// the opration of DIR command
void command_dir(struct packet* shp, struct packet* data, int sfd_client, char* lpwd)
    int x;
    shp->type = DATA;
    DIR* d = opendir(lpwd);
        er("opendir()", (int) d);
        sprintf(shp->buffer, "ER: could not get the dir info!\n");
        data = htonp(shp);
        if( (x = send(sfd_server_data, data, size_packet,0)) != size_packet)
        sprintf(shp->buffer, "OK: get the dir info.\n");
        data = htonp(shp);
        if(( x = send(sfd_server_data, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
    struct dirent* e;

    while(e = readdir(d))
        sprintf(shp->buffer, "%s\t%s", e->d_type == 4 ? "DIR:" : e->d_type == 8 ? "FILE:" : "UNDEF:" , e->d_name);
        data = htonp(shp);
        //if(( x = send(sfd_client, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
        if(( x = send(sfd_server_data, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)    
            er("send()", x);
    send_EOT(shp, data, sfd_server_data);
    //send_EOT(shp, data, sfd_client);
void send_EOT(struct packet* hp, struct packet* data, int sfd)
	int x;
	hp->type = EOT;
	data = htonp(hp);
	if((x = send(sfd, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
		er("send()", x);
void send_EOT(struct packet* hp, struct packet* data, int sfd)
	int x;
	hp->type = EOT;
    hp->datalen = 0;
    memset(hp->buffer, '\0', sizeof(char) *LENBUFFER);
	data = htonp(hp);
	if((x = send(sfd, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
		er("send()", x);
void send_file(struct packet* hp, struct packet* data, int sfd, FILE* f)
	int x;
	int i = 0, j = 0;
		memset(hp->buffer, '\0', sizeof(char) * LENBUFFER);
		hp->datalen = fread(hp->buffer, 1, LENBUFFER - 1, f);
		i += hp->datalen;
		//printpacket(hp, HP);
		data = htonp(hp);
		if((x = send(sfd, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
			er("send()", x);
	fprintf(stderr, "\t%d byte(s) read.\n", i);
	fprintf(stderr, "\t%d data packet(s) sent.\n", j);
// the operation of GET file command
void command_get(struct packet* shp, struct packet* data, int sfd_client, char* lpwd)
    int x;
    FILE* f = fopen(shp->buffer, "rb");
    shp->type = INFO;
    shp->comid = GET;
    strcpy(shp->buffer, f ? "OK: File found; processing..." : "ER: Error opening file.");
    printpacket(shp, HP);
    data = htonp(shp);
    if(( x = send(sfd_client, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
        er("send()", x);
        shp->type = DATA;
        //send_file(shp, data, sfd_client, f);
        send_file(shp, data, sfd_server_data, f);
    send_EOT(shp, data, sfd_server_data);
    //send_EOT(shp, data, sfd_client);
// the operation of PRT command
void command_prt(struct packet* shp, struct packet* data, int sfd_client, char* lpwd)
        printf("Starting prt...\n");
    int x;
    int dataportnum = atoi(shp->buffer);
    shp->type = INFO;
    shp->comid = PRT;
    strcpy(shp->buffer, dataportnum ? "OK: Port Gotten; processing..." : "ER: Error getting port num.");
    printpacket(shp, HP);

    data = htonp(shp);
    if(( x = send(sfd_client, data, size_packet, 0)) != size_packet)
        er("send()", x);

        printf("OK, waiting for connection\n");

        struct sockaddr_in skin_server_data;
        int x;
        size_t size_sockaddr = sizeof(struct sockaddr), size_packet = sizeof(struct packet);

        if(( x = sfd_server_data = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0)
            er("socket()", x);

        memset((char*) & skin_server_data, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
        skin_server_data.sin_family = AF_INET;
        skin_server_data.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(IPCLIENT);
        skin_server_data.sin_port = htons(dataportnum);

        if(( x = connect(sfd_server_data, (struct sockaddr*) &skin_server_data, size_sockaddr)) < 0)
            er("connect()", x);
        printf(ID "Data channel build. Communicating with client @ %s:%d...\n\n", IPCLIENT, dataportnum);
    send_EOT(shp, data, sfd_client);    