Beispiel #1
 * Label an item as an ego item if it has the required flags
void label_as_ego(object_type * o_ptr, int item)
    char o_name[120];
    int j;
    int temp_flag;
    ego_item_type *e_ptr = &e_info[o_ptr->name2];

    /* All ego object flags now known */
    of_union(o_ptr->id_obj, e_ptr->flags_obj);

    /* All shown curses are now known */
    if (of_has(e_ptr->flags_obj, OF_SHOW_CURSE))
	cf_union(o_ptr->id_curse, e_ptr->flags_curse);

    /* Know all ego resists */
    for (j = 0; j < MAX_P_RES; j++) {
	temp_flag = OBJECT_ID_BASE_RESIST + j;
	if (e_ptr->percent_res[j] != RES_LEVEL_BASE)
	    if_on(o_ptr->id_other, temp_flag);

    /* Know all ego slays */
    for (j = 0; j < MAX_P_SLAY; j++) {
	temp_flag = OBJECT_ID_BASE_SLAY + j;
	if (e_ptr->multiple_slay[j] != MULTIPLE_BASE)
	    if_on(o_ptr->id_other, temp_flag);

    /* Know all ego brands */
    for (j = 0; j < MAX_P_BRAND; j++) {
	temp_flag = OBJECT_ID_BASE_BRAND + j;
	if (e_ptr->multiple_brand[j] != MULTIPLE_BASE)
	    if_on(o_ptr->id_other, temp_flag);

    /* Combine / Reorder the pack (later) */
    p_ptr->notice |= (PN_COMBINE | PN_REORDER);

    /* Redraw stuff */
    p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP | PR_BASIC | PR_EXTRA);

    /* Handle stuff */

    /* Description */
    object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

    /* Describe */
    if (item - 1 >= INVEN_WIELD) {
	char *m = format("%s: %s (%c).", describe_use(item - 1), o_name, 
			 index_to_label(item - 1));
    } else if (item - 1 >= 0) {
	msg("In your pack: %s (%c).", o_name, index_to_label(item));
Beispiel #2
 * Display the floor.  Builds a list of objects and passes them
 * off to show_obj_list() for display.  Mode flags documented in
 * object.h
void show_floor(const int *floor_list, int floor_num, int mode)
	int i;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	int num_obj = 0;
	char labels[50][80];
	object_type *objects[50];

	if (floor_num > MAX_FLOOR_STACK) floor_num = MAX_FLOOR_STACK;

	/* Build the object list */
	for (i = 0; i < floor_num; i++)
		o_ptr = object_byid(floor_list[i]);

		/* Tester always skips gold. When gold should be displayed,
		 * only test items that are not gold.
		if ((o_ptr->tval != TV_GOLD || !(mode & OLIST_GOLD)) &&

		strnfmt(labels[num_obj], sizeof(labels[num_obj]),
		        "%c) ", index_to_label(i));

		/* Save the object */
		objects[num_obj] = o_ptr;

	/* Display the object list */
	show_obj_list(num_obj, 0, labels, objects, mode);
Beispiel #3
 * Carry an object and delete it.
static void py_pickup_aux(int o_idx, bool domsg)
	int slot, quiver_slot = 0;

	char o_name[80];
	object_type *o_ptr = object_byid(o_idx);

	/* Carry the object */
	slot = inven_carry(p_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Handle errors (paranoia) */
	if (slot < 0) return;

	/* If we have picked up ammo which matches something in the quiver, note
	 * that it so that we can wield it later (and suppress pick up message) */
	if (obj_is_ammo(o_ptr)) 
		int i;
		for (i = QUIVER_START; i < QUIVER_END; i++) 
			if (!p_ptr->inventory[i].kind) continue;
			if (!object_similar(&p_ptr->inventory[i], o_ptr,
				OSTACK_QUIVER)) continue;
			quiver_slot = i;

	/* Get the new object */
	o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[slot];

	/* Set squelch status */
	p_ptr->notice |= PN_SQUELCH;

	/* Automatically sense artifacts */

	/* Optionally, display a message */
	if (domsg && !quiver_slot)
		/* Describe the object */
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

		/* Message */
		msg("You have %s (%c).", o_name, index_to_label(slot));

	/* Update object_idx if necessary */
	if (p_ptr->object_idx == (0 - o_idx))

	/* Delete the object */

	/* If we have a quiver slot that this ammo matches, use it */
	if (quiver_slot) wield_item(o_ptr, slot, quiver_slot);
Beispiel #4
 * Display the inventory.  Builds a list of objects and passes them
 * off to show_obj_list() for display.  Mode flags documented in
 * object.h
void show_inven(olist_detail_t mode)
	int i, last_slot = 0;
	int diff = weight_remaining();

	object_type *o_ptr;

   int num_obj = 0;
   char labels[50][80];
   object_type *objects[50];

   bool in_term = (mode & OLIST_WINDOW) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	/* Include burden for term windows */
	if (in_term)
		strnfmt(labels[num_obj], sizeof(labels[num_obj]),
		        "Burden %d.%d lb (%d.%d lb %s) ",
		        p_ptr->total_weight / 10, p_ptr->total_weight % 10,
		        abs(diff) / 10, abs(diff) % 10,
		        (diff < 0 ? "overweight" : "remaining"));

		objects[num_obj] = NULL;

	/* Find the last occupied inventory slot */
	for (i = 0; i < INVEN_PACK; i++)
		o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];
		if (o_ptr->k_idx) last_slot = i;

	/* Build the object list */
	for (i = 0; i <= last_slot; i++)
		o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];

		/* Acceptable items get a label */
		if (item_tester_okay(o_ptr))
			strnfmt(labels[num_obj], sizeof(labels[num_obj]), "%c) ", index_to_label(i));

		/* Unacceptable items are still displayed in term windows */
		else if (in_term)
			my_strcpy(labels[num_obj], "   ", sizeof(labels[num_obj]));

		/* Unacceptable items are skipped in the main window */
		else continue;

		/* Save the object */
		objects[num_obj] = o_ptr;

	/* Display the object list */
	show_obj_list(num_obj, labels, objects, mode);
Beispiel #5
 * Display the equipment.  Builds a list of objects and passes them
 * off to show_obj_list() for display.  Mode flags documented in
 * object.h
void show_equip(int mode)
	int i, last_slot = 0;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	int num_obj = 0;
	char labels[50][80];
	object_type *objects[50];

	char tmp_val[80];

	bool in_term = (mode & OLIST_WINDOW) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	bool show_empty = (mode & OLIST_SEMPTY) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	/* Find the last equipment slot to display */
	for (i = INVEN_WIELD; i < ALL_INVEN_TOTAL; i++)
		o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];
		if (i < INVEN_TOTAL || o_ptr->kind) last_slot = i;

	/* Build the object list */
	for (i = INVEN_WIELD; i <= last_slot; i++)
		o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];

		/* May need a blank line to separate the quiver */
		if (i == INVEN_TOTAL)
			int j;
			bool need_spacer = FALSE;
			/* Scan the rest of the items for acceptable entries */
			for (j = i; j < last_slot; j++)
				o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[j];
				if (item_tester_okay(o_ptr)) need_spacer = TRUE;

			/* Add a spacer between equipment and quiver */
			if (num_obj > 0 && need_spacer)
				my_strcpy(labels[num_obj], "", sizeof(labels[num_obj]));
				objects[num_obj] = NULL;


		/* Acceptable items get a label */
		if (item_tester_okay(o_ptr))
			strnfmt(labels[num_obj], sizeof(labels[num_obj]), "%c) ", index_to_label(i));

		/* Unacceptable items are still sometimes shown */
		else if ((!o_ptr->kind && show_empty) || in_term)
			my_strcpy(labels[num_obj], "   ", sizeof(labels[num_obj]));

		/* Unacceptable items are skipped in the main window */
		else continue;

		/* Show full slot labels */
		strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%-14s: ", mention_use(i));
		my_strcat(labels[num_obj], tmp_val, sizeof(labels[num_obj]));

		/* Save the object */
		objects[num_obj] = o_ptr;

	/* Display the object list */
	show_obj_list(num_obj, 0, labels, objects, mode);
Beispiel #6
 * Attack the player via physical attacks.
bool make_attack_normal(int m_idx)
	monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[m_idx];

	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

	monster_lore *l_ptr = &l_list[m_ptr->r_idx];

	int ap_cnt;

	int i, k, tmp, ac, rlev;
	int do_cut, do_stun;

	s32b gold;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	char o_name[80];

	char m_name[80];

	char ddesc[80];

	bool blinked;

	/* Not allowed to attack */
	if (r_ptr->flags1 & (RF1_NEVER_BLOW)) return (FALSE);

	/* Total armor */
	ac = p_ptr->ac + p_ptr->to_a;

	/* Extract the effective monster level */
	rlev = ((r_ptr->level >= 1) ? r_ptr->level : 1);

	/* Get the monster name (or "it") */
	monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

	/* Get the "died from" information (i.e. "a kobold") */
	monster_desc(ddesc, sizeof(ddesc), m_ptr, 0x88);

	/* Assume no blink */
	blinked = FALSE;

	/* Scan through all blows */
	for (ap_cnt = 0; ap_cnt < MONSTER_BLOW_MAX; ap_cnt++)
		bool visible = FALSE;
		bool obvious = FALSE;

		int power = 0;
		int damage = 0;

		cptr act = NULL;

		/* Extract the attack infomation */
		int effect = r_ptr->blow[ap_cnt].effect;
		int method = r_ptr->blow[ap_cnt].method;
		int d_dice = r_ptr->blow[ap_cnt].d_dice;
		int d_side = r_ptr->blow[ap_cnt].d_side;

		/* Hack -- no more attacks */
		if (!method) break;

		/* Handle "leaving" */
		if (p_ptr->leaving) break;

		/* Extract visibility (before blink) */
		if (m_ptr->ml) visible = TRUE;

		/* Extract the attack "power" */
		switch (effect)
			case RBE_HURT:      power = 60; break;
			case RBE_POISON:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_UN_BONUS:  power = 20; break;
			case RBE_UN_POWER:  power = 15; break;
			case RBE_EAT_GOLD:  power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EAT_ITEM:  power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EAT_FOOD:  power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EAT_LITE:  power =  5; break;
			case RBE_ACID:      power =  0; break;
			case RBE_ELEC:      power = 10; break;
			case RBE_FIRE:      power = 10; break;
			case RBE_COLD:      power = 10; break;
			case RBE_BLIND:     power =  2; break;
			case RBE_CONFUSE:   power = 10; break;
			case RBE_TERRIFY:   power = 10; break;
			case RBE_PARALYZE:  power =  2; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_STR:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_DEX:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_CON:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_INT:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_WIS:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_CHR:  power =  0; break;
			case RBE_LOSE_ALL:  power =  2; break;
			case RBE_SHATTER:   power = 60; break;
			case RBE_EXP_10:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EXP_20:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EXP_40:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_EXP_80:    power =  5; break;
			case RBE_HALLU:     power = 10; break;

		/* Monster hits player */
		if (!effect || check_hit(power, rlev))
			/* Always disturbing */
			disturb(1, 0);

			/* Hack -- Apply "protection from evil" */
			if ((p_ptr->protevil > 0) &&
			    (r_ptr->flags3 & (RF3_EVIL)) &&
			    (p_ptr->lev >= rlev) &&
			    ((rand_int(100) + p_ptr->lev) > 50))
				/* Remember the Evil-ness */
				if (m_ptr->ml)
					l_ptr->flags3 |= (RF3_EVIL);

				/* Message */
				msg_format("%^s is repelled.", m_name);

				/* Hack -- Next attack */

			/* Assume no cut or stun */
			do_cut = do_stun = 0;

			/* Describe the attack method */
			switch (method)
				case RBM_HIT:
					act = "hits you.";
					do_cut = do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_TOUCH:
					act = "touches you.";

				case RBM_PUNCH:
					act = "punches you.";
					do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_KICK:
					act = "kicks you.";
					do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_CLAW:
					act = "claws you.";
					do_cut = 1;

				case RBM_BITE:
					act = "bites you.";
					do_cut = 1;

				case RBM_STING:
					act = "stings you.";

				case RBM_XXX1:
					act = "XXX1's you.";

				case RBM_BUTT:
					act = "butts you.";
					do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_CRUSH:
					act = "crushes you.";
					do_stun = 1;

				case RBM_ENGULF:
					act = "engulfs you.";

				case RBM_XXX2:
					act = "XXX2's you.";

				case RBM_CRAWL:
					act = "crawls on you.";

				case RBM_DROOL:
					act = "drools on you.";

				case RBM_SPIT:
					act = "spits on you.";

				case RBM_XXX3:
					act = "XXX3's on you.";

				case RBM_GAZE:
					act = "gazes at you.";

				case RBM_WAIL:
					act = "wails at you.";

				case RBM_SPORE:
					act = "releases spores at you.";

				case RBM_XXX4:
					act = "projects XXX4's at you.";

				case RBM_BEG:
					act = "begs you for money.";

				case RBM_INSULT:
					act = desc_insult[rand_int(MAX_DESC_INSULT)];

				case RBM_MOAN:
					act = desc_moan[rand_int(MAX_DESC_MOAN)];

				case RBM_XXX5:
					act = "XXX5's you.";

			/* Message */
			if (act) msg_format("%^s %s", m_name, act);

			/* Hack -- assume all attacks are obvious */
			obvious = TRUE;

			/* Roll out the damage */
			damage = damroll(d_dice, d_side);

			/* Apply appropriate damage */
			switch (effect)
				case 0:
					/* Hack -- Assume obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Hack -- No damage */
					damage = 0;


				case RBE_HURT:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Hack -- Player armor reduces total damage */
					damage -= (damage * ((ac < 150) ? ac : 150) / 250);

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);


				case RBE_POISON:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Take "poison" effect */
					if (!(p_ptr->resist_pois || p_ptr->oppose_pois))
						if (set_poisoned(p_ptr->poisoned + randint(rlev) + 5))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_POIS);


				case RBE_UN_BONUS:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Allow complete resist */
					if (!p_ptr->resist_disen)
						/* Apply disenchantment */
						if (apply_disenchant(0)) obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_DISEN);


				case RBE_UN_POWER:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Find an item */
					for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
						/* Pick an item */
						i = rand_int(INVEN_PACK);

						/* Obtain the item */
						o_ptr = &inventory[i];

						/* Skip non-objects */
						if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

						/* Drain charged wands/staffs */
						if (((o_ptr->tval == TV_STAFF) ||
						     (o_ptr->tval == TV_WAND)) &&
						    (o_ptr->pval > 0))
							/* Calculate healed hitpoints */
							int heal = rlev * o_ptr->pval * o_ptr->number;

							/* Don't heal more than max hp */
							heal = MIN(heal, m_ptr->maxhp - m_ptr->hp);

							/* Message */
							msg_print("Energy drains from your pack!");

							/* Obvious */
							obvious = TRUE;

							/* Heal */
							m_ptr->hp += heal;

							/* Redraw (later) if needed */
							if (p_ptr->health_who == m_idx)
								p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_HEALTH);

							/* Uncharge */
							o_ptr->pval = 0;

							/* Combine / Reorder the pack */
							p_ptr->notice |= (PN_COMBINE | PN_REORDER);

							/* Window stuff */
							p_ptr->window |= (PW_INVEN);

							/* Done */


				case RBE_EAT_GOLD:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Saving throw (unless paralyzed) based on dex and level */
					if (!p_ptr->paralyzed &&
					    (rand_int(100) < (adj_dex_safe[p_ptr->stat_ind[A_DEX]] +
						/* Saving throw message */
						msg_print("You quickly protect your money pouch!");

						/* Occasional blink anyway */
						if (rand_int(3)) blinked = TRUE;

					/* Eat gold */
						gold = (p_ptr->au / 10) + randint(25);
						if (gold < 2) gold = 2;
						if (gold > 5000) gold = (p_ptr->au / 20) + randint(3000);
						if (gold > p_ptr->au) gold = p_ptr->au;
						p_ptr->au -= gold;
						if (gold <= 0)
							msg_print("Nothing was stolen.");
						else if (p_ptr->au)
							msg_print("Your purse feels lighter.");
							msg_format("%ld coins were stolen!", (long)gold);
							msg_print("Your purse feels lighter.");
							msg_print("All of your coins were stolen!");

						/* Redraw gold */
						p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_GOLD);

						/* Window stuff */
						p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER_0 | PW_PLAYER_1);

						/* Blink away */
						blinked = TRUE;


				case RBE_EAT_ITEM:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Saving throw (unless paralyzed) based on dex and level */
					if (!p_ptr->paralyzed &&
					    (rand_int(100) < (adj_dex_safe[p_ptr->stat_ind[A_DEX]] +
						/* Saving throw message */
						msg_print("You grab hold of your backpack!");

						/* Occasional "blink" anyway */
						blinked = TRUE;

						/* Obvious */
						obvious = TRUE;

						/* Done */

					/* Find an item */
					for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
						object_type *i_ptr;
						object_type object_type_body;

						/* Pick an item */
						i = rand_int(INVEN_PACK);

						/* Obtain the item */
						o_ptr = &inventory[i];

						/* Skip non-objects */
						if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

						/* Skip artifacts */
						if (artifact_p(o_ptr)) continue;

						/* Get a description */
						object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, FALSE, 3);

						/* Message */
						msg_format("%sour %s (%c) was stolen!",
						           ((o_ptr->number > 1) ? "One of y" : "Y"),
						           o_name, index_to_label(i));

						/* Get local object */
						i_ptr = &object_type_body;

						/* Obtain local object */
						object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

						/* Modify number */
						i_ptr->number = 1;

						/* Carry the object */
						(void)monster_carry(m_idx, i_ptr);

						/* Steal the items */
						inven_item_increase(i, -1);

						/* Obvious */
						obvious = TRUE;

						/* Blink away */
						blinked = TRUE;

						/* Done */


				case RBE_EAT_FOOD:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Steal some food */
					for (k = 0; k < 10; k++)
						/* Pick an item from the pack */
						i = rand_int(INVEN_PACK);

						/* Get the item */
						o_ptr = &inventory[i];

						/* Skip non-objects */
						if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

						/* Skip non-food objects */
						if (o_ptr->tval != TV_FOOD) continue;

						/* Get a description */
						object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, FALSE, 0);

						/* Message */
						msg_format("%sour %s (%c) was eaten!",
						           ((o_ptr->number > 1) ? "One of y" : "Y"),
						           o_name, index_to_label(i));

						/* Steal the items */
						inven_item_increase(i, -1);

						/* Obvious */
						obvious = TRUE;

						/* Done */


				case RBE_EAT_LITE:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Get the lite */
					o_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_LITE];

					/* Drain fuel */
					if ((o_ptr->pval > 0) && (!artifact_p(o_ptr)))
						/* Reduce fuel */
						o_ptr->pval -= (250 + randint(250));
						if (o_ptr->pval < 1) o_ptr->pval = 1;

						/* Notice */
						if (!p_ptr->blind)
							msg_print("Your light dims.");
							obvious = TRUE;

						/* Window stuff */
						p_ptr->window |= (PW_EQUIP);


				case RBE_ACID:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Message */
					msg_print("You are covered in acid!");

					/* Special damage */
					acid_dam(damage, ddesc);

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_ACID);


				case RBE_ELEC:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Message */
					msg_print("You are struck by electricity!");

					/* Take damage (special) */
					elec_dam(damage, ddesc);

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_ELEC);


				case RBE_FIRE:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Message */
					msg_print("You are enveloped in flames!");

					/* Take damage (special) */
					fire_dam(damage, ddesc);

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_FIRE);


				case RBE_COLD:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Message */
					msg_print("You are covered with frost!");

					/* Take damage (special) */
					cold_dam(damage, ddesc);

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_COLD);


				case RBE_BLIND:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "blind" */
					if (!p_ptr->resist_blind)
						if (set_blind(p_ptr->blind + 10 + randint(rlev)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_BLIND);


				case RBE_CONFUSE:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "confused" */
					if (!p_ptr->resist_confu)
						if (set_confused(p_ptr->confused + 3 + randint(rlev)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_CONFU);


				case RBE_TERRIFY:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "afraid" */
					if (p_ptr->resist_fear)
						msg_print("You stand your ground!");
						obvious = TRUE;
					else if (rand_int(100) < p_ptr->skill_sav)
						msg_print("You stand your ground!");
						obvious = TRUE;
						if (set_afraid(p_ptr->afraid + 3 + randint(rlev)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_FEAR);


				case RBE_PARALYZE:
					/* Hack -- Prevent perma-paralysis via damage */
					if (p_ptr->paralyzed && (damage < 1)) damage = 1;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "paralyzed" */
					if (p_ptr->free_act)
						msg_print("You are unaffected!");
						obvious = TRUE;
					else if (rand_int(100) < p_ptr->skill_sav)
						msg_print("You resist the effects!");
						obvious = TRUE;
						if (set_paralyzed(p_ptr->paralyzed + 3 + randint(rlev)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_FREE);


				case RBE_LOSE_STR:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_STR)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_INT:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_INT)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_WIS:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_WIS)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_DEX:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_DEX)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_CON:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_CON)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_CHR:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stat) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_CHR)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_LOSE_ALL:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Damage (stats) */
					if (do_dec_stat(A_STR)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_DEX)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_CON)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_INT)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_WIS)) obvious = TRUE;
					if (do_dec_stat(A_CHR)) obvious = TRUE;


				case RBE_SHATTER:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Hack -- Reduce damage based on the player armor class */
					damage -= (damage * ((ac < 150) ? ac : 150) / 250);

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Radius 8 earthquake centered at the monster */
					if (damage > 23) earthquake(m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, 8);


				case RBE_EXP_10:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					if (p_ptr->hold_life && (rand_int(100) < 95))
						msg_print("You keep hold of your life force!");
						s32b d = damroll(10, 6) + (p_ptr->exp/100) * MON_DRAIN_LIFE;
						if (p_ptr->hold_life)
							msg_print("You feel your life slipping away!");
							msg_print("You feel your life draining away!");

				case RBE_EXP_20:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					if (p_ptr->hold_life && (rand_int(100) < 90))
						msg_print("You keep hold of your life force!");
						s32b d = damroll(20, 6) + (p_ptr->exp / 100) * MON_DRAIN_LIFE;

						if (p_ptr->hold_life)
							msg_print("You feel your life slipping away!");
							lose_exp(d / 10);
							msg_print("You feel your life draining away!");

				case RBE_EXP_40:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					if (p_ptr->hold_life && (rand_int(100) < 75))
						msg_print("You keep hold of your life force!");
						s32b d = damroll(40, 6) + (p_ptr->exp / 100) * MON_DRAIN_LIFE;

						if (p_ptr->hold_life)
							msg_print("You feel your life slipping away!");
							lose_exp(d / 10);
							msg_print("You feel your life draining away!");

				case RBE_EXP_80:
					/* Obvious */
					obvious = TRUE;

					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					if (p_ptr->hold_life && (rand_int(100) < 50))
						msg_print("You keep hold of your life force!");
						s32b d = damroll(80, 6) + (p_ptr->exp / 100) * MON_DRAIN_LIFE;

						if (p_ptr->hold_life)
							msg_print("You feel your life slipping away!");
							lose_exp(d / 10);
							msg_print("You feel your life draining away!");

				case RBE_HALLU:
					/* Take damage */
					take_hit(damage, ddesc);

					/* Increase "image" */
					if (!p_ptr->resist_chaos)
						if (set_image(p_ptr->image + 3 + randint(rlev / 2)))
							obvious = TRUE;

					/* Learn about the player */
					update_smart_learn(m_idx, DRS_RES_CHAOS);


			/* Hack -- only one of cut or stun */
			if (do_cut && do_stun)
				/* Cancel cut */
				if (rand_int(100) < 50)
					do_cut = 0;

				/* Cancel stun */
					do_stun = 0;

			/* Handle cut */
			if (do_cut)
				int k;

				/* Critical hit (zero if non-critical) */
				tmp = monster_critical(d_dice, d_side, damage);

				/* Roll for damage */
				switch (tmp)
					case 0: k = 0; break;
					case 1: k = randint(5); break;
					case 2: k = randint(5) + 5; break;
					case 3: k = randint(20) + 20; break;
					case 4: k = randint(50) + 50; break;
					case 5: k = randint(100) + 100; break;
					case 6: k = 300; break;
					default: k = 500; break;

				/* Apply the cut */
				if (k) (void)set_cut(p_ptr->cut + k);

			/* Handle stun */
			if (do_stun)
				int k;

				/* Critical hit (zero if non-critical) */
				tmp = monster_critical(d_dice, d_side, damage);

				/* Roll for damage */
				switch (tmp)
					case 0: k = 0; break;
					case 1: k = randint(5); break;
					case 2: k = randint(10) + 10; break;
					case 3: k = randint(20) + 20; break;
					case 4: k = randint(30) + 30; break;
					case 5: k = randint(40) + 40; break;
					case 6: k = 100; break;
					default: k = 200; break;

				/* Apply the stun */
				if (k) (void)set_stun(p_ptr->stun + k);

		/* Monster missed player */
			/* Analyze failed attacks */
			switch (method)
				case RBM_HIT:
				case RBM_TOUCH:
				case RBM_PUNCH:
				case RBM_KICK:
				case RBM_CLAW:
				case RBM_BITE:
				case RBM_STING:
				case RBM_XXX1:
				case RBM_BUTT:
				case RBM_CRUSH:
				case RBM_ENGULF:
				case RBM_XXX2:

				/* Visible monsters */
				if (m_ptr->ml)
					/* Disturbing */
					disturb(1, 0);

					/* Message */
					msg_format("%^s misses you.", m_name);


		/* Analyze "visible" monsters only */
		if (visible)
			/* Count "obvious" attacks (and ones that cause damage) */
			if (obvious || damage || (l_ptr->blows[ap_cnt] > 10))
				/* Count attacks of this type */
				if (l_ptr->blows[ap_cnt] < MAX_UCHAR)

	/* Blink away */
	if (blinked)
		msg_print("There is a puff of smoke!");
		teleport_away(m_idx, MAX_SIGHT * 2 + 5);

	/* Always notice cause of death */
	if (p_ptr->is_dead && (l_ptr->deaths < MAX_SHORT))

	/* Assume we attacked */
	return (TRUE);
Beispiel #7
 * Wield or wear a single item from the pack or floor
void wield_item(object_type *o_ptr, int item, int slot)
	object_type object_type_body;
	object_type *i_ptr = &object_type_body;

	const char *fmt;
	char o_name[80];

	bool combined_ammo = FALSE;
	bool track_wielded_item = FALSE;
	int num = 1;

	/* If we are stacking ammo in the quiver */
	if (obj_is_ammo(o_ptr))
		num = o_ptr->number;
		combined_ammo = object_similar(o_ptr, &p_ptr->inventory[slot],

	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

	/* Obtain local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Modify quantity */
	i_ptr->number = num;

	/* Update object_idx if necessary, once object is in slot */
	if (p_ptr->object_idx == item)
		track_wielded_item = TRUE;

	/* Decrease the item (from the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -num);

	/* Decrease the item (from the floor) */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -num);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);

	/* Get the wield slot */
	o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[slot];

	if (combined_ammo)
		/* Add the new ammo to the already-quiver-ed ammo */
		object_absorb(o_ptr, i_ptr);
		/* Take off existing item */
		if (o_ptr->kind)
			(void)inven_takeoff(slot, 255);

		/* If we are wielding ammo we may need to "open" the slot by shifting
		 * later ammo up the quiver; this is because we already called the
		 * inven_item_optimize() function. */
		if (slot >= QUIVER_START)
		/* Wear the new stuff */
		object_copy(o_ptr, i_ptr);

		/* Increment the equip counter by hand */

	/* Increase the weight */
	p_ptr->total_weight += i_ptr->weight * num;

	/* Track object if necessary */
	if (track_wielded_item)

	/* Do any ID-on-wield */

	/* Where is the item now */
	if (slot == INVEN_WIELD)
		fmt = "You are wielding %s (%c).";
	else if (slot == INVEN_BOW)
		fmt = "You are shooting with %s (%c).";
	else if (slot == INVEN_LIGHT)
		fmt = "Your light source is %s (%c).";
	else if (combined_ammo)
		fmt = "You combine %s in your quiver (%c).";
	else if (slot >= QUIVER_START && slot < QUIVER_END)
		fmt = "You add %s to your quiver (%c).";
		fmt = "You are wearing %s (%c).";

	/* Describe the result */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

	/* Message */
	msgt(MSG_WIELD, fmt, o_name, index_to_label(slot));

	/* Cursed! */
	if (cursed_p(o_ptr->flags))
		/* Warn the player */
		msgt(MSG_CURSED, "Oops! It feels deathly cold!");

		/* Sense the object */

	/* Save quiver size */

	/* See if we have to overflow the pack */

	/* Recalculate bonuses, torch, mana */
	p_ptr->notice |= PN_SORT_QUIVER;
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS | PU_TORCH | PU_MANA);
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);
Beispiel #8
 * Sense the inventory
void sense_inventory(void)
	int i;
	char o_name[80];
	unsigned int rate;
	/* No ID when confused in a bad state */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_CONFUSED]) return;

	/* Notice some things after a while */
	if (turn >= (object_last_wield + 3000))
		object_last_wield = 0;

	/* Get improvement rate */
	if (player_has(PF_PSEUDO_ID_IMPROV))
		rate = cp_ptr->sense_base / (p_ptr->lev * p_ptr->lev + cp_ptr->sense_div);
		rate = cp_ptr->sense_base / (p_ptr->lev + cp_ptr->sense_div);

	if (!one_in_(rate)) return;

	/* Check everything */
	for (i = 0; i < ALL_INVEN_TOTAL; i++)
		const char *text = NULL;

		object_type *o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];
		obj_pseudo_t feel;
		bool cursed;

		bool okay = FALSE;

		/* Skip empty slots */
		if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

		/* Valid "tval" codes */
		switch (o_ptr->tval)
			case TV_SHOT:
			case TV_ARROW:
			case TV_BOLT:
			case TV_BOW:
			case TV_DIGGING:
			case TV_HAFTED:
			case TV_POLEARM:
			case TV_SWORD:
			case TV_BOOTS:
			case TV_GLOVES:
			case TV_HELM:
			case TV_CROWN:
			case TV_SHIELD:
			case TV_CLOAK:
			case TV_SOFT_ARMOR:
			case TV_HARD_ARMOR:
			case TV_DRAG_ARMOR:
				okay = TRUE;
		/* Skip non-sense machines */
		if (!okay) continue;
		/* It is known, no information needed */
		if (object_is_known(o_ptr)) continue;
		/* It has already been sensed, do not sense it again */
		if (object_was_sensed(o_ptr))
			/* Small chance of wielded, sensed items getting complete ID */
			if (!o_ptr->name1 && (i >= INVEN_WIELD) && one_in_(1000))
				do_ident_item(i, o_ptr);


		/* Occasional failure on inventory items */
		if ((i < INVEN_WIELD) && one_in_(5)) continue;

		/* Sense the object */
		cursed = object_notice_curses(o_ptr);

		/* Get the feeling */
		feel = object_pseudo(o_ptr);

		/* Stop everything */
		disturb(0, 0);

		if (cursed)
			text = "cursed";
			text = inscrip_text[feel];

		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_BASE);

		/* Average pseudo-ID means full ID */
		if (feel == INSCRIP_AVERAGE)

			message_format(MSG_PSEUDOID, 0,
					"You feel the %s (%c) %s %s average...",
					o_name, index_to_label(i),((i >= INVEN_WIELD) ? "you are using" : "in your pack"),
					((o_ptr->number == 1) ? "is" : "are"));
			if (i >= INVEN_WIELD)
				message_format(MSG_PSEUDOID, 0, "You feel the %s (%c) you are %s %s %s...",
							   o_name, index_to_label(i), describe_use(i),
							   ((o_ptr->number == 1) ? "is" : "are"),
				message_format(MSG_PSEUDOID, 0, "You feel the %s (%c) in your pack %s %s...",
							   o_name, index_to_label(i),
							   ((o_ptr->number == 1) ? "is" : "are"),

		/* Set squelch flag as appropriate */
		if (i < INVEN_WIELD)
			p_ptr->notice |= PN_SQUELCH;
		/* Combine / Reorder the pack (later) */
		p_ptr->notice |= (PN_COMBINE | PN_REORDER | PN_SORT_QUIVER);
		/* Redraw stuff */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);
Beispiel #9
 * Carry an object and delete it.
extern void py_pickup_aux(int o_idx, bool msg)
    int slot, quiver_slot = 0;

    char o_name[120];
    object_type *o_ptr = &o_list[o_idx];
    object_type *i_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_LIGHT];
    bitflag f[OF_SIZE], obvious_mask[OF_SIZE];

    flags_init(obvious_mask, OF_SIZE, OF_OBVIOUS_MASK, FLAG_END);
    of_copy(f, o_ptr->flags_obj);
    /* Carry the object */
    slot = inven_carry(p_ptr, o_ptr);

    /* Handle errors (paranoia) */
    if (slot < 0) return;

    /* If we have picked up ammo which matches something in the quiver, note
     * that it so that we can wield it later (and suppress pick up message) */
    if (obj_is_quiver_obj(o_ptr)) 
	int i;
	for (i = QUIVER_START; i < QUIVER_END; i++) 
	    if (!p_ptr->inventory[i].k_idx) continue;
	    if (!object_similar(&p_ptr->inventory[i], o_ptr,
				OSTACK_QUIVER)) continue;
	    quiver_slot = i;

    /* Get the object again */
    o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[slot];

    /* Set squelch status */
    p_ptr->notice |= PN_SQUELCH;

    /* Stone of Lore gives id on pickup */
    if (!object_known_p(o_ptr)) {
	if (i_ptr->sval == SV_STONE_LORE)

	/* Otherwise pseudo-ID */
	else {
	    bool heavy = FALSE;
	    int feel;

	    /* Heavy sensing */
	    heavy = (player_has(PF_PSEUDO_ID_HEAVY));

	    /* Type of feeling */
	    feel = (heavy ? value_check_aux1(o_ptr) : value_check_aux2(o_ptr));

	    /* We have "felt" it */
	    o_ptr->ident |= (IDENT_SENSE);

	    /* Inscribe it textually */
	    o_ptr->feel = feel;

	    /* Set squelch flag as appropriate */
	    p_ptr->notice |= PN_SQUELCH;

    /* Log artifacts if found */
    if (artifact_p(o_ptr))
	history_add_artifact(o_ptr->name1, object_is_known(o_ptr), TRUE);

    /* Notice dice and other obvious stuff */
    notice_other(IF_DD_DS, slot + 1);
    (void) of_inter(f, obvious_mask);
    of_union(o_ptr->id_obj, f);

    /* Average things are average */
    if ((o_ptr->feel == FEEL_AVERAGE) && (is_weapon(o_ptr) || is_armour(o_ptr))){
	notice_other(IF_AC, slot + 1);
	notice_other(IF_TO_A, slot + 1);
	notice_other(IF_TO_H, slot + 1);
	notice_other(IF_TO_D, slot + 1);

    /* Recalculate the bonuses */
    p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

    /* Optionally, display a message */
    if (msg && !quiver_slot)
	/* Describe the object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

	/* Message */
	msg_format("You have %s (%c).", o_name, index_to_label(slot));

    /* Delete the object */

    /* If we have a quiver slot that this item matches, use it */
    if (quiver_slot) wield_item(o_ptr, slot, quiver_slot);
Beispiel #10
 * Wield or wear a single item from the pack or floor
void do_cmd_wield(void)
	int i, item, slot;

	object_type forge;
	object_type *q_ptr;
	object_type *o_ptr;

	cptr act;
	char o_name[MAX_NLEN];
	cptr q, s;

	bool newrace = FALSE;

	/* Restrict the choices */
	item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_wear;

	/* Get an item */
#ifdef JP
	q = "どれを装備しますか? ";
	s = "装備可能なアイテムがない。";
	q = "Wear/Wield which item? ";
	s = "You have nothing you can wear or wield.";

	if (!get_item(&item, q, s, (USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR))) return;

	/* Get the item (in the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		o_ptr = &inventory[item];

	/* Get the item (on the floor) */
		o_ptr = &o_list[0 - item];

	/* Check the slot */
	slot = wield_slot(o_ptr);

	/* Where is the item now */
	if (slot == INVEN_WIELD)
#ifdef JP
		act = "を打撃用に装備した";
		act = "You are wielding";

	else if (slot == INVEN_BOW)
#ifdef JP
		act = "を射撃用に装備した";
		act = "You are shooting with";

	else if (slot == INVEN_LITE)
#ifdef JP
		act = "を光源にした";
		act = "Your light source is";

#ifdef JP
		act = "を装備した";
		act = "You are wearing";


	if ((o_ptr->tval == TV_RING) && inventory[INVEN_LEFT].k_idx &&
		/* Restrict the choices */
		item_tester_tval = TV_RING;

		/* Choose a ring from the equipment only */
#ifdef JP
		q = "どちらの指輪と取り替えますか?";
		s = "おっと。";
		q = "Replace which ring? ";
		s = "Oops.";

		if (!get_item(&slot, q, s, (USE_EQUIP)))

	if (slot == INVEN_WIELD)
		if (is_two_handed())
			/* Restrict the choices */
			item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_melee_weapon;

			/* Choose a ring from the equipment only */
#ifdef JP
			q = "どちらの武器と取り替えますか?";
			s = "おっと。";
			q = "Replace which weapon? ";
			s = "Oops.";

			if (!get_item(&slot, q, s, (USE_EQUIP)))
		else if (inventory[slot].k_idx)
			/* Confirm doing two handed combat */
#ifdef JP
			if (get_check("二刀流を行いますか?"))
			if (get_check("Do you want to do two handed combat?"))
				slot = INVEN_ARM;

	/* Prevent wielding into a cursed slot */
	if (cursed_p(&inventory[slot]))
		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, &inventory[slot], OD_OMIT_PREFIX | OD_NAME_ONLY);

		/* Message */
#ifdef JP
			   describe_use(slot) , o_name );
		msg_format("The %s you are %s appears to be cursed.",
			   o_name, describe_use(slot));

		/* Cancel the command */

	if (cursed_p(o_ptr) &&
	    (object_known_p(o_ptr) || (o_ptr->ident & IDENT_SENSE)))
		char dummy[512];

		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, OD_OMIT_PREFIX | OD_NAME_ONLY);

#ifdef JP
		sprintf(dummy, "本当に%s{呪われている}を使いますか?", o_name);
		sprintf(dummy, "Really use the %s {cursed}? ", o_name);
		if (!get_check(dummy))
#if 0
	if ((o_ptr->name1 == ART_STONEMASK) && object_known_p(o_ptr) && (p_ptr->prace != RACE_VAMPIRE))
		char dummy[MAX_NLEN+80];

		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, OD_OMIT_PREFIX | OD_NAME_ONLY);

#ifdef JP
		sprintf(dummy, "%sを装備すると吸血鬼になります。よろしいですか?", o_name);
		msg_format("%s will transforms you into a vampire permanently when equiped.", o_name);
		sprintf(dummy, "Do you become a vampire?");

		if (!get_check(dummy))
	/* Check if completed a quest */
	for (i = 0; i < max_quests; i++)
		if ((quest[i].type == QUEST_TYPE_FIND_ARTIFACT) &&
		    (quest[i].status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) &&
		    (quest[i].k_idx == o_ptr->name1))
			quest[i].status = QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED;
			quest[i].complev = (byte)p_ptr->lev;
#ifdef JP
			msg_print("You completed your quest!");
	  		sound(SOUND_LEVEL); /* (Sound substitute) No quest sound */

	/* Take a turn */
	energy_use = 100;

	/* Get local object */
	q_ptr = &forge;

	/* Obtain local object */
	object_copy(q_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Modify quantity */
	q_ptr->number = 1;

	/* Decrease the item (from the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);

	/* Decrease the item (from the floor) */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);

	/* Access the wield slot */
	o_ptr = &inventory[slot];

	/* Take off existing item */
	if (o_ptr->k_idx)
		/* Take off existing item */
		(void)inven_takeoff(slot, 255);

	/* Wear the new stuff */
	object_copy(o_ptr, q_ptr);

	/* Player touches it */
	o_ptr->marked |= OM_TOUCHED;

	/* Forget stack */
	o_ptr->next_o_idx = 0;

	/* Forget location */
	o_ptr->iy = o_ptr->ix = 0;

	/* Increase the weight */
	p_ptr->total_weight += q_ptr->weight;

	/* Increment the equip counter by hand */

	/* Describe the result */
	object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, 0);

	/* Message */
#ifdef JP
	msg_format("%s(%c)%s。", o_name, index_to_label(slot), act );
	msg_format("%s %s (%c).", act, o_name, index_to_label(slot));


	/* Cursed! */
	if (cursed_p(o_ptr))
		/* Warn the player */
#ifdef JP
		msg_print("うわ! すさまじく冷たい!");
		msg_print("Oops! It feels deathly cold!");
		/* Note the curse */
		o_ptr->ident |= (IDENT_SENSE);
#if 0
	/* if you weild stonemask, you morph into vampire */
	if ((o_ptr->name1 == ART_STONEMASK) && (!is_undead()))
		p_ptr->prace = RACE_VAMPIRE;
		newrace = TRUE;
#ifdef JP
		msg_format("You polymorphed into a vampire!");
	if (newrace)
		rp_ptr = &race_info[p_ptr->prace];

		/* Experience factor */

		/* Get new height and weight */


		/* Hitdice */
		p_ptr->hitdie = rp_ptr->r_mhp + cp_ptr->c_mhp;


		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BASIC);
		p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

		/* Load an autopick preference file */

		lite_spot(py, px);

	/* Recalculate bonuses */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

	/* Recalculate torch */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_TORCH);

	/* Recalculate mana */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_MANA);

	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_EQUIPPY);

	/* Window stuff */
	p_ptr->window |= (PW_INVEN | PW_EQUIP | PW_PLAYER | PW_STATS);
Beispiel #11
 * Hack -- Dump a character description file
 * XXX XXX XXX Allow the "full" flag to dump additional info,
 * and trigger its usage from various places in the code.
errr file_character(const char *path, bool full)
	int i, x, y;

	int a;
	wchar_t c;

	ang_file *fp;

	struct store *st_ptr = &stores[STORE_HOME];

	char o_name[80];

	char buf[1024];
	char *p;

	/* Unused parameter */

	/* Open the file for writing */
	fp = file_open(path, MODE_WRITE, FTYPE_TEXT);
	if (!fp) return (-1);

	/* Begin dump */
	file_putf(fp, "  [%s Character Dump]\n\n", buildid);

	/* Display player */

	/* Dump part of the screen */
	for (y = 1; y < 23; y++)
		p = buf;
		/* Dump each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 79; x++)
			/* Get the attr/char */
			(void)(Term_what(x, y, &a, &c));

			/* Dump it */
			p += wctomb(p, c);

		/* Back up over spaces */
		while ((p > buf) && (p[-1] == ' ')) --p;

		/* Terminate */
		*p = '\0';

		/* End the row */
		x_file_putf(fp, "%s\n", buf);

	/* Skip a line */
	file_putf(fp, "\n");

	/* Display player */

	/* Dump part of the screen */
	for (y = 11; y < 20; y++)
		p = buf;
		/* Dump each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 39; x++)
			/* Get the attr/char */
			(void)(Term_what(x, y, &a, &c));

			/* Dump it */
			p += wctomb(p, c);

		/* Back up over spaces */
		while ((p > buf) && (p[-1] == ' ')) --p;

		/* Terminate */
		*p = '\0';

		/* End the row */
		x_file_putf(fp, "%s\n", buf);

	/* Skip a line */
	file_putf(fp, "\n");

	/* Dump part of the screen */
	for (y = 11; y < 20; y++)
		p = buf;
		/* Dump each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 39; x++)
			/* Get the attr/char */
			(void)(Term_what(x + 40, y, &a, &c));

			/* Dump it */
			p += wctomb(p, c);

		/* Back up over spaces */
		while ((p > buf) && (p[-1] == ' ')) --p;

		/* Terminate */
		*p = '\0';

		/* End the row */
		x_file_putf(fp, "%s\n", buf);

	/* Skip some lines */
	file_putf(fp, "\n\n");

	/* If dead, dump last messages -- Prfnoff */
	if (p_ptr->is_dead)
		i = messages_num();
		if (i > 15) i = 15;
		file_putf(fp, "  [Last Messages]\n\n");
		while (i-- > 0)
			x_file_putf(fp, "> %s\n", message_str((s16b)i));
		x_file_putf(fp, "\nKilled by %s.\n\n", p_ptr->died_from);

	/* Dump the equipment */
	file_putf(fp, "  [Character Equipment]\n\n");
	for (i = INVEN_WIELD; i < ALL_INVEN_TOTAL; i++)
		if (i == INVEN_TOTAL)
			file_putf(fp, "\n\n  [Character Quiver]\n\n");
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), &p_ptr->inventory[i],

		x_file_putf(fp, "%c) %s\n", index_to_label(i), o_name);
		if (p_ptr->inventory[i].kind)
			object_info_chardump(fp, &p_ptr->inventory[i], 5, 72);

	/* Dump the inventory */
	file_putf(fp, "\n\n  [Character Inventory]\n\n");
	for (i = 0; i < INVEN_PACK; i++)
		if (!p_ptr->inventory[i].kind) break;

		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), &p_ptr->inventory[i],

		x_file_putf(fp, "%c) %s\n", index_to_label(i), o_name);
		object_info_chardump(fp, &p_ptr->inventory[i], 5, 72);
	file_putf(fp, "\n\n");

	/* Dump the Home -- if anything there */
	if (st_ptr->stock_num)
		/* Header */
		file_putf(fp, "  [Home Inventory]\n\n");

		/* Dump all available items */
		for (i = 0; i < st_ptr->stock_num; i++)
			object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), &st_ptr->stock[i],
			x_file_putf(fp, "%c) %s\n", I2A(i), o_name);

			object_info_chardump(fp, &st_ptr->stock[i], 5, 72);

		/* Add an empty line */
		file_putf(fp, "\n\n");

	/* Dump character history */
	file_putf(fp, "\n\n");

	/* Dump options */
	file_putf(fp, "  [Options]\n\n");

	/* Dump options */
	for (i = 0; i < OPT_PAGE_MAX - 1; i++) {
		int j;
		const char *title = "";
		switch (i) {
			case 0: title = "Interface"; break;
			case 1: title = "Warning"; break;
			case 2: title = "Birth"; break;

		file_putf(fp, "  [%s]\n\n", title);
		for (j = 0; j < OPT_PAGE_PER; j++) {
			int opt = option_page[i][j];
			if (!option_name(opt)) continue;

			file_putf(fp, "%-45s: %s (%s)\n",
			        op_ptr->opt[opt] ? "yes" : "no ",

		/* Skip some lines */
		file_putf(fp, "\n");


	/* Success */
	return (0);
Beispiel #12
 * Let the user select an item, save its "index"
 * Return TRUE only if an acceptable item was chosen by the user.
 * The selected item must satisfy the "item_tester_hook()" function,
 * if that hook is set, and the "item_tester_tval", if that value is set.
 * All "item_tester" restrictions are cleared before this function returns.
 * The user is allowed to choose acceptable items from the equipment,
 * inventory, or floor, respectively, if the proper flag was given,
 * and there are any acceptable items in that location.
 * The equipment or inventory are displayed (even if no acceptable
 * items are in that location) if the proper flag was given.
 * If there are no acceptable items available anywhere, and "str" is
 * not NULL, then it will be used as the text of a warning message
 * before the function returns.
 * Note that the user must press "-" to specify the item on the floor,
 * and there is no way to "examine" the item on the floor, while the
 * use of "capital" letters will "examine" an inventory/equipment item,
 * and prompt for its use.
 * If a legal item is selected from the inventory, we save it in "cp"
 * directly (0 to 35), and return TRUE.
 * If a legal item is selected from the floor, we save it in "cp" as
 * a negative (-1 to -511), and return TRUE.
 * If no item is available, we do nothing to "cp", and we display a
 * warning message, using "str" if available, and return FALSE.
 * If no item is selected, we do nothing to "cp", and return FALSE.
 * Global "p_ptr->command_wrk" is used to choose between equip/inven/floor
 * listings.  It is equal to USE_INVEN or USE_EQUIP or USE_FLOOR, except
 * when this function is first called, when it is equal to zero, which will
 * cause it to be set to USE_INVEN.
 * We always erase the prompt when we are done, leaving a blank line,
 * or a warning message, if appropriate, if no items are available.
 * Note that only "acceptable" floor objects get indexes, so between two
 * commands, the indexes of floor objects may change.  XXX XXX XXX
bool get_item(int *cp, const char *pmt, const char *str, cmd_code cmd, int mode)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;
	unsigned char cmdkey = cmd_lookup_key(cmd,
			OPT(rogue_like_commands) ? KEYMAP_MODE_ROGUE : KEYMAP_MODE_ORIG);

	//struct keypress which;
	ui_event press;

	int j, k;

	int i1, i2;
	int e1, e2;
	int f1, f2;

	bool done, item;

	bool oops = FALSE;

	bool use_inven = ((mode & USE_INVEN) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_equip = ((mode & USE_EQUIP) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_floor = ((mode & USE_FLOOR) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool is_harmless = ((mode & IS_HARMLESS) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool quiver_tags = ((mode & QUIVER_TAGS) ? TRUE : FALSE);

	int olist_mode = 0;

	bool allow_inven = FALSE;
	bool allow_equip = FALSE;
	bool allow_floor = FALSE;

	bool toggle = FALSE;

	char tmp_val[160];
	char out_val[160];

	int floor_list[MAX_FLOOR_STACK];
	int floor_num;

	bool show_list = TRUE;

	/* Hack - Only shift the command key if it actually needs to be shifted. */
	if (cmdkey < 0x20)
		cmdkey = UN_KTRL(cmdkey);

	/* Object list display modes */
	if (mode & SHOW_FAIL)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_FAIL;
		olist_mode |= OLIST_WEIGHT;

	if (mode & SHOW_PRICES)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_PRICE;

	if (mode & SHOW_EMPTY)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_SEMPTY;

	/* Paranoia XXX XXX XXX */

	/* Not done */
	done = FALSE;

	/* No item selected */
	item = FALSE;

	/* Full inventory */
	i1 = 0;
	i2 = INVEN_PACK - 1;

	/* Forbid inventory */
	if (!use_inven) i2 = -1;

	/* Restrict inventory indexes */
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i1))) i1++;
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i2))) i2--;

	/* Accept inventory */
	if (i1 <= i2) allow_inven = TRUE;

	/* Full equipment */
	e2 = ALL_INVEN_TOTAL - 1;

	/* Forbid equipment */
	if (!use_equip) e2 = -1;

	/* Restrict equipment indexes */
	while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e1))) e1++;
	while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e2))) e2--;

	/* Accept equipment */
	if (e1 <= e2) allow_equip = TRUE;

	/* Scan all non-gold objects in the grid */
	floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, N_ELEMENTS(floor_list), py, px, 0x0B);

	/* Full floor */
	f1 = 0;
	f2 = floor_num - 1;

	/* Forbid floor */
	if (!use_floor) f2 = -1;

	/* Restrict floor indexes */
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f1]))) f1++;
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f2]))) f2--;

	/* Accept floor */
	if (f1 <= f2) allow_floor = TRUE;

	/* Require at least one legal choice */
	if (!allow_inven && !allow_equip && !allow_floor)
		/* Oops */
		oops = TRUE;
		done = TRUE;

	/* Analyze choices */
		/* Hack -- Start on equipment if requested */
		if ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && allow_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
		else if ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) && allow_inven)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
		else if ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_FLOOR) && allow_floor)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;

		/* If we are using the quiver then start on equipment */
		else if (quiver_tags && allow_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* Use inventory if allowed */
		else if (use_inven && allow_inven)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

		/* Use equipment if allowed */
		else if (use_equip && allow_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* Use floor if allowed */
		else if (use_floor && allow_floor)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;

		/* Hack -- Use (empty) inventory */
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

	/* Start out in "display" mode */
	if (show_list)
		/* Save screen */

	/* Repeat until done */
	while (!done)
		int ni = 0;
		int ne = 0;

		/* Scan windows */
		for (j = 0; j < ANGBAND_TERM_MAX; j++)
			/* Unused */
			if (!angband_term[j]) continue;

			/* Count windows displaying inven */
			if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_INVEN)) ni++;

			/* Count windows displaying equip */
			if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_EQUIP)) ne++;

		/* Toggle if needed */
		if (((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && ni && !ne) ||
		    ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) && !ni && ne))
			/* Toggle */

			/* Track toggles */
			toggle = !toggle;

		/* Redraw */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

		/* Redraw windows */

		/* Viewing inventory */
		if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
			int nmode = olist_mode;

			/* Show the quiver counts in certain cases, like the 'i' command */
			if (mode & SHOW_QUIVER)
				nmode |= OLIST_QUIVER;

			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list)

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Inven:");

			/* List choices */
			if (i1 <= i2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,",
				        index_to_label(i1), index_to_label(i2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
			if (use_equip)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
			if (allow_floor)
				my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[-]", '-');

		/* Viewing equipment */
		else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_equip(olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Equip:");

			/* List choices */
			if (e1 <= e2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,",
				        index_to_label(e1), index_to_label(e2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
			if (use_inven)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
			if (allow_floor)
				my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[!]", '!');

		/* Viewing floor */
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_floor(floor_list, floor_num, olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Floor:");

			/* List choices */
			if (f1 <= f2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,", I2A(f1), I2A(f2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Append */
			if (use_inven)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Append */
			else if (use_equip)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');


		/* Finish the prompt */
		my_strcat(out_val, " ESC", sizeof(out_val));

		/* if we have a prompt header, show the part that we just built */
		if (pmt) {
			/* Build the prompt */
			strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "(%s) %s", out_val, pmt);

			/* Show the prompt */
			prt(tmp_val, 0, 0);

		/* Get a key */
		//which = inkey();
		press = inkey_m();

		/* Parse it */
		if (press.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
			if (press.mouse.button == 2) {
				done = TRUE;
			} else
			if (press.mouse.button == 1) {
				k = -1;
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) {
					if (press.mouse.y == 0) {
						if (use_equip) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
						} else
						if (allow_floor) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;
					} else
					if ((press.mouse.y <= i2-i1+1) ){
					//&& (press.mouse.x > Term->wid - 1 - max_len - ex_width)) {
						//k = label_to_inven(index_to_label(i1+press.mouse.y-1));
						/* get the item index, allowing for skipped indices */
						for (j = i1; j <= i2; j++) {
							if (get_item_okay(j)) {
								if (press.mouse.y == 1) {
									k = j;
				} else
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) {
					if (press.mouse.y == 0) {
						if (allow_floor) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;
						} else
						if (use_inven) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
					} else
					if (press.mouse.y <= e2-e1+1) {
						if (olist_mode & OLIST_SEMPTY) {
							/* If we are showing empties, just set the object (empty objects will just keep the loop going) */
							k = label_to_equip(index_to_label(e1+press.mouse.y-1));
						else {
							/* get the item index, allowing for skipped indices */
							for (j = e1; j <= e2; j++) {
								/* skip the quiver slot which is a blank line in the list */
								if (j == 36) {
								} else
									if (get_item_okay(j)) {
										if (press.mouse.y == 1) {
											k = j;
				} else
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_FLOOR) {
					if (press.mouse.y == 0) {
						if (use_inven) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
						} else
						if (use_equip) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
					} else
					if ((press.mouse.y <= floor_num) && (press.mouse.y >= 1)) {
						/* Special index */
						k = 0 - floor_list[press.mouse.y-1];
						/* get the item index, allowing for skipped indices */
						for (j = f1; j <= f2; j++) {
							if (get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[j])) {
								if (press.mouse.y == 1) {
									k = 0 - floor_list[j];
						/* check the bounds the item number */
						if (k < 0) {
							/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
							if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
								done = TRUE;

							/* Accept that choice */
							(*cp) = k;
							item = TRUE;
							done = TRUE;
						} else {
							/* set k to a value that will be invalid below */
							k = -1;
				if (k >= 0) {
					/* Validate the item */
					if (!get_item_okay(k)) {
						bell("Illegal object choice (normal)!");

					/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
					if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless)) {
						done = TRUE;

					/* Accept that choice */
					(*cp) = k;
					item = TRUE;
					done = TRUE;
				} else
				if (press.mouse.y == 0) {
					/* Hack -- Fix screen */
					if (show_list) {
						/* Load screen */

						/* Save screen */
		} else
		//switch (which.code)
		switch (press.key.code)
			case ESCAPE:
			case ' ':
				done = TRUE;

			case '/':
				/* Toggle to inventory */
				if (use_inven && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_INVEN))
					p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

				/* Toggle to equipment */
				else if (use_equip && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_EQUIP))
					p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

				/* No toggle allowed */
					bell("Cannot switch item selector!");

				/* Hack -- Fix screen */
				if (show_list)
					/* Load screen */

					/* Save screen */

				/* Need to redraw */

			case '-':
				/* Paranoia */
				if (!allow_floor)
					bell("Cannot select floor!");

				/* There is only one item */
				if (floor_num == 1)
					/* Auto-select */
					if (p_ptr->command_wrk == (USE_FLOOR))
						/* Special index */
						k = 0 - floor_list[0];

						/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
						if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
							done = TRUE;

						/* Accept that choice */
						(*cp) = k;
						item = TRUE;
						done = TRUE;


				/* Hack -- Fix screen */
				if (show_list)
					/* Load screen */

					/* Save screen */

				p_ptr->command_wrk = (USE_FLOOR);

#if 0
				/* Check each legal object */
				for (i = 0; i < floor_num; ++i)
					/* Special index */
					k = 0 - floor_list[i];

					/* Skip non-okay objects */
					if (!get_item_okay(k)) continue;

					/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
					if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless)) continue;

					/* Accept that choice */
					(*cp) = k;
					item = TRUE;
					done = TRUE;


			case '0':
			case '1': case '2': case '3':
			case '4': case '5': case '6':
			case '7': case '8': case '9':
				/* Look up the tag */
				//if (!get_tag(&k, which.code, cmd, quiver_tags))
				if (!get_tag(&k, press.key.code, cmd, quiver_tags))
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Hack -- Validate the item */
				if ((k < INVEN_WIELD) ? !allow_inven : !allow_equip)
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

			case KC_ENTER:
				/* Choose "default" inventory item */
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
					if (i1 != i2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = i1;

				/* Choose the "default" slot (0) of the quiver */
				else if (quiver_tags)
					k = e1;

				/* Choose "default" equipment item */
				else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
					if (e1 != e2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = e1;

				/* Choose "default" floor item */
					if (f1 != f2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = 0 - floor_list[f1];

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

				bool verify;

				/* Note verify */
				//verify = (isupper((unsigned char)which.code) ? TRUE : FALSE);
				verify = (isupper((unsigned char)press.key.code) ? TRUE : FALSE);

				/* Lowercase */
				//which.code = tolower((unsigned char)which.code);
				press.key.code = tolower((unsigned char)press.key.code);

				/* Convert letter to inventory index */
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
					//k = label_to_inven(which.code);
					k = label_to_inven(press.key.code);

					if (k < 0)
						bell("Illegal object choice (inven)!");

				/* Convert letter to equipment index */
				else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
					//k = label_to_equip(which.code);
					k = label_to_equip(press.key.code);

					if (k < 0)
						bell("Illegal object choice (equip)!");

				/* Convert letter to floor index */
					//k = (islower((unsigned char)which.code) ? A2I((unsigned char)which.code) : -1);
					k = (islower((unsigned char)press.key.code) ? A2I((unsigned char)press.key.code) : -1);

					if (k < 0 || k >= floor_num)
						bell("Illegal object choice (floor)!");

					/* Special index */
					k = 0 - floor_list[k];

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (normal)!");

				/* Verify the item */
				if (verify && !verify_item("Try", k))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

	/* Fix the screen if necessary */
	if (show_list)
		/* Load screen */

		/* Hack -- Cancel "display" */
		show_list = FALSE;

	/* Kill buttons */
	/* Forget the item_tester_tval restriction */
	item_tester_tval = 0;

	/* Forget the item_tester_hook restriction */
	item_tester_hook = NULL;

	/* Toggle again if needed */
	if (toggle) toggle_inven_equip();

	/* Update */
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

	/* Clear the prompt line */
	prt("", 0, 0);

	/* Warning if needed */
	if (oops && str) msg("%s", str);

	/* Result */
	return (item);
Beispiel #13
 * Wield or wear a single item from the pack or floor
void do_cmd_wield(void)
	int i, item, slot;

	object_type forge;
	object_type *q_ptr;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	cptr act;

	char o_name[MAX_NLEN];

	cptr q, s;

	int need_switch_wielding = 0;

	if (p_ptr->special_defense & KATA_MUSOU)

	/* Restrict the choices */
	item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_wear;

	/* Get an item */
#ifdef JP
	q = "どれを装備しますか? ";
	s = "装備可能なアイテムがない。";
	q = "Wear/Wield which item? ";
	s = "You have nothing you can wear or wield.";

	if (!get_item(&item, q, s, (USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR))) return;

	/* Get the item (in the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		o_ptr = &inventory[item];

	/* Get the item (on the floor) */
		o_ptr = &o_list[0 - item];

	/* Check the slot */
	slot = wield_slot(o_ptr);

	/* Ugly hack! */
	if ( object_is_melee_weapon(o_ptr) 
	  && p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_PSION
	  && psion_weapon_graft() )
		msg_print("Failed!  Your weapon is currently grafted to your arm!");

	switch (o_ptr->tval)
	/* Shields and some misc. items */
	case TV_SHIELD:
	case TV_CARD:
		/* Dual wielding */
		if (buki_motteruka(INVEN_RARM) && buki_motteruka(INVEN_LARM))
			/* Restrict the choices */
			item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_melee_weapon;
			item_tester_no_ryoute = TRUE;

			/* Choose a weapon from the equipment only */
#ifdef JP
			q = "どちらの武器と取り替えますか?";
			s = "おっと。";
			q = "Replace which weapon? ";
			s = "Oops.";

			if (!get_item(&slot, q, s, (USE_EQUIP))) return;
			if (slot == INVEN_RARM) need_switch_wielding = INVEN_LARM;

		else if (buki_motteruka(INVEN_LARM)) slot = INVEN_RARM;

		/* Both arms are already used by non-weapon */
		else if (inventory[INVEN_RARM].k_idx && !object_is_melee_weapon(&inventory[INVEN_RARM]) &&
		         inventory[INVEN_LARM].k_idx && !object_is_melee_weapon(&inventory[INVEN_LARM]))
			/* Restrict the choices */
			item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_mochikae;

			/* Choose a hand */
#ifdef JP
			q = "どちらの手に装備しますか?";
			s = "おっと。";
			q = "Equip which hand? ";
			s = "Oops.";

			if (!get_item(&slot, q, s, (USE_EQUIP))) return;

	/* Melee weapons */
	case TV_HAFTED:
	case TV_SWORD:
		/* Asking for dual wielding */
		if (slot == INVEN_LARM)
#ifdef JP
			if (!get_check("二刀流で戦いますか?")) slot = INVEN_RARM;
			if (!get_check("Dual wielding? ")) slot = INVEN_RARM;

		else if (!inventory[INVEN_RARM].k_idx && buki_motteruka(INVEN_LARM))
#ifdef JP
			if (!get_check("二刀流で戦いますか?")) slot = INVEN_LARM;
			if (!get_check("Dual wielding? ")) slot = INVEN_LARM;

		/* Both arms are already used */
		else if (inventory[INVEN_LARM].k_idx && inventory[INVEN_RARM].k_idx)
			/* Restrict the choices */
			item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_mochikae;

			/* Choose a hand */
#ifdef JP
			q = "どちらの手に装備しますか?";
			s = "おっと。";
			q = "Equip which hand? ";
			s = "Oops.";

			if (!get_item(&slot, q, s, (USE_EQUIP))) return;
			if ((slot == INVEN_LARM) && !buki_motteruka(INVEN_RARM))
				need_switch_wielding = INVEN_RARM;

	/* Rings */
	case TV_RING:
		/* Choose a ring slot */
		if (inventory[INVEN_LEFT].k_idx && inventory[INVEN_RIGHT].k_idx)
#ifdef JP
			q = "どちらの指輪と取り替えますか?";
			q = "Replace which ring? ";
#ifdef JP
			q = "どちらの手に装備しますか?";
			q = "Equip which hand? ";

#ifdef JP
		s = "おっと。";
		s = "Oops.";

		/* Restrict the choices */
		select_ring_slot = TRUE;
		item_tester_no_ryoute = TRUE;

		if (!get_item(&slot, q, s, (USE_EQUIP)))
			select_ring_slot = FALSE;
		select_ring_slot = FALSE;

	/* Prevent wielding into a cursed slot */
	if (object_is_cursed(&inventory[slot]))
		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, &inventory[slot], (OD_OMIT_PREFIX | OD_NAME_ONLY));

		/* Message */
#ifdef JP
			   describe_use(slot) , o_name );
		msg_format("The %s you are %s appears to be cursed.",
			   o_name, describe_use(slot));

		/* Cancel the command */

	if (have_flag(inventory[slot].art_flags, TR_SIGNATURE))
		object_desc(o_name, &inventory[slot], (OD_OMIT_PREFIX | OD_NAME_ONLY));
		msg_format("The %s you are %s is your signature item and may not be removed.",
			   o_name, describe_use(slot));

	if (confirm_wear &&
		((object_is_cursed(o_ptr) && object_is_known(o_ptr)) ||
		((o_ptr->ident & IDENT_SENSE) &&
			(FEEL_BROKEN <= o_ptr->feeling) && (o_ptr->feeling <= FEEL_CURSED))))
		char dummy[MAX_NLEN+80];

		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, (OD_OMIT_PREFIX | OD_NAME_ONLY));

#ifdef JP
sprintf(dummy, "本当に%s{呪われている}を使いますか?", o_name);
		sprintf(dummy, "Really use the %s {cursed}? ", o_name);

		if (!get_check(dummy)) return;

	if ((o_ptr->name1 == ART_STONEMASK) && object_is_known(o_ptr) && (p_ptr->prace != RACE_VAMPIRE) && (p_ptr->prace != RACE_ANDROID) && (p_ptr->pclass != CLASS_BLOOD_KNIGHT))
		char dummy[MAX_NLEN+80];

		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, (OD_OMIT_PREFIX | OD_NAME_ONLY));

#ifdef JP
sprintf(dummy, "%sを装備すると吸血鬼になります。よろしいですか?", o_name);
		msg_format("%s will transforms you into a vampire permanently when equiped.", o_name);
		sprintf(dummy, "Do you become a vampire?");

		if (!get_check(dummy)) return;

	if (need_switch_wielding && !object_is_cursed(&inventory[need_switch_wielding]))
		object_type *slot_o_ptr = &inventory[slot];
		object_type *switch_o_ptr = &inventory[need_switch_wielding];
		object_type object_tmp;
		object_type *otmp_ptr = &object_tmp;
		char switch_name[MAX_NLEN];

		object_desc(switch_name, switch_o_ptr, (OD_OMIT_PREFIX | OD_NAME_ONLY));

		object_copy(otmp_ptr, switch_o_ptr);
		object_copy(switch_o_ptr, slot_o_ptr);
		object_copy(slot_o_ptr, otmp_ptr);
#ifdef JP
		msg_format("%sを%sに構えなおした。", switch_name, (slot == INVEN_RARM) ? (left_hander ? "左手" : "右手") : (left_hander ? "右手" : "左手"));
		msg_format("You wield %s at %s hand.", switch_name, (slot == INVEN_RARM) ? (left_hander ? "left" : "right") : (left_hander ? "right" : "left"));

		slot = need_switch_wielding;

	/* Check if completed a quest */
	for (i = 0; i < max_quests; i++)
		if ((quest[i].type == QUEST_TYPE_FIND_ARTIFACT) &&
		    (quest[i].status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) &&
		    (quest[i].k_idx == o_ptr->name1 || quest[i].k_idx == o_ptr->name3))
			if (record_fix_quest) do_cmd_write_nikki(NIKKI_FIX_QUEST_C, i, NULL);
			quest[i].status = QUEST_STATUS_COMPLETED;
			quest[i].complev = (byte)p_ptr->lev;
#ifdef JP
			msg_print("You completed the quest!");


	if (p_ptr->personality == PERS_MUNCHKIN)

		/* Auto-inscription */
		autopick_alter_item(item, FALSE);

	/* Take a turn */
	energy_use = weaponmaster_wield_hack(o_ptr);

	/* Get local object */
	q_ptr = &forge;

	/* Obtain local object */
	object_copy(q_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Modify quantity */
	q_ptr->number = 1;

	/* Decrease the item (from the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);

	/* Decrease the item (from the floor) */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);

	/* Access the wield slot */
	o_ptr = &inventory[slot];

	/* Take off existing item */
	if (o_ptr->k_idx)
		/* Take off existing item */
		(void)inven_takeoff(slot, 255);

	/* Wear the new stuff */
	object_copy(o_ptr, q_ptr);

	/* Player touches it */
	o_ptr->marked |= OM_TOUCHED;

	/* Increase the weight */
	p_ptr->total_weight += q_ptr->weight;

	/* Increment the equip counter by hand */

#ifdef JP
#define STR_WIELD_RARM "%s(%c)を右手に装備した。"
#define STR_WIELD_LARM "%s(%c)を左手に装備した。"
#define STR_WIELD_ARMS "%s(%c)を両手で構えた。"
#define STR_WIELD_RARM "You are wielding %s (%c) in your right hand."
#define STR_WIELD_LARM "You are wielding %s (%c) in your left hand."
#define STR_WIELD_ARMS "You are wielding %s (%c) with both hands."

	/* Where is the item now */
	switch (slot)
		if (object_allow_two_hands_wielding(o_ptr) && (empty_hands(FALSE) == EMPTY_HAND_LARM) && CAN_TWO_HANDS_WIELDING())
			act = STR_WIELD_ARMS;
			act = (left_hander ? STR_WIELD_LARM : STR_WIELD_RARM);

		if (object_allow_two_hands_wielding(o_ptr) && (empty_hands(FALSE) == EMPTY_HAND_RARM) && CAN_TWO_HANDS_WIELDING())
			act = STR_WIELD_ARMS;
			act = (left_hander ? STR_WIELD_RARM : STR_WIELD_LARM);

	case INVEN_BOW:
#ifdef JP
		act = "%s(%c)を射撃用に装備した。";
		act = "You are shooting with %s (%c).";

#ifdef JP
		act = "%s(%c)を光源にした。";
		act = "Your light source is %s (%c).";

#ifdef JP
		act = "%s(%c)を装備した。";
		act = "You are wearing %s (%c).";

	/* Describe the result */
	object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, 0);

	/* Message */
	msg_format(act, o_name, index_to_label(slot));

	/* Cursed! */
	if (object_is_cursed(o_ptr))
		/* Warn the player */
#ifdef JP
		msg_print("うわ! すさまじく冷たい!");
		msg_print("Oops! It feels deathly cold!");

		chg_virtue(V_HARMONY, -1);

		/* Note the curse */
		o_ptr->ident |= (IDENT_SENSE);

	if (o_ptr->name1 == ART_HAND_OF_VECNA)
		msg_print("You chop off your own hand to wield the Hand of Vecna!");

	if (o_ptr->name1 == ART_EYE_OF_VECNA)
		msg_print("You pluck out your own eye to wield the Eye of Vecna!");

	/* The Stone Mask make the player turn into a vampire! */
	if ((o_ptr->name1 == ART_STONEMASK) && (p_ptr->prace != RACE_VAMPIRE) && (p_ptr->prace != RACE_ANDROID) && (p_ptr->pclass != CLASS_BLOOD_KNIGHT)  && (p_ptr->pclass != CLASS_BLOOD_MAGE))
		/* Turn into a vampire */
		change_race(RACE_VAMPIRE, "");

	/* Recalculate bonuses */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

	/* Recalculate torch */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_TORCH);

	/* Recalculate mana */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_MANA);

	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_EQUIPPY);

	/* Window stuff */
	p_ptr->window |= (PW_INVEN | PW_EQUIP | PW_PLAYER);

Beispiel #14
void prise_silmaril(void)
	object_type   *o_ptr;
	object_type   *w_ptr;
	artefact_type *a_ptr;

	object_type object_type_body;

	cptr freed_msg = NULL; // default to soothe compiler warnings

	bool freed = FALSE;

	int slot = 0;
	int dam = 0;
	int prt = 0;
	int net_dam = 0;
	int prt_percent = 0;
	int hit_result = 0;
	int crit_bonus_dice = 0;
	int pd = 0;
	int noise = 0;
	u32b dummy_noticed_flag;
	int mds = p_ptr->mds;
	int attack_mod = p_ptr->skill_use[S_MEL];

	char o_name[80];

	// the Crown is on the ground
	o_ptr = &o_list[cave_o_idx[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px]];
	switch (o_ptr->name1)
		case ART_MORGOTH_3:
			pd = 15;
			noise = 5;
			freed_msg = "You have freed a Silmaril!";
		case ART_MORGOTH_2:
			pd = 25;
			noise = 10;
			if (p_ptr->crown_shatter)	freed_msg = "The fates be damned! You free a second Silmaril.";
			else						freed_msg = "You free a second Silmaril.";
		case ART_MORGOTH_1:
			pd = 30;
			noise = 15;
			freed_msg = "You free the final Silmaril. You have a very bad feeling about this.";
			msg_print("Looking into the hallowed light of the final Silmaril, you are filled with a strange dread.");
			if (!get_check("Are you sure you wish to proceed? ")) return;
	/* Get the weapon */
	w_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_WIELD];

	// undo rapid attack penalties
	if (p_ptr->active_ability[S_MEL][MEL_RAPID_ATTACK])
		// undo strength adjustment to the attack
		mds = total_mds(w_ptr, 0);
		// undo the dexterity adjustment to the attack
		attack_mod += 3;
	/* Test for hit */
	hit_result = hit_roll(attack_mod, 0, PLAYER, NULL, TRUE);
	/* Make some noise */
	stealth_score -= noise;
	// Determine damage
	if (hit_result > 0)
		crit_bonus_dice = crit_bonus(hit_result, w_ptr->weight, &r_info[R_IDX_MORGOTH], S_MEL, FALSE);
		dam = damroll(p_ptr->mdd + crit_bonus_dice, mds);
		prt = damroll(pd, 4);
		prt_percent = prt_after_sharpness(w_ptr, &dummy_noticed_flag);
		prt = (prt * prt_percent) / 100;
		net_dam = dam - prt;
		/* No negative damage */
		if (net_dam < 0) net_dam = 0;
		//update_combat_rolls1b(PLAYER, TRUE);
		update_combat_rolls2(p_ptr->mdd + crit_bonus_dice, mds, dam, pd, 4, prt, prt_percent, GF_HURT, TRUE);
	// if you succeed in prising out a Silmaril...
	if (net_dam > 0)
		freed = TRUE;
		switch (o_ptr->name1)
			case ART_MORGOTH_3:
			case ART_MORGOTH_2:
				if (!p_ptr->crown_shatter && one_in_(2))
					freed = FALSE;
			case ART_MORGOTH_1:
				if (!p_ptr->crown_shatter)
					freed = FALSE;
					p_ptr->cursed = TRUE;
		if (freed)
			// change its type to that of the crown with one less silmaril
			// get the details of this new crown
			a_ptr = &a_info[o_ptr->name1];
			// modify the existing crown
			object_into_artefact(o_ptr, a_ptr);
			// report success
			// Get new local object
			o_ptr = &object_type_body;
			// Make Silmaril
			object_prep(o_ptr, lookup_kind(TV_LIGHT, SV_LIGHT_SILMARIL));
			// Get it
			slot = inven_carry(o_ptr);

			/* Get the object again */
			o_ptr = &inventory[slot];
			/* Describe the object */
			object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, TRUE, 3);
			/* Message */
			msg_format("You have %s (%c).", o_name, index_to_label(slot));

			// Break the truce (always)
			// add a note to the notes file
			do_cmd_note("Cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown", p_ptr->depth);
	// if you fail to prise out a Silmaril...
		msg_print("Try though you might, you were unable to free a Silmaril.");
		msg_print("Perhaps you should try again or use a different weapon.");

		if (pd == 15) msg_print("(The combat rolls window shows what is happening.)");

		// Break the truce if creatures see

	// check for taking of final Silmaril
	if ((pd == 30) && freed)
		msg_print("Until you escape you must now roll twice for every skill check, taking the worse result each time.");
		msg_print("You hear a cry of veangance echo through the iron hells.");
Beispiel #15
 * Display a list of objects.  Each object may be prefixed with a label.
 * Used by show_inven(), show_equip(), and show_floor().  Mode flags are
 * documented in object.h
static void show_obj_list(int num_obj, int num_head, char labels[50][80],
	object_type *objects[50], olist_detail_t mode)
	int i, row = 0, col = 0;
	int attr;
	size_t max_len = 0;
	int ex_width = 0, ex_offset, ex_offset_ctr;

	object_type *o_ptr;
	char o_name[50][80];
	char tmp_val[80];
	bool in_term = (mode & OLIST_WINDOW) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	bool terse = FALSE;

	if (in_term) max_len = 40;
	if (in_term && Term->wid < 40) mode &= ~(OLIST_WEIGHT);

	if (Term->wid < 50) terse = TRUE;

	/* Calculate name offset and max name length */
	for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
		o_ptr = objects[i];

		/* Null objects are used to skip lines, or display only a label */		
		if (!o_ptr || !o_ptr->kind)
			if (i < num_head)
				strnfmt(o_name[i], sizeof(o_name[i]), "");
				strnfmt(o_name[i], sizeof(o_name[i]), "(nothing)");
			object_desc(o_name[i], sizeof(o_name[i]), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL |
				(terse ? ODESC_TERSE : 0));

		/* Max length of label + object name */
		max_len = MAX(max_len, strlen(labels[i]) + strlen(o_name[i]));

	/* Take the quiver message into consideration */
	if (mode & OLIST_QUIVER && p_ptr->quiver_slots > 0)
		max_len = MAX(max_len, 24);

	/* Width of extra fields */
	if (mode & OLIST_WEIGHT) ex_width += 9;
	if (mode & OLIST_PRICE) ex_width += 9;
	if (mode & OLIST_FAIL) ex_width += 10;

	/* Determine beginning row and column */
	if (in_term)
		/* Term window */
		row = 0;
		col = 0;
		/* Main window */
		row = 1;
		col = Term->wid - 1 - max_len - ex_width;

		if (col < 3) col = 0;

	/* Column offset of the first extra field */
	ex_offset = MIN(max_len, (size_t)(Term->wid - 1 - ex_width - col));

	/* Output the list */
	for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
		o_ptr = objects[i];
		/* Clear the line */
		prt("", row + i, MAX(col - 2, 0));

		/* If we have no label then we won't display anything */
		if (!strlen(labels[i])) continue;

		/* Print the label */
		put_str(labels[i], row + i, col);

		/* Limit object name */
		if (strlen(labels[i]) + strlen(o_name[i]) > (size_t)ex_offset)
			int truncate = ex_offset - strlen(labels[i]);
			if (truncate < 0) truncate = 0;
			if ((size_t)truncate > sizeof(o_name[i]) - 1) truncate = sizeof(o_name[i]) - 1;

			o_name[i][truncate] = '\0';
		/* Item kind determines the color of the output */
		if (o_ptr && o_ptr->kind)
			attr = tval_to_attr[o_ptr->tval % N_ELEMENTS(tval_to_attr)];
			attr = TERM_SLATE;

		/* Object name */
		c_put_str(attr, o_name[i], row + i, col + strlen(labels[i]));

		/* If we don't have an object, we can skip the rest of the output */
		if (!(o_ptr && o_ptr->kind)) continue;

		/* Extra fields */
		ex_offset_ctr = ex_offset;
		if (mode & OLIST_PRICE)
			int price = price_item(o_ptr, TRUE, o_ptr->number);
			strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%6d au", price);
			put_str(tmp_val, row + i, col + ex_offset_ctr);
			ex_offset_ctr += 9;

		if (mode & OLIST_FAIL && obj_can_fail(o_ptr))
			int fail = (9 + get_use_device_chance(o_ptr)) / 10;
			if (object_effect_is_known(o_ptr))
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%4d%% fail", fail);
				my_strcpy(tmp_val, "    ? fail", sizeof(tmp_val));
			put_str(tmp_val, row + i, col + ex_offset_ctr);
			ex_offset_ctr += 10;

		if (mode & OLIST_WEIGHT)
			int weight = o_ptr->weight * o_ptr->number;
			strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%4d.%1d lb", weight / 10, weight % 10);
			put_str(tmp_val, row + i, col + ex_offset_ctr);
			ex_offset_ctr += 9;

	/* For the inventory: print the quiver count */
	if (mode & OLIST_QUIVER)
		int count, j;

		/* Quiver may take multiple lines */
		for(j = 0; j < p_ptr->quiver_slots; j++, i++)
			const char *fmt = "in Quiver: %d missile%s";
			char letter = index_to_label(in_term ? i - 1 : i);

			/* Number of missiles in this "slot" */
			if (j == p_ptr->quiver_slots - 1 && p_ptr->quiver_remainder > 0)
				count = p_ptr->quiver_remainder;
				count = MAX_STACK_SIZE-1;

			/* Clear the line */
			prt("", row + i, MAX(col - 2, 0));

			/* Print the (disabled) label */
			strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%c) ", letter);
			c_put_str(TERM_SLATE, tmp_val, row + i, col);

			/* Print the count */
			strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), fmt, count, count == 1 ? "" : "s");
			c_put_str(TERM_L_UMBER, tmp_val, row + i, col + 3);

	/* Clear term windows */
	if (in_term)
		for (; i < Term->hgt; i++)
			prt("", row + i, MAX(col - 2, 0));
	/* Print a drop shadow for the main window if necessary */
	else if (i > 0 && row + i < 24)
		prt("", row + i, MAX(col - 2, 0));
Beispiel #16
 * Wield or wear a single item from the pack or floor
void do_cmd_wield(object_type *default_o_ptr, int default_item)
	int item, slot;
	object_type *o_ptr;
	object_type *i_ptr;
	object_type object_type_body;
	cptr act;
	cptr q, s;
	int i, quantity, original_quantity;
	bool weapon_less_effective = FALSE;
	bool grants_two_weapon = FALSE;
	char o_name[80];
	bool combine = FALSE;
	// use specified item if possible
	if (default_o_ptr != NULL)
		o_ptr = default_o_ptr;
		item = default_item;
	/* Get an item */
		/* Restrict the choices */
		item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_wear;
		/* Get an item */
		q = "Wear/Wield which item? ";
		s = "You have nothing you can wear or wield.";
		if (!get_item(&item, q, s, (USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR))) return;
		/* Get the item (in the pack) */
		if (item >= 0)
			o_ptr = &inventory[item];
			o_ptr = &o_list[0 - item];
	// remember how many there were
	original_quantity = o_ptr->number;
	// Check whether it would be too heavy
	if ((item < 0) && (p_ptr->total_weight + o_ptr->weight > weight_limit()*3/2))
		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, TRUE, 3);
		if (o_ptr->k_idx) msg_format("You cannot lift %s.", o_name);
		/* Abort */
	/* Check the slot */
	slot = wield_slot(o_ptr);
	/* Ask for ring to replace */
	if ((o_ptr->tval == TV_RING) &&
		inventory[INVEN_LEFT].k_idx &&
		/* Restrict the choices */
		item_tester_tval = TV_RING;
		/* Choose a ring from the equipment only */
		q = "Replace which ring? ";
		s = "Oops.";
		if (!get_item(&slot, q, s, USE_EQUIP)) return;

	// Special cases for merging arrows
	if (object_similar(&inventory[INVEN_QUIVER1], o_ptr))
		slot = INVEN_QUIVER1;
		combine = TRUE;
	else if (object_similar(&inventory[INVEN_QUIVER2], o_ptr))
		slot = INVEN_QUIVER2;
		combine = TRUE;
	/* Ask for arrow set to replace */
	else if ((o_ptr->tval == TV_ARROW) && inventory[INVEN_QUIVER1].k_idx && inventory[INVEN_QUIVER2].k_idx)
		/* Restrict the choices */
		item_tester_tval = TV_ARROW;
		/* Choose a set of arrows from the equipment only */
		q = "Replace which set of arrows? ";
		s = "Oops.";
		if (!get_item(&slot, q, s, USE_EQUIP)) return;
	// Ask about two weapon fighting if necessary
	for (i = 0; i < o_ptr->abilities; i++)
		if ((o_ptr->skilltype[i] == S_MEL) && (o_ptr->abilitynum[i] == MEL_TWO_WEAPON) && object_known_p(o_ptr))
			grants_two_weapon = TRUE;
	if ((p_ptr->active_ability[S_MEL][MEL_TWO_WEAPON] || grants_two_weapon) && 
	    ((o_ptr->tval == TV_SWORD) || (o_ptr->tval == TV_POLEARM) || (o_ptr->tval == TV_HAFTED) || (o_ptr->tval == TV_DIGGING)))
		if (!(k_info[o_ptr->k_idx].flags3 & (TR3_TWO_HANDED)))
			if (get_check("Do you wish to wield it in your off-hand? "))
				slot = INVEN_ARM;
	/* Prevent wielding into a cursed slot */
	if (cursed_p(&inventory[slot]))
		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), &inventory[slot], FALSE, 0);
		/* Message */
		msg_format("The %s you are %s appears to be cursed.",
		           o_name, describe_use(slot));
		/* Cancel the command */
	/* Deal with wielding of two-handed weapons when already using a shield */
	if ((k_info[o_ptr->k_idx].flags3 & (TR3_TWO_HANDED)) && (inventory[INVEN_ARM].k_idx))
		if (cursed_p(&inventory[INVEN_ARM]))
			if (inventory[INVEN_ARM].tval == TV_SHIELD)
				msg_print("You would need to remove your shield, but it appears to be cursed.");
				msg_print("You would need to put down your off-hand weapon, but it appears to be cursed.");
			/* Cancel the command */
		// warn about dropping item in left hand
		if ((item < 0) && (&inventory[INVEN_PACK-1])->tval)
			/* Flush input */
			if (inventory[INVEN_ARM].tval == TV_SHIELD)
				if (!get_check("This would require removing (and dropping) your shield. Proceed? "))
					/* Cancel the command */
				msg_print("This would require removing (and dropping) your off-hand weapon.");
				if (!get_check("Proceed? "))
					/* Cancel the command */
	/* Deal with wielding of shield or second weapon when already wielding a two handed weapon */
	if ((slot == INVEN_ARM) && (k_info[inventory[INVEN_WIELD].k_idx].flags3 & (TR3_TWO_HANDED)))	     
		if (cursed_p(&inventory[INVEN_WIELD]))
			msg_print("You would need to put down your weapon, but it appears to be cursed.");
			/* Cancel the command */

		// warn about dropping item in left hand
		if ((item < 0) && (&inventory[INVEN_PACK-1])->tval)
			/* Flush input */
			if (inventory[INVEN_ARM].tval == TV_SHIELD)
				if (!get_check("This would require removing (and dropping) your weapon. Proceed? "))
					/* Cancel the command */
				msg_print("This would require removing (and dropping) your weapon.");
				if (!get_check("Proceed? "))
					/* Cancel the command */
	/* Deal with wielding of shield or second weapon when already wielding a hand and a half weapon */
	if ((slot == INVEN_ARM) && (k_info[inventory[INVEN_WIELD].k_idx].flags3 & (TR3_HAND_AND_A_HALF))
	    && (!inventory[INVEN_ARM].k_idx))
		weapon_less_effective = TRUE;
	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;
	// store the action type
	p_ptr->previous_action[0] = ACTION_MISC;
	/* Get local object */
	i_ptr = &object_type_body;
	/* Obtain local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);
	// Handle quantity differently for arrows
	if (i_ptr->tval == TV_ARROW)
		if (combine)	quantity = MIN(o_ptr->number, MAX_STACK_SIZE - 1 - (&inventory[slot])->number);
		else			quantity = o_ptr->number;
		quantity = 1;
	/* Modify quantity */
	i_ptr->number = quantity;
	/* Decrease the item (from the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -quantity);
	/* Decrease the item (from the floor) */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -quantity);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);
	/* Get the wield slot */
	o_ptr = &inventory[slot];
	/* Take off existing item */
	if (o_ptr->k_idx && !combine)
		/* Take off existing item */
		(void)inven_takeoff(slot, 255);
	/* Deal with wielding of two-handed weapons when already using a shield */
	if ((k_info[i_ptr->k_idx].flags3 & (TR3_TWO_HANDED)) && (inventory[INVEN_ARM].k_idx))
		/* Take off shield */
		(void)inven_takeoff(INVEN_ARM, 255);
	/* Deal with wielding of shield or second weapon when already wielding a two handed weapon */
	if ((slot == INVEN_ARM) && (k_info[inventory[INVEN_WIELD].k_idx].flags3 & (TR3_TWO_HANDED)))
		/* Stop wielding two handed weapon */
		(void)inven_takeoff(INVEN_WIELD, 255);
	/* Combine the new stuff into the equipment */
	if (combine)
		msg_print("You combine them with some that are already in your quiver.");
		object_absorb(o_ptr, i_ptr);
	/* Wear the new stuff */
		object_copy(o_ptr, i_ptr);
	/* Increment the equip counter by hand */
	if (!combine) p_ptr->equip_cnt++;
	/* Where is the item now */
	if ((slot == INVEN_WIELD) || ((slot == INVEN_ARM) && (o_ptr->tval != TV_SHIELD)))
		act = "You are wielding";
	else if (slot == INVEN_BOW)
		act = "You are shooting with";
	else if (slot == INVEN_LITE)
		act = "Your light source is";
	else if ((slot == INVEN_QUIVER1) || (slot == INVEN_QUIVER2))
		act = "In your quiver you have";
		act = "You are wearing";
	/* Describe the result */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, TRUE, 3);
	/* Message */
	msg_format("%s %s (%c).", act, o_name, index_to_label(slot));
	// Deal with wielding from the floor
	if (item < 0)
		/* Forget monster */
		o_ptr->held_m_idx = 0;
		/* Forget location */
		o_ptr->iy = o_ptr->ix = 0;
		// Break the truce if picking up an item from the floor

		// Special effects when picking up all the items from the floor
		if (i_ptr->number == original_quantity)
			/* No longer marked */
			o_ptr->marked = FALSE;
	/* Cursed! */
	if (cursed_p(o_ptr))
		/* Warn the player */
		msg_print("You have a very bad feeling about this...");
		/* Remove special inscription, if any */
		if (o_ptr->discount >= INSCRIP_NULL) o_ptr->discount = 0;
		/* Sense the object if allowed */
		if (o_ptr->discount == 0) o_ptr->discount = INSCRIP_CURSED;
		/* The object has been "sensed" */
		o_ptr->ident |= (IDENT_SENSE);
	if (weapon_less_effective)
		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), &inventory[INVEN_WIELD], FALSE, 0);
		/* Message */
		msg_format("You are no longer able to wield your %s as effectively.",
	// activate all of its new abilities
	for (i = 0; i < o_ptr->abilities; i++)
		if (!p_ptr->have_ability[o_ptr->skilltype[i]][o_ptr->abilitynum[i]])
			p_ptr->have_ability[o_ptr->skilltype[i]][o_ptr->abilitynum[i]] = TRUE;
			p_ptr->active_ability[o_ptr->skilltype[i]][o_ptr->abilitynum[i]] = TRUE;
	/* Recalculate bonuses */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);
	/* Recalculate mana */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_MANA);
	/* Window stuff */
	p_ptr->window |= (PW_INVEN | PW_EQUIP | PW_PLAYER_0);
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_EQUIPPY | PR_RESIST);
Beispiel #17
 * Hack -- Dump a character description file
 * XXX XXX XXX Allow the "full" flag to dump additional info,
 * and trigger its usage from various places in the code.
errr file_character(const char *path, bool full)
	int i, x, y;

	byte a;
	char c;

	ang_file *fp;

	struct store *st_ptr = &stores[STORE_HOME];

	char o_name[80];

	byte (*old_xchar_hook)(byte c) = Term.xchar_hook;

	char buf[1024];

	/* We use either ascii or system-specific encoding */
 	int encoding = OPT(xchars_to_file) ? SYSTEM_SPECIFIC : ASCII;

	/* Unused parameter */

	/* Open the file for writing */
	fp = file_open(path, MODE_WRITE, FTYPE_TEXT);
	if (!fp) return (-1);

	/* Display the requested encoding -- ASCII or system-specific */
 	if (!OPT(xchars_to_file)) Term.xchar_hook = null;

	/* Begin dump */
	file_putf(fp, "  [%s Character Dump]\n\n", buildid);

	/* Display player */

	/* Dump part of the screen */
	for (y = 1; y < 23; y++)
		/* Dump each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 79; x++)
			/* Get the attr/char */
			(void)(Term_what(x, y, &a, &c));

			/* Dump it */
			buf[x] = c;

		/* Back up over spaces */
		while ((x > 0) && (buf[x-1] == ' ')) --x;

		/* Terminate */
		buf[x] = '\0';

		/* End the row */
		x_file_putf(fp, encoding, "%s\n", buf);

	/* Skip a line */
	file_putf(fp, "\n");

	/* Display player */

	/* Dump part of the screen */
	for (y = 11; y < 20; y++)
		/* Dump each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 39; x++)
			/* Get the attr/char */
			(void)(Term_what(x, y, &a, &c));

			/* Dump it */
			buf[x] = c;

		/* Back up over spaces */
		while ((x > 0) && (buf[x-1] == ' ')) --x;

		/* Terminate */
		buf[x] = '\0';

		/* End the row */
		x_file_putf(fp, encoding, "%s\n", buf);

	/* Skip a line */
	file_putf(fp, "\n");

	/* Dump part of the screen */
	for (y = 11; y < 20; y++)
		/* Dump each row */
		for (x = 0; x < 39; x++)
			/* Get the attr/char */
			(void)(Term_what(x + 40, y, &a, &c));

			/* Dump it */
			buf[x] = c;

		/* Back up over spaces */
		while ((x > 0) && (buf[x-1] == ' ')) --x;

		/* Terminate */
		buf[x] = '\0';

		/* End the row */
		x_file_putf(fp, encoding, "%s\n", buf);

	/* Skip some lines */
	file_putf(fp, "\n\n");

	/* If dead, dump last messages -- Prfnoff */
	if (p_ptr.is_dead)
		i = messages_num();
		if (i > 15) i = 15;
		file_putf(fp, "  [Last Messages]\n\n");
		while (i-- > 0)
			x_file_putf(fp, encoding, "> %s\n", message_str((s16b)i));
		x_file_putf(fp, encoding, "\nKilled by %s.\n\n", p_ptr.died_from);

	/* Dump the equipment */
	file_putf(fp, "  [Character Equipment]\n\n");
	for (i = INVEN_WIELD; i < ALL_INVEN_TOTAL; i++)
		if (i == INVEN_TOTAL)
			file_putf(fp, "\n\n  [Character Quiver]\n\n");
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), &p_ptr.inventory[i],

		x_file_putf(fp, encoding, "%c) %s\n", index_to_label(i), o_name);
		if (p_ptr.inventory[i].kind)
			object_info_chardump(fp, &p_ptr.inventory[i], 5, 72);

	/* Dump the inventory */
	file_putf(fp, "\n\n  [Character Inventory]\n\n");
	for (i = 0; i < INVEN_PACK; i++)
		if (!p_ptr.inventory[i].kind) break;

		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), &p_ptr.inventory[i],

		x_file_putf(fp, encoding, "%c) %s\n", index_to_label(i), o_name);
		object_info_chardump(fp, &p_ptr.inventory[i], 5, 72);
	file_putf(fp, "\n\n");

	/* Dump the Home -- if anything there */
	if (st_ptr.stock_num)
		/* Header */
		file_putf(fp, "  [Home Inventory]\n\n");

		/* Dump all available items */
		for (i = 0; i < st_ptr.stock_num; i++)
			object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), &st_ptr.stock[i],
			x_file_putf(fp, encoding, "%c) %s\n", I2A(i), o_name);

			object_info_chardump(fp, &st_ptr.stock[i], 5, 72);

		/* Add an empty line */
		file_putf(fp, "\n\n");

	/* Dump character history */
	file_putf(fp, "\n\n");

	/* Dump options */
	file_putf(fp, "  [Options]\n\n");

	/* Dump options */
	for (i = OPT_BIRTH; i < OPT_BIRTH + N_OPTS_BIRTH; i++)
		if (option_name(i))
			file_putf(fp, "%-45s: %s (%s)\n",
			        op_ptr.opt[i] ? "yes" : "no ",

	/* Skip some lines */
	file_putf(fp, "\n\n");

	/* Return to standard display */
 	Term.xchar_hook = old_xchar_hook;


	/* Success */
	return (0);
Beispiel #18
 * Make the correct prompt for items, handle mouse buttons
void item_prompt(int mode)
    char tmp_val[160];
    char out_val[160];

    bool use_inven = ((mode & USE_INVEN) ? TRUE : FALSE);
    bool use_equip = ((mode & USE_EQUIP) ? TRUE : FALSE);
    bool can_squelch = ((mode & CAN_SQUELCH) && !show_list ? TRUE : FALSE);
    bool allow_floor = (f1 <= f2);

    /* Viewing inventory */
    if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
	/* Begin the prompt */
	strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Inven:");

	/* List choices */
	if (i1 <= i2)
	    /* Build the prompt */
	    strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,",
		    index_to_label(i1), index_to_label(i2));

	    /* Append */
	    my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

	/* Indicate ability to "view" */
	if (!show_list)
	    my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[*]", '*');

	/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
	if (use_equip)
	    my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[/]", '/');

	/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
	if (allow_floor)
	    my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[-]", '-');

	/* Indicate that squelched items can be selected */
	if (can_squelch)
	    my_strcat(out_val, " ! for squelched,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[!]", '!');

    /* Viewing equipment */
    else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)

	/* Begin the prompt */
	strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Equip:");

	/* List choices */
	if (e1 <= e2) {
	    /* Build the prompt */
	    strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,", index_to_label(e1),

	    /* Append */
	    my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

	/* Indicate ability to "view" */
	if (!show_list) {
	    my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[*]", '*');

	/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
	if (use_inven) {
	    my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[/]", '/');

	/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
	if (allow_floor) {
	    my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[!]", '!');

    /* Viewing floor */
	/* Begin the prompt */
	strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Floor:");

	/* List choices */
	if (f1 <= f2) {
	    /* Build the prompt */
	    strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,", I2A(f1), I2A(f2));

	    /* Append */
	    my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

	/* Indicate ability to "view" */
	if (!show_list) {
	    my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[*]", '*');

	/* Append */
	if (use_inven) {
	    my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[/]", '/');

	/* Append */
	else if (use_equip) {
	    my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[/]", '/');

	/* Indicate that squelched items can be selected */
	if (can_squelch) {
	    my_strcat(out_val, " ! for squelched,", sizeof(out_val));
	    button_add("[!]", '!');

    /* Finish the prompt */
    my_strcat(out_val, " ESC", sizeof(out_val));

    /* Build the prompt */
    strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "(%s) %s", out_val, prompt);

    /* Show the prompt */
    prt(tmp_val, 0, 0);
Beispiel #19
 * Display a list of objects.  Each object may be prefixed with a label.
 * Used by show_inven(), show_equip(), and show_floor().  Mode flags are
 * documented in object.h
static void show_obj_list(int num_obj, u32b display, olist_detail_t mode)
    int i, row = 0, col = 0, sp = 0;
    size_t max_len = Term->wid - 1;
    int ex_width = 0;

    object_type *o_ptr;
    char tmp_val[80];

    bool in_term;

    in_term = (mode & OLIST_WINDOW) ? TRUE : FALSE;


    /* Check for window size restrictions */
    if (in_term)
	/* Scan windows */
	for (i = 0; i < ANGBAND_TERM_MAX; i++) {
	    /* Unused */
	    if (!angband_term[i])
	    /* Count windows displaying inven */
	    if (op_ptr->window_flag[i] & display)
		max_len = MIN(max_len, angband_term[i]->wid);

    /* Width of extra fields */
    if (mode & OLIST_WEIGHT)
	ex_width += 9;
    if (mode & OLIST_PRICE)
	ex_width += 9;
    if (mode & OLIST_FAIL)
	ex_width += 10;

    /* Determine beginning row and column */
    if (in_term) {
	/* Term window */
	row = 0;
	col = 0;
    } else {
	/* Main window */
	row = 1;
	col = Term->wid - 1 - max_len - ex_width;
	col = MIN(col, 20);

	if (col < 3)
	    col = 0;

    /* Output the list */
    for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++) 
	o_ptr = items[i].object;

	/* Display each line */
	show_obj(i + sp, max_len, items[i].label, o_ptr, FALSE, mode);
	if ((i == (INVEN_FEET - INVEN_WIELD)) && need_spacer)
	    sp = 1;
	    prt("", i + sp + 1, MAX(col - 2, 0));

    /* For the inventory: print the quiver count */
    if (mode & OLIST_QUIVER)
	int count, j;

	/* Adjust for subwindow */
	int skip = (in_term) ? 1 : 0;

	/* Quiver may take multiple lines */
	for(j = 0; j < p_ptr->quiver_slots; j++, i++)
	    /* Number of missiles in this "slot" */
	    if (j == p_ptr->quiver_slots - 1 && p_ptr->quiver_remainder > 0)
		count = p_ptr->quiver_remainder;
		count = 99;

	    /* Clear the line */
	    prt("", row + i + skip, MAX(col - 2, 0));

	    /* Print the (disabled) label */
	    strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%c) ", index_to_label(i));
	    c_put_str(TERM_SLATE, tmp_val, row + i + skip, col);

	    /* Print the count */
	    strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "in Quiver: %d missile%s", count,
		    count == 1 ? "" : "s");
	    c_put_str(TERM_L_UMBER, tmp_val, row + i + skip, col + 3);

    /* Clear term windows */
    if (in_term) {
	for (; i < Term->hgt; i++) {
	    prt("", row + i + offset + sp, MAX(col - 2, 0));

    /* Print a drop shadow for the main window if necessary */
    else if (i > 0 && row + i < 24) {
	prt("", row + i + sp, MAX(col - 2, 0));
Beispiel #20
 * Build the object list.  Note that only the equipment has first non-zero. 
static void build_obj_list(int first, int last, const int *floor_list, 
			   olist_detail_t mode)
    int i;
    object_type *o_ptr;
    bool in_term = (mode & OLIST_WINDOW) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    need_spacer = FALSE;
    offset = 0;
    num_obj = 0;

    /* Clear the existing contents */
    for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
	items[i].object = NULL;
	items[i].index = 0;
	items[i].key = '\0';
	my_strcpy(items[i].label, "", sizeof(items[i].label));

    /* Leave top line clear for inventory subwindow */
    if (!first && !floor_list && in_term) 
	offset = 1;
    for (i = first; i <= last; i++)
	if (floor_list)
	    o_ptr = &o_list[floor_list[i]];
	    o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];

	/* May need a blank line to separate equipment and quiver */
	if ((i == INVEN_TOTAL) && (first))
	    int j;
	    /* Scan the rest of the items for acceptable entries */
	    for (j = i; j <= last; j++)
		o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[j];
		if (item_tester_okay(o_ptr) || in_term) need_spacer = TRUE;


	/* Tester always skips gold. When gold should be displayed,
	 * only test items that are not gold.
	if (((o_ptr->tval == TV_GOLD) && (mode & OLIST_GOLD)) ||
	    strnfmt(items[num_obj].label, sizeof(items[num_obj].label), "%c) ", 
	/* Unacceptable carried items are still displayed in term windows */
	else if ((in_term) && (!floor_list))
	    my_strcpy(items[num_obj].label, "   ", 

	/* Unacceptable items are skipped in the main window */
	else continue;

	/* Special labels for equipment */
	if (first){
	    char tmp_val[80];

	    /* Show full slot labels */
	    if (OPT(show_labels))
		strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%-14s: ", mention_use(i));
		my_strcat(items[num_obj].label, tmp_val, 

	    /* Otherwise only show short quiver labels */
	    else if (i >= QUIVER_START)
		strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "[f%d]: ", i - QUIVER_START);
		my_strcat(items[num_obj].label, tmp_val, 

	/* Save the object */
	items[num_obj].object = o_ptr;
	items[num_obj].index = i;
	items[num_obj].key = (items[num_obj].label)[0];
Beispiel #21
 * Display the equipment.  Builds a list of objects and passes them
 * off to show_obj_list() for display.  Mode flags documented in
 * object.h
void show_equip(olist_detail_t mode)
	int i, last_slot = 0;

	object_type *o_ptr;

   int num_obj = 0;
   char labels[50][80];
   object_type *objects[50];

	char tmp_val[80];

   bool in_term = (mode & OLIST_WINDOW) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	/* Find the last equipment slot to display */
	for (i = INVEN_WIELD; i < ALL_INVEN_TOTAL; i++)
		o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];
		if (i < INVEN_TOTAL || o_ptr->k_idx) last_slot = i;

	/* Build the object list */
	for (i = INVEN_WIELD; i <= last_slot; i++)
		if (((i >= INVEN_WIELD) && (i < (INVEN_WIELD + rp_ptr->melee_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_BOW) && (i < (INVEN_BOW + rp_ptr->range_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_FINGER) && (i < (INVEN_FINGER + rp_ptr->ring_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_NECK) && (i < (INVEN_NECK + rp_ptr->amulet_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_LIGHT) && (i < (INVEN_LIGHT + rp_ptr->light_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_BODY) && (i < (INVEN_BODY + rp_ptr->body_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_OUTER) && (i < (INVEN_OUTER + rp_ptr->cloak_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_ARM) && (i < (INVEN_ARM + rp_ptr->shield_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_HEAD) && (i < (INVEN_HEAD + rp_ptr->helm_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_HANDS) && (i < (INVEN_HANDS + rp_ptr->glove_slots)))
			|| ((i >= INVEN_FEET) && (i < (INVEN_FEET + rp_ptr->boot_slots))))
			o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];

			/* May need a blank line to separate the quiver */
			if (i == INVEN_TOTAL)
				int j;
				bool need_spacer = FALSE;
				/* Scan the rest of the items for acceptable entries */
				for (j = i; j < last_slot; j++)
					o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[j];
					if (item_tester_okay(o_ptr)) need_spacer = TRUE;

				/* Add a spacer between equipment and quiver */
				if (num_obj > 0 && need_spacer)
					my_strcpy(labels[num_obj], "", sizeof(labels[num_obj]));
					objects[num_obj] = NULL;


			/* Acceptable items get a label */
			//if (item_tester_okay(o_ptr))
				strnfmt(labels[num_obj], sizeof(labels[num_obj]), "%c) ", index_to_label(num_obj));

			/* Unacceptable items are still displayed in term windows */
			//else if (in_term)
			//	my_strcpy(labels[num_obj], "   ", sizeof(labels[num_obj]));

			/* Unacceptable items are skipped in the main window */
			//else continue;

			/* Show full slot labels */
			if (TRUE)//OPT(show_labels))
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%-14s: ", mention_use(i));
				my_strcat(labels[num_obj], tmp_val, sizeof(labels[num_obj]));

			/* Otherwise only show short quiver labels */
			else if (i >= QUIVER_START)
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "[f%d]: ", i - QUIVER_START);
				my_strcat(labels[num_obj], tmp_val, sizeof(labels[num_obj]));

			/* Save the object */
			objects[num_obj] = o_ptr;

	/* Display the object list */
	show_obj_list(num_obj, labels, objects, mode);
Beispiel #22
 * Display a list of objects.  Each object may be prefixed with a label.
 * Used by show_inven(), show_equip(), and show_floor().  Mode flags are
 * documented in object.h
static void show_obj_list(int num_obj, char labels[50][80], object_type *objects[50], olist_detail_t mode)
	int i, row = 0, col = 0;
	size_t max_len = 0;
	int ex_width = 0, ex_offset, ex_offset_ctr;

	object_type *o_ptr;
	char o_name[50][80];
	char tmp_val[80];
	bool in_term;
	in_term = (mode & OLIST_WINDOW) ? TRUE : FALSE;

	if (in_term) max_len = 40;

	/* Calculate name offset and max name length */
	for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
		o_ptr = objects[i];

		/* Null objects are used to skip lines, or display only a label */		
		if (o_ptr == NULL) continue;

		/* Max length of label + object name */
		object_desc(o_name[i], sizeof(o_name[i]), o_ptr, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);
		max_len = MAX(max_len, strlen(labels[i]) + strlen(o_name[i]));

	/* Width of extra fields */
	if (mode & OLIST_WEIGHT) ex_width += 9;
	if (mode & OLIST_PRICE) ex_width += 9;
	if (mode & OLIST_FAIL) ex_width += 10;

	/* Determine beginning row and column */
	if (in_term)
		/* Term window */
		row = 0;
		col = 0;
		/* Main window */
		row = 1;
		col = Term->wid - 1 - max_len - ex_width;

		if (col < 3) col = 0;

	/* Column offset of the first extra field */
	ex_offset = MIN(max_len, (size_t)(Term->wid - 1 - ex_width - col));

	/* Output the list */
	for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
		o_ptr = objects[i];
		/* Clear the line */
		prt("", row + i, MAX(col - 2, 0));

		/* Print the label */
		put_str(labels[i], row + i, col);

		/* Print the object */
		if (o_ptr != NULL)
			/* Limit object name */
			if (strlen(labels[i]) + strlen(o_name[i]) > (size_t)ex_offset)
				int truncate = ex_offset - strlen(labels[i]);
				if (truncate < 0) truncate = 0;
				if ((size_t)truncate > sizeof(o_name[i]) - 1) truncate = sizeof(o_name[i]) - 1;

				o_name[i][truncate] = '\0';

			/* Object name */
			c_put_str(tval_to_attr[o_ptr->tval % N_ELEMENTS(tval_to_attr)], o_name[i],
			          row + i, col + strlen(labels[i]));

			/* Extra fields */
			ex_offset_ctr = ex_offset;
			if (mode & OLIST_PRICE)
				int price = price_item(o_ptr, TRUE, o_ptr->number);
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%6d au", price);
				put_str(tmp_val, row + i, col + ex_offset_ctr);
				ex_offset_ctr += 9;

			if (mode & OLIST_FAIL)
				int fail = (9 + get_use_device_chance(o_ptr)) / 10;
				if (object_effect_is_known(o_ptr))
					strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%4d%% fail", fail);
					my_strcpy(tmp_val, "    ? fail", sizeof(tmp_val));
				put_str(tmp_val, row + i, col + ex_offset_ctr);
				ex_offset_ctr += 10;

			if (mode & OLIST_WEIGHT)
				int weight = o_ptr->weight * o_ptr->number;
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%4d.%1d lb", weight / 10, weight % 10);
				put_str(tmp_val, row + i, col + ex_offset_ctr);
				ex_offset_ctr += 9;

	/* For the inventory: print the quiver count */
	if (mode & OLIST_QUIVER)
		int count, j;

		/* Quiver may take multiple lines */
		for(j = 0; j < p_ptr->quiver_slots; j++, i++)
			/* Number of missiles in this "slot" */
			if (j == p_ptr->quiver_slots - 1 && p_ptr->quiver_remainder > 0)
				count = p_ptr->quiver_remainder;
				count = 99;

			/* Clear the line */
			prt("", row + i, MAX(col - 2, 0));

			/* Print the (disabled) label */
			strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%c) ", index_to_label(i));
			c_put_str(TERM_SLATE, tmp_val, row + i, col);

			/* Print the count */
			strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "in Quiver: %d missile%s", count,
					count == 1 ? "" : "s");
			c_put_str(TERM_L_UMBER, tmp_val, row + i, col + 3);

	/* Clear term windows */
	if (in_term)
		for (; i < Term->hgt; i++)
			prt("", row + i, MAX(col - 2, 0));
	/* Print a drop shadow for the main window if necessary */
	else if (i > 0 && row + i < 24)
		prt("", row + i, MAX(col - 2, 0));
Beispiel #23
 * Wield or wear a single item from the pack or floor
void do_cmd_wield(void)
	int item, slot;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	object_type *i_ptr;
	object_type object_type_body;

	cptr act;

	cptr q, s;

	char o_name[80];

	/* Restrict the choices */
	item_tester_hook = item_tester_hook_wear;

	/* Get an item */
	q = "Wear/Wield which item? ";
	s = "You have nothing you can wear or wield.";
	if (!get_item(&item, q, s, (USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR))) return;

	/* Get the item (in the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		o_ptr = &inventory[item];

	/* Get the item (on the floor) */
		o_ptr = &o_list[0 - item];

	/* Check the slot */
	slot = wield_slot(o_ptr);

	/* Prevent wielding into a cursed slot */
	if (cursed_p(&inventory[slot]))
		/* Describe it */
		object_desc(o_name, &inventory[slot], FALSE, 0);

		/* Message */
		msg_format("The %s you are %s appears to be cursed.",
		           o_name, describe_use(slot));

		/* Cancel the command */

	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

	/* Get local object */
	i_ptr = &object_type_body;

	/* Obtain local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Modify quantity */
	i_ptr->number = 1;

	/* Decrease the item (from the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);

	/* Decrease the item (from the floor) */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);

	/* Get the wield slot */
	o_ptr = &inventory[slot];

	/* Take off existing item */
	if (o_ptr->k_idx)
		/* Take off existing item */
		(void)inven_takeoff(slot, 255);

	/* Wear the new stuff */
	object_copy(o_ptr, i_ptr);

	/* Increase the weight */
	p_ptr->total_weight += i_ptr->weight;

	/* Increment the equip counter by hand */

	/* Where is the item now */
	if (slot == INVEN_WIELD)
		act = "You are wielding";
	else if (slot == INVEN_BOW)
		act = "You are shooting with";
	else if (slot == INVEN_LIGHT)
		act = "Your light source is";
		act = "You are wearing";

	/* Describe the result */
	object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, TRUE, 3);

	/* Message */
	msg_format("%s %s (%c).", act, o_name, index_to_label(slot));

	/* Cursed! */
	if (cursed_p(o_ptr))
		/* Warn the player */
		msg_print("Oops! It feels deathly cold!");

		/* Remove special inscription, if any */
		if (o_ptr->discount >= INSCRIP_NULL) o_ptr->discount = 0;

		/* Sense the object if allowed */
		if (o_ptr->discount == 0) o_ptr->discount = INSCRIP_CURSED;

		/* The object has been "sensed" */
		o_ptr->ident |= (IDENT_SENSE);

	/* Recalculate bonuses */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS);

	/* Recalculate torch */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_TORCH);

	/* Recalculate mana */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_MANA);

	/* Window stuff */
	p_ptr->window |= (PW_INVEN | PW_EQUIP | PW_PLAYER_0 | PW_PLAYER_1);

	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_EQUIPPY);
Beispiel #24
 * Let the user select an item, save its "index"
 * Return TRUE only if an acceptable item was chosen by the user.
 * The selected item must satisfy the "item_tester_hook()" function,
 * if that hook is set, and the "item_tester_tval", if that value is set.
 * All "item_tester" restrictions are cleared before this function returns.
 * The user is allowed to choose acceptable items from the equipment,
 * inventory, or floor, respectively, if the proper flag was given,
 * and there are any acceptable items in that location.
 * The equipment or inventory are displayed (even if no acceptable
 * items are in that location) if the proper flag was given.
 * If there are no acceptable items available anywhere, and "str" is
 * not NULL, then it will be used as the text of a warning message
 * before the function returns.
 * Note that the user must press "-" to specify the item on the floor,
 * and there is no way to "examine" the item on the floor, while the
 * use of "capital" letters will "examine" an inventory/equipment item,
 * and prompt for its use.
 * If a legal item is selected from the inventory, we save it in "cp"
 * directly (0 to 35), and return TRUE.
 * If a legal item is selected from the floor, we save it in "cp" as
 * a negative (-1 to -511), and return TRUE.
 * If no item is available, we do nothing to "cp", and we display a
 * warning message, using "str" if available, and return FALSE.
 * If no item is selected, we do nothing to "cp", and return FALSE.
 * Global "p_ptr->command_wrk" is used to choose between equip/inven/floor
 * listings.  It is equal to USE_INVEN or USE_EQUIP or USE_FLOOR, except
 * when this function is first called, when it is equal to zero, which will
 * cause it to be set to USE_INVEN.
 * We always erase the prompt when we are done, leaving a blank line,
 * or a warning message, if appropriate, if no items are available.
 * Note that only "acceptable" floor objects get indexes, so between two
 * commands, the indexes of floor objects may change.  XXX XXX XXX
bool get_item(int *cp, cptr pmt, cptr str, cmd_code cmd, int mode)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;
	unsigned char cmdkey = cmd_lookup_key(cmd);

	ui_event_data which;

	int j, k;

	int i1, i2;
	int e1, e2;
	int f1, f2;

	bool done, item;

	bool oops = FALSE;

	bool use_inven = ((mode & USE_INVEN) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_equip = ((mode & USE_EQUIP) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_floor = ((mode & USE_FLOOR) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_quiver = ((mode & QUIVER_TAGS) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool is_harmless = ((mode & IS_HARMLESS) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool quiver_tags = ((mode & QUIVER_TAGS) ? TRUE : FALSE);

	olist_detail_t olist_mode = 0;

	bool allow_inven = FALSE;
	bool allow_equip = FALSE;
	bool allow_floor = FALSE;

	bool toggle = FALSE;

	char tmp_val[160];
	char out_val[160];

	int floor_list[MAX_FLOOR_STACK];
	int floor_num;

	bool show_list = TRUE;

	/* Object list display modes */
	if (mode & SHOW_FAIL)
		olist_mode |= (OLIST_FAIL);
		olist_mode |= (OLIST_WEIGHT);
	if (mode & SHOW_PRICES)
		olist_mode |= (OLIST_PRICE);

	/* Paranoia XXX XXX XXX */

	/* Not done */
	done = FALSE;

	/* No item selected */
	item = FALSE;

	/* Full inventory */
	i1 = 0;
	i2 = INVEN_PACK - 1;

	/* Forbid inventory */
	if (!use_inven) i2 = -1;

	/* Restrict inventory indexes */
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i1))) i1++;
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i2))) i2--;

	/* Accept inventory */
	if (i1 <= i2) allow_inven = TRUE;

	/* Full equipment */
	e2 = ALL_INVEN_TOTAL - 1;

	/* Forbid equipment */
	if (!use_equip) e2 = -1;

	/* Restrict equipment indexes */
	while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e1))) e1++;
	while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e2))) e2--;

	/* Accept equipment */
	if (e1 <= e2) allow_equip = TRUE;

	/* Scan all non-gold objects in the grid */
	floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, N_ELEMENTS(floor_list), py, px, 0x03);

	/* Full floor */
	f1 = 0;
	f2 = floor_num - 1;

	/* Forbid floor */
	if (!use_floor) f2 = -1;

	/* Restrict floor indexes */
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f1]))) f1++;
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f2]))) f2--;

	/* Accept floor */
	if (f1 <= f2) allow_floor = TRUE;

	/* Require at least one legal choice */
	if (!allow_inven && !allow_equip && !allow_floor)
		/* Oops */
		oops = TRUE;
		done = TRUE;

	/* Analyze choices */
		/* Hack -- Start on equipment if requested */
		if ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && use_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* If we are using the quiver then start on equipment */
		else if (use_quiver)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* Use inventory if allowed */
		else if (use_inven)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

		/* Use equipment if allowed */
		else if (use_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* Use floor if allowed */
		else if (use_floor)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;

		/* Hack -- Use (empty) inventory */
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

	/* Start out in "display" mode */
	if (show_list)
		/* Save screen */

	/* Repeat until done */
	while (!done)
		int ni = 0;
		int ne = 0;

		/* Scan windows */
		for (j = 0; j < REPOSBAND_TERM_MAX; j++)
			/* Unused */
			if (!reposband_term[j]) continue;

			/* Count windows displaying inven */
			if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_INVEN)) ni++;

			/* Count windows displaying equip */
			if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_EQUIP)) ne++;

		/* Toggle if needed */
		if (((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && ni && !ne) ||
		    ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) && !ni && ne))
			/* Toggle */

			/* Track toggles */
			toggle = !toggle;

		/* Redraw */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

		/* Redraw windows */

		/* Viewing inventory */
		if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_inven(olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Inven:");

			/* List choices */
			if (i1 <= i2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,",
				        index_to_label(i1), index_to_label(i2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
			if (use_equip)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
			if (allow_floor)
				my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[-]", '-');

		/* Viewing equipment */
		else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_equip(olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Equip:");

			/* List choices */
			if (e1 <= e2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,",
				        index_to_label(e1), index_to_label(e2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
			if (use_inven)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
			if (allow_floor)
				my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[!]", '!');

		/* Viewing floor */
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_floor(floor_list, floor_num, olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Floor:");

			/* List choices */
			if (f1 <= f2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,", I2A(f1), I2A(f2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Append */
			if (use_inven)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Append */
			else if (use_equip)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');


		/* Finish the prompt */
		my_strcat(out_val, " ESC", sizeof(out_val));

		/* Build the prompt */
		strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "(%s) %s", out_val, pmt);

		/* Show the prompt */
		prt(tmp_val, 0, 0);

		/* Get a key */
		which = inkey_ex();

		/* Parse it */
		switch (which.key)
			case ESCAPE:
				done = TRUE;

			case '/':
				/* Toggle to inventory */
				if (use_inven && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_INVEN))
					p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

				/* Toggle to equipment */
				else if (use_equip && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_EQUIP))
					p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

				/* No toggle allowed */
					bell("Cannot switch item selector!");

				/* Hack -- Fix screen */
				if (show_list)
					/* Load screen */

					/* Save screen */

				/* Need to redraw */

			case '-':
				/* Paranoia */
				if (!allow_floor)
					bell("Cannot select floor!");

				/* There is only one item */
				if (floor_num == 1)
					/* Auto-select */
					if (p_ptr->command_wrk == (USE_FLOOR))
						/* Special index */
						k = 0 - floor_list[0];

						/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
						if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless))
							done = TRUE;

						/* Accept that choice */
						(*cp) = k;
						item = TRUE;
						done = TRUE;


				/* Hack -- Fix screen */
				if (show_list)
					/* Load screen */

					/* Save screen */

				p_ptr->command_wrk = (USE_FLOOR);

#if 0
				/* Check each legal object */
				for (i = 0; i < floor_num; ++i)
					/* Special index */
					k = 0 - floor_list[i];

					/* Skip non-okay objects */
					if (!get_item_okay(k)) continue;

					/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
					if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless)) continue;

					/* Accept that choice */
					(*cp) = k;
					item = TRUE;
					done = TRUE;


			case '0':
			case '1': case '2': case '3':
			case '4': case '5': case '6':
			case '7': case '8': case '9':
				/* Look up the tag */
				if (!get_tag(&k, which.key, cmd, quiver_tags))
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Hack -- Validate the item */
				if ((k < INVEN_WIELD) ? !allow_inven : !allow_equip)
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

			case '\n':
			case '\r':
				/* Choose "default" inventory item */
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
					if (i1 != i2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = i1;

				/* Choose the "default" slot (0) of the quiver */
				else if (quiver_tags)
					k = e1;

				/* Choose "default" equipment item */
				else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
					if (e1 != e2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = e1;

				/* Choose "default" floor item */
					if (f1 != f2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = 0 - floor_list[f1];

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

				bool verify;

				/* Note verify */
				verify = (isupper((unsigned char)which.key) ? TRUE : FALSE);

				/* Lowercase */
				which.key = tolower((unsigned char)which.key);

				/* Convert letter to inventory index */
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
					k = label_to_inven(which.key);

					if (k < 0)
						bell("Illegal object choice (inven)!");

				/* Convert letter to equipment index */
				else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
					k = label_to_equip(which.key);

					if (k < 0)
						bell("Illegal object choice (equip)!");

				/* Convert letter to floor index */
					k = (islower((unsigned char)which.key) ? A2I(which.key) : -1);

					if (k < 0 || k >= floor_num)
						bell("Illegal object choice (floor)!");

					/* Special index */
					k = 0 - floor_list[k];

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (normal)!");

				/* Verify the item */
				if (verify && !verify_item("Try", k))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

	/* Fix the screen if necessary */
	if (show_list)
		/* Load screen */

		/* Hack -- Cancel "display" */
		show_list = FALSE;

	/* Kill buttons */
	/* Forget the item_tester_tval restriction */
	item_tester_tval = 0;

	/* Forget the item_tester_hook restriction */
	item_tester_hook = NULL;

	/* Toggle again if needed */
	if (toggle) toggle_inven_equip();

	/* Update */
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

	/* Clear the prompt line */
	prt("", 0, 0);

	/* Warning if needed */
	if (oops && str) msg_print(str);

	/* Result */
	return (item);
Beispiel #25
bool pickup_object(void)
    object_type *o_ptr = &o_list[cave_o_idx[p_ptr->py][p_ptr->px]];
    char commands[80];
    int value = evaluate_object(o_ptr);
    if (value > 0)
        int slot = wield_slot(o_ptr);
        // if it is a non-wieldable item
        if (slot == -1)
            // create the commands
            strnfmt(commands, sizeof(commands), "g-");
            // queue the commands
        // special rules for arrows
        else if ((slot == INVEN_QUIVER1) || (slot == INVEN_QUIVER2))
            // if it is considered equal in value to existing arrows, then just get it to allow auto-merging
            if (value == 1)
                // create the commands
                strnfmt(commands, sizeof(commands), "g-");
                // queue the commands
            // otherwise it is considered better than the existing arrows so wield it...
                // create the commands
                strnfmt(commands, sizeof(commands), "w-");
                // queue the commands
                // if both slots are full, we need to tell the game to replace the inferior one
                if (inventory[INVEN_QUIVER1].k_idx && inventory[INVEN_QUIVER2].k_idx)
                    if (evaluate_arrow(&inventory[INVEN_QUIVER1]) > evaluate_arrow(&inventory[INVEN_QUIVER2]))
        // default for wieldable items
            // create the commands
            strnfmt(commands, sizeof(commands), "w-");
            // queue the commands

        return (TRUE);
    return (FALSE);
Beispiel #26
bool leprechaun_steal(int m_idx)
    bool result = FALSE;
    monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[m_idx];
    monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

    if ( !mon_save_p(m_ptr->r_idx, A_DEX) 
      || (MON_CSLEEP(m_ptr) && !mon_save_p(m_ptr->r_idx, A_DEX)))
        object_type loot = {0};

        if (m_ptr->hold_o_idx && one_in_(2))
            object_copy(&loot, &o_list[m_ptr->hold_o_idx]);
            loot.held_m_idx = 0;
        else if (m_ptr->drop_ct > m_ptr->stolen_ct)
            if (get_monster_drop(m_idx, &loot))
                if (r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE)

        if (!loot.k_idx)
            msg_print("There is nothing to steal!");
            char o_name[MAX_NLEN];

            result = TRUE;
            object_desc(o_name, &loot, 0);
            if (mon_save_p(m_ptr->r_idx, A_DEX))
                msg_format("Oops! You drop %s.", o_name);
                drop_near(&loot, -1, py, px);
            else if (loot.tval == TV_GOLD)
                msg_format("You steal %d gold pieces worth of %s.", (int)loot.pval, o_name);
                p_ptr->au += loot.pval;
                p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_GOLD);
                if (prace_is_(RACE_MON_LEPRECHAUN))
                    p_ptr->update |= (PU_BONUS | PU_HP | PU_MANA);
            else if (!inven_carry_okay(&loot))
                msg_format("You have no room for %s.", o_name);
                drop_near(&loot, -1, py, px);
                int slot = inven_carry(&loot);

                msg_format("You steal %s (%c).", o_name, index_to_label(slot));
                autopick_alter_item(slot, TRUE);
    return result;