Beispiel #1
void CBitmap::Save(string const& filename)

	unsigned char* buf=new unsigned char[xsize*ysize*4];
	/* HACK Flip the image so it saves the right way up.
		(Fiddling with ilOriginFunc didn't do anything?)
		Duplicated with ReverseYAxis. */
	for(int y=0;y<ysize;++y){
		for(int x=0;x<xsize;++x){

	ilSetInteger (IL_JPG_QUALITY, 80);

	ILuint ImageName = 0;
	ilGenImages(1, &ImageName);

	delete[] buf;
void FractureBox::boldenLines()
    const int width = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_WIDTH);
    const int height = ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
    const int depth = 3; //ilGetInteger(IL_IMAGE_DEPTH);
    ILubyte *newData = new ILubyte[width * height * depth];
    ILubyte *oldData = ilGetData();

    //Now loop through the data and when a black pixel is detected, copy the pixel into
    //the buffer surrounded by pixels
    for(int y = 0; y < height; y++)
        for(int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            const int i = (depth * x) + (y * depth * width);
            if(oldData[i] == 0 && oldData[i+1] == 0 && oldData[i+2] == 0)
                const int top = pixelOffset(i, 0, -1, width, height, depth);
                const int topLeft = pixelOffset(i, -1, -1, width, height, depth);
                const int topRight = pixelOffset(i, 1, -1, width, height, depth);

                const int bottom = pixelOffset(i, 0, 1, width, height, depth);
                const int bottomLeft = pixelOffset(i, -1, 1, width, height, depth);
                const int bottomRight = pixelOffset(i, 1, 1, width, height, depth);

                const int left = pixelOffset(i, -1, 0, width, height, depth);
                const int right = pixelOffset(i, 1, 0, width, height, depth);
                newData[i] = 0;
                newData[i + 1] = 0;
                newData[i + 2] = 0;
                setPixelBlack(top, newData);
                setPixelBlack(topLeft, newData);
                setPixelBlack(topRight, newData);

                setPixelBlack(bottom, newData);
                setPixelBlack(bottomLeft, newData);
                setPixelBlack(bottomRight, newData);

                setPixelBlack(left, newData);
                setPixelBlack(right, newData);
                newData[i] = oldData[i];
                newData[i+1] = oldData[i+1];
                newData[i+2] = oldData[i+2];
    delete[] newData;
Beispiel #3
	// Sets the image data
	u32 Image::SetData( u8* pData )
		return ilSetData(pData);

	} // SetData
void GeometryTerrain::computeLightmap(Vector3 _vlightSource, bool update)
	bool bIntegrateNormals = false;
	std::vector<GLubyte> shadowMapTexture(GetWidth()*GetWidth()*4);
	float maxHeight = -99999.0f;

	for(int z =0; z <= GetLength(); ++z)
		for(int x = 0; x <= GetWidth(); ++x)
			maxHeight = max(getHeight(x,z), maxHeight);

	for(int z =0; z <= GetLength(); ++z)
		for(int x = 0; x <= GetWidth(); ++x)
			float ambientLight = 255;
			Ray lightRay(Vector3(x, getHeight(x, z), z), _vlightSource );
			Vector3 current_ray_pos(Vector3(x, getHeight(x, z), z));
			Vector3 direction_to_sun = lightRay.m_v3Direction.normalize();

			int numRayHits = 0;
			while(!(current_ray_pos.x <= 0 || current_ray_pos.x >= GetWidth() || current_ray_pos.z <= 0 || current_ray_pos.z >= GetWidth() ))
				if(current_ray_pos.y > maxHeight) break;

				// Is the terrain blocking the ray at this point?
				if(getHeight((int)floor(current_ray_pos.x), (int)floor(current_ray_pos.z)) > current_ray_pos.y)
				//light still traveling...
				current_ray_pos += direction_to_sun;	

			float ambientLightNormals = 0;
				Vector3 n(
					m_pNormals[x+z * (GetWidth()+1)].x, 
					m_pNormals[x+z * (GetWidth()+1)].y, 
					m_pNormals[x+z * (GetWidth()+1)].z

				ambientLightNormals = 0.5*( 1.0f + dot(n.normalize(), direction_to_sun) );
				if(ambientLightNormals > 1.0f) ambientLightNormals = 1.0f;
				if(ambientLightNormals < 0.0f) ambientLightNormals = 0.0f;

			if(numRayHits > 0)
					//ambientLight = (current_ray_pos - Vector3(x,getHeight(x,z),z)).magnitude() - ambientLightNormals * 255;
					ambientLight = 170;
					if(ambientLight > 255) ambientLight = 255;
					if(ambientLight < 170) ambientLight = 170;

			int index = (x + z * GetWidth()) * 3;
				for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

					shadowMapTexture[index + i] = (GLubyte)ambientLight;
	for(int z =0; z <= GetLength(); ++z)
		for(int x = 0; x <= GetWidth(); ++x)
			int factor = 2;
			ColorOGL colCurrent;
			colCurrent.m_fRed = shadowMapTexture[(x + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0];
			colCurrent.m_fGreen = shadowMapTexture[(x + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1];
			colCurrent.m_fBlue = shadowMapTexture[(x + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2];

			ColorOGL colT;
			ColorOGL colD;
			ColorOGL colL;
			ColorOGL colR;

			if(shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0) &&
				shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1) &&
				shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2)
				colT.m_fRed = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0];
				colT.m_fGreen = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1];
				colT.m_fBlue = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z+factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2];

			if(shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0) &&
				shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1) &&
				shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2)
				colD.m_fRed = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0];
				colD.m_fGreen = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1];
				colD.m_fBlue = shadowMapTexture[(x + (z-factor) * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2];

			if(shadowMapTexture.size() > ( (x+factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0) &&
				shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x+factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1) &&
				shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x+factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2)
				colL.m_fRed = shadowMapTexture[(x+factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0];
				colL.m_fGreen = shadowMapTexture[(x+factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1];
				colL.m_fBlue = shadowMapTexture[(x+factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2];

			if(shadowMapTexture.size() > (( x-factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0) &&
				shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x-factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1) &&
				shadowMapTexture.size() > ((x-factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2)
				colR.m_fRed = shadowMapTexture[(x-factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0];
				colR.m_fGreen = shadowMapTexture[(x-factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1];
				colR.m_fBlue = shadowMapTexture[(x-factor + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2];

			shadowMapTexture[(x + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 0] = (colT.m_fRed+colD.m_fRed+colR.m_fRed+colL.m_fRed+colCurrent.m_fRed)/5;
			shadowMapTexture[(x + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 1] = (colT.m_fGreen+colD.m_fGreen+colR.m_fGreen+colL.m_fGreen+colCurrent.m_fGreen)/5;
			shadowMapTexture[(x + z * GetWidth()) * 3 + 2] = (colT.m_fBlue+colD.m_fBlue+colR.m_fBlue+colL.m_fBlue+colCurrent.m_fBlue)/5;

		glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0,0, GetWidth(), GetWidth(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &shadowMapTexture[0]);
		ilTexImage(GetWidth(),GetWidth(), 1, 3, IL_RGB, IL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &shadowMapTexture[0]);
		ilSave(IL_TGA, "resources/textures/lightmap.tga");