Beispiel #1
    Form login service routine. Called in response to a form-based login request. Only used when httpSetAuthForm is utilized.
    The password is clear-text so this must be used over SSL to be secure.
static void loginServiceProc(HttpConn *conn)
    HttpAuth    *auth;
    cchar       *username, *password, *referrer;

    auth = conn->rx->route->auth;
    username = httpGetParam(conn, "username", 0);
    password = httpGetParam(conn, "password", 0);

    if (httpLogin(conn, username, password)) {
        if ((referrer = httpGetSessionVar(conn, "referrer", 0)) != 0) {
                Preserve protocol scheme from existing connection
            HttpUri *where = httpCreateUri(referrer, 0);
            httpCompleteUri(where, conn->rx->parsedUri);
            referrer = httpUriToString(where, 0);
            httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, referrer);
        } else {
            if (auth->loggedIn) {
                httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, auth->loggedIn);
            } else {
                httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, "~");
    } else {
        httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, auth->loginPage);
Beispiel #2
    Make an absolute reference for "this" URI.

    function absolute(base): Uri
static EjsUri *uri_absolute(Ejs *ejs, EjsUri *up, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    EjsUri      *result;
    HttpUri     *uri, *baseUri;

    if (argc >= 1) {
        baseUri = toHttpUri(ejs, argv[0], 0);
        result = cloneUri(ejs, up, 0);
        uri = result->uri;
        if (uri->path && uri->path[0] != '/') {
            httpJoinUriPath(uri, baseUri, uri);
        httpCompleteUri(result->uri, baseUri);
    } else {
        result = cloneUri(ejs, up, 0);
        httpCompleteUri(result->uri, NULL);
    return result;
Beispiel #3
static EjsUri *completeUri(Ejs *ejs, EjsUri *up, EjsObj *missing, int includeQuery)
    EjsUri      *missingUri;

    if (!ejsIsDefined(ejs, missing)) {
        missingUri = 0;
    } else if (ejsGetLength(ejs, missing) > 0) {
        missingUri = ejsCreateObj(ejs, ESV(Uri), 0);
        missingUri->uri = createHttpUriFromHash(ejs, missing, HTTP_COMPLETE_URI);
    } else {
        missingUri = ejsToUri(ejs, missing);
    if (missingUri == 0) {
        if (!includeQuery) {
            up->uri->query = NULL;
        httpCompleteUri(up->uri, NULL);
    } else {
        httpCompleteUri(up->uri, missingUri->uri);
    return up;
Beispiel #4
    Redirect the user to another web page. The targetUri may or may not have a scheme.
PUBLIC void httpRedirect(HttpConn *conn, int status, cchar *targetUri)
    HttpTx          *tx;
    HttpRx          *rx;
    HttpUri         *target, *base;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    cchar           *msg;
    char            *dir, *cp;

    rx = conn->rx;
    tx = conn->tx;

    if (tx->finalized) {
        /* A response has already been formulated */
    tx->status = status;

    if (schr(targetUri, '$')) {
        targetUri = httpExpandUri(conn, targetUri);
    mprLog(3, "redirect %d %s", status, targetUri);
    msg = httpLookupStatus(conn->http, status);

    if (300 <= status && status <= 399) {
        if (targetUri == 0) {
            targetUri = "/";
        target = httpCreateUri(targetUri, 0);
        base = rx->parsedUri;
            Support URIs without a host:  https:///path. This is used to redirect onto the same host but with a 
            different scheme. So find a suitable local endpoint to supply the port for the scheme.
        if (!target->port &&
                (!target->host || smatch(base->host, target->host)) &&
                (target->scheme && !smatch(target->scheme, base->scheme))) {
            endpoint = smatch(target->scheme, "https") ? conn->host->secureEndpoint : conn->host->defaultEndpoint;
            if (endpoint) {
                target->port = endpoint->port;
            } else {
                httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot find endpoint for scheme %s", target->scheme);
        if (target->path && target->path[0] != '/') {
                Relative file redirection to a file in the same directory as the previous request.
            dir = sclone(rx->pathInfo);
            if ((cp = strrchr(dir, '/')) != 0) {
                /* Remove basename */
                *cp = '\0';
            target->path = sjoin(dir, "/", target->path, NULL);
        target = httpCompleteUri(target, base);
        targetUri = httpUriToString(target, 0);
        httpSetHeader(conn, "Location", "%s", targetUri);
            "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n"
            "<body><h1>%s</h1>\r\n<p>The document has moved <a href=\"%s\">here</a>.</p></body></html>\r\n",
            msg, msg, targetUri);
    } else {
            "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n"
            msg, msg);