Beispiel #1
static __fi tDMA_TAG* ReadTag2()
	tDMA_TAG* ptag = dmaGetAddr(gifch.tadr, false);  //Set memory pointer to TADR

	gifch.madr = ptag[1]._u32;

	gspath3done = hwDmacSrcChainWithStack(gifch, ptag->ID);
	return ptag;
Beispiel #2
static __fi tDMA_TAG* ReadTag()
	tDMA_TAG* ptag = dmaGetAddr(gifch.tadr, false);  //Set memory pointer to TADR

	if (!(gifch.transfer("Gif", ptag))) return NULL;

	gifch.madr = ptag[1]._u32;	//MADR = ADDR field + SPR
	gscycles += 2;				// Add 1 cycles from the QW read for the tag

	gspath3done = hwDmacSrcChainWithStack(gifch, ptag->ID);
	return ptag;
Beispiel #3
__fi void vif1SetupTransfer()
    tDMA_TAG *ptag;
	switch (vif1.dmamode)
			ptag = dmaGetAddr(vif1ch.tadr, false); //Set memory pointer to TADR

			if (!(vif1ch.transfer("Vif1 Tag", ptag))) return;

			vif1ch.madr = ptag[1]._u32;            //MADR = ADDR field + SPR
			g_vif1Cycles += 1; // Add 1 g_vifCycles from the QW read for the tag

			VIF_LOG("VIF1 Tag %8.8x_%8.8x size=%d, id=%d, madr=%lx, tadr=%lx",
			        ptag[1]._u32, ptag[0]._u32, vif1ch.qwc, ptag->ID, vif1ch.madr, vif1ch.tadr);

			if (!vif1.done && ((dmacRegs.ctrl.STD == STD_VIF1) && (ptag->ID == TAG_REFS)))   // STD == VIF1
				// there are still bugs, need to also check if gif->madr +16*qwc >= stadr, if not, stall
				if ((vif1ch.madr + vif1ch.qwc * 16) >= dmacRegs.stadr.ADDR)
					// stalled

			vif1.inprogress &= ~1;

			if (vif1ch.chcr.TTE)
				// Transfer dma tag if tte is set

			    bool ret;

				static __aligned16 u128 masked_tag;
				masked_tag._u64[0] = 0;
				masked_tag._u64[1] = *((u64*)ptag + 1);

				VIF_LOG("\tVIF1 SrcChain TTE=1, data = 0x%08x.%08x", masked_tag._u32[3], masked_tag._u32[2]);

				if (vif1.irqoffset.enabled)
					ret = VIF1transfer((u32*)&masked_tag + vif1.irqoffset.value, 4 - vif1.irqoffset.value, true);  //Transfer Tag on stall
					//ret = VIF1transfer((u32*)ptag + (2 + vif1.irqoffset), 2 - vif1.irqoffset);  //Transfer Tag on stall
					//Some games (like killzone) do Tags mid unpack, the nops will just write blank data
					//to the VU's, which breaks stuff, this is where the 128bit packet will fail, so we ignore the first 2 words
					vif1.irqoffset.value = 2;
					vif1.irqoffset.enabled = true;
					ret = VIF1transfer((u32*)&masked_tag + 2, 2, true);  //Transfer Tag
					//ret = VIF1transfer((u32*)ptag + 2, 2);  //Transfer Tag
				if (!ret && vif1.irqoffset.enabled)
					vif1.inprogress &= ~1; //Better clear this so it has to do it again (Jak 1)
					return;        //IRQ set by VIFTransfer
			vif1.irqoffset.value = 0;
			vif1.irqoffset.enabled = false;

			vif1.done |= hwDmacSrcChainWithStack(vif1ch, ptag->ID);

			if(vif1ch.qwc > 0) vif1.inprogress |= 1;

			//Check TIE bit of CHCR and IRQ bit of tag
			if (vif1ch.chcr.TIE && ptag->IRQ)
				VIF_LOG("dmaIrq Set");

                //End Transfer
				vif1.done = true;
Beispiel #4
__fi void vif0SetupTransfer()
    tDMA_TAG *ptag;

	switch (vif0.dmamode)
			vif0.inprogress = 1;
			vif0.done = true;
			g_vif0Cycles = 2;

			ptag = dmaGetAddr(vif0ch.tadr, false); //Set memory pointer to TADR

			if (!(vif0ch.transfer("vif0 Tag", ptag))) return;

			vif0ch.madr = ptag[1]._u32;            //MADR = ADDR field + SPR
			g_vif0Cycles += 1; // Add 1 g_vifCycles from the QW read for the tag

			// Transfer dma tag if tte is set

			VIF_LOG("vif0 Tag %8.8x_%8.8x size=%d, id=%d, madr=%lx, tadr=%lx",
			        ptag[1]._u32, ptag[0]._u32, vif0ch.qwc, ptag->ID, vif0ch.madr, vif0ch.tadr);

			vif0.inprogress = 0;

			if (vif0ch.chcr.TTE)
				// Transfer dma tag if tte is set

			    bool ret;

				static __aligned16 u128 masked_tag;

				masked_tag._u64[0] = 0;
				masked_tag._u64[1] = *((u64*)ptag + 1);

				VIF_LOG("\tVIF0 SrcChain TTE=1, data = 0x%08x.%08x", masked_tag._u32[3], masked_tag._u32[2]);

				if (vif0.irqoffset.enabled)
					ret = VIF0transfer((u32*)&masked_tag + vif0.irqoffset.value, 4 - vif0.irqoffset.value, true);  //Transfer Tag on stall
					//ret = VIF0transfer((u32*)ptag + (2 + vif0.irqoffset), 2 - vif0.irqoffset);  //Transfer Tag on stall
					//Some games (like killzone) do Tags mid unpack, the nops will just write blank data
					//to the VU's, which breaks stuff, this is where the 128bit packet will fail, so we ignore the first 2 words
					vif0.irqoffset.value = 2;
					vif0.irqoffset.enabled = true;
					ret = VIF0transfer((u32*)&masked_tag + 2, 2, true);  //Transfer Tag
					//ret = VIF0transfer((u32*)ptag + 2, 2);  //Transfer Tag
				if (!ret && vif0.irqoffset.enabled)
					vif0.inprogress = 0; //Better clear this so it has to do it again (Jak 1)
					return;        //IRQ set by VIFTransfer

			vif0.irqoffset.value = 0;
			vif0.irqoffset.enabled = false;
			vif0.done |= hwDmacSrcChainWithStack(vif0ch, ptag->ID);

			if(vif0ch.qwc > 0) vif0.inprogress = 1;
			//Check TIE bit of CHCR and IRQ bit of tag
			if (vif0ch.chcr.TIE && ptag->IRQ)
				VIF_LOG("dmaIrq Set");

                //End Transfer
				vif0.done = true;