Beispiel #1
void* thread_worker( void *a )
	Huint	  tid;
    argument  *arg;

	tid = hthread_self();
	arg = (argument*)a;

	printf( "Starting Worker Thread:   (TID=%u)\n", tid );
    while( 1 )
        hthread_mutex_lock( arg->mutex );
        while( arg->jobs == 0 )
            //printf( "Queue Empty: (TID=%u)\n", tid );
            hthread_cond_wait( arg->cond_notempty, arg->mutex );
        arg->jobs = arg->jobs - 1;

		//printf( "Queue Not Full: (TID=%u) (JOBS=%u)\n",tid, arg->jobs );
        hthread_cond_signal( arg->cond_notfull );
		printf( "Running Job:        (TID=%u) (JOBS=%u)\n",tid,arg->jobs );
        hthread_mutex_unlock( arg->mutex );
	printf( "Exiting Worker Thread:    (TID=%u)\n", tid );
	return NULL;
Beispiel #2
void* thread_dispatcher( void *a )
	Huint	  tid;
    argument  *arg;

	tid = hthread_self();
	arg = (argument*)a;

	printf( "Starting Dispatcher Thread:   (TID=%u)\n", tid );
	while( 1 )
        hthread_mutex_lock( arg->mutex );

        while( arg->jobs >= 10 )
            //printf( "Queue Full:   (JOBS=%u)\n", arg->jobs );
            hthread_cond_wait( arg->cond_notfull, arg->mutex );

	    printf( "Creating Job:        (TID=%u) (JOBS=%u)\n", tid, arg->jobs );
        arg->jobs = arg->jobs + 1;

	    //printf( "Queue Not Empty: (TID=%u) (JOBS=%u)\n", tid, arg->jobs );
        hthread_cond_signal( arg->cond_notempty );

        hthread_mutex_unlock( arg->mutex );
	printf( "Exiting Dispatcher Thread:    (TID=%u)\n", tid );
	return NULL;
void cons_start( cons_struct *cons )
    hthread_mutex_lock( cons->mutex );
    while( *cons->ready == 0 ) hthread_cond_wait( cons->start, cons->mutex );
    *cons->ready = 0;
    hthread_mutex_unlock( cons->mutex );
Beispiel #4
DLL_EXPORT int  hthread_wait_condition( COND* plc, LOCK* plk, const char* location )
    int rc;
    ILOCK* ilk;
    ilk = (ILOCK*) plk->ilk;
    PTTRACE( "wait before", plk, plc, location, PTT_MAGIC );
    rc = hthread_cond_wait( plc, &ilk->lock );
    PTTRACE( "wait after", plk, plc, location, rc );
    if (rc)
        loglock( ilk, rc, "wait_condition", location );
    return rc;
void * a_thread_function(void * arg) {
	struct testdata * data = (struct testdata *) arg;
	printf( "Thread %d Running\n", (int)hthread_self() );
	hthread_mutex_lock( data->mutex );
	*(data->start_num) += 1;
	hthread_cond_wait( data->cond, data->mutex );
	*(data->waken_num) += 1;
	hthread_mutex_unlock( data->mutex);
	return NULL;
void * testThread ( void * arg ) {
	int retVal;
	struct test_data * data = (struct test_data *) arg;

	hthread_mutex_lock( data->mutex );
	hthread_create( &data->thread, NULL, data->function, (void *) data );
	retVal = hthread_cond_wait( data->cond, data->mutex );
	hthread_mutex_unlock( data->mutex );
	hthread_join( data->thread, NULL );
	hthread_exit( (void *) retVal );
	return NULL;
void *handle_requests_loop(void *data)
  int rs;
  struct task *task;
  struct threadpool * tp = (struct threadpool *)data;

  // Pre-lock mutex
  rs = hthread_mutex_lock(tp->task_queue_mutex);

  while (1) {
    // Check to see if there are any tasks to execute
    if (tp->total_tasks > 0) {
      // If so, then grab one
      task = get_task(tp);
      aprintf("TID %d, got task!\n",hthread_self());

      if (task) {
    	// If the task is valid, then release lock
	    rs = hthread_mutex_unlock(tp->task_queue_mutex);

    	// Execute task

        // Yield to allow another thread to do some work if possible

    	// Re-acquire for next round
	    rs = hthread_mutex_lock(tp->task_queue_mutex);
      } else {
    	// Otherwise, wait for tasks
	    rs = hthread_cond_wait(tp->active_task, tp->task_queue_mutex);
    } else {
      // Release lock and processor, let someone else do some work

      // Re-acquire
  return (void*)99;