Beispiel #1
Size twinkle::nextSearchArea(Point* tl, Point last, Point previous, bool left)
    int dx = last.x-previous.x;
    int dy = last.y-previous.y;
    //double grad;
    Size s;

    //---------Special cases: vertical sliding-----------
            //grad = DBL_MAX;
            std::cout<<"TWINKLE: GRADIENT IS MAX"<<std::endl;
            tl->x = last.x-1;
            tl->y = last.y-3;
            //grad = DBL_MIN;
            std::cout<<"TWINKLE: GRADIENT IS MIN"<<std::endl;
            tl->x = last.x-1;
            tl->y = last.y +1;
        s.width = 3;
        s.height = 3;
        return s;
        //Tertium non datur

    //-------General behaviour: diagonal sliding---------

    //Identify new point should last gradient be repeated
    Point hyp(last.x+dx, last.y+dy);
    //Identify area zone
    int minX, maxX;
        minX = hyp.x;
        maxX = last.x -1;
        minX = last.x+1;
        maxX = hyp.x;
    int minY = std::min(last.y-1, hyp.y);
    int maxY = std::max(last.y+1, hyp.y);
    //Assign area size
    s.height = maxY-minY+1;
    s.width = maxX-minX+1;
    std::cout<<"NEXTSEARCHAREA: Area size is "<< s <<std::endl;
    //Update top left point coords and return area size
    tl->x = minX;
    tl->y = minY;
    return s;
int main() {
   double a, b, h; /* declare the variables for sides of the right triangle */

   /* Prompt for and receive input from user for sides a and b */
   printf("Enter the length of side a: ");
   scanf("%lf", &a);

   printf("Enter the length of side b: ");
   scanf("%lf", &b);
   /* Call to function to calculuate hypotenus */
   h = hyp(a, b);

   /* Print the length of the hypotenus */
   printf("The hypotenus is %lf\n", h);

   return 0;
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

	if (argc != 3) {
		return -1;
	FstAlignOption option;
	FstAlignResult result;
	FstAligner aligner;
	OneBestFstLoader ref(argv[1]);
	OneBestFstLoader hyp(argv[2]);
	aligner.align(option, ref, hyp, result);
	return 0;
void Ball::ProcessCollisions(unordered_map<string, Game_Object*> objects)
	// Calculate 
	Vector4 thisCenter(this->translationMatrix[0][3], this->translationMatrix[1][3], 0.0f, 0.0f);

	// Check collision with all objects
	for(unordered_map<string, Game_Object*>::iterator itr = objects.begin(); itr != objects.end(); itr++)
		Vector4 otherCenter(itr->second->translationMatrix[0][3], itr->second->translationMatrix[1][3], 0.0f, 0.0f);
		Vector4 combinedRadius = this->sprite->GetRadius() + itr->second->sprite->GetRadius();

		// Check for collidable objects, based on dictionary name
		if(itr->first == "WallLeft" && thisCenter.x - sprite->GetRadius().x < otherCenter.x + itr->second->sprite->GetRadius().x)
			velocity->x += this->velocity->x * -2.0f;
		if(itr->first == "WallRight" && thisCenter.x + sprite->GetRadius().x > otherCenter.x - itr->second->sprite->GetRadius().x)
			velocity->x += this->velocity->x * -2.0f;
		if(itr->first == "WallTop" && thisCenter.y + sprite->GetRadius().x > otherCenter.y - itr->second->sprite->GetRadius().y)
			velocity->y += this->velocity->y * -2.0f;
		if(itr->first == "WallBottom" && thisCenter.y - sprite->GetRadius().x < otherCenter.y + itr->second->sprite->GetRadius().y)
			velocity->y += this->velocity->y * -2.0f;

		// Detect spherical collision
		if( ( itr->first.find("Ball") != string::npos || itr->first == "Bumper" /*|| itr->first == "Flipper1"*/) && 
			itr->second != this && 
			( (thisCenter.x - otherCenter.x) * (thisCenter.x - otherCenter.x) ) +
			( (thisCenter.y - otherCenter.y) * (thisCenter.y - otherCenter.y) ) <
			( combinedRadius.x * combinedRadius.x) )
			// Get the vector in between the two objects
			Vector4 hyp( (thisCenter.x - otherCenter.x), (thisCenter.y - otherCenter.y), 0.0f, 0.0f );
			// Get the normal vector to the colliding object
			Vector4 normal(hyp.normalize(hyp));
			// Calculate a new velocity
			*velocity = normal * (velocity->dot(normal) * -2.0f) + *velocity;
			// Separate collided objects (upon collision 2 objects will slightly overlap so this is necessary)
			Matrix4::UpdatePositionMatrix(translationMatrix, velocity->x, velocity->y, 0);

			// NOTE: Ball-Ball collision sometimes only changes the velocity of one of the balls

		// Angle of reflection (angle of flipper)
		float bounceAngle = 0.0f;
		if(itr->first == "Flipper1" && FlipperCollision(otherCenter, *(itr->second), bounceAngle))

			Vector4 flipperRadius(itr->second->sprite->GetRadius().x, itr->second->sprite->GetRadius().y, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			GLfloat cosAngle(itr->second->rotationMatrix[0][0]);
			GLfloat sinAngle(-itr->second->rotationMatrix[0][1]);
			// Calculate angle of impact
			GLfloat hitAngle = atan(velocity->y/velocity->x) + PI;
			if(velocity->x < 0)
				hitAngle += 180 * PI / 180;
			else if(velocity->x >= 0 && velocity->y < 0)
				hitAngle += 360 * PI / 180;
			if(hitAngle >= 2*PI - .0000002 && hitAngle <= 2*PI + .0000002)
				hitAngle = 0.0f;

			bounceAngle = PI - hitAngle - 2 * bounceAngle;
				if(bounceAngle < 0)
					bounceAngle += 2 * PI;

			float length = velocity->length();
			// How to get a vector based on this angle
			Vector4 normal(length * cos(bounceAngle), length * sin(bounceAngle), 0.0f, 0.0f);

			*velocity = normal;

			// Separate collided objects (upon collision 2 objects will slightly overlap so this is necessary)
			Matrix4::UpdatePositionMatrix(translationMatrix, velocity->x, velocity->y, 0);

			// NOTE: Corner wonky, need to implement with rotation