Beispiel #1
QRect KisNodeDelegate::textRect(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    KisNodeViewColorScheme scm;

    static QFont f;
    static int minbearing = 1337 + 666; //can be 0 or negative, 2003 is less likely
    if (minbearing == 2003 || f != option.font) {
        f = option.font; //getting your bearings can be expensive, so we cache them
        minbearing = option.fontMetrics.minLeftBearing() + option.fontMetrics.minRightBearing();

    const int decorationOffset =
        2 * scm.border() +
        2 * scm.decorationMargin() +

    const int width =
        iconsRect(option, index).left() - option.rect.x() -
        scm.border() + minbearing - decorationOffset;

    return QRect(option.rect.x() - minbearing + decorationOffset,
                 option.rect.y() + scm.border(),
                 scm.rowHeight() - scm.border());
Beispiel #2
void KisNodeDelegate::drawFrame(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    KisNodeViewColorScheme scm;

    QPen oldPen = p->pen();
    p->setPen(scm.gridColor(option, d->view));

    const QPoint base = option.rect.topLeft();

    QPoint p2 = base + QPoint(-scm.indentation() - 1, 0);
    QPoint p3 = base + QPoint(-2 * scm.border() - 2 * scm.decorationMargin() - scm.decorationSize(), 0);
    QPoint p4 = base + QPoint(-1, 0);
    QPoint p5(iconsRect(option,
                           index).left() - 1, base.y());
    QPoint p6(option.rect.right(), base.y());

    QPoint v(0, option.rect.height());

    const bool paintForParent =
        index.parent().isValid() &&

    if (paintForParent) {
        QPoint p1(-2 * scm.indentation() - 1, 0);
        p1 += base;
        p->drawLine(p1, p2);

    QPoint k0(0, base.y());
    QPoint k1(1 * scm.border() + 2 * scm.visibilityMargin() + scm.visibilitySize(), base.y());
    p->drawLine(k0, k1);
    p->drawLine(k0 + v, k1 + v);
    p->drawLine(k0, k0 + v);
    p->drawLine(k1, k1 + v);

    p->drawLine(p2, p6);
    p->drawLine(p2 + v, p6 + v);
    p->drawLine(p2, p2 + v);
    p->drawLine(p3, p3 + v);
    p->drawLine(p4, p4 + v);
    p->drawLine(p5, p5 + v);
    p->drawLine(p6, p6 + v);

    //// For debugging purposes only
    //KritaUtils::renderExactRect(p, iconsRect(option, index));
    //KritaUtils::renderExactRect(p, textRect(option, index));
    //KritaUtils::renderExactRect(p, scm.relThumbnailRect().translated(option.rect.topLeft()));

QRect KoDocumentSectionDelegate::progressBarRect(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    if (d->view->displayMode() == View::ThumbnailMode)
        return QRect();
    QRect iconsRect_ = iconsRect(option, index);
    int width = d->view->width() / 4;
    if (d->view->displayMode() == View::DetailedMode) {
        // In detailed mode the progress bar take 50% width on the right of the icons
        return QRect(option.rect.width() - width - d->margin,, width, iconsRect_.height()) ;
    } else {
        // In minimal mode the progress bar take 50% width on the left of icons
        return QRect(iconsRect_.left() - width - d->margin ,,
                      width, iconsRect_.height());
Beispiel #4
void KisNodeDelegate::drawColorLabel(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    KisNodeViewColorScheme scm;
    const int label =;
    QColor color = scm.colorLabel(label);
    if (color.alpha() <= 0) return;

    QColor bgColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Base);
    color = KritaUtils::blendColors(color, bgColor, 0.2);

    const QRect rect = option.state & QStyle::State_Selected ?
        iconsRect(option, index) :
        option.rect.adjusted(-scm.indentation(), 0, 0, 0);

    p->fillRect(rect, color);
void KoDocumentSectionDelegate::drawIcons(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    const QRect r = iconsRect(option, index).translated(option.rect.topLeft());

        int x = 0;
        Model::PropertyList lp =<Model::PropertyList>();
        for(int i = 0, n = lp.count(); i < n; ++i) {
            if (lp[i].isMutable) {
                QIcon icon = lp[i].state.toBool() ? lp[i].onIcon : lp[i].offIcon;
                p->drawPixmap(x, 0, icon.pixmap(option.decorationSize, (option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled));
                x += option.decorationSize.width() + d->margin;
Beispiel #6
void KisNodeDelegate::drawIcons(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    KisNodeViewColorScheme scm;
    const QRect r = iconsRect(option, index);

    QTransform oldTransform = p->transform();
    QPen oldPen = p->pen();
    p->setTransform(QTransform::fromTranslate(r.x(), r.y()));
    p->setPen(scm.gridColor(option, d->view));

    int x = 0;
    const int y = (scm.rowHeight() - scm.border() - scm.iconSize()) / 2;
    KisBaseNode::PropertyList props =<KisBaseNode::PropertyList>();
    QList<OptionalProperty> realProps = d->rightmostProperties(props);

    Q_FOREACH (OptionalProperty prop, realProps) {
        x += scm.iconMargin();
        if (prop) {
            QIcon icon = prop->state.toBool() ? prop->onIcon : prop->offIcon;
            bool fullColor = prop->state.toBool() && option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled;
            const qreal oldOpacity = p->opacity(); // remember previous opacity

            if (fullColor) {              
            else {

            p->drawPixmap(x, y, icon.pixmap(scm.iconSize(), QIcon::Normal));
            p->setOpacity(oldOpacity); // restore old opacity

        x += scm.iconSize() + scm.iconMargin();
        p->drawLine(x, 0, x, scm.rowHeight() - scm.border());
        x += scm.border();
QRect KoDocumentSectionDelegate::textRect(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
    if (d->view->displayMode() == View::ThumbnailMode) {
        const QRect r = decorationRect(option, index);
        const int left = r.right() + d->margin;
        return QRect(left,, option.rect.width() - left, textBoxHeight(option));
    } else {
        static QFont f;
        static int minbearing = 1337 + 666; //can be 0 or negative, 2003 is less likely
        if (minbearing == 2003 || f != option.font) {
            f = option.font; //getting your bearings can be expensive, so we cache them
            minbearing = option.fontMetrics.minLeftBearing() + option.fontMetrics.minRightBearing();

        int indent = decorationRect(option, index).right() + d->margin;

        const int width = (d->view->displayMode() == View::DetailedMode
                            ? option.rect.width()
                            : iconsRect(option, index).left())
                          - indent - d->margin + minbearing;

        return QRect(indent, 0, width, textBoxHeight(option));
bool KoDocumentSectionDelegate::editorEvent(QEvent *event, QAbstractItemModel *model, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index)
    if ((event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress || event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick)
        && (index.flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled))
        QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event);

        const QRect iconsRect_ = iconsRect(option, index).translated(option.rect.topLeft());

        if (iconsRect_.isValid() && iconsRect_.contains(mouseEvent->pos())) {
            const int iconWidth = option.decorationSize.width();
            int xPos = mouseEvent->pos().x() - iconsRect_.left();
            if (xPos % (iconWidth + d->margin) < iconWidth) { //it's on an icon, not a margin
                Model::PropertyList propertyList =<Model::PropertyList>();
                int clickedProperty = -1;
                // Discover which of all properties was clicked
                for (int i = 0; i < propertyList.count(); ++i) {
                    if (propertyList[i].isMutable) {
                        xPos -= iconWidth + d->margin;
                    if (xPos < 0) break;
                // Using Ctrl+click to enter stasis
                if (mouseEvent->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier
                    && propertyList[clickedProperty].canHaveStasis) {
                    // STEP 0: Prepare to Enter or Leave control key stasis
                    quint16 numberOfLeaves = model->rowCount(index.parent());
                    QModelIndex eachItem;
                    // STEP 1: Go.
                    if (propertyList[clickedProperty].isInStasis == false) { // Enter
                        /* Make every leaf of this node go State = False, saving the old property value to stateInStasis */
                        for (quint16 i = 0; i < numberOfLeaves; ++i) { // Foreach leaf in the node (index.parent())
                            eachItem = model->index(i, 0, index.parent());
                            // The entire property list has to be altered because model->setData cannot set individual properties
                            Model::PropertyList eachPropertyList =<Model::PropertyList>();
                            eachPropertyList[clickedProperty].stateInStasis = eachPropertyList[clickedProperty].state.toBool();
                            eachPropertyList[clickedProperty].state = false;
                            eachPropertyList[clickedProperty].isInStasis = true;
                            model->setData(eachItem, QVariant::fromValue(eachPropertyList), Model::PropertiesRole);
                        /* Now set the current node's clickedProperty back to True, to save the user time
                        (obviously, if the user is clicking one item with ctrl+click, he's interested in that
                        item to have a True property value while the others are in stasis and set to False) */
                        // First refresh propertyList, otherwise old data will be saved back causing bugs
                        propertyList =<Model::PropertyList>();
                        propertyList[clickedProperty].state = true;
                        model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue(propertyList), Model::PropertiesRole);
                    } else { // Leave
                        /* Make every leaf of this node go State = stateInStasis */
                        for (quint16 i = 0; i < numberOfLeaves; ++i) {
                            eachItem = model->index(i, 0, index.parent());
                            // The entire property list has to be altered because model->setData cannot set individual properties
                            Model::PropertyList eachPropertyList =<Model::PropertyList>();
                            eachPropertyList[clickedProperty].state = eachPropertyList[clickedProperty].stateInStasis;
                            eachPropertyList[clickedProperty].isInStasis = false;
                            model->setData(eachItem, QVariant::fromValue(eachPropertyList), Model::PropertiesRole);
                } else {
                    propertyList[clickedProperty].state = !propertyList[clickedProperty].state.toBool();
                    model->setData(index, QVariant::fromValue(propertyList), Model::PropertiesRole);
            return true;
        if (mouseEvent->button() != Qt::LeftButton) {
            return false;
    else if (event->type() == QEvent::ToolTip) {
        QHelpEvent *helpEvent = static_cast<QHelpEvent*>(event);
        d->tip.showTip(d->view, helpEvent->pos(), option, index);
        return true;
    } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Leave) {

    return false;