Beispiel #1
u08 icmp_receive_packet( ip_header * p, u16 len )
	icmp_header * icmp = ( icmp_header * )__ip_payload( p );
	log_printf( "icmp: got packet, type=%d code=%d\n", icmp->type, icmp->code );

	if (icmp->type == 8 && icmp->code == 0)
		icmp_send_reply( p, icmp, len );
	return 1;
Beispiel #2
int sr_handle_arpreq(struct sr_instance *sr, struct sr_arpreq *request){
   time_t now = get_now(&now);
   struct sr_packet * packetptr = request->packets;
   int i;

   if(difftime(now, request->sent) > 1.0){
      if(request->times_sent >= 5){
         while(packetptr != NULL){
             icmp_send_reply(sr, (uint8_t *)packetptr, packetptr->len, packetptr->iface, 3, 1); /* send unreachable */

             packetptr = packetptr->next;
         sr_arpreq_destroy(&(sr->cache), request);
         return -1;
           struct sr_rt* entry;
           struct sr_rt* routing = sr->routing_table;

           for(entry = routing; entry != NULL; entry = routing->next){
             struct sr_if * interface2 = sr_get_interface(sr, entry->interface);
             /*create arp packet*/
             enum sr_arp_opcode opcode = arp_op_request;
             struct sr_packet *raw = malloc(sizeof(struct sr_arp_hdr) + ETHER_HDR_LEN);
             /* may need to memset here*/
             struct sr_ethernet_hdr *eth = (struct sr_ethernet_hdr *)raw;
             struct sr_arp_hdr *req = (struct sr_arp_hdr *)(raw + ETHER_HDR_LEN);

             req->ar_hrd = 0;
             req->ar_pro = 0;
             req->ar_hln = 0;
             req->ar_pln = 0;
             req->ar_op = opcode;
             req->ar_sip = sr->sr_addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
             req->ar_tip = request->ip;

             for (i = 0; i < ETHER_ADDR_LEN; i++){
                 req->ar_tha[i] = 0xff;
                 req->ar_sha[i] = interface2->addr[i];
                 eth->ether_dhost[i] = 0xff;
                 eth->ether_shost[i] = interface2->addr[i];

             /*send packet to the interface on routing_table*/
             sr_send_packet(sr, (uint8_t *)raw, sizeof(struct sr_arp_hdr) + ETHER_HDR_LEN, request->packets->iface);

         request->sent = now;
   return 0;
Beispiel #3
// Function : server_process
// Description : Run web server and listen on port 80
void server_process ( void )
	MAC_ADDR client_mac;
	IP_ADDR client_ip;
	// you can change rx,tx buffer size in includes.h
	BYTE rxtx_buffer[MAX_RXTX_BUFFER];
	WORD plen;
	if ( flag1.bits.syn_is_sent )
	// get new packet
	plen = enc28j60_packet_receive( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer, MAX_RXTX_BUFFER );
	//plen will ne unequal to zero if there is a valid packet (without crc error)

	// copy client mac address from buffer to client mac variable
	memcpy ( (BYTE*)&client_mac, &rxtx_buffer[ ETH_SRC_MAC_P ], sizeof(MAC_ADDR) );
	// check arp packet if match with avr ip let's send reply
	if ( arp_packet_is_arp( rxtx_buffer, (WORD_BYTES){ARP_OPCODE_REQUEST_V} ) )
		arp_send_reply ( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer, (BYTE*)&client_mac );

	// get client ip address
	memcpy ( (BYTE*)&client_ip, &rxtx_buffer[ IP_SRC_IP_P ], sizeof(IP_ADDR) );
	// check ip packet send to avr or not?
	if ( ip_packet_is_ip ( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer ) == 0 )

	// check packet if packet is icmp packet let's send icmp echo reply
	if ( icmp_send_reply ( (BYTE*)&rxtx_buffer, (BYTE*)&client_mac, (BYTE*)&client_ip ) )
	// start web server at port 80, see http.c
	http_webserver_process ( (BYTE*)rxtx_buffer, (BYTE*)&client_mac, (BYTE*)&client_ip );