hypre_SStructSendInfoData *
hypre_SStructSendInfo( hypre_StructGrid      *fgrid,
                       hypre_BoxManager      *cboxman,
                       hypre_Index            rfactor )
   hypre_SStructSendInfoData *sendinfo_data;

   MPI_Comm                   comm= hypre_SStructVectorComm(fgrid);

   hypre_BoxArray            *grid_boxes;
   hypre_Box                 *grid_box, cbox;
   hypre_Box                 *intersect_box, boxman_entry_box;

   hypre_BoxManEntry        **boxman_entries;
   HYPRE_Int                  nboxman_entries;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray       *send_boxes;
   HYPRE_Int                **send_processes;
   HYPRE_Int                **send_remote_boxnums;

   hypre_Index                ilower, iupper, index;

   HYPRE_Int                  myproc, proc;

   HYPRE_Int                  cnt;
   HYPRE_Int                  i, j;

   hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myproc);

   sendinfo_data= hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_SStructSendInfoData, 1);

    * Create the structured sendbox patterns. 
    *   send_boxes are obtained by intersecting this proc's fgrid boxes
    *   with cgrid's box_man. Intersecting BoxManEntries not on this proc
    *   will give boxes that we will need to send data to- i.e., we scan
    *   through the boxes of grid and find the processors that own a chunk
    *   of it.
   intersect_box = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Box, 1);
   grid_boxes   = hypre_StructGridBoxes(fgrid);

   send_boxes= hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(hypre_BoxArraySize(grid_boxes));
   send_processes= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(grid_boxes));
   send_remote_boxnums= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(grid_boxes));

   hypre_ForBoxI(i, grid_boxes)
       grid_box= hypre_BoxArrayBox(grid_boxes, i);

        * Find the boxarray that must be sent. BoxManIntersect returns
        * the full extents of the boxes that intersect with the given box.
        * We further need to intersect each box in the list with the given
        * box to determine the actual box that needs to be sent.
       hypre_SStructIndexScaleF_C(hypre_BoxIMin(grid_box), index,
                                  rfactor, hypre_BoxIMin(&cbox));
       hypre_SStructIndexScaleF_C(hypre_BoxIMax(grid_box), index,
                                  rfactor, hypre_BoxIMax(&cbox));

       hypre_BoxManIntersect(cboxman, hypre_BoxIMin(&cbox), hypre_BoxIMax(&cbox),
                            &boxman_entries, &nboxman_entries);

       cnt= 0;
       for (j= 0; j< nboxman_entries; j++)
          hypre_SStructBoxManEntryGetProcess(boxman_entries[j], &proc);
          if (proc != myproc)
       send_processes[i]     = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, cnt);
       send_remote_boxnums[i]= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, cnt);

       cnt= 0;
       for (j= 0; j< nboxman_entries; j++)
          hypre_SStructBoxManEntryGetProcess(boxman_entries[j], &proc);

          /* determine the chunk of the boxman_entries[j] box that is needed */
          hypre_BoxManEntryGetExtents(boxman_entries[j], ilower, iupper);
          hypre_BoxSetExtents(&boxman_entry_box, ilower, iupper);
          hypre_IntersectBoxes(&boxman_entry_box, &cbox, &boxman_entry_box);

          if (proc != myproc)
             send_processes[i][cnt]     = proc;
                              hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(send_boxes, i));
   }  /* hypre_ForBoxI(i, grid_boxes) */ 
Beispiel #2
 * hypre_CFInterfaceExtents: Given a cgrid_box, a fgrid_box, and stencils,
 * find the extents of the C/F interface (interface nodes in the C box).
 * Boxes corresponding to stencil shifts are stored in the first stencil_size
 * boxes, and the union of these are appended to the end of the returned
 * box_array.
hypre_BoxArray *
hypre_CFInterfaceExtents( hypre_Box              *fgrid_box,
                          hypre_Box              *cgrid_box,
                          hypre_StructStencil    *stencils,
                          hypre_Index             rfactors )

   hypre_BoxArray        *stencil_box_extents;
   hypre_BoxArray        *union_boxes;
   hypre_Box             *cfine_box;
   hypre_Box             *box;

   hypre_Index            stencil_shape, cstart, zero_index, neg_index;
   HYPRE_Int              stencil_size;
   HYPRE_Int              abs_stencil;

   HYPRE_Int              ndim= hypre_StructStencilDim(stencils);
   HYPRE_Int              i, j;
   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      neg_index[i]= -1;
   hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box), cstart);

   stencil_size       = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencils);
   stencil_box_extents= hypre_BoxArrayCreate(stencil_size);
   union_boxes        = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);

   for (i= 0; i< stencil_size; i++)
       hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_StructStencilElement(stencils, i), stencil_shape);
       AbsStencilShape(stencil_shape, abs_stencil);

       if (abs_stencil)  /* only do if not the centre stencil */
          cfine_box= hypre_CF_StenBox(fgrid_box, cgrid_box, stencil_shape, rfactors,

          if ( hypre_BoxVolume(cfine_box) )
             hypre_AppendBox(cfine_box, union_boxes);
             hypre_CopyBox(cfine_box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i));
             for (j= 0; j< ndim; j++)
                hypre_BoxIMin(cfine_box)[j]-=  cstart[j];
                hypre_BoxIMax(cfine_box)[j]-=  cstart[j];
             hypre_CopyBox(cfine_box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i));
             hypre_BoxSetExtents(hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i),
                                 zero_index, neg_index);


       else /* centre */
           hypre_BoxSetExtents(hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i),
                               zero_index, neg_index);

    * Union the stencil_box_extents to get the full CF extents and append to
    * the end of the stencil_box_extents BoxArray. Then shift the unioned boxes
    * by cstart.
   if (hypre_BoxArraySize(union_boxes) > 1)

   hypre_ForBoxI(i, union_boxes)
       hypre_AppendBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(union_boxes, i), stencil_box_extents);