static float make_number() { float v = 0; int sel; if (return_large == true && R(3) == 1) { sel = R(6); } else { sel = R(4); } if (return_undef == false && sel == 0) { sel = 1; } if (R(2) == 1) { v = (float)R(100); } else { switch (sel) { case 0: break; case 1: v = 0; break; case 2: v = 0.000001f; break; case 3: v = 10000; break; case 4: v = 2000000000; break; case 5: v = huge(); break; } } if (R(4) == 1) { v = -v; } return v; }
auto update_vertex(LpState& s) { if (s.cell != start) { auto minimum = huge(); for (auto neighbour : valid_neighbours_of(s.cell)) minimum = min(minimum, (at(neighbour).g + cost())); s.r = minimum; } q.remove(s.cell); if (s.g != s.r) q.push(s.cell); }
auto replan(Cells const& cells_to_toggle = {}) { reset_statistics(); for (auto c : cells_to_toggle) { at(c).bad = !at(c).bad; if (!at(c).bad) update_vertex(at(c)); else at(c).g = at(c).r = huge(); update_neighbours_of(c); } compute_shortest_path(); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { tests_start_mpfr (); special (); bug20070831 (); huge (); test_generic (2, 100, 25); test_generic_huge (2, 100, 5); data_check ("data/acosh", mpfr_acosh, "mpfr_acosh"); bad_cases (mpfr_acosh, mpfr_cosh, "mpfr_acosh", 0, -128, 29, 4, 128, 800, 40); tests_end_mpfr (); return 0; }
int main() { double z = 1.0; cout << "Some inquiries into the nature of double:" << endl << "digits(z) = " << digits(z) << endl << "epsilon(z) = " << epsilon(z) << endl << "huge(z) = " << huge(z) << endl << "tiny(z) = " << tiny(z) << endl << "max_exponent(z) = " << max_exponent(z) << endl << "min_exponent(z) = " << min_exponent(z) << endl << "max_exponent10(z) = " << max_exponent10(z) << endl << "min_exponent10(z) = " << min_exponent10(z) << endl << "precision(z) = " << precision(z) << endl << "radix(z) = " << radix(z) << endl; Range r = range(z); cout << "range(z) = [ " << r.first() << ", " << r.last() << " ]" << endl; cout << endl << "More obscure properties:" << endl << "is_signed(z) = " << is_signed(z) << endl << "is_integer(z) = " << is_integer(z) << endl << "is_exact(z) = " << is_exact(z) << endl << "round_error(z) = " << round_error(z) << endl << "has_infinity(z) = " << has_infinity(z) << endl << "has_quiet_NaN(z) = " << has_quiet_NaN(z) << endl << "has_signaling_NaN(z) = " << has_signaling_NaN(z) << endl << "has_denorm(z) = " << has_denorm(z) << endl << "has_denorm_loss(z) = " << has_denorm_loss(z) << endl << "infinity(z) = " << infinity(z) << endl << "quiet_NaN(z) = " << quiet_NaN(z) << endl << "signaling_NaN(z) = " << signaling_NaN(z) << endl << "denorm_min(z) = " << denorm_min(z) << endl << "is_iec559(z) = " << is_iec559(z) << endl << "is_bounded(z) = " << is_bounded(z) << endl << "is_modulo(z) = " << is_modulo(z) << endl << "traps(z) = " << traps(z) << endl << "tinyness_before(z) = " << tinyness_before(z) << endl; return 0; }
auto compute_shortest_path() { Timing t{ run_time }; while (!q.empty() && (Key{ at( } < Key{ at(goal) } || at(goal).r != at(goal).g)) { auto c = q.pop(); if (at(c).g > at(c).r) at(c).g = at(c).r; else at(c).g = huge(), update_vertex(at(c)); update_neighbours_of(c); { max_q_size = max(max_q_size, q.size()); expansions.insert(c); } } path = build_path(); }
static float make_number(bool positiveOnly) { float f = positiveOnly ? 1.0f : 0.0f; float v = f; int sel; if (return_large) sel = R(6); else sel = R(4); if (!return_undef && sel == 0) sel = 1; if (R(2) == 1) v = (float)(R(100)+f); else switch (sel) { case 0: break; case 1: v = f; break; case 2: v = 0.000001f; break; case 3: v = 10000.0f; break; case 4: v = 2000000000.0f; break; case 5: v = huge(); break; } if (!positiveOnly && (R(4) == 1)) v = -v; return v; }
int GmshRemote() { GmshClient *client = Msg::GetGmshClient(); int rank = Msg::GetCommRank(); int nbDaemon = Msg::GetCommSize(); if(!client && rank == 0) return 0; if(client && nbDaemon < 2) computeAndSendVertexArrays(client); else if(client && nbDaemon >= 2 && rank == 0) gatherAndSendVertexArrays(client, false); while(1){ // on the node with MPI rank 0, communicate through a socket if (rank == 0) { // stop if we have no communications for 5 minutes int ret = client->Select(300, 0); if(!ret){ client->Info("Timout: stopping remote Gmsh..."); break; } else if(ret < 0){ client->Error("Error on select: stopping remote Gmsh..."); break; } int type, length, swap; if(!client->ReceiveHeader(&type, &length, &swap)){ client->Error("Did not receive message header: stopping remote Gmsh..."); break; } char *msg = new char[length + 1]; if(!client->ReceiveString(length, msg)){ client->Error("Did not receive message body: stopping remote Gmsh..."); delete [] msg; break; } if(type == GmshSocket::GMSH_STOP){ client->Info("Stopping remote Gmsh..."); delete [] msg; break; } else if(type == GmshSocket::GMSH_VERTEX_ARRAY){ ParseString(msg); #if !defined(HAVE_MPI) computeAndSendVertexArrays(client); #else int mpi_msg = MPI_GMSH_PARSE_STRING; MPI_Bcast(&mpi_msg, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&length, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(msg, length, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); gatherAndSendVertexArrays(client, swap); #endif } else if(type == GmshSocket::GMSH_MERGE_FILE){ MergeFile(msg); #if !defined(HAVE_MPI) computeAndSendVertexArrays(client); #else int mpi_msg = MPI_GMSH_MERGE_FILE; MPI_Bcast(&mpi_msg, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&length, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(msg, length, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); gatherAndSendVertexArrays(client, swap); #endif } else if(type == GmshSocket::GMSH_PARSE_STRING){ ParseString(msg); #if defined(HAVE_MPI) int mpi_msg = MPI_GMSH_PARSE_STRING; MPI_Bcast(&mpi_msg, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(&length, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Bcast(msg, length, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif } else if(type == GmshSocket::GMSH_SPEED_TEST){ client->Info("Sending huge array"); std::string huge(500000000, 'a'); client->SpeedTest(huge.c_str()); } else{ client->Error("Ignoring unknown message"); } delete [] msg; } else { // if we're not on the master node (rank != 0) wait for him... #if defined(HAVE_MPI) int mpi_msg; MPI_Bcast(&mpi_msg, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (mpi_msg == MPI_GMSH_COMPUTE_VIEW) computeAndSendVertexArrays(); else if(mpi_msg == MPI_GMSH_SHUTDOWN) Msg::Exit(0); else if(mpi_msg == MPI_GMSH_PARSE_STRING){ int length; MPI_Bcast(&length, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); char msg[length]; MPI_Bcast(msg, length, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); ParseString(msg); } else if (mpi_msg == MPI_GMSH_MERGE_FILE){ int length; MPI_Bcast(&length, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); char msg[length]; MPI_Bcast(msg, length, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MergeFile(msg); } #endif } } #if defined(HAVE_MPI) int mpi_msg = MPI_GMSH_SHUTDOWN; MPI_Bcast(&mpi_msg, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif return 0; }