main() { html_start("TITLEXX"); html_h1("Header1"); html_h2("Header1"); html_end(); }
static void retrieveStudies(llist entries) { html_header(); html_begin_body_options("DICOM Study Search", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); printf("%s<p>\n", cgi_val(entries, "patientID")); html_end(); }
void NullForm() { html_begin("Null Form Submitted"); h1("Null Form Submitted"); printf("You have sent an empty form. Please go back and fill out\r\n"); printf("the form properly, or email <i>%s</i>\r\n",WEBADMIN); printf("if you are having difficulty.\r\n"); html_end(); }
static void moveSeries(llist entries) { CONDITION cond; char dbKey[64] = ""; char studyUID[65] = ""; char seriesUID[65] = ""; char destinationApplication[17] = ""; char password[64] = ""; int i; long successes = 0; long warnings = 0; long failures = 0; void *timeStamp = 0; double deltaTime = 0; DMAN_HANDLE *controlHandle; strcpy(dbKey, cgi_val(entries, "DBKey")); strcpy(studyUID, cgi_val(entries, "StudyUID")); strcpy(seriesUID, cgi_val(entries, "SeriesUID")); strcpy(password, cgi_val(entries, "password")); strcpy(destinationApplication, cgi_val(entries, "DestinationApplication")); TBL_SetOption("OPEN_SPEEDUP"); html_header(); html_begin_body_options("CTN Archive: Move Series", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); printf("<pre>\n"); printf("DB Key: %s<br>\n", dbKey); printf("Study UID: %s<br>\n", studyUID); printf("Series UID: %s<br>\n", seriesUID); /*printf("Password: %s<br>\n", password);*/ printf("Destination: %s<br>\n", destinationApplication); timeStamp = UTL_GetTimeStamp(); cond = moveSeriesRequest(dbKey, studyUID, seriesUID, destinationApplication, &successes, &warnings, &failures); deltaTime = UTL_DeltaTime(timeStamp); UTL_ReleaseTimeStamp(timeStamp); printf("Successes: %d<br>\n", successes); printf("Warnings: %d<br>\n", warnings); printf("Failures: %d<br>\n", failures); printf("Xmit time: %8.2f seconds <br>\n", deltaTime); printf("</pre>\n"); logMoveRequest(dbKey, studyUID, seriesUID, destinationApplication, successes, warnings, failures); html_end(); }
__externC cyg_bool cyg_httpd_send_html( FILE *client, char *filename, char *request, void *arg ) { html_begin( client ); fwrite( arg, 1, strlen((char *)arg), client ); html_end( client ); return true; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *q, *z; int zeichen; if(argc < 3) { printf("Benutzung : %s quelle ziel\n",*argv); return EXIT_FAILURE; } q = fopen(argv[1], "r"); z = fopen(argv[2], "w"); if(q == NULL || z == NULL) { printf("Fehler bei fopen() ... "); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* Kopfzeile für HTML-Dokument */ html_head(z); while( (zeichen=getc(q)) != EOF) { if(zeichen=='<') sonderzeichen(4,"<", z); else if(zeichen=='>') sonderzeichen(4,">", z); else if(zeichen=='\"') sonderzeichen(6,""",z); else if(zeichen=='&') sonderzeichen(5,"&",z); else if(zeichen=='ä') sonderzeichen(6 ,"ä",z); else if(zeichen=='Ä') sonderzeichen(6 ,"Ä",z); else if(zeichen=='ö') sonderzeichen(6 ,"ö",z); else if(zeichen=='Ö') sonderzeichen(6 ,"Ö",z); else if(zeichen=='ü') sonderzeichen(6 ,"ü",z); else if(zeichen=='Ü') sonderzeichen(6 ,"Ü",z); else if(zeichen=='ß') sonderzeichen(6 ,"ß",z); else if(zeichen=='\n') /* Zeilenumbruch */ sonderzeichen(4, "<br>", z); else if(zeichen==' ') /* Leerzeichen */ sonderzeichen(6, " ", z); else putc(zeichen, z); } /* Ende von HTML-Datei */ html_end(z); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void directoryToHTML(const char* path) { LST_HEAD* l; #if 0 char topDirectory[1024]; char currentDirectory[1024]; char key[1024]; #endif FILE_ENTRY* f; char parentPath[1024]; char *c; strcpy(parentPath, path); c = parentPath + strlen(parentPath); while (*(--c) != '/') ; *c = '\0'; l = LST_Create(); listDirectory(path, &l); html_header(); html_begin_body_options("File View", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); while ((f = LST_Dequeue(&l)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(f->fileName, "..") == 0) { printf("<br><a href=""/cgi-bin/fileview.cgi" "?submitSearch=FileSelect" "&Key=%s" "&CurrentDirectory=%s" "&>%s</a>\n", ".", parentPath, f->fileName); } else { printf("<br><a href=""/cgi-bin/fileview.cgi" "?submitSearch=FileSelect" "&Key=%s" "&CurrentDirectory=%s" "&>%s</a>\n", f->fileName, path, f->fileName); } free(f); } html_end(); LST_Destroy(&l); }
int main() { llist entries; int status; html_header(); html_begin("Query Results"); status = read_cgi_input(&entries); printf("<h1>Status = %d</h1>\n",status); h1("Query results"); print_entries(entries); html_end(); list_clear(&entries); return 0; }
int main() { char ip_range_start[50],ip_range_end[50],country[50]; char *osinfo,*browserinfo; char *ip,*trueip; html_header(); html_begin("cgi-lib 测试程序"); ip = REMOTE_ADDR; trueip = HTTP_CLIENT_IP; if(trueip == NULL) trueip = HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR; if(trueip == NULL) trueip = ip; // printf("-%s--%s-",ip,trueip); get_user_ipinfo(trueip,ip_range_start,ip_range_end,country); printf("访问者IP地址为: %s <br>\n",ip); printf("IP所属区域为:%s <br>\n",country); printf("IP所在范围为: %s - %s <br>\n",ip_range_start,ip_range_end); if(strstr(trueip,ip) == NULL) { get_user_ipinfo(ip,ip_range_start,ip_range_end,country); printf("访问者代理IP地址为: %s <br>\n",trueip); printf("代理IP所属区域为:%s <br>\n",country); printf("代理IP所在范围为: %s - %s <br>\n",ip_range_start,ip_range_end); } else if(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR != NULL) printf("代理 IP 地址未知(没有使用代理、代理服务器 IP 显示被禁止)<br>\n"); osinfo = get_user_osinfo(); browserinfo = get_user_browserinfo(); printf("操作系统为: %s <br>\n",osinfo); printf("浏览器为: %s <br>\n",browserinfo); html_end(); return 0; }
int main() { float usetime; html_header(); html_begin("Test CGI"); printf("开始计时!\n<br>"); timeuse_microsecond_begin(); printf("输出1!\n<br>"); printf("输出2\n<br>"); timeuse_microsecond_end(); printf("计时结束!\n<br>"); usetime = timeuse_microsecond_result(); printf("输出1和输出2共计用时:%f 秒\n<br>",usetime); html_end(); return 0; }
int main() { llist entries; int status; html_header(); html_begin("Test CGI"); h1("CGI Test Program"); printf("<hr>\n"); h2("CGI Environment Variables"); print_cgi_env(); status = read_cgi_input(&entries); printf("<h2>Status = %d</h2>\n",status); h2("CGI Entries"); print_entries(entries); html_end(); list_clear(&entries); return 0; }
static void localDirectory(llist entries) { LST_HEAD *patientList; DCM_OBJECT *dirFile; DDR_PATIENT *patientNode; CONDITION cond; cond = DCM_OpenFile("/tmp/dicomdir", DCM_ORDERLITTLEENDIAN | DCM_PART10FILE, &dirFile); patientList = LST_Create(); cond = DDR_GetPatientList(&dirFile, &patientList); html_header(); html_begin_body_options("DICOM Patient Search", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); printf("Please select one patient to see a list of studies<p>\n"); printf("<form method=GET action=""/cgi-bin/acc_agent.cgi"">\n"); patientNode = LST_Dequeue(&patientList); printf("<select name=patientID size=10>\n"); while(patientNode != NULL) { printf("<option value=""%s"">%s %s %s\n", patientNode->PatientID, patientNode->PatientID, patientNode->PatientName, patientNode->BirthDate); free(patientNode); patientNode = LST_Dequeue(&patientList); } printf("</select>\n"); printf("<br>\n"); printf("<input type=submit value=""LocalPatientSelect"" name=submitSearch>\n"); printf("<input type=submit value=""Retrieve All Studies from Archive"" name=submitSearch>\n"); printf("</form>\n"); html_end(); LST_Destroy(&patientList); DCM_CloseObject(&dirFile); }
static void fileToHTML(const char* path) { DCM_OBJECT* obj; CONDITION cond; THR_Init(); cond = DCM_OpenFile(path, DCM_ORDERLITTLEENDIAN, &obj); if (cond != DCM_NORMAL) { (void) DCM_CloseObject(&obj); cond = DCM_OpenFile(path, DCM_PART10FILE, &obj); } if (cond != DCM_NORMAL) { exit(0); } #if 1 printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); printf("<HTML>\n"); printf("<HEAD>\n"); printf("<META HTTP-EQUIV=""Content-Type"" CONTENT=""text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp"">\n"); printf("<TITLE>dcm_to_html</TITLE>\n"); printf("</HEAD>"); printf("<BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffff FGCOLOR=#ff000000>\n"); printf("<B>%s</B>\n", path); printf("<TABLE BORDER>\n"); DCM_ScanParseObject(&obj, NULL, 0, /* Buffer/buffer size */ NULL, 0, /* Vector of elements to scan */ callback, NULL); printf("</TABLE>\n"); printf("</BODY>\n"); printf("</HTML>"); (void) DCM_CloseObject(&obj); THR_Shutdown(); #else html_header(); html_begin_body_options("File View", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); printf("%s<br>\n", path); html_end(); #endif }
void authenticate(char *dest) { FILE *access; char s[80]; short FOUND = 0; access = fopen(AUTH,"r"); while ( (fgets(s,80,access)!=NULL) && (!FOUND) ) { s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; if (!strcmp(s,dest)) FOUND = 1; } if (!FOUND) { /* not authenticated */ html_begin("Unauthorized Destination"); h1("Unauthorized Destination"); html_end(); exit(1); } }
int main() { llist entries; int status; char *form; status = read_cgi_input(&entries); form = cgi_val(entries, "submitSearch"); if (strcmp(form, "View") == 0) view(entries); else if (strcmp(form, "FileSelect") == 0) fileSelect(entries); else { html_header(); html_begin_body_options("Query Results", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); printf("<h1>Status = %d</h1>\n",status); h1("Query results"); print_entries(entries); html_end(); } list_clear(&entries); return 0; }
static void localPatientSelect(llist entries) { LST_HEAD *studyList; DCM_OBJECT *dirFile; DDR_STUDY *studyNode; CONDITION cond; cond = DCM_OpenFile("/tmp/dicomdir", DCM_ORDERLITTLEENDIAN | DCM_PART10FILE, &dirFile); studyList = LST_Create(); cond = DDR_GetStudyList(&dirFile, cgi_val(entries, "patientID"), &studyList); html_header(); html_begin_body_options("DICOM Study Search", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); studyNode = LST_Dequeue(&studyList); printf("<tt>\n"); while(studyNode != NULL) { printf("%s %s %s %s <br>\n", studyNode->StudyDate, studyNode->AccessionNumber, studyNode->StudyID, studyNode->StudyDescription); free(studyNode); studyNode = LST_Dequeue(&studyList); } printf("</tt>\n"); html_end(); DCM_CloseObject(&dirFile); }
static void selectSeries(llist entries) { CONDITION cond; char dbKey[64]; char studyUID[65]; char seriesUID[65]; IDB_Query series; QUERY_LIST_ITEM *item; IDB_InstanceListElement *instancePtr; unsigned long byteCount = 0; char password[64]; DMAN_HANDLE *controlHandle; LST_HEAD *destinationList; openCTN(&controlHandle); strcpy(dbKey, cgi_val(entries, "DBKey")); strcpy(studyUID, cgi_val(entries, "StudyUID")); strcpy(seriesUID, cgi_val(entries, "SeriesUID")); strcpy(password, cgi_val(entries, "password")); TBL_SetOption("OPEN_SPEEDUP"); cond = searchOneSeries(dbKey, studyUID, seriesUID, &series); html_header(); html_begin_body_options("CTN Archive: Series Management", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); printf("<table>\n"); printf("<TR><TH align=right>Name: <TH align=left>%s</TR>\n", series.patient.PatNam); printf("<TR><TH align=right>Date of Birth: <TH align=left>%s</TR>\n", series.patient.PatBirDat); printf("<TR><TH align=right>Series Number: <TH align=left>%s</TR>\n", series.series.SerNum); printf("<TR><TH align=right>Image Count: <TH align=left>%d</TR>\n", series.series.NumSerRelIma); printf("</table>\n"); printf("<form method=GET action=""archive_agent.cgi"">\n"); printf("<input type=hidden name=DBKey value=%s>\n", dbKey); printf("<input type=hidden name=StudyUID value=%s>\n", studyUID); printf("<input type=hidden name=SeriesUID value=%s>\n", seriesUID); printf("<input type=hidden name=password value=%s>\n", password); { DMAN_VIDEOIMAGEDEST *video; destinationList = LST_Create(); cond = listOfDestinations(&controlHandle, destinationList); printf("<select name=DestinationApplication size=10>\n"); video = LST_Dequeue(&destinationList); while (video != NULL) { /*char tmp[1024];*/ DMAN_APPLICATIONENTITY ae; memset(&ae, 0, sizeof(ae)); ae.Type = DMAN_K_APPLICATIONENTITY; DMAN_LookupApplication(&controlHandle, video->RespondingTitle, &ae); /*sprintf(tmp, "%17s %s", ae.Title, ae.Title, ae.Node, ae.Comment);*/ printf("<option value=""%s"">%16s %15s %d %s\n", /* ae.Title,*/ video->RespondingTitle, ae.Title, ae.Node, ae.Port, ae.Comment); free(video); video = LST_Dequeue(&destinationList); } printf("</select>\n"); } LST_Destroy(&destinationList); printf("<br>\n"); printf("<input type=submit value=""MoveSeries"" name=submitSearch>\n"); printf("</form>\n"); html_end(); }
void simulate() { bool action; double start = START_TIME; = start; html_start(); fprintf(summary_file, "Hardware summary\n %d CPUs, %.1f GFLOPS\n", gstate.host_info.p_ncpus, gstate.host_info.p_fpops/1e9 ); for (int i=1; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) { fprintf(summary_file, " %d %s GPUs, %.1f GFLOPS\n", coprocs.coprocs[i].count, coprocs.coprocs[i].type, coprocs.coprocs[i].peak_flops/1e9 ); } fprintf(summary_file, "Preferences summary\n" " work buf min %f max %f\n" " Scheduling period %f\n" "Scheduling policies\n" " Round-robin only: %s\n" " Scheduler EDF simulation: %s\n" " REC half-life: %f\n", gstate.work_buf_min(), gstate.work_buf_total(), gstate.global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period(), cpu_sched_rr_only?"yes":"no", server_uses_workload?"yes":"no", cc_config.rec_half_life ); fprintf(summary_file, "Jobs\n"); for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) { RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i]; fprintf(summary_file, " %s %s (%s)\n time left %s deadline %s\n", rp->project->project_name, rp->name, rsc_name_long(rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type), timediff_format(rp->sim_flops_left/rp->avp->flops).c_str(), timediff_format(rp->report_deadline - START_TIME).c_str() ); } fprintf(summary_file, "Simulation parameters\n" " time step %f, duration %f\n" "-------------------\n", delta, duration ); write_inputs(); while (1) { on = on_proc.sample(delta); if (on) { active = active_proc.sample(delta); if (active) { gpu_active = gpu_active_proc.sample(delta); } else { gpu_active = false; } connected = connected_proc.sample(delta); } else { active = gpu_active = connected = false; } // do accounting for the period that just ended, // even if we're now in an "off" state. // // need both of the following, else crash // action |= gstate.active_tasks.poll(); action |= gstate.handle_finished_apps(); if (on) { while (1) { action = false; action |= gstate.schedule_cpus(); if (connected) { action |= gstate.scheduler_rpc_poll(); // this deletes completed results } action |= gstate.active_tasks.poll(); action |= gstate.handle_finished_apps(); gpu_suspend_reason = gpu_active?0:1; //msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, action?"did action":"did no action"); if (!action) break; } } //msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "took time step"); for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) { ACTIVE_TASK* atp = gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks[i]; if (atp->task_state() == PROCESS_EXECUTING) { atp->elapsed_time += delta; } } html_rec(); write_recs(); += delta; if ( > start + duration) break; } html_end(); }
int main() { llist entries; FILE *mail; char command[256] = "/usr/lib/sendmail "; char *dest,*name,*email,*subject,*content; html_header(); read_cgi_input(&entries); if ( !strcmp("",cgi_val(entries,"name")) && !strcmp("",cgi_val(entries,"email")) && !strcmp("",cgi_val(entries,"subject")) && !strcmp("",cgi_val(entries,"content")) ) NullForm(); else { if (is_field_empty(entries,"to")) dest = newstr(WEBADMIN); else dest = newstr(cgi_val(entries,"to")); name = newstr(cgi_val(entries,"name")); email = newstr(cgi_val(entries,"email")); subject = newstr(cgi_val(entries,"subject")); if (dest[0]=='\0') strcpy(dest,WEBADMIN); else authenticate(dest); /* no need to escape_input() on dest, since we assume there aren't insecure entries in the authentication file. */ strcat(command,dest); mail = popen(command,"w"); if (mail == NULL) { html_begin("System Error!"); h1("System Error!"); printf("Please mail %s and inform\r\n",WEBADMIN); printf("the web maintainers that the comments script is improperly\r\n"); printf("configured. We apologize for the inconvenience<p>\r\n"); printf("<hr>\r\nWeb page created on the fly by "); printf("<i>%s</i>.\r\n",WEBADMIN); html_end(); } else { content = newstr(cgi_val(entries,"content")); fprintf(mail,"From: %s (%s)\n",email,name); fprintf(mail,"Subject: %s\n",subject); fprintf(mail,"To: %s\n",dest); fprintf(mail,"X-Sender: %s\n\n",WEBADMIN); fprintf(mail,"%s\n\n",content); pclose(mail); html_begin("Comment Submitted"); h1("Comment Submitted"); printf("You submitted the following comment:\r\n<pre>\r\n"); printf("From: %s (%s)\r\n",email,name); printf("Subject: %s\r\n\r\n",subject); printf("%s\r\n</pre>\r\n",content); printf("Thanks again for your comments.<p>\r\n"); printf("<hr>\r\nWeb page created on the fly by "); printf("<i>%s</i>.\r\n",WEBADMIN); html_end(); } } list_clear(&entries); return 0; }
static void selectStudy(llist entries) { CONDITION cond; char dbKey[64]; char studyUID[65]; IDB_Query study; LST_HEAD *imageList; LST_HEAD *seriesList; QUERY_LIST_ITEM *item; IDB_InstanceListElement *instancePtr; unsigned long byteCount = 0; char password[64]; strcpy(dbKey, cgi_val(entries, "DBKey")); strcpy(studyUID, cgi_val(entries, "StudyUID")); strcpy(password, cgi_val(entries, "password")); TBL_SetOption("OPEN_SPEEDUP"); cond = searchOneStudy(dbKey, studyUID, &study); imageList = LST_Create(); seriesList = LST_Create(); cond = searchImages(dbKey, studyUID, imageList); while ((item = LST_Dequeue(&imageList)) != NULL) { instancePtr = LST_Dequeue(&(item->query.image.InstanceList)); if (instancePtr != NULL) byteCount += instancePtr->Size; #if 0 while (instancePtr != NULL) { free(instancePtr); instancePtr = LST_Dequeue(&(item->query.image.InstanceList)); } free(item); #endif } html_header(); html_begin_body_options("CTN Archive: Study Management", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); printf("<table>\n"); printf("<TR><TH>Name: <TH>%s</TR>\n", study.patient.PatNam); printf("<TR><TH>Date of Birth: <TH>%s</TR>\n", study.patient.PatBirDat); printf("<TR><TH>Accession Number: <TH>%s</TR>\n",; printf("<TR><TH>Study Date: <TH>%s</TR>\n",; printf("<TR><TH>Study Description: <TH>%s</TR>\n",; printf("<TR><TH>Series: <TH>%d</TR>\n",; printf("<TR><TH>Images: <TH>%d</TR>\n",; printf("<TR><TH>Image Volume: <TH>%d bytes</TR>\n", byteCount); printf("</table>\n"); printf("<form method=GET action=""archive_agent.cgi"">\n"); printf("<input type=hidden name=DBKey value=%s>\n", dbKey); printf("<input type=hidden name=StudyUID value=%s>\n", studyUID); /*********/ printf("<pre>\n"); cond = searchSeries(dbKey, studyUID, seriesList); item = LST_Dequeue(&seriesList); printf("%-10s %6s %15s %15s %15s <br>", "Series #", "Images", "Proc Name", "Series Des", "Body Part"); while(item != NULL) { char tmp[1024]; sprintf(tmp, "%-10s %6d %15s %15s %15s", item->query.series.SerNum, item->query.series.NumSerRelIma, item->query.series.ProNam, item->query.series.SerDes, item->query.series.BodParExa); printf( "<a href=""/cgi-bin/archive_agent.cgi?submitSearch=%s&DBKey=%s&\ password=%s&StudyUID=%s&SeriesUID=%s"">%s</a>\n", "SeriesSelect", dbKey, password, studyUID, item->query.series.SerInsUID, tmp); free(item); item = LST_Dequeue(&seriesList); } printf("</pre>\n"); /**********/ if (strcmp(password, "READONLY") != 0) { printf("<input type=submit value=""Delete_Study"" name=submitSearch>\n"); } printf("</form>\n"); html_end(); }
static void selectArchive(llist entries) { CONDITION cond; LST_HEAD *studyList; char dbKey[64]; QUERY_LIST_ITEM *item; IDB_Limits limits; char password[64]; int flag = 0; studyList = LST_Create(); strcpy(dbKey, cgi_val(entries, "DBKey")); strcpy(password, cgi_val(entries, "password")); TBL_SetOption("OPEN_SPEEDUP"); cond = listOfStudies(dbKey, studyList); orderStudyListByName(studyList); flag = passwordCompare(dbKey, password); if (flag == 0) strcpy(password, "READONLY"); memset(&limits, 0, sizeof(limits)); cond = dbLimits(dbKey, &limits); html_header(); html_begin_body_options("CTN Archive: List of Studies", "bgcolor=#ffffff"); if (flag == 0) { printf("Read only access granted <br>\n"); } printf("CTN Archive: %s <br> \n", dbKey); { char *remoteUser; remoteUser = getenv("REMOTE_USER"); if (remoteUser == NULL) remoteUser = "******"; printf("Remote user: %s<br>\n", remoteUser); } printf("%d patients, %d studies, %d images <br>\n", limits.PatientCount, limits.StudyCount, limits.ImageCount); printf("DB Size/Limits (MB): %d/%d<br>\n", limits.DBSize/1000000, limits.DBLimit); #if 0 printf("%d studies <br><br>\n", LST_Count(&studyList)); #endif printf("<pre>\n"); item = LST_Dequeue(&studyList); while(item != NULL) { char tmp[1024]; sprintf(tmp, "%-30s %8s (%2d series) %-32s", item->query.patient.PatNam, item->, item->, item->; #if 0 printf("<a href=""/cgi-bin/archive_agent.cgi?submitSearch=%s&DBKey=%s&StudyUID=%s"">%s</a><br>\n", #endif printf( "<a href=""/cgi-bin/archive_agent.cgi?submitSearch=%s&DBKey=%s&\ password=%s&StudyUID=%s"">%s</a>\n", "StudySelect", dbKey, password, item->, tmp); free(item); item = LST_Dequeue(&studyList); } printf("</pre>\n"); LST_Destroy(&studyList); html_end(); }
int main() { LIST_STRU entries; LIST_STRU configs; char *configname = "simple-webmail.conf"; FILE *mail; char *dest,*name,*from,*subject,*content; char command[256]; html_header(); read_cgi_input(&entries); read_configs(&configs,configname); if( (is_field_empty(entries,"name")) && (is_field_empty(entries,"from")) && (is_field_empty(entries,"subject")) && (is_field_empty(entries,"content")) ) { printf("重新输入!"); } else { if (is_field_empty(entries,"to")) dest = strdup(TO); else dest = strdup(cgi_val(entries,"to")); if (!xstrcmp("*@*.*",dest)) { printf("收件人 %s 不是标准的邮件格式 *@*.*\n",dest); exit(-1); } name = strdup(cgi_val(entries,"name")); from = strdup(cgi_val(entries,"from")); subject = strdup(cgi_val(entries,"subject")); if (dest[0] == '\0') strcpy(dest,WEBADMIN); sprintf(command,"%s %s",SENDMAIL,dest); mail = popen(command,"w"); if (mail == NULL) { html_begin("系统出错!"); printf("系统出错!"); printf("请发信给 %s 。 \r\n",WEBADMIN); printf("<hr>\r\n简单WEB邮件发送程序 v 0.1 . 作者: "); printf("<i>%s</i>.\r\n",WEBADMIN); exit(-1); html_end(); } else { content = strdup(cgi_val(entries,"content")); fprintf(mail,"From: %s (%s)\n",from,name); fprintf(mail,"Subject: %s\n",subject); fprintf(mail,"To: %s\n",dest); fprintf(mail,"X-Sender: %s\n\n",WEBADMIN); if (REMOTE_ADDR != NULL) fprintf(mail,"发送者 IP 地址 %s\n",REMOTE_ADDR); // 增加 http 代理 相关环境变量,可判断是否有代理服务器,可显示出非匿名代理的源地址 2003.08.17 if (HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR != NULL) fprintf(mail,"经过代理前IP地址 %s\n",HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR); if (HTTP_CLIENT_IP != NULL) fprintf(mail,"代理服务器地址 %s\n",HTTP_CLIENT_IP); fprintf(mail,"%s\n\n",content); pclose(mail); html_begin("邮件发送成功"); printf("邮件发送成功"); printf("你发送了以下的信息:\r\n<pre>\r\n"); printf("收信人: %s \r\n",dest); printf("发信人: %s (%s)\r\n",from,name); printf("标 题: %s\r\n\r\n",subject); printf("%s\r\n</pre>\r\n",content); if (REMOTE_ADDR != NULL) printf("发送者 IP 地址 %s<br>\n",REMOTE_ADDR); // 增加 http 代理 相关环境变量,可判断是否有代理服务器,可显示出非匿名代理的源地址 2003.08.17 if (HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR != NULL) printf("经过代理前IP地址 %s<br>\n",HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR); if (HTTP_CLIENT_IP != NULL) printf("代理服务器地址 %s<br>\n",HTTP_CLIENT_IP); printf("谢谢使用!<p>\r\n"); printf("<hr>\r\n简单WEB邮件发送程序 v 0.1 . 作者: "); printf("<i>%s</i>.\r\n",WEBADMIN); html_end(); } } list_clear(&entries); list_clear(&configs); return 0; }