Beispiel #1
static int
ifthenelse( IMAGE *c, IMAGE *a, IMAGE *b, IMAGE *out )
	IMAGE **in;

	/* Check args.
	if( im_check_uncoded( "im_ifthenelse", c ) ||
		im_check_coding_known( "im_ifthenelse", a ) ||
		im_check_coding_known( "im_ifthenelse", b ) ||
		im_check_format( "ifthenelse", c, IM_BANDFMT_UCHAR ) || 
		im_check_format_same( "ifthenelse", a, b ) ||
		im_check_bands_same( "ifthenelse", a, b ) ||
		im_check_bands_1orn( "im_ifthenelse", c, a ) || 
		im_piocheck( c, out ) || 
		im_pincheck( a ) || 
		im_pincheck( b ) )
                return( -1 );

	/* Make output image.
	if( im_demand_hint( out, IM_THINSTRIP, c, a, b, NULL ) ||
		im_cp_descv( out, a, b, c, NULL ) || 
		!(in = im_allocate_input_array( out, c, a, b, NULL )) ||
		im_generate( out, 
			im_start_many, ifthenelse_gen, im_stop_many, 
				in, NULL ) )
		return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
Beispiel #2
/* Raw fastcor, with no borders.
im_fastcor_raw( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *ref, IMAGE *out )
	/* PIO between in and out; WIO from ref.
	if( im_piocheck( in, out ) || 
		im_incheck( ref ) )
		return( -1 );

	/* Check sizes.
	if( in->Xsize < ref->Xsize || in->Ysize < ref->Ysize ) {
		im_error( "im_fastcor", "%s", 
			_( "ref not smaller than or equal to in" ) );
		return( -1 );

	/* Check types.
	if( im_check_uncoded( "im_fastcor", in ) ||
		im_check_mono( "im_fastcor", in ) || 
		im_check_format( "im_fastcor", in, IM_BANDFMT_UCHAR ) ||
		im_check_coding_same( "im_fastcor", in, ref ) ||
		im_check_bands_same( "im_fastcor", in, ref ) || 
		im_check_format_same( "im_fastcor", in, ref ) )
		return( -1 );

	/* Prepare the output image. 
	if( im_cp_descv( out, in, ref, NULL ) )
		return( -1 );
	out->BandFmt = IM_BANDFMT_UINT;
	out->Xsize = in->Xsize - ref->Xsize + 1;
	out->Ysize = in->Ysize - ref->Ysize + 1;

	/* FATSTRIP is good for us, as THINSTRIP will cause
	 * too many recalculations on overlaps.
	if( im_demand_hint( out, IM_FATSTRIP, in, NULL ) ||
		im_generate( out, 
			im_start_one, fastcor_gen, im_stop_one, in, ref ) )
		return( -1 );

	out->Xoffset = -ref->Xsize / 2;
	out->Yoffset = -ref->Ysize / 2;

	return( 0 );