1);
    wiegand_add_parity(tmp2, tmp2 + 1, 24);

    memset(awid26, '\x0', 96);

    // magic 18 bit awid26 header (we will overwrite the last two bits)
    hextobinarray(awid26, "011D8");

    // copy to target leaving space for parity bits
    for(i= 0, p= 18 ; i < 26 ; ++i, ++p)
        // skip target bit if this is a parity location
        if(!((p + 1) % 4))
            p += 1;
        awid26[p]= tmp2[i];

    // add parity bits
    for(i= 1 ; i < 24 ; ++i)
        awid26[((i + 1) * 4) - 1]= parity(&awid26[i * 4], ODD, 3);

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #9
BOOL send_psk1_hex(unsigned char *data, unsigned int pulsewidth, unsigned int tpb, unsigned int c0, unsigned int repeat)
    unsigned int length;
    BYTE tmp[256];

    if(!(length= hextobinarray(tmp, data)))
        return FALSE;

    return send_psk1_bin(tmp, length, pulsewidth, tpb, c0, repeat);
Beispiel #10
BOOL send_fsk_hex(unsigned char *data, unsigned long pulsewidth, unsigned int cpb, unsigned int c0, unsigned int c1, unsigned int repeat)
    unsigned int length;

    if(!(length= hextobinarray(TmpBits, data)))
        return 0;
    // manchester encoding with FSK is not done in the baseband, so pre-encode
        length= manchester_encode(TmpBits, TmpBits, length);
    return send_fsk_bin(TmpBits, length, pulsewidth, cpb, c0, c1, repeat);
Beispiel #11
// convert 96 bit AWID FSK data to 8 digit BCD UID
BOOL awid26_hex_to_uid(unsigned char *response, unsigned char *awid26)
    BYTE i, tmp[96], tmp1[7];
    unsigned int site;
    unsigned int id;

    if(!hextobinarray(tmp, awid26))
        return FALSE;

    // data is in blocks of 4 bits - every 4th bit is parity, except the first
    // block which is all zeros
    for(i= 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i)
        if(tmp[i] != 0x00)
            return FALSE;

    // discard 1st block
    memcpy(tmp, tmp + 4, 92);

    // check and strip parity on the rest
    for(i= 1 ; i < 23 ; ++i)
        if(tmp[(i * 4) - 1] != parity(tmp + (i - 1) * 4, ODD, 3))
            return FALSE;
            memcpy((tmp + (i - 1) * 3), tmp + (i - 1) * 4, 3);

    // discard the rest of the header - 1 more 3 bit block
    memcpy(tmp, tmp + 3, 66);

    // next 8 bits is data length - should be 26: 0x1A
    binarraytohex(tmp1, tmp, 8);
    if(strcmp(tmp1, "1A") != 0)
        return FALSE;
    memcpy(tmp, tmp +8, 58);

    // standard wiegand parity check - even for 1st 12 bits, odd for 2nd 12
    if(tmp[0] != parity(tmp + 1, EVEN, 12))
        return FALSE;
    if(tmp[25] != parity(tmp + 13, ODD, 12))
        return FALSE;

    // convert to hex, ignoring parity bits
    if(!binarraytohex(tmp1, tmp + 1, 24))
        return FALSE;

    // convert hex to site/id
    sscanf(tmp1,"%2X%4X", &site, &id);

    // final output 8 byte BCD
    sprintf(response,"%03d%05d", site, id);

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #12
// convert null-terminated hex UID (10 digits) to 64 bit em4x02 encoded binary array
BOOL hex_to_em4x02_bin(unsigned char *em, unsigned char *hex)
    unsigned char tmp1[10], tmp2[40];

    if(strlen(hex) > 10)
        return FALSE;

    // pad to 10 hex digits
    memset(tmp1, '0', 10);
    memcpy(tmp1 + 10 - strlen(hex), hex, strlen(hex));
    hextobinarray(tmp2, tmp1);
    // encoding is the same as unique, but source data is in a different order
    bin_to_em4x02_bin(em, tmp2);
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #13
// convert 16 hex digit/64 bit EM4X02 ID to 40 bit raw UID
// safe to do in-place as we use a scratchpad
// todo: check parity
BOOL em4x02_hex_to_bin(unsigned char *bin, unsigned char *em)
    unsigned char i;

    if(!hextobinarray(TmpBits, em))
        return FALSE;
    // check header
    for(i= 0 ; i < 9 ; ++i)
        if(TmpBits[i] != 0x01)
            return FALSE;

    // skip 9 bit header and strip parity bits - every 5th bit
    for(i= 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
        memcpy(bin + i * 4, (TmpBits + 9) + i * 5, 4);
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #14
// convert null-terminated hex UID (10 digits) to unique encoded 64 bit binary array
// which is the same as EM4X02 but with source hex arranged in a different order
BOOL hex_to_unique_bin(unsigned char *unique, unsigned char *hex)
    unsigned char tmp1[10], tmp2[40];

    if(strlen(hex) > 10)
        return FALSE;

    // pad to 10 hex digits
    memset(tmp1, '0', 10);
    memcpy(tmp1 + 10 - strlen(hex), hex, strlen(hex));
    // juggle into correct nibble order
    string_reverse(tmp1, 10);
    string_byteswap(tmp1, 10);
    // convert to binary
    hextobinarray(tmp2, tmp1);
    string_reverse(tmp2, 40);
    // encode for em4x02
    bin_to_em4x02_bin(unique, tmp2);
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #15
// copy raw UID to data blocks for re-transmission by target tag
void tag_raw_uid_to_data(BYTE *data, BYTE *uid, BYTE host_tagtype)
    BYTE            tmp[MAXUID + 1];
    unsigned int    i;
        // EM4X05 sends everything LSB, so reverse data
        case TAG_TYPE_EM4X05:
            hextobinarray(tmp, uid);
            for(i= 0 ; i < HEXTOBITS(strlen(uid)) ; i += EM4X05_BLOCKSIZE)
                string_reverse(tmp + i, EM4X05_BLOCKSIZE);
            binarraytohex(data, tmp, HEXTOBITS(strlen(uid)));
        // for most tags a straight copy will do
            strcpy(data, uid);
Beispiel #16
// convert 32 hex digit/128 bit FDXB ID to 64 bit raw UID
// safe to do in-place as we use a scratchpad
BOOL hdx_hex_to_bin(BYTE *response, BYTE *fdxb)
    BYTE i, crc_check[8], trailer[9]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1}, tmp[128];
    unsigned int crctag;

    hextobinarray(tmp, fdxb);

    // check header - should be 10 x 0x00 + 0x01
    for(i= 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i)
        if(tmp[i] != 0x00)
            return FALSE;
    if(tmp[10] != 0x01)
        return FALSE;

    // check CRC
    // calculate crc for 64 bits of data (8 blocks of 8 plus obfuscation bit)
    for(i= 0 ; i < 8 ; ++i)
        crc_check[i]= (BYTE) binarraytoint(tmp + 11 + i * 9, 8);
    // stored crc (2 x 8 + 1) is at offset 83 (11 + 64 + 8)
    crctag= binarraytoint(tmp + 83, 8) << 8;
    crctag += binarraytoint(tmp + 92, 8);
    if (crctag != crc_ccitt(crc_check, 8))
        return FALSE;

    // check trailer - '000000001' x 3 at offset 101
    for(i= 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i)
        if(memcmp(tmp + 101 + i * 9, trailer, 9) != 0)
            return FALSE;

    // data is 8 blocks of 8 bits, plus obfuscation bit so check and strip every 9th bit
    for(i= 0 ; i < 8 ; ++i)
        if(tmp[11 + ((i + 1) * 9) - 1] != 0x01)
            return FALSE;
        memcpy(response + i * 8, tmp + 11 + (i * 9), 8);

    return TRUE;