Beispiel #1
 * http_prepare_response()
 * Service the various HTTP commands, calling the relevant subroutine. 
 * We only handle GET and POST.
int http_prepare_response(http_conn* conn)
  int ret_code = 0;
  switch (conn->action)
    case GET:
      /* Find file from uri */
      ret_code = http_find_file(conn);
    case POST:
      /* Handle POSTs. */
      ret_code = http_handle_post(conn);
  } /* switch (conn->action) */
  return ret_code;
Beispiel #2
/* ProgFlashStub()
 * A thin wrapper around the ProgSRECBuf() function in srec_flash.c.
void ProgFlashStub(http_conn* conn)
	struct flash_inf_struct *flash_info = &flash_inf;
	/* Call ParseSRECBuf, with the flash_info argument. */
	ParseSRECBuf( flash_info );
	/* Go find and send the reset_system.html file. */
	http_find_file( conn );
	/* Close the connection. */
	conn->close = 1;
Beispiel #3
 * http_handle_get()
 * Handle incoming get requests.  Fall back to default handling if URL is not known
int http_handle_get(http_conn* conn){
	//Check conn->url for known uris
	int len = 0;
	bool isImage = false;
	const char * retval = httpResponseFunction(conn->uri, &len, &isImage);
	if (len > 0){
		http_send_header(conn, len, HTTP_OK, isImage);
		//Send JSON reply
		send(conn->fd, (void*)retval, len, 0);
		return 0;
	} else {
		return http_find_file(conn);

Beispiel #4
void file_upload(http_conn* conn)
  int buf_len;
  int data_used;
  struct upload_buf_struct *upload_buffer = &upload_buf;
  struct flash_inf_struct *flash_info = &flash_inf;
  /* Look for boundary, parse multipart form "mini" header information if found. */
  if( strstr( conn->rx_rd_pos, conn->boundary ) )
    if( http_parse_multipart_header( conn ) )
      printf( "multipart-form:  header parse failure...resetting connection!" );
      conn->state = RESET;
  /* Exception for IE.  It sometimes sends _really_ small initial packets! */
  if( strchr( conn->rx_rd_pos, ':' ) )
    conn->state = READY;
  /* Calculate the string size... */
  buf_len = strlen(conn->rx_rd_pos);
  conn->content_received = conn->content_received + buf_len;
  /* Copy all the received data into the upload buffer. */
  if ( memcpy( (void*) upload_buffer->wr_pos, 
               (void*) conn->rx_rd_pos, 
               buf_len ) == NULL )
    printf( "ERROR:  memcpy to file upload buffer failed!" );
  /* Increment the wr_pos pointer to just after the received data. */
  upload_buffer->wr_pos = upload_buffer->wr_pos + buf_len;
  conn->rx_rd_pos = conn->rx_rd_pos + buf_len;
  /* Reset the buffers after copying the data into the big intermediate 
   * buffer.*/
  data_used = conn->rx_rd_pos - conn->rx_buffer;
  conn->rx_rd_pos = conn->rx_buffer;
  conn->rx_wr_pos -= data_used;
  memset(conn->rx_wr_pos, 0, data_used);
  if ( conn->file_upload == 0 )
    printf( "Received a total of %d bytes.\n", conn->content_received );
    /* Insert a NULL character (temporarily). */
    *upload_buffer->wr_pos = '\0';
    /* Populate flash_info struct... print the buffer size. */
    flash_info->size = (int) strlen(upload_buffer->buffer);
    printf( "Upload Buffer size = %d.\n", flash_info->size);
    strcpy( flash_info->device, conn->flash_device );
    flash_info->start = upload_buffer->rd_pos;
    /* Populate the flash_inf struct. */
    //printf( "Here's the Buffer:\n\n%s", upload_buffer->buffer);
    conn->close = 1;
    conn->state = READY;