int b_hist(int argc,char *argv[], void *extra) { register History_t *hp; register char *arg; register int flag,fdo; register Shell_t *shp = ((Shbltin_t*)extra)->shp; Sfio_t *outfile; char *fname; int range[2], incr, index2, indx= -1; char *edit = 0; /* name of editor */ char *replace = 0; /* replace old=new */ int lflag = 0, nflag = 0, rflag = 0; #if SHOPT_HISTEXPAND int pflag = 0; #endif Histloc_t location; NOT_USED(argc); if(!sh_histinit((void*)shp)) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_system(1),e_histopen); hp = shp->gd->hist_ptr; while((flag = optget(argv,sh_opthist))) switch(flag) { case 'e': edit = opt_info.arg; break; case 'n': nflag++; break; case 'l': lflag++; break; case 'r': rflag++; break; case 's': edit = "-"; break; #if SHOPT_HISTEXPAND case 'p': pflag++; break; #endif case 'N': if(indx<=0) { if((flag = hist_max(hp) - opt_info.num-1) < 0) flag = 1; range[++indx] = flag; break; } case ':': errormsg(SH_DICT,2, "%s", opt_info.arg); break; case '?': errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_usage(2), "%s", opt_info.arg); break; } if(error_info.errors) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_usage(2),"%s",optusage((char*)0)); argv += (opt_info.index-1); #if SHOPT_HISTEXPAND if(pflag) { hist_cancel(hp); pflag = 0; while(arg=argv[1]) { flag = hist_expand(arg,&replace); if(!(flag & HIST_ERROR)) sfputr(sfstdout, replace, '\n'); else pflag = 1; if(replace) free(replace); argv++; } return pflag; } #endif flag = indx; while(flag<1 && (arg=argv[1])) { /* look for old=new argument */ if(!replace && strchr(arg+1,'=')) { replace = arg; argv++; continue; } else if(isdigit(*arg) || *arg == '-') { /* see if completely numeric */ do arg++; while(isdigit(*arg)); if(*arg==0) { arg = argv[1]; range[++flag] = (int)strtol(arg, (char**)0, 10); if(*arg == '-') range[flag] += (hist_max(hp)-1); argv++; continue; } } /* search for last line starting with string */ location = hist_find(hp,argv[1],hist_max(hp)-1,0,-1); if((range[++flag] = location.hist_command) < 0) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_exit(1),e_found,argv[1]); argv++; } if(flag <0) { /* set default starting range */ if(lflag) { flag = hist_max(hp)-16; if(flag<1) flag = 1; } else flag = hist_max(hp)-2; range[0] = flag; flag = 0; } index2 = hist_min(hp); if(range[0]<index2) range[0] = index2; if(flag==0) /* set default termination range */ range[1] = ((lflag && !edit)?hist_max(hp)-1:range[0]); if(range[1]>=(flag=(hist_max(hp) - !lflag))) range[1] = flag; /* check for valid ranges */ if(range[1]<index2 || range[0]>=flag) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_exit(1),e_badrange,range[0],range[1]); if(edit && *edit=='-' && range[0]!=range[1]) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_exit(1),e_eneedsarg); /* now list commands from range[rflag] to range[1-rflag] */ incr = 1; flag = rflag>0; if(range[1-flag] < range[flag]) incr = -1; if(lflag) { outfile = sfstdout; arg = "\n\t"; } else { if(!(fname=pathtmp(NIL(char*),0,0,NIL(int*)))) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_exit(1),e_create,""); if((fdo=open(fname,O_CREAT|O_RDWR,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR)) < 0) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_system(1),e_create,fname); outfile= sfnew(NIL(Sfio_t*),shp->outbuff,IOBSIZE,fdo,SF_WRITE); arg = "\n"; nflag++; } while(1) { if(nflag==0) sfprintf(outfile,"%d\t",range[flag]); else if(lflag) sfputc(outfile,'\t'); hist_list(shp->gd->hist_ptr,outfile,hist_tell(shp->gd->hist_ptr,range[flag]),0,arg); if(lflag) sh_sigcheck(shp); if(range[flag] == range[1-flag]) break; range[flag] += incr; } if(lflag) return(0); sfclose(outfile); hist_eof(hp); arg = edit; if(!arg && !(arg=nv_getval(sh_scoped(shp,HISTEDIT))) && !(arg=nv_getval(sh_scoped(shp,FCEDNOD)))) arg = (char*)e_defedit; #ifdef apollo /* * Code to support the FC using the pad editor. * Exampled of how to use: HISTEDIT=pad */ if (strcmp (arg, "pad") == 0) { extern int pad_create(char*); sh_close(fdo); fdo = pad_create(fname); pad_wait(fdo); unlink(fname); strcat(fname, ".bak"); unlink(fname); lseek(fdo,(off_t)0,SEEK_SET); } else { #endif /* apollo */ if(*arg != '-') { char *com[3]; com[0] = arg; com[1] = fname; com[2] = 0; error_info.errors = sh_eval(sh_sfeval(com),0); } fdo = sh_chkopen(fname); unlink(fname); free((void*)fname); #ifdef apollo } #endif /* apollo */ /* don't history fc itself unless forked */ error_info.flags |= ERROR_SILENT; if(!sh_isstate(SH_FORKED)) hist_cancel(hp); sh_onstate(SH_HISTORY); sh_onstate(SH_VERBOSE); /* echo lines as read */ if(replace) hist_subst(,fdo,replace); else if(error_info.errors == 0) { char buff[IOBSIZE+1]; Sfio_t *iop = sfnew(NIL(Sfio_t*),buff,IOBSIZE,fdo,SF_READ); /* read in and run the command */ if(shp->hist_depth++ > HIST_RECURSE) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_exit(1),e_toodeep,"history"); sh_eval(iop,1); shp->hist_depth--; }
void ed_setup(register Edit_t *ep, int fd, int reedit) { Shell_t *shp = ep->sh; register char *pp; register char *last, *prev; char *ppmax; int myquote = 0, n; register int qlen = 1, qwid; char inquote = 0; ep->e_fd = fd; ep->e_multiline = sh_isoption(SH_MULTILINE)!=0; #ifdef SIGWINCH if(!(shp->sigflag[SIGWINCH]&SH_SIGFAULT)) { signal(SIGWINCH,sh_fault); shp->sigflag[SIGWINCH] |= SH_SIGFAULT; } pp = shp->st.trapcom[SIGWINCH]; shp->st.trapcom[SIGWINCH] = 0; sh_fault(SIGWINCH); shp->st.trapcom[SIGWINCH] = pp; ep->sh->winch = 0; #endif #if SHOPT_EDPREDICT ep->hlist = 0; ep->nhlist = 0; ep->hoff = 0; #endif /* SHOPT_EDPREDICT */ #if KSHELL ep->e_stkptr = stakptr(0); ep->e_stkoff = staktell(); if(!(last = shp->prompt)) last = ""; shp->prompt = 0; #else last = ep->e_prbuff; #endif /* KSHELL */ if(shp->gd->hist_ptr) { register History_t *hp = shp->gd->hist_ptr; ep->e_hismax = hist_max(hp); ep->e_hismin = hist_min(hp); } else { ep->e_hismax = ep->e_hismin = ep->e_hloff = 0; } ep->e_hline = ep->e_hismax; if(!sh_isoption(SH_VI) && !sh_isoption(SH_EMACS) && !sh_isoption(SH_GMACS)) ep->e_wsize = MAXLINE; else ep->e_wsize = ed_window()-2; ep->e_winsz = ep->e_wsize+2; ep->e_crlf = 1; ep->e_plen = 0; pp = ep->e_prompt; ppmax = pp+PRSIZE-1; *pp++ = '\r'; { register int c; while(prev = last, c = mbchar(last)) switch(c) { case ESC: { int skip=0; ep->e_crlf = 0; *pp++ = c; for(n=1; c = *last++; n++) { if(pp < ppmax) *pp++ = c; if(c=='\a' || c==ESC || c=='\r') break; if(skip || (c>='0' && c<='9')) { skip = 0; continue; } if(n>1 && c==';') skip = 1; else if(n>2 || (c!= '[' && c!= ']')) break; } if(c==0 || c==ESC || c=='\r') last--; qlen += (n+1); break; } case '\b': if(pp>ep->e_prompt+1) pp--; break; case '\r': if(pp == (ep->e_prompt+2)) /* quote char */ myquote = *(pp-1); /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case '\n': /* start again */ ep->e_crlf = 1; qlen = 1; inquote = 0; pp = ep->e_prompt+1; break; case '\t': /* expand tabs */ while((pp-ep->e_prompt)%TABSIZE) { if(pp >= ppmax) break; *pp++ = ' '; } break; case '\a': /* cut out bells */ break; default: if(c==myquote) { qlen += inquote; inquote ^= 1; } if(pp < ppmax) { if(inquote) qlen++; else if(!is_print(c)) ep->e_crlf = 0; if((qwid = last - prev) > 1) qlen += qwid - mbwidth(c); while(prev < last && pp < ppmax) *pp++ = *prev++; } break; } } if(pp-ep->e_prompt > qlen) ep->e_plen = pp - ep->e_prompt - qlen; *pp = 0; if(!ep->e_multiline && (ep->e_wsize -= ep->e_plen) < 7) { register int shift = 7-ep->e_wsize; ep->e_wsize = 7; pp = ep->e_prompt+1; strcpy(pp,pp+shift); ep->e_plen -= shift; last[-ep->e_plen-2] = '\r'; } sfsync(sfstderr); if(fd == sffileno(sfstderr)) { /* can't use output buffer when reading from stderr */ static char *buff; if(!buff) buff = (char*)malloc(MAXLINE); ep->e_outbase = ep->e_outptr = buff; ep->e_outlast = ep->e_outptr + MAXLINE; return; } qlen = sfset(sfstderr,SF_READ,0); /* make sure SF_READ not on */ ep->e_outbase = ep->e_outptr = (char*)sfreserve(sfstderr,SF_UNBOUND,SF_LOCKR); ep->e_outlast = ep->e_outptr + sfvalue(sfstderr); if(qlen) sfset(sfstderr,SF_READ,1); sfwrite(sfstderr,ep->e_outptr,0); ep->e_eol = reedit; if(ep->e_multiline) { #ifdef _cmd_tput char *term; if(!ep->e_term) ep->e_term = nv_search("TERM",shp->var_tree,0); if(ep->e_term && (term=nv_getval(ep->e_term)) && strlen(term)<sizeof(ep->e_termname) && strcmp(term,ep->e_termname)) { sh_trap(".sh.subscript=$(tput cuu1 2>/dev/null)",0); if(pp=nv_getval(SH_SUBSCRNOD)) strncpy(CURSOR_UP,pp,sizeof(CURSOR_UP)-1); nv_unset(SH_SUBSCRNOD); strcpy(ep->e_termname,term); } #endif ep->e_wsize = MAXLINE - (ep->e_plen+1); } if(ep->e_default && (pp = nv_getval(ep->e_default))) { n = strlen(pp); if(n > LOOKAHEAD) n = LOOKAHEAD; ep->e_lookahead = n; while(n-- > 0) ep->e_lbuf[n] = *pp++; ep->e_default = 0; } }