Beispiel #1
CvStatus icvForward1DHMM( int num_states, int num_obs, CvMatr64d A, 
                          CvMatr64d B,
                          double* scales) 
    // assume that observation and transition 
    // probabilities already computed
    int m_HMMType  = _CV_CAUSAL;
    double* m_pi = icvAlloc( num_states* sizeof( double) );
    /* alpha is matrix 
       rows throuhg states
       columns through time
    double* alpha = icvAlloc( num_states*num_obs * sizeof( double ) );

    /* All calculations will be in non-logarithmic domain */
    /* Initialization */
    /* set initial state probabilities */
    m_pi[0] = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < num_states; i++)
        m_pi[i] = 0.0;
    for  (i = 0; i < num_states; i++)
        alpha[i] = m_pi[i] * m_b[ i];         

    /*   Induction                                                    */
    if ( m_HMMType == _CV_ERGODIC )  
        int t;
        for (t = 1 ; t < num_obs; t++)
            for (j = 0; j < num_states; j++)
               double sum = 0.0;
               int i;
                for (i = 0; i < num_states; i++)
                     sum += alpha[(t - 1) * num_states + i] * A[i * num_states + j];                                
                alpha[(t - 1) * num_states + j] = sum * B[t * num_states + j];
                /* add computed alpha to scale factor */
                sum_alpha += alpha[(t - 1) * num_states + j];

            double scale = 1/sum_alpha;

            /* scale alpha */
            for (j = 0; j < num_states; j++)
                alpha[(t - 1) * num_states + j] *= scale;
            scales[t] = scale;          


//    Name: icvCreateObsInfo
//    Purpose: The function allocates memory for CvImgObsInfo structure 
//             and its inner stuff
//    Context:
//    Parameters: obs_info - addres of pointer to CvImgObsInfo structure
//                num_hor_obs - number of horizontal observation vectors
//                num_ver_obs - number of horizontal observation vectors
//                obs_size - length of observation vector
//    Returns: error status
//    Notes:   
/*CvStatus icvCreateObsInfo( CvImgObsInfo** obs_info, 
                              CvSize num_obs, int obs_size )
    int total = num_obs.height * num_obs.width;
    CvImgObsInfo* obs = (CvImgObsInfo*)icvAlloc( sizeof( CvImgObsInfo) );
    obs->obs_x = num_obs.width;
    obs->obs_y = num_obs.height;

    obs->obs = (float*)icvAlloc( total * obs_size * sizeof(float) );

    obs->state = (int*)icvAlloc( 2 * total * sizeof(int) );
    obs->mix = (int*)icvAlloc( total * sizeof(int) );  
    obs->obs_size = obs_size;
    obs_info[0] = obs;
    return CV_NO_ERR;

/*CvStatus icvReleaseObsInfo( CvImgObsInfo** p_obs_info )
    CvImgObsInfo* obs_info = p_obs_info[0];

    icvFree( &(obs_info->obs) );
    icvFree( &(obs_info->mix) );
    icvFree( &(obs_info->state) );
    icvFree( &(obs_info) );

    p_obs_info[0] = NULL;

    return CV_NO_ERR;
} */

//    Name: icvCreate1DHMM
//    Purpose: The function allocates memory for 1-dimensional HMM  
//             and its inner stuff
//    Context:
//    Parameters: hmm - addres of pointer to CvEHMM structure
//                state_number - number of states in HMM
//                num_mix - number of gaussian mixtures in HMM states 
//                          size of array is defined by previous parameter
//                obs_size - length of observation vectors
//    Returns: error status
//    Notes: 
CvStatus icvCreate1DHMM( CvEHMM** this_hmm,
                         int state_number, int* num_mix, int obs_size )
    int i;
    int real_states = state_number;
    CvEHMMState* all_states;
    CvEHMM* hmm;
    int total_mix = 0;
    float* pointers;

    /* allocate memory for hmm */
    hmm = (CvEHMM*)icvAlloc( sizeof(CvEHMM) );
    /* set number of superstates */
    hmm->num_states = state_number;
    hmm->level = 0;
    /* allocate memory for all states */
    all_states = (CvEHMMState *)icvAlloc( real_states * sizeof( CvEHMMState ) );

    /* assign number of mixtures */
    for( i = 0; i < real_states; i++ )
        all_states[i].num_mix = num_mix[i];

    /* compute size of inner of all real states */
    for( i = 0; i < real_states; i++ )
        total_mix += num_mix[i];
    /* allocate memory for states stuff */
    pointers = (float*)icvAlloc( total_mix * (2/*for mu invvar */ * obs_size + 
                                 2/*for weight and log_var_val*/ ) * sizeof( float) );
    /* organize memory */
    for( i = 0; i < real_states; i++ )
        all_states[i].mu      = pointers; pointers += num_mix[i] * obs_size;  
        all_states[i].inv_var = pointers; pointers += num_mix[i] * obs_size;

        all_states[i].log_var_val = pointers; pointers += num_mix[i];
        all_states[i].weight      = pointers; pointers += num_mix[i];
    hmm->u.state = all_states;
    hmm->transP = icvCreateMatrix_32f( hmm->num_states, hmm->num_states );
    hmm->obsProb = NULL;
    /* if all ok - return pointer */
    *this_hmm = hmm;
    return CV_NO_ERR;
/* for now this function works bad with singular cases
   You can see in the code, that when some troubles with
   matrices or some variables occur -
   box filled with zero values is returned.
   However in general function works fine.
static CvStatus icvFitEllipse_32f( CvSeq* points, CvBox2D* box )
    CvStatus status = CV_OK;
    float u[6];

    CvMatr32f D = 0;
    float S[36];            /*  S = D' * D  */
    float C[36];

    float INVQ[36];

    /* transposed eigenvectors */
    float INVEIGV[36];

    /* auxulary matrices */
    float TMP1[36];
    float TMP2[36];

    int i, index = -1;
    float eigenvalues[6];
    float a, b, c, d, e, f;
    float offx, offy;
    float *matr;

    int n = points->total;
    CvSeqReader reader;
    int is_float = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(points) == CV_32FC2;


    /* create matrix D of  input points */
    D = icvCreateMatrix_32f( 6, n );

    offx = offy = 0;
    cvStartReadSeq( points, &reader );

    /* shift all points to zero */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        if( !is_float )
            offx += (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->x;
            offy += (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->y;
            offx += ((CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr)->x;
            offy += ((CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr)->y;
        CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( points->elem_size, reader );

    c = 1.f / n;
    offx *= c;
    offy *= c;

    /* fill matrix rows as (x*x, x*y, y*y, x, y, 1 ) */
    matr = D;
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        float x, y;
        if( !is_float )
            x = (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->x - offx;
            y = (float)((CvPoint*)reader.ptr)->y - offy;
            x = ((CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr)->x - offx;
            y = ((CvPoint2D32f*)reader.ptr)->y - offy;
        CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( points->elem_size, reader );
        matr[0] = x * x;
        matr[1] = x * y;
        matr[2] = y * y;
        matr[3] = x;
        matr[4] = y;
        matr[5] = 1.f;
        matr += 6;

    /* compute S */
    icvMulTransMatrixR_32f( D, 6, n, S );

    /* fill matrix C */
    icvSetZero_32f( C, 6, 6 );
    C[2] = 2.f;  //icvSetElement_32f( C, 6, 6, 0, 2, 2.f );
    C[7] = -1.f; //icvSetElement_32f( C, 6, 6, 1, 1, -1.f );
    C[12] = 2.f; //icvSetElement_32f( C, 6, 6, 2, 0, 2.f );
    /* find eigenvalues */
    //status1 = icvJacobiEigens_32f( S, INVEIGV, eigenvalues, 6, 0.f );
    //assert( status1 == CV_OK );
    _S = cvMat( 6, 6, CV_32F, S );
    _EIGVECS = cvMat( 6, 6, CV_32F, INVEIGV );
    _EIGVALS = cvMat( 6, 1, CV_32F, eigenvalues );
    cvEigenVV( &_S, &_EIGVECS, &_EIGVALS, 0 );

    //avoid troubles with small negative values
    for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
        eigenvalues[i] = (float)fabs(eigenvalues[i]);

    cvbSqrt( eigenvalues, eigenvalues, 6 );
    cvbInvSqrt( eigenvalues, eigenvalues, 6 );

    for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
        icvScaleVector_32f( &INVEIGV[i * 6], &INVEIGV[i * 6], 6, eigenvalues[i] );

    // INVQ = transp(INVEIGV) * INVEIGV
    icvMulTransMatrixR_32f( INVEIGV, 6, 6, INVQ );
    /* create matrix INVQ*C*INVQ */
    icvMulMatrix_32f( INVQ, 6, 6, C, 6, 6, TMP1 );
    icvMulMatrix_32f( TMP1, 6, 6, INVQ, 6, 6, TMP2 );

    /* find its eigenvalues and vectors */
    //status1 = icvJacobiEigens_32f( TMP2, INVEIGV, eigenvalues, 6, 0.f );
    //assert( status1 == CV_OK );
    _S = cvMat( 6, 6, CV_32F, TMP2 );
    cvEigenVV( &_S, &_EIGVECS, &_EIGVALS, 0 );

    /* search for positive eigenvalue */
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        if( eigenvalues[i] > 0 )
            index = i;

    /* only 3 eigenvalues must be not zero 
       and only one of them must be positive 
       if it is not true - return zero result
    if( index == -1 )
        box->center.x = box->center.y = 
        box->size.width = box->size.height = 
        box->angle = 0.f;
        goto error;

    /* now find truthful eigenvector */
    icvTransformVector_32f( INVQ, &INVEIGV[index * 6], u, 6, 6 );
    /* extract vector components */
    a = u[0];
    b = u[1];
    c = u[2];
    d = u[3];
    e = u[4];
    f = u[5];
        /* extract ellipse axes from above values */

           1) find center of ellipse 
           it satisfy equation  
           | a     b/2 | *  | x0 | +  | d/2 | = |0 |
           | b/2    c  |    | y0 |    | e/2 |   |0 |

        float x0, y0;
        float idet = 1.f / (a * c - b * b * 0.25f);

        /* we must normalize (a b c d e f ) to fit (4ac-b^2=1) */
        float scale = cvSqrt( 0.25f * idet );

        if (!scale) 
            box->center.x = box->center.y = 
            box->size.width = box->size.height = 
            box->angle = 0.f;
            goto error;
        a *= scale;
        b *= scale;
        c *= scale;
        d *= scale;
        e *= scale;
        f *= scale;

        //x0 = box->center.x = (-d * c * 0.5f + e * b * 0.25f) * 4.f;
        //y0 = box->center.y = (-a * e * 0.5f + d * b * 0.25f) * 4.f;
        x0 = box->center.x = (-d * c + e * b * 0.5f) * 2.f;
        y0 = box->center.y = (-a * e + d * b * 0.5f) * 2.f;

        /* offset ellipse to (x0,y0) */
        /* new f == F(x0,y0) */
        f += a * x0 * x0 + b * x0 * y0 + c * y0 * y0 + d * x0 + e * y0;

        if (!f) 
            box->center.x = box->center.y = 
            box->size.width = box->size.height = 
            box->angle = 0.f;
            goto error;

        scale = -1.f / f;
        /* normalize to f = 1 */
        a *= scale;
        b *= scale;
        c *= scale;
    /* recover center */
    box->center.x += offx;
    box->center.y += offy;

    /* extract axis of ellipse */
    /* one more eigenvalue operation */
    TMP1[0] = a;
    TMP1[1] = TMP1[2] = b * 0.5f;
    TMP1[3] = c;

    //status1 = icvJacobiEigens_32f( TMP1, INVEIGV, eigenvalues, 2, 0.f );
    //assert( status1 == CV_OK );
    _S = cvMat( 2, 2, CV_32F, TMP1 );
    _EIGVECS = cvMat( 2, 2, CV_32F, INVEIGV );
    _EIGVALS = cvMat( 2, 1, CV_32F, eigenvalues );
    cvEigenVV( &_S, &_EIGVECS, &_EIGVALS, 0 );

    /* exteract axis length from eigenvectors */
    box->size.height = 2 * cvInvSqrt( eigenvalues[0] );
    box->size.width = 2 * cvInvSqrt( eigenvalues[1] );

    if ( !(box->size.height && box->size.width) )

    /* calc angle */
    box->angle = cvFastArctan( INVEIGV[3], INVEIGV[2] );


    if( D )
        icvDeleteMatrix( D );

    return status;