void LLToastNotifyPanel::updateButtonsLayout(const std::vector<index_button_pair_t>& buttons, S32 h_pad)
	S32 left = 0;
	//reserve place for ignore button
	S32 bottom_offset = mIsScriptDialog ? (BTN_HEIGHT + IGNORE_BTN_TOP_DELTA + BOTTOM_PAD) : BOTTOM_PAD;
	S32 max_width = mControlPanel->getRect().getWidth();
	LLButton* ignore_btn = NULL;
	LLButton* mute_btn = NULL;
	for (std::vector<index_button_pair_t>::const_iterator it = buttons.begin(); it != buttons.end(); it++)
		if (-2 == it->first)
			mute_btn = it->second;
		if (it->first == -1)
			ignore_btn = it->second;
		LLButton* btn = it->second;
		LLRect btn_rect(btn->getRect());
		if (left + btn_rect.getWidth() > max_width)// whether there is still some place for button+h_pad in the mControlPanel
			// looks like we need to add button to the next row
			left = 0;
			bottom_offset += (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD);
		//we arrange buttons from bottom to top for backward support of old script
		btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(left, bottom_offset, btn_rect.getWidth(),	btn_rect.getHeight());
		left = btn_rect.mLeft + btn_rect.getWidth() + h_pad;
		mControlPanel->addChild(btn, -1);

	U32 ignore_btn_width = 0;
	U32 mute_btn_pad = 0;
	if (mIsScriptDialog && ignore_btn != NULL)
		LLRect ignore_btn_rect(ignore_btn->getRect());
		S32 ignore_btn_left = max_width - ignore_btn_rect.getWidth();
		ignore_btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(ignore_btn_left, BOTTOM_PAD,// always move ignore button at the bottom
				ignore_btn_rect.getWidth(), ignore_btn_rect.getHeight());
		ignore_btn_width = ignore_btn_rect.getWidth();
		mControlPanel->addChild(ignore_btn, -1);
		mute_btn_pad = 4 * HPAD; //only use a 4 * HPAD padding if an ignore button exists

	if (mIsScriptDialog && mute_btn != NULL)
		LLRect mute_btn_rect(mute_btn->getRect());
		// Place mute (Block) button to the left of the ignore button.
		S32 mute_btn_left = max_width - mute_btn_rect.getWidth() - ignore_btn_width - mute_btn_pad;
		mute_btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(mute_btn_left, BOTTOM_PAD,// always move mute button at the bottom
				mute_btn_rect.getWidth(), mute_btn_rect.getHeight());
void LLToastNotifyPanel::updateButtonsLayout(const std::vector<index_button_pair_t>& buttons, S32 h_pad)
	S32 left = 0;
	//reserve place for ignore button
	S32 bottom_offset = mIsScriptDialog ? (BTN_HEIGHT + IGNORE_BTN_TOP_DELTA + BOTTOM_PAD) : BOTTOM_PAD;
	S32 max_width = mControlPanel->getRect().getWidth();
	LLButton* ignore_btn = NULL;
	for (std::vector<index_button_pair_t>::const_iterator it = buttons.begin(); it != buttons.end(); it++)
		if (it->first == -1)
			ignore_btn = it->second;
		LLButton* btn = it->second;
		LLRect btn_rect(btn->getRect());
		if (left + btn_rect.getWidth() > max_width)// whether there is still some place for button+h_pad in the mControlPanel
			// looks like we need to add button to the next row
			left = 0;
			bottom_offset += (BTN_HEIGHT + VPAD);
		//we arrange buttons from bottom to top for backward support of old script
		btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(left, bottom_offset, btn_rect.getWidth(),	btn_rect.getHeight());
		left = btn_rect.mLeft + btn_rect.getWidth() + h_pad;
		mControlPanel->addChild(btn, -1);
	if (mIsScriptDialog && ignore_btn != NULL)
		LLRect ignore_btn_rect(ignore_btn->getRect());
		S32 buttons_per_row = max_width / BUTTON_WIDTH; //assume that h_pad far less than BUTTON_WIDTH
		S32 ignore_btn_left = buttons_per_row * BUTTON_WIDTH + (buttons_per_row	- 1) * h_pad - ignore_btn_rect.getWidth();
		if (ignore_btn_left + ignore_btn_rect.getWidth() > max_width)// make sure that the ignore button is in panel
			ignore_btn_left = max_width - ignore_btn_rect.getWidth() - 2 * HPAD;
		ignore_btn_rect.setOriginAndSize(ignore_btn_left, BOTTOM_PAD,// always move ignore button at the bottom
				ignore_btn_rect.getWidth(), ignore_btn_rect.getHeight());
		mControlPanel->addChild(ignore_btn, -1);