int http_show_dir(int client, char *filepath) { DIR *dp; struct dirent *dirp; struct stat st; struct passwd *filepasswd; int num = 1; char files[MAXLINE], buf[MAXLINE], name[LINE], img[LINE], mtime[LINE], dir[LINE]; char *p; p = strrchr(filepath, '/'); ++p; strcpy(dir, p); strcat(dir, "/"); if ((dp =opendir(filepath))== NULL){ http_error(client); return -1; } sprintf (files, "<HTML><TITLE>Dir Browser</TITLE>"); sprintf (files, "%s<style type = ""text/css""> a:link{text-decoration:none;} </style>", files); sprintf (files, "%s<body bgcolor=""ffffff"" font-family=Arial color=#fff font-size=14px}\r\n", files); while ((dirp=readdir(dp))!=NULL){ if (strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..")==0) continue; sprintf (name, "%s/%s", filepath, dirp->d_name); stat(name, &st); filepasswd = getpwuid(st.st_uid); if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) sprintf (img, "<img src=""dir.png"" width=""24px"" height=""24px"">"); else if(S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) sprintf (img, "<img src=""fifo.png"" width=""24px"" height=""24px"">"); else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) sprintf (img, "<img src=""link.png"" width=""24px"" height=""24px"">"); else if (S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode)) sprintf (img, "<img src=""sock.png"" width=""24px"" height=""24px"">"); else sprintf (img, "<img src=""file.png"" width=""24px"" height=""24px"">"); sprintf (files, "%s<p><pre>%-2d %s ""<a href=%s%s"">%-15s</a>%-10s%10d %24s</pre></p>\r\n", files, num++, img, dir, dirp->d_name, dirp->d_name, filepasswd->pw_name, (int)st.st_size, tmmodify(st.st_mode, mtime)); } closedir(dp); sprintf (files, "%s</BODY></HTML>", files); sprintf (buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK \r\n"); sprintf (buf, "%sServer: "SERVER"\r\n", buf); sprintf (buf, "%sContent-length: %ld\r\n", buf, strlen(files)); sprintf (buf, "%sContent-type: text/html\r\n", buf); sprintf (buf, "%s\r\n", buf); http_send(client, buf); http_send(client, files); return 0; }
int play_cgi(struct httpctl * ctl) { strcpy(rtsp_host, http_query_lookup(ctl, "host")); strcpy(rtsp_media, http_query_lookup(ctl, "mrl")); rtsp_port = atoi(http_query_lookup(ctl, "port")); audio_level = atoi(http_query_lookup(ctl, "vol")); if (audio_level > 800) audio_level = 800; if (rtsp_connect(&rtsp, rtsp_host, rtsp_port, rtsp_media) < 0) { int code; WARN("RTSP connection failed!"); send_play_form(ctl); send_error(ctl, "RTSP playback failed"); if ((code = rtsp_response_code(&rtsp)) > 200) { http_send(ctl, rtsp_iframe_html, sizeof(rtsp_iframe_html) - 1); } } else { audio_gain_set(audio_level * Q15(1.0) / 100); send_stop_form(ctl); } return http_send(ctl, footer_html, sizeof(footer_html) - 1); }
void http_mk_header(int client, int status, char *phrase) { char buf[MAXLINE]; sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.1 %d %s\r\n", status, phrase); http_send(client, buf); http_send(client, "Content-type: text/html\r\n"); http_send(client, "\r\n"); }
int http_send_file(int client, char *filepath) { char buf[MAXLINE]; char file[MAXLINE]; char filetype[20]; FILE *f = fopen(filepath, "r"); struct stat st; stat(filepath, &st); /* fgets(buf, MAXLINE, f); sprintf (file, "%s", buf); while(!feof(f)){ fgets(buf, MAXLINE, f); sprintf(file, "%s%s", file, buf); } */ http_getfiletype(filepath, filetype); sprintf(buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"); sprintf (buf, "%sContent-type: %s\r\n",buf, filetype); sprintf (buf, "%sContent-length: %ld\r\n\r\n",buf, st.st_size); http_send(client, buf); char *src=(char*)mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fileno(f), 0); fclose(f); send(client, src, st.st_size,0); munmap(src, st.st_size); return 0; }
uint http_send_error(uchar nr, int nStatus, char *szTitle, char *szText) { char *pbuf; char html_buf[MAX_ETHER_PKT_LEN]; uint page_len = 0; uint hdr_len; uint body_len; page_len += sprintf(&html_buf[page_len], "<html><head><title>%s</title></head>", _HTTP_TITLE); page_len += sprintf(&html_buf[page_len], "<body>%s</body></html>", szText); pbuf = http_buf + 54; hdr_len = http_header(pbuf, nStatus, szTitle, page_len); memcpy(&pbuf[hdr_len],html_buf,page_len); body_len = hdr_len + page_len; pbuf[54 + body_len] = 0; /* Append NULL */ /* Segment length = body_len + 20(TCP header) */ http_send((uchar *)http_buf, body_len + 20, nr); conxn[nr].my_sequence += body_len; return 0; }
static void addr_handler(int err, const struct dnshdr *hdr, struct list *ansl, struct list *authl, struct list *addl, void *arg) { struct request *req = arg; int ok; (void)hdr; (void)authl; (void)addl; dns_rrlist_apply2(ansl, NULL, DNS_TYPE_A, DNS_TYPE_AAAA, DNS_CLASS_IN, false, rr_append_handler, &req->addrl); ok = request_next(req, &req->dest); mem_deref(req->dnsq); DEBUG_INFO("dns ok %d dst %j\n", ok, &req->dest); if(ok) goto fail; req->state = RESOLVED; http_send(req); return; fail: DEBUG_WARNING("cant resolve %s\n", req->host); req->err_h(-ENOTCONN, req->arg); mem_deref(req); }
int send_error(struct httpctl * ctl, char * msg) { char s[S_MAX]; int n; n = snprintf(s, S_MAX, "<p><b>Error:</b> %s!</p>\r\n", msg); return http_send(ctl, s, n); }
int http_send_status_line(http_t *ctx, unsigned int code, const char *msg) { char buf[256], *p = buf; size_t size = sizeof buf; RUNTIME_ASSERT(code >= 100 && code <= 999); ACCLOG_SET(ctx->acclog, code, code); p = append_string(p, &size, "HTTP/1.1 "); p = append_uint(p, &size, code); p = append_char(p, &size, ' '); p = append_string(p, &size, msg); #if 0 DBUG("Sending HTTP response \"%s\"", buf); #endif p = APPEND_CRLF(p, &size); p = APPEND_STATIC_CHARS(p, &size, "Date: "); p = append_date(p, &size, compat_mono_time(NULL)); p = APPEND_CRLF(p, &size); if ( 0 != http_send(ctx, buf, sizeof buf - size) || 0 != http_send_str(ctx, http_server_header) ) return -1; return 0; }
uint http_send_ok(uchar nr, char *html_page, int nStatus, char *szTitle) { char *pbuf; char html_buf[MAX_ETHER_PKT_LEN]; uint page_len = 0; uint hdr_len; uint body_len; /* fill html title to html buffer */ page_len += sprintf(&html_buf[page_len], "<html><head><title>%s</title></head>", _HTTP_TITLE); /* copy html body to html buffer */ memcpy(&html_buf[page_len], html_page, strlen(html_page)); page_len += strlen(html_page); /* fill html header to packet buffer */ pbuf = http_buf + 54; hdr_len = http_header(pbuf, nStatus, szTitle, page_len); /* copy html buffer to packet buffer */ memcpy(&pbuf[hdr_len],html_buf,page_len); body_len = hdr_len + page_len; pbuf[54 + body_len] = 0; /* Append NULL */ /* Segment length = body_len + 20(TCP header) */ http_send((uchar *)http_buf, body_len + 20, nr); conxn[nr].my_sequence += body_len; return 0; }
int stop_cgi(struct httpctl * ctl) { if (rtsp_teardown(&rtsp) < 0) { WARN("RTSP teardown failed!"); } send_play_form(ctl); return http_send(ctl, footer_html, sizeof(footer_html) - 1); }
static int http_send_str(http_t *ctx, const char *s) { RUNTIME_ASSERT(ctx); RUNTIME_ASSERT(s); return http_send(ctx, s, strlen(s)); }
int send_play_form(struct httpctl * ctl) { char s[S_MAX]; int n; httpd_200(ctl->tp, TEXT_HTML); http_send(ctl, index_hdr_html, sizeof(index_hdr_html) - 1); http_send(ctl, play_hdr_html, sizeof(play_hdr_html) - 1); n = snprintf(s, S_MAX, "<tr><td align=\"right\">RTSP server:</td><td>" "<input type=\"text\" name=\"host\" size=\"32\" maxlength=\"128\" value=\"%s\"></td></tr>\r\n", rtsp_host); http_send(ctl, s, n); n = snprintf(s, S_MAX, "<tr><td align=\"right\">TCP Port:</td><td>" "<input type=\"text\" name=\"port\" size=\"5\" maxlength=\"5\" value=\"%d\"></td></tr>\r\n", rtsp_port); http_send(ctl, s, n); n = snprintf(s, S_MAX, "<tr><td align=\"right\">Media (MRL):</td><td>" "<input type=\"text\" name=\"mrl\" size=\"32\" maxlength=\"128\" value=\"%s\"></td></tr>\r\n", rtsp_media); http_send(ctl, s, n); n = snprintf(s, S_MAX, "<tr><td align=\"right\">Volume (0..200):</td><td>" "<input type=\"text\" name=\"vol\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"3\" value=\"%d\"></td></tr>\r\n", audio_level); http_send(ctl, s, n); return http_send(ctl, play_foot_html, sizeof(play_foot_html) - 1); }
/** * Marks the end of the message headers. */ int http_terminate_headers(http_t *ctx) { const char crlf[] = "\r\n"; int ret; ret = http_send(ctx, crlf, STATIC_STRLEN(crlf)); ACCLOG_COMMIT(ctx->acclog); return 0 != ret ? -1 : 0; }
/** Close the HTTP connection after sending content **/ static void http_close(HTTP *http) { if (http->len>0) http_send(http); #ifdef WIN32 closesocket(http->s); #else close(http->s); #endif }
static response *resolve_stream(const char *url) { request *request = http_get(url); response *response = http_send(request); if (http_read_body(response) < 0 && response->status != 302) { fprintf(stderr, "request failed %s", url); return NULL; } sds stream_url = sdsnew(http_header(response, "Location")); free_response(response); request = http_get(stream_url); response = http_send(request); sdsfree(stream_url); return response; }
static JSBool req_send(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN argc, jsval* argv, jsval* rval) { JSBool ret = JS_FALSE; if(argc == 1) { ret = http_send(cx, obj, argv[0]); } else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Invalid call to CouchHTTP.send"); } *rval = JSVAL_VOID; return ret; }
int rtsp_msg_cgi(struct httpctl * ctl) { char s[S_MAX]; int n; httpd_200(ctl->tp, TEXT_HTML); while ((n = rtsp_recv(&rtsp, s, S_MAX)) > 0) { http_send(ctl, s, n); } return 0; }
int send_stop_form(struct httpctl * ctl) { char * host; char * mrl; char * track; int port; char s[S_MAX]; int n; host = rtsp_host_name(&rtsp); mrl = rtsp_media_name(&rtsp); track = rtsp_track_name(&rtsp); port = rtsp_port_get(&rtsp); httpd_200(ctl->tp, TEXT_HTML); http_send(ctl, index_hdr_html, sizeof(index_hdr_html) - 1); http_send(ctl, stop_hdr_html, sizeof(stop_hdr_html) - 1); n = snprintf(s, S_MAX, "<p><b>Playing</b> RTSP://%s:%d/%s/%s</p>\r\n", host, port, mrl, track); http_send(ctl, s, n); return http_send(ctl, stop_foot_html, sizeof(stop_foot_html) - 1); }
/** Process an incoming action request @returns non-zero on success, 0 on failure (errno set) **/ int http_action_request(HTTP *http,char *action) { if (gui_post_action(action)==-1) { http_status(http,HTTP_ACCEPTED); http_type(http,"text/plain"); http_format(http,"Goodbye"); http_send(http); http_close(http); shutdown_now(); return 1; } else return 0; }
int http_error(int client) { //http_send(client, "HTTP/1.1 Bad Request\r\n"); //http_send(client, "Content-type: text/html\r\n"); //http_send(client, "\r\n"); //http_send(client, "<HTML><TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE>"); //http_send(client, "<BODY>The resource can't be retrived</BODY></HTML>"); http_send(client, "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n" "<HTML><TITLE>Bad Request</TITLE>" "<BODY>The resource can't be retrived</BODY></HTML>"); return 0; }
static JSBool req_send(JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* vp) { JSObject* obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, vp); jsval* argv = JS_ARGV(cx, vp); JSBool ret = JS_FALSE; if(argc == 1) { ret = http_send(cx, obj, argv[0]); } else { JS_ReportError(cx, "Invalid call to CouchHTTP.send"); } JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID); return ret; }
int http_not_support(int client) { // http_send(client, "HTTP/1.1 400 NoFoundation\r\n"); //http_send(client, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); //http_send(client, "\r\n"); //http_send(client, "<HTML><TITLE>NOT SUPPORT</TITLE>"); //http_send(client, "<BODY>Walker server do not support the mothod you request.</BODY></HTML>"); http_send(client, "HTTP/1.1 400 NoFoundation\r\n" "Content-type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n" "<HTML><TITLE>Not Support</TITLE>" "<BODY>Walker server do not support the method you request.</BODY></HTML>"); return 0; }
int http_not_found(int client) { //http_send(client, "HTTP/1.1 404 NotFoundation\r\n"); //http_send(client, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"); //http_send(client, "\r\n"); //http_send(client, "<HTML><TITLE>Not Foundation</TITLE>"); //http_send(client, "<BODY><p>The server could not fullfill your request."); //http_send(client, "Because the resource specified is unavailable or not exit"); //http_send(client, "</p></BODY></HTML>"); http_send(client, "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n" "Content-type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n" "<HTML><TITLE>Not Found</TITLE>" "<BODY>File requested isn't found on the server</BODY></HTML>"); return 0; }
void http_send_file(int sock, char *file) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(file, "rb"); if( fp != NULL ) { OPS("### @ HTTP : Send File : %s", file); // header char *http; NEW(http, 256); //memset(http, 0, 128); strcat(http, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); strcat(http, "Content-Type: image/png\r\n"); strcat(http, "\r\n"); // send send(sock, http, strlen(http), 0); // body char *buffer; NEW(buffer, 512); while( !feof(fp) ) { fread(buffer, 512, 1, fp); send(sock, buffer, 512, 0); } fclose(fp); // Close shutdown(sock, SD_BOTH); closesocket(sock); // Clear DEL(http); DEL(buffer); //DEL(sock); //DEL(fp); } else { OPS("### @ HTTP : File Not Found : %s", file); //DEL(sock); DEL(fp); http_send(sock, "FILE NOT FOUND"); } }
void tcp_buffer( TCP_NODE *n, char *buffer, ssize_t bytes ) { /* Append buffer */ node_appendBuffer( n, buffer, bytes ); if( n->pipeline != NODE_READY ) { fail( "FIXME tcp_buffer..." ); } /* Overflow? */ if( n->recv_size >= BUF_OFF1 ) { info( &n->c_addr, "Max head buffer exceeded..." ); node_status( n, NODE_SHUTDOWN ); return; } /* Parse request */ http_buf( n ); /* Start sending data */ http_send( n ); }
/** Process an incoming request @returns nothing **/ void http_response(SOCKET fd) { HTTP *http = http_create(fd); size_t len; int content_length = 0; char *user_agent = NULL; char *host = NULL; int keep_alive = 0; char *connection = NULL; char *accept = NULL; struct s_map { char *name; enum {INTEGER,STRING} type; void *value; size_t sz; } map[] = { {"Content-Length", INTEGER, (void*)&content_length, 0}, {"Host", STRING, (void*)&host, 0}, {"Keep-Alive", INTEGER, (void*)&keep_alive, 0}, {"Connection", STRING, (void*)&connection, 0}, {"Accept", STRING, (void*)&accept, 0}, }; while ( (int)(len=recv_data(fd,http->query,sizeof(http->query)))>0 ) { /* first term is always the request */ char *request = http->query; char method[32]; char uri[1024]; char version[32]; char *p = strchr(http->query,'\r'); int v; /* initialize the response */ http_reset(http); /* read the request string */ if (sscanf(request,"%s %s %s",method,uri,version)!=3) { http_status(http,HTTP_BADREQUEST); http_format(http,HTTP_BADREQUEST); http_type(http,"text/html"); http_send(http); break; } /* read the rest of the header */ while (p!=NULL && (p=strchr(p,'\r'))!=NULL) { *p = '\0'; p+=2; for ( v=0 ; v<sizeof(map)/sizeof(map[0]) ; v++ ) { if (map[v].sz==0) map[v].sz = strlen(map[v].name); if (strnicmp(map[v].name,p,map[v].sz)==0 && strncmp(p+map[v].sz,": ",2)==0) { if (map[v].type==INTEGER) { *(int*)(map[v].value) = atoi(p+map[v].sz+2); break; } else if (map[v].type==STRING) { *(char**)map[v].value = p+map[v].sz+2; break; } } } } output_verbose("%s (host='%s', len=%d)",http->query,host?host:"???",content_length); /* reject anything but a GET */ if (stricmp(method,"GET")!=0) { http_status(http,HTTP_METHODNOTALLOWED); http_format(http,HTTP_METHODNOTALLOWED); http_type(http,"text/html"); /* technically, we should add an Allow entry to the response header */ http_send(http); break; } /* handle request */ if ( strcmp(uri,"/favicon.ico")==0 ) { if ( http_favicon(http) ) http_status(http,HTTP_OK); else http_status(http,HTTP_NOTFOUND); http_send(http); } else { static struct s_map { char *path; int (*request)(HTTP*,char*); char *success; char *failure; } map[] = { /* this is the map of recognize request types */ {"/xml/", http_xml_request, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/gui/", http_gui_request, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/output/", http_output_request, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/action/", http_action_request, HTTP_ACCEPTED,HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/rt/", http_get_rt, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/perl/", http_run_perl, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/gnuplot/", http_run_gnuplot, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/java/", http_run_java, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/python/", http_run_python, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/r/", http_run_r, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/scilab/", http_run_scilab, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, {"/octave/", http_run_octave, HTTP_OK, HTTP_NOTFOUND}, }; int n; for ( n=0 ; n<sizeof(map)/sizeof(map[0]) ; n++ ) { size_t len = strlen(map[n].path); if (strncmp(uri,map[n].path,len)==0) { if ( map[n].request(http,uri+len) ) http_status(http,map[n].success); else http_status(http,map[n].failure); http_send(http); goto Next; } } } /* deprecated XML usage */ if (strncmp(uri,"/",1)==0 ) { if ( http_xml_request(http,uri+1) ) { output_warning("deprecate XML usage in request '%s'", uri); http_status(http,HTTP_OK); } else http_status(http,HTTP_NOTFOUND); http_send(http); } else { http_status(http,HTTP_NOTFOUND); http_format(http,HTTP_NOTFOUND); http_type(http,"text/html"); http_send(http); } /* keep-alive not desired*/ Next: if (connection && stricmp(connection,"close")==0) break; } http_close(http); output_verbose("socket %d closed",http->s); }
void APISelect(void *data) { OPS("### @ API : Accept Success - Thread[%d]", pthread_self()); // struct data qqclient* qq = ((void**)data)[0]; qq->api_select_count ++ ; apiclient* apis = ((void**)data)[1]; int client = apis->sock; pthread_mutex_unlock(&apis->mxsock); // Request char *buffer; NEW(buffer, REQUEST_BUFFER); // Select 模型读取请求 fd_set fdRead; struct timeval fdRTV = {1, 0}; FD_ZERO(&fdRead); FD_SET(client, &fdRead); switch ( select(client, &fdRead, NULL, NULL, &fdRTV) ) { default: if ( FD_ISSET(client, &fdRead) ) { recv(client, buffer, REQUEST_BUFFER, 0); } } if ( strlen(buffer) < 9 ) { OPS("### @ API : Request Unavailable."); DEL(buffer); return; } // Request Test DBG("##### Request Begin #####\n%s\n##### Request End #####\n", buffer); char *http; NEW(http, 16); mid_value(buffer, "GET ", " HTTP/1.1", http, 16); if ( strstr(http, "/v?") >0 ) { // 验证码读取 char *uid, *file; NEW(uid, 18); NEW(file, 32); if ( strstr(http, "&") > 0 ) { mid_value(http, "/v?", "&", uid, 18); } else { mid_value(http, "/v?", NULL, uid, 18); } sprintf(file, "./verify/%s.png", uid); http_send_file(client, file); DEL(uid); DEL(file); DEL(http); DEL(buffer); return; } else if ( strstr(http, "/send?") > 0 ) { // 发送自定义信息 char *msg; NEW(msg, REQUEST_BUFFER); mid_value(buffer, "GET /send?", " HTTP/1.1", msg, REQUEST_BUFFER); api_callback_build("http.send", msg); DEL(msg); http_send(client, "Message Sends OK."); DEL(http); DEL(buffer); return; } else if ( strlen(http) > 0 ) { http_send(client, "QQRobot API Server."); DEL(http); DEL(buffer); return; } DEL(http); char *api; NEW(api, API_BUFFER); mid_value(buffer, "API ", " MOYO/1.1", api, API_BUFFER); if (strlen(api) == 0) { http_send(client, "API IS EMPTY"); DEL(api); DEL(buffer); return; } // API Commands char *response; NEW(response, RESPONSE_BUFFER); // Check SecKey char *seckey; NEW(seckey, 255); mid_value(buffer, "<seckey>", "</seckey>", seckey, 255); if ( strcmp(apis->APISeckey, seckey)!=0 ) { strcat(response, "ACCESS DENIED"); OPS("### @ API : Denied of : %s", api); DEL(seckey); goto API_RESPONSE; } DEL(seckey); // API Runs OPS("### @ API : Command of : %s ...Runs ...", api); // ##### API of login ##### if ( stricmp(api, "login.create")==0 ) { char *uid, *password; NEW(uid, 10); NEW(password, 32); mid_value(buffer, "<uid>", "</uid>", uid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<password>", "</password>", password, 32); strcat(response, myqq_login(atoi(uid), password)); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(uid); DEL(password); } else if ( stricmp(api, "login.destroy")==0 ) { strcat(response, myqq_logout()); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); } else if ( stricmp(api, "login.verify")==0 ) { char *vcode; NEW(vcode, 4); mid_value(buffer, "<verify>", "</verify>", vcode, 4); if ( qq->process == P_VERIFYING ) { qqclient_verify(qq, vcode); OPS("### @ API : [Input] Verify Code : %s", vcode); strcat(response, myqq_resume_login()); } else { strcat(response, "DONT NEED"); } //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(vcode); } else if ( stricmp(api, "login.check")==0 ) { strcat(response, myqq_check_login(qq)); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); } // ##### API of buddy ##### else if ( stricmp(api, "")==0 ) { char *uid; NEW(uid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<uid>", "</uid>", uid, 10); strcat(response, myqq_get_buddy_name(qq, atoi(uid))); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(uid); } else if ( stricmp(api, "buddy.send")==0 ) { char *uid, *message; NEW(uid, 10); NEW(message, SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE); mid_value(buffer, "<uid>", "</uid>", uid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<message>", "</message>", message, SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE); if ( myqq_send_im_to_buddy(qq, atoi(uid), message, 0) ) { strcat(response, "SEND FAILED"); } else { strcat(response, "SEND SUCCESS"); } //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(uid); DEL(message); } else if ( stricmp(api, "")==0 ) { char *uid; NEW(uid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<uid>", "</uid>", uid, 10); char *info; NEW(info, KB(4)); myqq_get_buddy_info(qq, atoi(uid), info, KB(4)); strcat(response, info); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(uid); DEL(info); } else if ( stricmp(api, "buddy.list")==0 ) { char *online; NEW(online, 3); mid_value(buffer, "<online>", "</online>", online, 3); char *info; NEW(info, BUDDY_BUF_SIZE); if ( stricmp(online, "yes")==0 ) { myqq_get_buddy_list(qq, info, BUDDY_BUF_SIZE, 1); } else { myqq_get_buddy_list(qq, info, BUDDY_BUF_SIZE, 0); } strcat(response, info); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(online); DEL(info); } // ##### API of qun ##### else if ( stricmp(api, "")==0 ) { char *gid; NEW(gid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<gid>", "</gid>", gid, 10); strcat(response, myqq_get_qun_name(qq, atoi(gid))); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(gid); } else if ( stricmp(api, "qun.send")==0 ) { char *gid, *message; NEW(gid, 10); NEW(message, SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE); mid_value(buffer, "<gid>", "</gid>", gid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<message>", "</message>", message, SEND_MESSAGE_SIZE); if ( myqq_send_im_to_qun(qq, atoi(gid), message, 0) ) { strcat(response, "SEND FAILED"); } else { strcat(response, "SEND SUCCESS"); } //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(gid); DEL(message); } else if ( stricmp(api, "")==0 ) { char *gid, *uid; NEW(gid, 10); NEW(uid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<gid>", "</gid>", gid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<uid>", "</uid>", uid, 10); strcat(response, myqq_get_qun_member_name(qq, atoi(gid), atoi(uid))); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(gid); DEL(uid); } else if ( stricmp(api, "")==0 ) { char *gid; NEW(gid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<gid>", "</gid>", gid, 10); char *info; NEW(info, KB(4)); myqq_get_qun_info(qq, atoi(gid), info, KB(4)); strcat(response, info); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(gid); DEL(info); } else if ( stricmp(api, "qun.list")==0 ) { char *info; NEW(info, QUN_BUF_SIZE); myqq_get_qun_list(qq, info, QUN_BUF_SIZE); strcat(response, info); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(info); } else if ( stricmp(api, "qun.buddy.list")==0 ) { char *gid, *online; NEW(gid, 10); NEW(online, 3); mid_value(buffer, "<gid>", "</gid>", gid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<online>", "</online>", online, 3); char *info; NEW(info, BUDDY_BUF_SIZE); if ( stricmp(online, "yes")==0 ) { myqq_get_qun_member_list(qq, atoi(gid), info, BUDDY_BUF_SIZE, 1); } else { myqq_get_qun_member_list(qq, atoi(gid), info, BUDDY_BUF_SIZE, 0); } strcat(response, info); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(gid); DEL(online); DEL(info); } // ##### API of me ##### else if ( stricmp(api, "me.sleep")==0 ) { char *power; NEW(power, 3); mid_value(buffer, "<power>", "</power>", power, 3); if ( strcmp(power, "on")==0 ) { apis->APISleep = 1; } else { apis->APISleep = 0; } strcat(response, "SWITCH SUCCESS"); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(power); } else if ( stricmp(api, "me.list.update")==0 ) { qun_update_all(qq); buddy_update_list(qq); group_update_list(qq); if ( qqclient_wait(qq, 10)<0 ) { strcat(response, "UPDATE FAILED"); } else { strcat(response, "UPDATE SUCCESS"); } //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); } else if ( stricmp(api, "me.autoreply")==0 ) { char *power; NEW(power, 3); mid_value(buffer, "<power>", "</power>", power, 3); if ( strcmp(power, "on")==0 ) { myqq_auto_reply(1); } else { myqq_auto_reply(0); } strcat(response, "SWITCH SUCCESS"); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(power); } else if ( stricmp(api, "me.status.update")==0 ) { char *status; NEW(status, 6); mid_value(buffer, "<status>", "</status>", status, 6); if( strcmp( status, "away") == 0 ) qqclient_change_status( qq, QQ_AWAY ); else if( strcmp( status, "online") == 0 ) qqclient_change_status( qq, QQ_ONLINE ); else if( strcmp( status, "hidden") == 0 ) qqclient_change_status( qq, QQ_HIDDEN ); else if( strcmp( status, "killme") == 0 ) qqclient_change_status( qq, QQ_KILLME ); else if( strcmp( status, "busy") == 0 ) qqclient_change_status( qq, QQ_BUSY ); strcat(response, "UPDATE SUCCESS"); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(status); } else if ( stricmp(api, "me.buddy.add")==0 ) { char *uid, *message; NEW(uid, 10); NEW(message, 50); mid_value(buffer, "<uid>", "</uid>", uid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<message>", "</message>", message, 50); qqclient_add(qq, atoi(uid), message); strcat(response, "ADD SUCCESS"); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(uid); DEL(message); } else if ( stricmp(api, "me.buddy.del")==0 ) { char *uid; NEW(uid, 10); mid_value(buffer, "<uid>", "</uid>", uid, 10); qqclient_del(qq, atoi(uid)); strcat(response, "DELETE SUCCESS"); //printf("Done of %s.\n", api); DEL(uid); } else { strcat(response, "UNKNOWN API COMMAND"); OPS("### @ API : Command Unknown : %s", api); } API_RESPONSE: // Send send(client, response, strlen(response), 0); // print OPS("### @ API : Command of : %s ...Done.", api); // Response Test DBG("##### Response Begin #####\n%s\n##### Response End #####\n", response); // Close shutdown(client, SD_BOTH); closesocket(client); // Clear DEL(response); //DEL(client); pthread_detach(pthread_self()); }
int http_send_data(http_t *ctx, const char *data, size_t size) { return http_send(ctx, data, size); }
int index_cgi(struct httpctl * ctl) { send_play_form(ctl); return http_send(ctl, footer_html, sizeof(footer_html) - 1); }
void start_server(void) { int pid, c_dsc; struct sockaddr_in s_sin, c_sin; socklen_t s_len, c_len; http_in_t* req; s_len = sizeof(s_sin); c_len = sizeof(c_sin); s_sin.sin_family = AF_INET; s_sin.sin_port = htons(conf.port); s_sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); /* Creates socket */ if((s_dsc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) { log_critical("Failed to create socket: %s", strerror(errno)); remove_pid(); return; } /* Binds socket */ if(bind(s_dsc, (struct sockaddr*)&s_sin, s_len) < 0) { log_critical("Failed to bind: %s", strerror(errno)); remove_pid(); return; } /* Listens */ if(listen(s_dsc, SOMAXCONN) < 0) { log_critical("Failed to listen: %s", strerror(errno)); remove_pid(); return; } /* Infinite loop */ while(1) { if((c_dsc = accept(s_dsc, (struct sockaddr*)&c_sin, &c_len)) < 0) { log_error("Failed to accept: %s", strerror(errno)); continue; } pid = fork(); switch(pid) { case -1: /* Error */ log_error("Failed to fork: %s", strerror(errno)); break; case 0: /* Child process */ close(s_dsc); log_debug("Connection by %s:%d", inet_ntoa(c_sin.sin_addr), htons(c_sin.sin_port)); /* Receives HTTP request */ req = http_recv(c_dsc); /* Sends HTTP response */ http_send(c_dsc, req); close(c_dsc); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: /* Father process */ close(c_dsc); } } }