Beispiel #1
void Http::configInit() {
	if (1 == kafka_consumer.Init(0,"test","localhost:9092",NULL)) {
		std::cout << "init success" << std::endl;

	pthread_create(&kafkaInitId, NULL, KafkaInit, NULL);

Beispiel #2
void main()
hostState hstate;             /* The host's state */
linkArrayType linkArray;
manLinkArrayType manLinkArray;

pid_t pid;  /* Process id */
int physid; /* Physical ID of host */
int i;
int k;

 * Create nonblocking (pipes) between manager and hosts 
 * assuming that hosts have physical IDs 0, 1, ... 
manLinkArray.numlinks = NUMHOSTS;
netCreateConnections(& manLinkArray);

/* Create links between nodes but not setting their end nodes */

linkArray.numlinks = NUMLINKS;
netCreateLinks(& linkArray);

/* Set the end nodes of the links */

netSetNetworkTopology(& linkArray);

/* Create nodes and spawn their own processes, one process per node */ 

for (physid = 0; physid < NUMHOSTS; physid++) {

   pid = fork();

   if (pid == -1) {
      printf("Error:  the fork() failed\n");
   else if (pid == 0) { /* The child process -- a host node */

      hostInit(&hstate, physid);              /* Initialize host's state */

      /* Initialize the connection to the manager */ 
      hstate.manLink =[physid];

       * Close all connections not connect to the host
       * Also close the manager's side of connections to host
      netCloseConnections(& manLinkArray, physid);

      /* Initialize the host's incident communication links */

      k = netHostOutLink(&linkArray, physid); /* Host's outgoing link */
      hstate.linkout =[k];

      k = netHostInLink(&linkArray, physid); /* Host's incoming link */
      hstate.linkin =[k];

      /* Close all other links -- not connected to the host */
      netCloseHostOtherLinks(& linkArray, physid);

      /* Go to the main loop of the host node */

/* Manager */

 * The manager is connected to the hosts and doesn't
 * need the links between nodes

/* Close all links between nodes */

/* Close the host's side of connections between a host and manager */

/* Go to main loop for the manager */
manMain(& manLinkArray);

 * We reach here if the user types the "q" (quit) command.
 * Now if we don't do anything, the child processes will continue even
 * after we terminate the parent process.  That's because these
 * child proceses are running an infinite loop and do not exit 
 * properly.  Since they have no parent, and no way of controlling
 * them, they are called "zombie" processes.  Actually, to get rid
 * of them you would list your processes using the LINUX command
 * "ps -x".  Then kill them one by one using the "kill" command.  
 * To use the kill the command just type "kill" and the process ID (PID).
 * The following system call will kill all the children processes, so
 * that saves us some manual labor
kill(0, SIGKILL); /* Kill all processes */