    // expr to interpolate
    int is3D = 0;
    if( Dim == 3 )
        is3D = 1;

    auto myexpr = unitX() + unitY() + is3D*unitZ() ; //(1,1)

    auto mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new Mesh<Simplex<Dim>> );
    space_ptrtype Xh = space_type::New( mesh ); // RT function space

    auto u_on = Xh->element();
    auto u_proj = Xh->element();

    //test on keyword
    u_on.on(_range=elements(mesh), _expr=myexpr);
    //test project keyword
    u_proj = vf::project(_space=Xh, _range=elements(mesh), _expr=myexpr);

    //L2 norm of error
    auto error_on = vf::project(_space=Xh, _range=elements(mesh), _expr=myexpr - idv(u_on) );
    double L2error_on = error_on.l2Norm();
    std::cout << "[on] L2 error  = " << L2error_on << std::endl;

    auto error_proj = vf::project(_space=Xh, _range=elements(mesh), _expr=myexpr - idv(u_proj) );
    double L2error_proj = error_proj.l2Norm();
    std::cout << "[proj] L2 error  = " << L2error_proj << std::endl;
// <int Order_s, int Order_p, int Order_t>
void Convection::updateJacobian2( const vector_ptrtype& X,
        sparse_matrix_ptrtype& D )
    mesh_ptrtype mesh = Xh->mesh();
    element_type U( Xh, "u" );
    U = *X;
    LOG(INFO) << "[updateJacobian] ||X|| = " << U.l2Norm() << "\n";
    element_type V( Xh, "v" );
    element_type W( Xh, "v" );
    element_0_type u = U. element<0>(); // fonction vitesse
    element_0_type v = V. element<0>(); // fonction test vitesse
    element_1_type p = U. element<1>(); // fonction pression
    element_1_type q = V. element<1>(); // fonction test pression
    element_2_type t = U. element<2>(); // fonction temperature
    element_2_type s = V. element<2>(); // fonction test temperature
#if defined( FEELPP_USE_LM )
    element_3_type xi = U. element<3>(); // fonction multipliers
    element_3_type eta = V. element<3>(); // fonction test multipliers

    double gr= M_current_Grashofs;
    double sqgr( 1/math::sqrt( gr ) );
    double pr = M_current_Prandtl;
    double sqgrpr=( 1/( pr*math::sqrt( gr ) ) );
    double gamma( this->vm()["penalbc"]. as<double>() );
    double dt=this->vm()["dt"]. as<double>();
    int adim=this->vm()["adim"]. as<int>();
    double pC=1;

    if ( adim == 0 ) pC = this->vm()["pC"]. as<double>();

    // temperature derivatives
    // heat convection by the fluid: attention 2 terms
    form2( _test=Xh, _trial=Xh, _matrix=D ) +=
        integrate ( elements( mesh ),
                    pC*grad( s )*( idv( t )*idt( u ) ) );

    form2( _test=Xh, _trial=Xh, _matrix=D ) +=
        integrate ( elements( mesh ),
                    pC*grad( s )*( idt( t )*idv( u ) ) );

    form2( _test=Xh, _trial=Xh, _matrix=D ) +=
        integrate ( boundaryfaces( mesh ),
                    pC*( trans( idv( u ) )*N() )*id( s )*idt( t ) );

    form2( _test=Xh, _trial=Xh, _matrix=D ) +=
        integrate ( boundaryfaces( mesh ),
                    pC*( trans( idt( u ) )*N() )*id( s )*idv( t ) );

    LOG(INFO) << "[updateJacobian2] Temperature convection terms done\n";

    LOG(INFO) << "[updateJacobian2] Temperature weak Dirichlet BC terms done\n";

Beispiel #3
        double L2_error(const space_ptrtype & Xh, const element_type & T, const double & values) const
            // replace params by specified values
            ex solution = getSolution(values);

            auto g = expr(solution,vars);
            auto mesh = Xh->mesh();
            return  math::sqrt( integrate( elements(mesh), Px()*(idv(T) - g)*(idv(T) - g) ).evaluate()(0,0) );
 void updateCinematicViscosity( std::string const& marker = "" )
     std::string markerUsed = ( marker.empty() )? self_type::defaultMaterialName() : marker;
     M_cstCinematicViscosity[markerUsed] = this->cstMu(markerUsed)/this->cstRho(markerUsed);
     if ( M_fieldCinematicViscosity )
         if ( marker.empty() )
                                           _expr=idv(this->fieldMu())/idv(this->fieldRho()) );
                                           _expr=idv(this->fieldMu())/idv(this->fieldRho()) );
Beispiel #5
DrivenCavity<Dim>::Jacobian(const vector_ptrtype& X, sparse_matrix_ptrtype& J)
    auto U = Vh->element( "(u,p)" );
    auto V = Vh->element( "(v,q)" );
    auto u = U.template element<0>( "u" );
    auto v = V.template element<0>( "u" );
    auto p = U.template element<1>( "p" );
    auto q = V.template element<1>( "p" );
    //#if defined( FEELPP_USE_LM )
    auto lambda = U.template element<2>();
    auto nu = V.template element<2>();


    if (!J) J = backend(_name="newtonns")->newMatrix( Vh, Vh );
    auto a = form2( _test=Vh, _trial=Vh, _matrix=J );
    a = integrate( elements( mesh ), inner(gradt( u ),grad( v ))/Re );
    a += integrate( elements( mesh ), id(q)*divt(u) -idt(p)*div(v) );
    // Convective terms
    a += integrate( elements( mesh ), trans(id(v))*gradv(u)*idt(u));
    a += integrate( elements( mesh ), trans(id(v))*gradt(u)*idv(u));

    //#if defined( FEELPP_USE_LM )
    a += integrate(elements(mesh), id(q)*idt(lambda)+idt(p)*id(nu));
    //a += integrate(elements(mesh), idt(p)*id(nu));

    //Weak Dirichlet conditions
    a += integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ),-trans( -idt(p)*N()+gradt(u)*N()/Re )*id( v ));//
    a += integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ),-trans( -id(p)*N()+grad(u)*N()/Re )*idt( u ));//
    a += integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ), +penalbc*inner( idt( u ),id( v ) )/hFace() );

TestInterpolationHDiv<Dim>::testInterpolationOneElt( std::string one_element_mesh )
    // expr to interpolate
    int is3D = 0;
    if( Dim == 3 )
        is3D = 1;

    auto myexpr = unitX() + unitY() + is3D*unitZ() ; //(1,1)

    // one element mesh
    auto mesh_name = one_element_mesh + ".msh"; //create the mesh and load it
    fs::path mesh_path( mesh_name );

    mesh_ptrtype oneelement_mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,

    // refined mesh (export)
    auto refine_level = std::floor(1 - math::log( 0.1 )); //Deduce refine level from meshSize (option)
    mesh_ptrtype mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,
                                  _refine=( int )refine_level);

    space_ptrtype Xh = space_type::New( oneelement_mesh );
    //std::cout << "nb dof = " << Xh->nDof() << std::endl;

    std::vector<std::string> faces;
    if(Dim == 2)
        faces = { "hypo","vert","hor"};
    else if (Dim == 3)
        faces = {"xzFace","xyFace","xyzFace","yzFace"};

    element_type U_h_int = Xh->element();
    element_type U_h_on = Xh->element();

    // handly computed interpolant coeff (in hdiv basis)
    for ( int i = 0; i < Xh->nLocalDof(); ++i )
            CHECK( mesh->hasMarkers( {faces[i]} ) );
            U_h_int(i) = integrate( markedfaces( oneelement_mesh, faces[i] ), trans( N() )*myexpr ).evaluate()(0,0);

    // raviart-thomas interpolant using on
    U_h_on.on(_range=elements(oneelement_mesh), _expr=myexpr);

    auto exporter_proj = exporter( _mesh=mesh, _name=( boost::format( "%1%-%2%" ) % this->about().appName() %mesh_path.stem().string() ).str() );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "U_interpolation_handly-" + mesh_path.stem().string(), U_h_int );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "U_interpolation_on-" + mesh_path.stem().string(), U_h_on );

    U_h_int.printMatlab( "U_h_int_" + mesh_path.stem().string() + ".m" );
    U_h_on.printMatlab( "U_h_on_" + mesh_path.stem().string() + ".m" );

    //L2 norm of error
    auto error = vf::project(_space=Xh, _range=elements(oneelement_mesh), _expr=idv(U_h_int) - idv(U_h_on) );
    double L2error = error.l2Norm();
    std::cout << "L2 error  = " << L2error << std::endl;
TestInterpolationHCurl::testInterpolation( std::string one_element_mesh )
    // expr to interpolate
    auto myexpr = unitX() + unitY(); //(1,1)

    // one element mesh
    auto mesh_name = one_element_mesh + ".msh"; //create the mesh and load it
    fs::path mesh_path( mesh_name );

    mesh_ptrtype oneelement_mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,

    // refined mesh (export)
    auto refine_level = std::floor(1 - math::log( 0.1 )); //Deduce refine level from meshSize (option)
    mesh_ptrtype mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,
                                  _refine=( int )refine_level);

    space_ptrtype Xh = space_type::New( oneelement_mesh );
    std::vector<std::string> faces, edges; //list of edges
    edges = {"hypo","vert","hor"};

    element_type U_h_int = Xh->element();
    element_type U_h_on = Xh->element();
    element_type U_h_on_boundary = Xh->element();

    // handly computed interpolant coeff (in hcurl basis)
    for ( int i = 0; i < Xh->nLocalDof(); ++i )
            CHECK( oneelement_mesh->hasMarkers( {edges[i]} ) );
            U_h_int(i) = integrate( markedfaces( oneelement_mesh, edges[i] ), trans( T() )*myexpr ).evaluate()(0,0);

    // nedelec interpolant using on
    U_h_on.on(_range=elements(oneelement_mesh), _expr=myexpr);
    U_h_on_boundary.on(_range=boundaryfaces(oneelement_mesh), _expr=myexpr);

    auto exporter_proj = exporter( _mesh=mesh, _name=( boost::format( "%1%" ) % this->about().appName() ).str() );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "U_interpolation_handly_"+mesh_path.stem().string(), U_h_int );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "U_interpolation_on_"+mesh_path.stem().string(), U_h_on );

    // print coefficient only for reference element
    U_h_int.printMatlab( "U_h_int_" + mesh_path.stem().string() + ".m" );
    U_h_on.printMatlab( "U_h_on_" + mesh_path.stem().string() + ".m" );
    U_h_on_boundary.printMatlab( "U_h_on_boundary_" + mesh_path.stem().string() + ".m" );

    //L2 norm of error
    auto error = vf::project(_space=Xh, _range=elements(oneelement_mesh), _expr=idv(U_h_int) - idv(U_h_on) );
    double L2error = error.l2Norm();
    std::cout << "L2 error (elements)  = " << L2error << std::endl;

    auto error_boundary = vf::project(_space=Xh, _range=boundaryfaces(oneelement_mesh), _expr=idv(U_h_int) - idv(U_h_on_boundary) );
    double L2error_boundary = error_boundary.l2Norm();
    std::cout << "L2 error (boundary)  = " << L2error_boundary << std::endl;
    BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( L2error_boundary - L2error, 1e-13 );
Beispiel #8
extern int shapeop_addConstraint(ShapeOpSolver *op, const char *constraintType, int *ids, int nb_ids, ShapeOpScalar weight) {

  const std::string ct(constraintType);
  std::vector<int> idv(ids, ids + nb_ids);
  std::shared_ptr<ShapeOp::Constraint> c = ShapeOp::Constraint::shapeConstraintFactory(ct, idv, weight, op->s->getPoints());
  if (!c) { return -1; }
  return op->s->addConstraint(c);
Beispiel #9
// Generate 'usage' and 'help' properties for the given object.
// JS_DefineFunctionsWithHelp will define individual function objects with both
// of those properties (eg getpid.usage = "getpid()" and getpid.help = "return
// the process id"). This function will generate strings for an "interface
// object", eg os.file, which contains some number of functions.
// .usage will be set to "<name> - interface object".
// .help will be set to a newline-separated list of functions that have either
// 'help' or 'usage' properties. Functions are described with their usage
// strings, if they have them, else with just their names.
GenerateInterfaceHelp(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, const char* name)
    AutoIdVector idv(cx);
    if (!GetPropertyKeys(cx, obj, JSITER_OWNONLY | JSITER_HIDDEN, &idv))
        return false;

    StringBuffer buf(cx);
    int numEntries = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < idv.length(); i++) {
        RootedId id(cx, idv[i]);
        RootedValue v(cx);
        if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, obj, id, &v))
            return false;
        if (!v.isObject())
        RootedObject prop(cx, &v.toObject());

        RootedValue usage(cx);
        RootedValue help(cx);
        if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, prop, "usage", &usage))
            return false;
        if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, prop, "help", &help))
            return false;
        if (!usage.isString() && !help.isString())

        if (numEntries && !buf.append("\n"))
            return false;

        if (!buf.append("  ", 2))
            return false;

        if (!buf.append(usage.isString() ? usage.toString() : JSID_TO_FLAT_STRING(id)))
            return false;

    RootedString s(cx, buf.finishString());
    if (!s || !JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "help", s, 0))
        return false;

    if (!buf.append(name, strlen(name)) || !buf.append(" - interface object with ", 25))
        return false;
    char cbuf[100];
    SprintfLiteral(cbuf, "%d %s", numEntries, numEntries == 1 ? "entry" : "entries");
    if (!buf.append(cbuf, strlen(cbuf)))
        return false;
    s = buf.finishString();
    if (!s || !JS_DefineProperty(cx, obj, "usage", s, 0))
        return false;

    return true;
ThermalBlockMinimalVersion::output( int output_index, parameter_type const& mu , element_type& u, bool need_to_solve)

    double output=0;
    auto mesh = Xh->mesh();

    if ( output_index==0 )
        output =  integrate( _range=markedfaces( mesh,"south_domain-1" ), _expr= idv( u ) ).evaluate()(0,0)
                + integrate( _range=markedfaces( mesh,"south_domain-2" ), _expr= idv( u ) ).evaluate()(0,0)
                + integrate( _range=markedfaces( mesh,"south_domain-3" ), _expr= idv( u ) ).evaluate()(0,0);
        throw std::logic_error( "[ThermalBlock::output] error with output_index : only 0 " );

    return output;
Beispiel #11
DrivenCavity<Dim>::Residual(const vector_ptrtype& X, vector_ptrtype& R)
    auto U = Vh->element( "(u,p)" );
    auto V = Vh->element( "(v,q)" );
    auto u = U.template element<0>( "u" );
    //auto u_exact = U.template element<0>( "u_exact" );
    auto v = V.template element<0>( "u" );
    auto p = U.template element<1>( "p" );
    auto q = V.template element<1>( "p" );
    //#if defined( FEELPP_USE_LM )
    auto lambda = U.template element<2>();
    auto nu = V.template element<2>();

    auto uex=unitX();
    auto u_exact=vf::project(Vh->template functionSpace<0>(), markedfaces(mesh, "wall2"), uex );

    auto r = form1( _test=Vh, _vector=R );
    //r += integrate( elements( mesh ),-inner( f,id( v ) ) );
    r = integrate( elements( mesh ), trans(gradv( u )*idv(u))*id(v));//convective term
    r += integrate( elements( mesh ), inner(gradv( u ),grad( v ))/Re );
    r +=  integrate( elements( mesh ),-idv(p)*div(v) + id(q)*divv(u));
    //#if defined( FEELPP_USE_LM )
    r += integrate ( elements( mesh ), +id( q )*idv( lambda )+idv( p )*id( nu ) );

    //Weak Dirichlet
    auto SigmaNv = ( -idv( p )*N() + gradv( u )*N()/Re );
    auto SigmaN = ( -id( q )*N() + grad( v )*N()/Re );
    r +=integrate ( boundaryfaces(mesh), - trans( SigmaNv )*id( v ) - trans( SigmaN )*( idv( u ) -idv(u_exact) ) + penalbc*trans( idv( u ) - idv(u_exact) )*id( v )/hFace() );

Beispiel #12
    auto mesh = loadMesh(_mesh = new mesh_type ,_update = MESH_CHECK|MESH_UPDATE_FACES|MESH_UPDATE_EDGES|MESH_RENUMBER );
    auto Xh = space_type::New( mesh );
    auto Xhm1 = space_pm1_type::New( mesh );
    auto Xhm1vec = space_pm1vec_type::New( mesh );

    auto phi = Xh->element();
    auto gphi = Xhm1vec->element();
    auto gphi0 = Xhm1->element();
    phi = vf::project(Xh,elements(mesh), Px()*Px() + Py()*Py() );
    // P0 vector
    gphi = vf::project(Xhm1vec, elements(mesh), trans( gradv(phi) ) );
    // P0 scalar
    auto gphi_compx = gphi.comp( ( ComponentType )0 );
    gphi0 = vf::project(Xhm1, elements(mesh), idv(gphi_compx) );

    auto   e = exporter(_mesh = mesh, _name = "myExporter");
    e->add( "phi", phi );
    e->add( "grad_phi", gphi );
    e->add( "grad_phi0", gphi0 );
void run()

    Environment::changeRepository( boost::format( "/testsuite/feeldiscr/%1%/P%2%/" )
                                   % Environment::about().appName()
                                   % OrderPoly );

    /* change parameters below */
    const int nDim = 2;
    const int nOrderPoly = OrderPoly;
    const int nOrderGeo = 1;


    typedef Mesh< Simplex<nDim, 1,nDim> > mesh_type;
    typedef Mesh< Simplex<nDim, 1,nDim> > mesh_bis_type;

    double meshSize = option("hsize").as<double>();
    double meshSizeBis = option("hsize-bis").as<double>();

    // mesh
    GeoTool::Node x1( 0,0 );
    GeoTool::Node x2( 4,1 );
    GeoTool::Rectangle Omega( meshSize,"Omega",x1,x2 );
    Omega.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Entree",_marker4=true );
    Omega.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Sortie",_marker2=true );
    Omega.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Paroi",_marker1=true,_marker3=true );
    Omega.setMarker( _type="surface",_name="Fluid",_markerAll=true );
    auto mesh = Omega.createMesh(_mesh=new mesh_type,_name="omega_"+ mesh_type::shape_type::name() );
    LOG(INFO) << "created mesh\n";

    GeoTool::Rectangle OmegaBis( meshSizeBis,"Omega",x1,x2 );
    OmegaBis.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Entree",_marker4=true );
    OmegaBis.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Sortie",_marker2=true );
    OmegaBis.setMarker( _type="line",_name="Paroi",_marker1=true,_marker3=true );
    OmegaBis.setMarker( _type="surface",_name="Fluid",_markerAll=true );
    auto meshBis = OmegaBis.createMesh(_mesh=new mesh_bis_type,_name="omegaBis_"+ mesh_type::shape_type::name() );

    //auto meshBis= mesh->createP1mesh();
    LOG(INFO) << "created meshBis\n";

    typedef Lagrange<nOrderPoly,Scalar,Continuous,PointSetFekete> basis_type;
    typedef FunctionSpace<mesh_type, bases<basis_type> > space_type;

    auto Xh = space_type::New( mesh );
    auto u = Xh->element();
    auto v = Xh->element();
    auto u2 = Xh->element();
    LOG(INFO) << "created space and elements\n";

    auto mybackend = backend();


    auto A = mybackend->newMatrix( Xh, Xh );
    auto F = mybackend->newVector( Xh );
    auto pi = cst( M_PI );
    auto u_exact = cos( pi*Px() )*sin( pi*Py() );
    auto dudx = -pi*sin( pi*Px() )*sin( pi*Py() );
    auto dudy = pi*cos( pi*Px() )*cos( pi*Py() );
    auto grad_u_uexact = vec( dudx,dudy );
    auto lap = -2*pi*pi*cos( pi*Px() )*sin( pi*Py() );
    //auto lap = -pi*pi*cos(pi*Px())*sin(pi*Py())
    //    -pi*pi*cos(pi*Px())*sin(pi*Py());
    LOG(INFO) << "created exact data and matrix/vector\n";

    auto f = -lap;//cst(1.);
    double gammabc=10;

    // assemblage
    form2( Xh, Xh, A, _init=true ) =
        integrate( elements( mesh ), //_Q<15>(),
                   + gradt( u )*trans( grad( v ) ) );

    form2( Xh, Xh, A ) +=
        integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ),
                   - gradt( u )*N()*id( v )
                   + gammabc*idt( u )*id( v )/hFace() );

    form1( Xh, F, _init=true ) =
        integrate( elements( mesh ), // _Q<10>(),
                   trans( f )*id( v ) );

    form1( Xh, F ) +=
        integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ),
                   + gammabc*u_exact*id( v )/hFace() );

    LOG(INFO) << "A,F assembled\n";

    //form2( Xh, Xh, A ) +=
    //    on( boundaryfaces(mesh) , u, F, u_exact );

    // solve system
    mybackend->solve( A,u,F );
    LOG(INFO) << "A u = F solved\n";

    auto a2 = form2( _test=Xh, _trial=Xh );
    auto f2 = form1( _test=Xh );
    LOG(INFO) << "created form2 a2 and form1 F2\n";

    // assemblage

    a2 = integrate( elements( meshBis ),
                    + gradt( u2 )*trans( grad( v ) ),
                    _Q<10>() );
    LOG(INFO) << "a2 grad.grad term\n";
    a2 += integrate( boundaryfaces( meshBis ),
                     - gradt( u2 )*N()*id( v )
                     + gammabc*idt( u2 )*id( v )/hFace(),
                     _Q<10>() );
    LOG(INFO) << "a2 weak dirichlet terms\n";

    f2 = integrate( elements( meshBis ),
                    trans( f )*id( v ),
                    _Q<10>() );
    LOG(INFO) << "f2 source term\n";
    f2 += integrate( boundaryfaces( meshBis ),
                     + gammabc*u_exact*id( v )/hFace(),
                     _Q<10>() );
    LOG(INFO) << "f2 dirichlet terms\n";

    LOG(INFO) << "a2,f2 assembled\n";

    //form2( Xh, Xh, A2 ) +=
    //     on( boundaryfaces(mesh) , u2, F2, u_exact );

#if 0

    for ( size_type i = 0 ; i< F->size() ; ++i )
        auto errOnF = std::abs( ( *F )( i )-( *F2 )( i ) );

        if ( errOnF > 1e-8 )
            std::cout << "\nerrOnF : " << errOnF;

    std::cout << "\nFin errOnF !!!!\n";

    // solve system
    a2.solve( _rhs=f2, _solution=u2 );

    auto diff = std::sqrt( integrate( elements( mesh ), ( idv( u )-idv( u2 ) )*( idv( u )-idv( u2 ) ) ).evaluate()( 0,0 ) );
#if 0
    auto int1 = integrate( elements( mesh ), abs( idv( u ) ) ).evaluate()( 0,0 );
    auto int2 = integrate( elements( mesh ), abs( idv( u2 ) ) ).evaluate()( 0,0 );

    std::cout << "\nThe diff : " << diff
              << " int1 :" << int1
              << " int2 :" << int2
              << "\n";
    BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( diff,1e-2 );


    if ( option("exporter.export").as<bool>() )
        // export
        auto ex = exporter( _mesh=mesh );
        ex->add( "u", u );
        ex->add( "ubis", u2 );
Beispiel #14

    auto U = Xh->element( "(u,p)" );
    auto V = Xh->element( "(u,q)" );
    auto u = U.element<0>( "u" );
    auto v = V.element<0>( "u" );
    auto p = U.element<1>( "p" );
    auto q = V.element<1>( "p" );
#if defined( FEELPP_USE_LM )
    auto lambda = U.element<2>();
    auto nu = V.element<2>();
    //# endmarker4 #

    LOG(INFO) << "[dof]         number of dof: " << Xh->nDof() << "\n";
    LOG(INFO) << "[dof]    number of dof/proc: " << Xh->nLocalDof() << "\n";
    LOG(INFO) << "[dof]      number of dof(U): " << Xh->functionSpace<0>()->nDof()  << "\n";
    LOG(INFO) << "[dof] number of dof/proc(U): " << Xh->functionSpace<0>()->nLocalDof()  << "\n";
    LOG(INFO) << "[dof]      number of dof(P): " << Xh->functionSpace<1>()->nDof()  << "\n";
    LOG(INFO) << "[dof] number of dof/proc(P): " << Xh->functionSpace<1>()->nLocalDof()  << "\n";

    LOG(INFO) << "Data Summary:\n";
    LOG(INFO) << "   hsize = " << meshSize << "\n";
    LOG(INFO) << "  export = " << this->vm().count( "export" ) << "\n";
    LOG(INFO) << "      mu = " << mu << "\n";
    LOG(INFO) << " bccoeff = " << penalbc << "\n";

    //# marker5 #
    auto deft = gradt( u )+trans(gradt(u));
    auto def = grad( v )+trans(grad(v));
    //# endmarker5 #

    //# marker6 #
    // total stress tensor (trial)
    auto SigmaNt = -idt( p )*N()+mu*deft*N();

    // total stress tensor (test)
    auto SigmaN = -id( p )*N()+mu*def*N();
    //# endmarker6 #

    auto F = M_backend->newVector( Xh );
    auto D =  M_backend->newMatrix( Xh, Xh );

    // right hand side
    auto ns_rhs = form1( _test=Xh, _vector=F );

    LOG(INFO) << "[navier-stokes] vector local assembly done\n";

    // construction of the BDF
    auto bdfns=bdf(_space=Xh);

     * Construction of the left hand side

    auto navierstokes = form2( _test=Xh, _trial=Xh, _matrix=D );
    mpi::timer chrono;
    navierstokes += integrate( elements( mesh ), mu*inner( deft,def )+ trans(idt( u ))*id( v )*bdfns->polyDerivCoefficient( 0 ) );
    LOG(INFO) << "mu*inner(deft,def)+(bdf(u),v): " << chrono.elapsed() << "\n";
    navierstokes +=integrate( elements( mesh ), - div( v )*idt( p ) + divt( u )*id( q ) );
    LOG(INFO) << "(u,p): " << chrono.elapsed() << "\n";
#if defined( FEELPP_USE_LM )
    navierstokes +=integrate( elements( mesh ), id( q )*idt( lambda ) + idt( p )*id( nu ) );
    LOG(INFO) << "(lambda,p): " << chrono.elapsed() << "\n";

    std::for_each( inflow_conditions.begin(), inflow_conditions.end(),
                   [&]( BoundaryCondition const&  bc )
                       // right hand side
                       ns_rhs += integrate( markedfaces( mesh, bc.marker() ), inner( idf(&bc,BoundaryCondition::operator()),-SigmaN+penalbc*id( v )/hFace() ) );

                       navierstokes +=integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ), -inner( SigmaNt,id( v ) ) );
                       navierstokes +=integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ), -inner( SigmaN,idt( u ) ) );
                       navierstokes +=integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ), +penalbc*inner( idt( u ),id( v ) )/hFace() );
    std::for_each( wall_conditions.begin(), wall_conditions.end(),
                   [&]( BoundaryCondition const&  bc )
                       navierstokes +=integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ), -inner( SigmaNt,id( v ) ) );
                       navierstokes +=integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ), -inner( SigmaN,idt( u ) ) );
                       navierstokes +=integrate( boundaryfaces( mesh ), +penalbc*inner( idt( u ),id( v ) )/hFace() );
    std::for_each( outflow_conditions.begin(), outflow_conditions.end(),
                   [&]( BoundaryCondition const&  bc )
                       ns_rhs += integrate( markedfaces( mesh, bc.marker() ), inner( idf(&bc,BoundaryCondition::operator()),N() ) );

    LOG(INFO) << "bc: " << chrono.elapsed() << "\n";

    u = vf::project( _space=Xh->functionSpace<0>(), _expr=cst(0.) );
    p = vf::project( _space=Xh->functionSpace<1>(), _expr=cst(0.) );

    M_bdf->initialize( U );

    for( bdfns->start(); bdfns->isFinished(); bdfns->next() )
        // add time dependent terms
        auto bdf_poly = bdfns->polyDeriv();
        form1( _test=Xh, _vector=Ft ) =
            integrate( _range=elements(mesh), _expr=trans(idv( bdf_poly ))*id( v ) );
        // add convective terms
        form1( _test=Xh, _vector=Ft ) +=
            integrate( _range=elements(mesh), _expr=trans(gradv(u)*idv( u ))*id(v) );
        // add contrib from time independent terms
        Ft->add( 1., F );

        // add time stepping terms from BDF to right hand side
        backend()->solve( _matrix=D, _solution=U, _rhs=Ft );

        this->exportResults( bdfns->time(), U );

} // NavierNavierstokes::run
TestInterpolationHCurl3D::testInterpolation( std::string one_element_mesh )
    //auto myexpr = unitX() + unitY() + unitZ() ; //(1,1,1)
    auto myexpr = vec( cst(1.), cst(1.), cst(1.));

    // one element mesh
    auto mesh_name = one_element_mesh + ".msh"; //create the mesh and load it
    fs::path mesh_path( mesh_name );

    mesh_ptrtype oneelement_mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,

    // refined mesh (export)
    auto refine_level = std::floor(1 - math::log( 0.1 )); //Deduce refine level from meshSize (option)
    mesh_ptrtype mesh = loadMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,
                                  _refine=( int )refine_level);

    space_ptrtype Xh = space_type::New( oneelement_mesh );

    std::vector<std::string> faces = {"yzFace","xyzFace","xyFace"};
    std::vector<std::string> edges = {"zAxis","yAxis","yzAxis","xyAxis","xzAxis","xAxis"};

    element_type U_h_int = Xh->element();
    element_type U_h_on = Xh->element();
    element_type U_h_on_boundary = Xh->element();

    submesh1d_ptrtype edgeMesh( new submesh1d_type );
    edgeMesh = createSubmesh(oneelement_mesh, boundaryedges(oneelement_mesh) ); //submesh of edges

    // Tangents on ref element
    auto t0 = vec(cst(0.),cst(0.),cst(-2.));
    auto t1 = vec(cst(0.),cst(2.),cst(0.));
    auto t2 = vec(cst(0.),cst(-2.),cst(2.));
    auto t3 = vec(cst(2.),cst(-2.),cst(0.));
    auto t4 = vec(cst(2.),cst(0.),cst(-2.));
    auto t5 = vec(cst(2.),cst(0.),cst(0.));

    // Jacobian of geometrical transforms
    std::string jac;
    if(mesh_path.stem().string() == "one-elt-ref-3d" || mesh_path.stem().string() == "one-elt-real-h**o-3d" )
        jac = "{1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1}:x:y:z";
    else if(mesh_path.stem().string() == "one-elt-real-rotx" )
        jac = "{1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,1,0}:x:y:z";
    else if(mesh_path.stem().string() == "one-elt-real-roty" )
        jac = "{0,0,1,0,1,0,-1,0,0}:x:y:z";
    else if(mesh_path.stem().string() == "one-elt-real-rotz" )
        jac = "{0,-1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1}:x:y:z";

    U_h_int(0) = integrate( markedelements(edgeMesh, edges[0]), trans(expr<3,3>(jac)*t0)*myexpr ).evaluate()(0,0);
    U_h_int(1) = integrate( markedelements(edgeMesh, edges[1]), trans(expr<3,3>(jac)*t1)*myexpr ).evaluate()(0,0);
    U_h_int(2) = integrate( markedelements(edgeMesh, edges[2]), trans(expr<3,3>(jac)*t2)*myexpr ).evaluate()(0,0);
    U_h_int(3) = integrate( markedelements(edgeMesh, edges[3]), trans(expr<3,3>(jac)*t3)*myexpr ).evaluate()(0,0);
    U_h_int(4) = integrate( markedelements(edgeMesh, edges[4]), trans(expr<3,3>(jac)*t4)*myexpr ).evaluate()(0,0);
    U_h_int(5) = integrate( markedelements(edgeMesh, edges[5]), trans(expr<3,3>(jac)*t5)*myexpr ).evaluate()(0,0);

    for(int i=0; i<edges.size(); i++)
            double edgeLength = integrate( markedelements(edgeMesh, edges[i]), cst(1.) ).evaluate()(0,0);
            U_h_int(i) /= edgeLength;

#if 0 //Doesn't work for now
    for(int i=0; i<Xh->nLocalDof(); i++)
            CHECK( edgeMesh->hasMarkers( {edges[i]} ) );
            U_h_int(i) = integrate( markedelements(edgeMesh, edges[i]), trans( print(T(),"T=") )*myexpr ).evaluate()(0,0);
            std::cout << "U_h_int(" << i << ")= " << U_h_int(i) << std::endl;

    // nedelec interpolant using on keyword
    // interpolate on element
    U_h_on.on(_range=elements(oneelement_mesh), _expr=myexpr);
    U_h_on_boundary.on(_range=boundaryfaces(oneelement_mesh), _expr=myexpr);

    auto exporter_proj = exporter( _mesh=mesh, _name=( boost::format( "%1%" ) % this->about().appName() ).str() );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "U_interpolation_handly_"+mesh_path.stem().string(), U_h_int );
    exporter_proj->step( 0 )->add( "U_interpolation_on_"+mesh_path.stem().string(), U_h_on );

    // print coefficient only for reference element
    U_h_int.printMatlab( "U_h_int_" + mesh_path.stem().string() + ".m" );
    U_h_on.printMatlab( "U_h_on_" + mesh_path.stem().string() + ".m" );
    U_h_on_boundary.printMatlab( "U_h_on_boundary_" + mesh_path.stem().string() + ".m" );

    //L2 norm of error
    auto error = vf::project(_space=Xh, _range=elements(oneelement_mesh), _expr=idv(U_h_int) - idv(U_h_on) );
    double L2error = error.l2Norm();
    std::cout << "L2 error (elements) = " << L2error << std::endl;

    auto error_boundary = vf::project(_space=Xh, _range=elements(oneelement_mesh), _expr=idv(U_h_int) - idv(U_h_on_boundary) );
    double L2error_boundary = error_boundary.l2Norm();
    std::cout << "L2 error (boundary) = " << L2error_boundary << std::endl;
    BOOST_CHECK_SMALL( L2error_boundary - L2error, 1e-13 );
Beispiel #16

    this->changeRepository( boost::format( "doc/manual/solid/%1%/%2%/P%3%/h_%4%/" )
                            % this->about().appName()
                            % entity_type::name()
                            % nOrder
                            % meshSize );
     * First we create the mesh
    mesh_ptrtype mesh = createGMSHMesh( _mesh=new mesh_type,
                                        _desc=domain( _name=( boost::format( "beam-%1%" ) % nDim ).str() ,

                                                      _xmin=0., _xmax=0.351,
                                                      _ymin=0., _ymax=0.02,
                                                      _zmin=0., _zmax=0.02,
                                                      _h=meshSize ) );
    // add marker clamped to the mesh
    mesh->addMarkerName( "clamped",( nDim==2 )?1:19, (nDim==2)?1:2);
    mesh->addMarkerName( "tip",( nDim==2)?3:27, (nDim==2)?1:2);
     * The function space and some associate elements are then defined
    space_ptrtype Xh = space_type::New( mesh );

    element_type u( Xh, "u" );
    element_type v( Xh, "v" );
    timers["init"].second = timers["init"].first.elapsed();

     * Data associated with the simulation
    auto E = doption(_name="E")*pascal;
    const double nu = doption(_name="nu");

    auto mu = E/( 2*( 1+nu ) );
    auto lambda = E*nu/( ( 1+nu )*( 1-2*nu ) );
    auto density = 1e3;
    auto gravity = -2*newton/pow<Dim>(meter);//-density*0.05;
    LOG(INFO) << "lambda = " << lambda << "\n"
          << "mu     = " << mu << "\n"
          << "gravity= " << gravity << "\n";

     * Construction of the right hand side
     * \f$ f = \int_\Omega g * v \f$ where \f$ g \f$ is a vector
     * directed in the \f$ y \f$ direction.
    auto F = backend()->newVector( Xh );

    if ( Dim == 3 )
        form1( _test=Xh, _vector=F ) = integrate( elements( mesh ), trans( gravity.value()*oneZ() )*id( v ) );
        form1( _test=Xh, _vector=F ) = integrate( elements( mesh ), trans( gravity.value()*oneY() )*id( v ) );

    timers["assembly"].second = timers["assembly"].first.elapsed();

     * Construction of the left hand side
    auto D = backend()->newMatrix( Xh, Xh );
    auto deft = sym(gradt(u));
    auto def = sym(grad(u));
    auto a = form2( _test=Xh, _trial=Xh, _matrix=D );
    a = integrate( elements( mesh ),
                   lambda.value()*divt( u )*div( v )  +
                   2.*mu.value()*trace( trans( deft )*def ) );

    if ( M_bctype == 1 ) // weak Dirichlet bc
        auto Id = eye<nDim>();
        a += integrate( markedfaces( mesh, "clamped" ),
                        - trans( ( 2.*mu.value()*deft+lambda.value()*trace( deft )*Id )*N() )*id( v )
                        - trans( ( 2.*mu.value()*def+lambda.value()*trace( def )*Id )*N() )*idt( u )
                        + bcCoeff*std::max(2.*mu.value(),lambda.value())*trans( idt( u ) )*id( v )/hFace() );

    if ( M_bctype == 0 )
        a += on( markedfaces( mesh, "clamped" ), u, F, zero<nDim,1>() );

    timers["assembly"].second += timers["assembly"].first.elapsed();

    backend(_rebuild=true)->solve( _matrix=D, _solution=u, _rhs=F );

    v = vf::project( Xh, elements( Xh->mesh() ), P() );
    this->exportResults( 0, u, v );

    auto i1 = mean( _range=markedfaces( mesh, "tip"  ), _expr=idv( u ) );
    LOG(INFO) << "deflection: " << i1 << "\n";

} // Beam::run