Beispiel #1
bool WorldSocket::iFlushPacketQueue()
    WorldPacket* pct;
    bool haveone = false;

    while (m_PacketQueue.dequeue_head(pct) == 0)
        if (iSendPacket(*pct) == -1)
            if (m_PacketQueue.enqueue_head(pct) == -1)
                delete pct;
                sLog.outError("WorldSocket::iFlushPacketQueue m_PacketQueue->enqueue_head");
                return false;

            haveone = true;
            delete pct;

    return haveone;
Beispiel #2
int WorldSocket::SendPacket(const WorldPacket& pkt)
    ACE_GUARD_RETURN(LockType, Guard, m_OutBufferLock, -1);

    if (closing_)
        { return -1; }

    WorldPacket pct = pkt;

    // Dump outgoing packet.
    sLog.outWorldPacketDump(uint32(get_handle()), pct.GetOpcode(), pct.GetOpcodeName(), &pct, false);

    if (!sEluna->OnPacketSend(m_Session, pct))
        return 0;

    if (iSendPacket(pct) == -1)
        WorldPacket* npct;

        ACE_NEW_RETURN(npct, WorldPacket(pct), -1);

        // NOTE maybe check of the size of the queue can be good ?
        // to make it bounded instead of unbounded
        if (m_PacketQueue.enqueue_tail(npct) == -1)
            delete npct;
            sLog.outError("WorldSocket::SendPacket: m_PacketQueue.enqueue_tail failed");
            return -1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
int WorldSocket::SendPacket(const WorldPacket& pkt)
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_OutBufferLock);

    if (closing_)
        return -1;

    WorldPacket pct = pkt;

    // Dump outgoing packet.
    sLog.outWorldPacketDump(uint32(get_handle()), pct.GetOpcode(), pct.GetOpcodeName(), &pct, false);

    if (iSendPacket(pct) == -1)
        WorldPacket* npct;

        ACE_NEW_RETURN(npct, WorldPacket(pct), -1);

        // NOTE maybe check of the size of the queue can be good ?
        // to make it bounded instead of unbounded
        if (m_PacketQueue.enqueue_tail(npct) == -1)
            delete npct;
            sLog.outError("WorldSocket::SendPacket: m_PacketQueue.enqueue_tail failed");
            return -1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int WorldSocket::SendPacket (const WorldPacket& pct)
    ACE_GUARD_RETURN (LockType, Guard, m_OutBufferLock, -1);

    if (closing_)
        return -1;

    // Dump outgoing packet.
    if (sWorldLog.LogWorld ())
        sWorldLog.Log ("SERVER:\nSOCKET: %u\nLENGTH: %u\nOPCODE: %s (0x%.4X)\nDATA:\n",
                     (uint32) get_handle (),
                     pct.size (),
                     LookupOpcodeName (pct.GetOpcode ()),
                     pct.GetOpcode ());

        uint32 p = 0;
        while (p < pct.size ())
            for (uint32 j = 0; j < 16 && p < pct.size (); j++)
                sWorldLog.Log ("%.2X ", const_cast<WorldPacket&>(pct)[p++]);

            sWorldLog.Log ("\n");

        sWorldLog.Log ("\n\n");

    if (iSendPacket (pct) == -1)
        WorldPacket* npct;

        ACE_NEW_RETURN (npct, WorldPacket (pct), -1);

        // NOTE maybe check of the size of the queue can be good ?
        // to make it bounded instead of unbounded
        if (m_PacketQueue.enqueue_tail (npct) == -1)
            delete npct;
            sLog.outError ("WorldSocket::SendPacket: m_PacketQueue.enqueue_tail failed");
            return -1;

    return 0;