double Jxgetmouse::getYCoordinate (JavaVM * jvm_){ JNIEnv * curEnv = NULL; jvm_->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&curEnv), NULL); jclass cls = initClass(curEnv); if ( cls == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } static jmethodID jdoublegetYCoordinateID = curEnv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "getYCoordinate", "()D" ) ; if (jdoublegetYCoordinateID == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniMethodNotFoundException(curEnv, "getYCoordinate"); } jdouble res = static_cast<jdouble>( curEnv->CallStaticDoubleMethod(cls, jdoublegetYCoordinateID )); if (curEnv->ExceptionCheck()) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } return res; }
int DatatipCreate::createDatatipProgramIndex (JavaVM * jvm_, int polylineUid, int indexPoint){ JNIEnv * curEnv = NULL; jvm_->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&curEnv), NULL); jclass cls = initClass(curEnv); if ( cls == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } static jmethodID jintcreateDatatipProgramIndexjintintjintintID = curEnv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "createDatatipProgramIndex", "(II)I" ) ; if (jintcreateDatatipProgramIndexjintintjintintID == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniMethodNotFoundException(curEnv, "createDatatipProgramIndex"); } jint res = static_cast<jint>( curEnv->CallStaticIntMethod(cls, jintcreateDatatipProgramIndexjintintjintintID ,polylineUid, indexPoint)); if (curEnv->ExceptionCheck()) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } return res; }
int Jxgetmouse::getWindowsID (JavaVM * jvm_){ JNIEnv * curEnv = NULL; jvm_->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&curEnv), NULL); jclass cls = initClass(curEnv); if ( cls == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } static jmethodID jintgetWindowsIDID = curEnv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "getWindowsID", "()I" ) ; if (jintgetWindowsIDID == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniMethodNotFoundException(curEnv, "getWindowsID"); } jint res = static_cast<jint>( curEnv->CallStaticIntMethod(cls, jintgetWindowsIDID )); if (curEnv->ExceptionCheck()) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } return res; }
void DatatipCreate::datatipSetInterp (JavaVM * jvm_, int datatipUid, bool interpMode){ JNIEnv * curEnv = NULL; jvm_->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&curEnv), NULL); jclass cls = initClass(curEnv); if ( cls == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } static jmethodID voiddatatipSetInterpjintintjbooleanbooleanID = curEnv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "datatipSetInterp", "(IZ)V" ) ; if (voiddatatipSetInterpjintintjbooleanbooleanID == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniMethodNotFoundException(curEnv, "datatipSetInterp"); } jboolean interpMode_ = (static_cast<bool>(interpMode) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE); curEnv->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, voiddatatipSetInterpjintintjbooleanbooleanID ,datatipUid, interpMode_); if (curEnv->ExceptionCheck()) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } }
int ScilabOperations::add (JavaVM * jvm_, int idA, int idB){ JNIEnv * curEnv = NULL; jvm_->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&curEnv), NULL); jclass cls = initClass(curEnv); if ( cls == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } static jmethodID jintaddjintintjintintID = curEnv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "add", "(II)I" ) ; if (jintaddjintintjintintID == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniMethodNotFoundException(curEnv, "add"); } jint res = static_cast<jint>( curEnv->CallStaticIntMethod(cls, jintaddjintintjintintID ,idA, idB)); if (curEnv->ExceptionCheck()) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } return res; }
bool Juigetfile::isMultipleSelection (JavaVM * jvm_){ JNIEnv * curEnv = NULL; jvm_->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&curEnv), NULL); jclass cls = initClass(curEnv); if ( cls == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } static jmethodID jbooleanisMultipleSelectionID = curEnv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "isMultipleSelection", "()Z" ) ; if (jbooleanisMultipleSelectionID == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniMethodNotFoundException(curEnv, "isMultipleSelection"); } jboolean res = static_cast<jboolean>( curEnv->CallStaticBooleanMethod(cls, jbooleanisMultipleSelectionID )); if (curEnv->ExceptionCheck()) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } return (res == JNI_TRUE); }
void SwingView::setHeadless (JavaVM * jvm_, bool headless){ JNIEnv * curEnv = NULL; jvm_->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&curEnv), NULL); jclass cls = initClass(curEnv); if ( cls == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } static jmethodID voidsetHeadlessjbooleanbooleanID = curEnv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "setHeadless", "(Z)V" ) ; if (voidsetHeadlessjbooleanbooleanID == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniMethodNotFoundException(curEnv, "setHeadless"); } jboolean headless_ = (static_cast<bool>(headless) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE); curEnv->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, voidsetHeadlessjbooleanbooleanID ,headless_); if (curEnv->ExceptionCheck()) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } }
SOM_Scope Meeting* SOMLINK getNewMeeting(PersistentAppointmentBookFactory *somSelf, Environment *ev, string name) { PersistentMeeting *PstMeeting=NULL; somPersistenceDB2_PID_DB2 *pidMeeting; // DB2 PID for DB2 data store /* PersistentAppointmentBookFactoryData *somThis = PersistentAppointmentBookFactoryGetData(somSelf); */ PersistentAppointmentBookFactoryMethodDebug("PersistentAppointmentBookFactory","getNewMeeting"); initClass(); // Prepare pid. It will be freed by IPO when the object is somFreed //********************************************************************* DB2 PID // Changes for DB2 Backing Store DB2 PID // DB2 PID // The following lines create the PID for using a DB2 backing store. DB2 PID // The _set_dbalias set the database name/alias to be used. DB2 PID // The _set_schema_mapper identifies the schema mapper to be used. DB2 PID // The third part of the DB2 PID is a stream that contains the DB2 PID // information that is needed to uniquely identify the object in the DB2 PID // database. In this case, we are using the contents of the string DB2 PID // 'name' as the only key to the database. If you had multiple keys DB2 PID // to the database, you can append the additional key information by DB2 PID // using subsequent write_<type> method calls to place the info in the DB2 PID // stream. DB2 PID //********************************************************************* DB2 PID pidMeeting = new somPersistenceDB2_PID_DB2; // DB2 PID pidMeeting->_set_dbalias(ev, "CALENDAR"); // DB2 PID pidMeeting->_set_schema_mapper(ev, "AppointmentMapper::smappt"); // DB2 PID pidMeeting->write_string(ev,name); // DB2 PID // Create a PersistentDistributedAppointmentBook PstMeeting = (PersistentMeeting *)(((somPersistence_IPOFactory *) _PersistentMeeting)->createIPO(ev,pidMeeting)); // Exception checking is omitted here for the clarity purpose return((Meeting *)PstMeeting); }
void Jxgetmouse::xgetmouse (JavaVM * jvm_, bool withMotion, bool withRelease){ JNIEnv * curEnv = NULL; jvm_->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&curEnv), NULL); jclass cls = initClass(curEnv); if ( cls == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } static jmethodID voidxgetmousejbooleanbooleanjbooleanbooleanID = curEnv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "xgetmouse", "(ZZ)V" ) ; if (voidxgetmousejbooleanbooleanjbooleanbooleanID == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniMethodNotFoundException(curEnv, "xgetmouse"); } jboolean withMotion_ = (static_cast<bool>(withMotion) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE); jboolean withRelease_ = (static_cast<bool>(withRelease) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE); curEnv->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, voidxgetmousejbooleanbooleanjbooleanbooleanID ,withMotion_, withRelease_); if (curEnv->ExceptionCheck()) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } }
const GvNameEntry * GvNameEntry::insert(const char *s) { u_long h = GvString::hash(s); u_long i; GvNameEntry *entry; GvNameEntry *head; // Initialize the critical section. if (!lockerInit) { InitializeCriticalSection(&locker); lockerInit = TRUE; } //TRACE("Enter section\n"); EnterCriticalSection(&locker); if (nameTableSize == 0) initClass(); i = h % nameTableSize; entry = head = nameTable[i]; while (entry != NULL) { if (entry->hashValue == h && entry->isEqual(s)) break; entry = entry->next; } if (entry == NULL) { int len = strlen(s) + 1; if (len >= CHUNK_SIZE) s = strdup(s); else { if (chunk == NULL || chunk->bytesLeft < len) { struct GvNameChunk *newChunk = new GvNameChunk; newChunk->curByte = newChunk->mem; newChunk->bytesLeft = CHUNK_SIZE; newChunk->next = chunk; chunk = newChunk; } strcpy(chunk->curByte, s); s = chunk->curByte; chunk->curByte += len; chunk->bytesLeft -= len; } entry = new GvNameEntry(s, h, head); nameTable[i] = entry; } LeaveCriticalSection(&locker); return entry; }
void D20StatusSystem::D20StatusInit(objHndl objHnd) { static int debugLol = 0; Dispatcher * dispatcher = objects.GetDispatcher(objHnd); if (dispatcher != nullptr && (uint32_t)dispatcher != 0xFFFFFFFF) { return; } dispatcher = objects.dispatch.DispatcherInit(objHnd); objects.SetDispatcher(objHnd, (uint32_t)dispatcher); objects.dispatch.DispatcherClearPermanentMods(dispatcher); if (objects.IsCritter(objHnd)) { // hooked_print_debug_message("D20Status Init for %s", description.getDisplayName(objHnd)); initClass(objHnd); initRace(objHnd); initFeats(objHnd); } else { logger->info("Attempted D20Status Init for non-critter {}", description.getDisplayName(objHnd)); debugLol++; if (debugLol % 1000 == 1) { auto lololol = 0; } } initItemConditions(objHnd); d20StatusSys.D20StatusInitFromInternalFields(objHnd, dispatcher); d20ObjRegistrySys.Append(objHnd); if (*objects.d20.d20EditorMode != 0){ return; } if (objects.IsCritter(objHnd)) { if (!objects.IsDeadNullDestroyed(objHnd)) { int hpCur = static_cast<int>(objects.StatLevelGet(objHnd, stat_hp_current)); uint32_t subdualDam = objects.getInt32(objHnd, obj_f_critter_subdual_damage); if (hpCur != -65535) { if (hpCur < 0) { if (feats.HasFeatCount(objHnd, FEAT_DIEHARD)) { _ConditionAdd_NumArgs0(dispatcher, conds.ConditionDisabled); } else { _ConditionAdd_NumArgs0(dispatcher, conds.ConditionUnconscious); } } else { if (hpCur == 0) { _ConditionAdd_NumArgs0(dispatcher, conds.ConditionDisabled); } else if (subdualDam > hpCur) { _ConditionAdd_NumArgs0(dispatcher, conds.ConditionUnconscious); } } } } } return; }
GRMSGEXPORT coGRObjSetConnectionMsg::coGRObjSetConnectionMsg(const char *obj_name, const char *connPoint1, const char *connPoint2, int connected, int enabled, const char *obj_name2) : coGRObjMsg(SET_CONNECTIONPOINT, obj_name) { initClass(connPoint1, connPoint2, connected, enabled, obj_name2); }
GRMSGEXPORT coGRObjSetConnectionMsg::coGRObjSetConnectionMsg(coGRMsg::Mtype type, const char *obj_name, const char *connPoint1, const char *connPoint2, int connected, int enabled, const char *obj_name2) : coGRObjMsg(type, obj_name) { initClass(connPoint1, connPoint2, connected, enabled, obj_name2); }
void InterpretTest::callDynamicTest() { ConstantPool * pool = new ConstantPool(); Class * cls = initClass("Counter", pool); cls->addField("counter"); const char code1[] = { LOAD_LOCAL, 0x00, // PUSH this LOAD, 0x06, 0x00, //PUSH this[0] LOAD_LOCAL, 0x01, // PUSH value ADD, // this[0] + value LOAD_LOCAL, 0x00, // PUSH this STORE, 0x06, 0x00, // this[0] = this[0] + value RET_VOID }; const char code2[] = { LOAD_LOCAL, 0x00, // PUSH this LOAD, 0x06, 0x00, //PUSH this[0] RET }; const char code3[] = { PUSH, 0x04, 0x00, // PUSH 0 LOAD_LOCAL, 0x00, // PUSH this STORE, 0x06, 0x00, // this[0] = 0 RET_VOID }; const char code[] = { NEW, 0x00, 0x00, //new Counter DUP, STORE_LOCAL, 0x00, //a = new Counter CALL_DYNAMIC, 0x03, 0x00, //a.init LOAD_LOCAL, 0x00, PUSH, 0x05, 0x00, //PUSH 3 CALL_DYNAMIC, 0x01, 0x00, //a.increase(3) LOAD_LOCAL, 0x00, CALL_DYNAMIC, 0x02, 0x00, //a.getValue RET }; Method * m = initMethod("callTest", code, sizeof(code), 0, 1, 0); Method * m1 = initMethod("increase", code1, sizeof(code1), 2, 0, 1); Method * m2 = initMethod("getValue", code2, sizeof(code2), 1, 1, 1); Method * m3 = initMethod("init", code3, sizeof(code3), 1, 1, 1); ClassLoader cl(""); Interpret instance(&cl); ClassRef cr; memset(, 0x00, IDENTIFIER_LENGTH); sprintf(, "%s", cls->getName().c_str()); pool->addItem(&cr, CLASS_REF); //0 MethodRef mr; mr.params = m1->getParamCount(); sprintf(, "%s", m1->getName().c_str()); pool->addItem(&mr, METHOD_REF); //1 mr.params = m2->getParamCount(); sprintf(, "%s", m2->getName().c_str()); pool->addItem(&mr, METHOD_REF); //2 mr.params = m3->getParamCount(); sprintf(, "%s", m3->getName().c_str()); pool->addItem(&mr, METHOD_REF); //3 IntConst i; i.value = 0; pool->addItem(&i, INT_CONST); //4 i.value = 3; pool->addItem(&i, INT_CONST); //5 FieldRef fr; memset(, 0x00, IDENTIFIER_LENGTH); sprintf(, "counter"); pool->addItem(&fr, FIELD_REF); //6 cls->addMethod(m); cls->addMethod(m1); cls->addMethod(m2); cls->addMethod(m3); cl.addClass(cls); assert(3 ==>getName().c_str(), m->getName().c_str())); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Class *array_class, *main_class; Object *system_loader, *array; MethodBlock *mb; InitArgs args; int class_arg; char *cpntr; int status; int i; setDefaultInitArgs(&args); class_arg = parseCommandLine(argc, argv, &args); args.main_stack_base = &array_class; initVM(&args); if((system_loader = getSystemClassLoader()) == NULL) { printf("Cannot create system class loader\n"); printException(); exitVM(1); } mainThreadSetContextClassLoader(system_loader); for(cpntr = argv[class_arg]; *cpntr; cpntr++) if(*cpntr == '.') *cpntr = '/'; if((main_class = findClassFromClassLoader(argv[class_arg], system_loader)) != NULL) initClass(main_class); if(exceptionOccurred()) { printException(); exitVM(1); } mb = lookupMethod(main_class, SYMBOL(main), SYMBOL(_array_java_lang_String__V)); if(!mb || !(mb->access_flags & ACC_STATIC)) { printf("Static method \"main\" not found in %s\n", argv[class_arg]); exitVM(1); } /* Create the String array holding the command line args */ i = class_arg + 1; if((array_class = findArrayClass(SYMBOL(array_java_lang_String))) && (array = allocArray(array_class, argc - i, sizeof(Object*)))) { Object **args = (Object**)ARRAY_DATA(array) - i; for(; i < argc; i++) if(!(args[i] = Cstr2String(argv[i]))) break; /* Call the main method */ if(i == argc) executeStaticMethod(main_class, mb, array); } /* ExceptionOccurred returns the exception or NULL, which is OK for normal conditionals, but not here... */ if((status = exceptionOccurred() ? 1 : 0)) printException(); /* Wait for all but daemon threads to die */ mainThreadWaitToExitVM(); exitVM(status); }
void Juigetfile::uiputfile (JavaVM * jvm_, char const* const* mask, int maskSize, char const* const* description, int descriptionSize, char const* initialDirectory, char const* boxtTitle, bool multipleSelection){ JNIEnv * curEnv = NULL; jvm_->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&curEnv), NULL); jclass cls = initClass(curEnv); if ( cls == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } static jmethodID voiduiputfilejobjectArray_java_lang_Stringjava_lang_StringjobjectArray_java_lang_Stringjava_lang_Stringjstringjava_lang_Stringjstringjava_lang_StringjbooleanbooleanID = curEnv->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "uiputfile", "([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V" ) ; if (voiduiputfilejobjectArray_java_lang_Stringjava_lang_StringjobjectArray_java_lang_Stringjava_lang_Stringjstringjava_lang_Stringjstringjava_lang_StringjbooleanbooleanID == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniMethodNotFoundException(curEnv, "uiputfile"); } jclass stringArrayClass = curEnv->FindClass("java/lang/String"); // create java array of strings. jobjectArray mask_ = curEnv->NewObjectArray( maskSize, stringArrayClass, NULL); if (mask_ == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniBadAllocException(curEnv); } // convert each char * to java strings and fill the java array. for ( int i = 0; i < maskSize; i++) { jstring TempString = curEnv->NewStringUTF( mask[i] ); if (TempString == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniBadAllocException(curEnv); } curEnv->SetObjectArrayElement( mask_, i, TempString); // avoid keeping reference on too many strings curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(TempString); } // create java array of strings. jobjectArray description_ = curEnv->NewObjectArray( descriptionSize, stringArrayClass, NULL); if (description_ == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniBadAllocException(curEnv); } // convert each char * to java strings and fill the java array. for ( int i = 0; i < descriptionSize; i++) { jstring TempString = curEnv->NewStringUTF( description[i] ); if (TempString == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniBadAllocException(curEnv); } curEnv->SetObjectArrayElement( description_, i, TempString); // avoid keeping reference on too many strings curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(TempString); } jstring initialDirectory_ = curEnv->NewStringUTF( initialDirectory ); if (initialDirectory != NULL && initialDirectory_ == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniBadAllocException(curEnv); } jstring boxtTitle_ = curEnv->NewStringUTF( boxtTitle ); if (boxtTitle != NULL && boxtTitle_ == NULL) { throw GiwsException::JniBadAllocException(curEnv); } jboolean multipleSelection_ = (static_cast<bool>(multipleSelection) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE); curEnv->CallStaticVoidMethod(cls, voiduiputfilejobjectArray_java_lang_Stringjava_lang_StringjobjectArray_java_lang_Stringjava_lang_Stringjstringjava_lang_Stringjstringjava_lang_StringjbooleanbooleanID ,mask_, description_, initialDirectory_, boxtTitle_, multipleSelection_); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(stringArrayClass); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(mask_); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(description_); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(initialDirectory_); curEnv->DeleteLocalRef(boxtTitle_); if (curEnv->ExceptionCheck()) { throw GiwsException::JniCallMethodException(curEnv); } }
BOOL PUBLIC InitGClass(REG(a0, struct __gClass *gc), REG(a1, APTR *functable), REG(a2, APTR mainpool), REG(a3, APTR gfxbase), REG(a6, struct ExecBase *ExecBase), REG(d0, APTR mathbase), REG(d1, APTR mathtrans), REG(d2, APTR utilitybase), REG(d3, APTR localebase), REG(d4, long magic)) { #ifdef IGNITION_LITE_EDITION if (magic != MAKE_ID('I', 'G', 'N', '\0') && magic != MAKE_ID('I', 'G', 'L', '\0')) return FALSE; #else if (magic != MAKE_ID('I', 'G', 'N', '\0')) return FALSE; #endif SysBase = ExecBase; GfxBase = gfxbase; UtilityBase = utilitybase; MathIeeeDoubBasBase = mathbase; MathIeeeDoubTransBase = mathtrans; LocaleBase = localebase; gc->gc_Dispatch = dispatch; gc->gc_Draw = draw; gc->gc_FreeClass = freeClass; gc->gc_Interface = interface; gc->gc_InstSize = gc->gc_InstOffset + instanceSize; gcBase = functable; pool = mainpool; // Initialize function pointers AllocStringLength = functable[34]; AllocString = functable[33]; FreeString = functable[32]; gDoMethodA = functable[31]; gDoSuperMethodA = functable[30]; SetHighColor = functable[29]; SetColors = functable[28]; FindColorPen = functable[27]; DrawRect = functable[26]; DrawLine = functable[25]; gAreaMove = functable[24]; gAreaDraw = functable[23]; gAreaEnd = functable[22]; GetDPI = functable[21]; GetOffset = functable[20]; FreeFontInfo = functable[19]; SetFontInfoA = functable[18]; CopyFontInfo = functable[17]; NewFontInfoA = functable[16]; DrawText = functable[15]; OutlineLength = functable[14]; OutlineHeight = functable[13]; pixel = functable[12]; mm = functable[11]; CreateTerm = functable[10]; DeleteTerm = functable[9]; CopyTerm = functable[8]; CalcTerm = functable[7]; gInsertRemoveCellsTablePos = functable[6]; gInsertRemoveCellsTerm = functable[5]; TintColor = functable[4]; gSuperDraw = functable[3]; gGetLink = functable[2]; SetLowColor = functable[1]; SetOutlineColor = functable[0]; if (!initClass(gc)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
RandomMazeRunner::RandomMazeRunner () { // Call the static class initializer. It will run only the first // time it's called. initClass(); }
/* * Go evaluator main program */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int narg; #ifdef HAVE_LOCALECONV setlocale(LC_ALL,""); /* set up locale */ #endif #ifdef LOCALEDIR bindtextdomain(PACKAGE,LOCALEDIR); textdomain(PACKAGE); #endif initLogfile((char *) "-"); initFileIo(); /* Set up special file handling */ strMsg(entryPoint, NumberOf(entryPoint), "lo.boot@__boot"); /* standard entry point */ if ((narg = getOptions(argc, argv)) < 0) { outMsg(logFile, _("usage: %s [-v] [-L log] [-g host:port] [-V] [-b boot:ver] [-m entry] [-r repo] [-d wd]" " [-h sizeK] [-s sizeK] [-d rootdir] args ...\n"), argv[0]); exit(1); } // Set up repository directory if (uniIsLit(repoDir, "")) { // overridden? char *dir = getenv("LO_DIR"); /* pick up the installation directory */ if (dir == NULL) dir = LODIR; /* Default installation path */ uniCpy(repoDir, NumberOf(repoDir), dir); } // set up working directory if (uniIsLit(loCWD, "")) { char cbuff[MAXPATHLEN]; char *cwd = getcwd(cbuff, NumberOf(cbuff)); /* compute current starting directory */ if (cwd == NULL) syserr("cant determine current directory"); else strMsg(loCWD, NumberOf(loCWD), "%s/", cwd); } if (loadManifest(repoDir) != Ok) { outMsg(logFile, "error in loading repository from %s", repoDir); exit(99); } /* IMPORTANT -- Keep the order of these set up calls */ initGlobal(initHeapSize); /* start up the global space */ initClass(); /* Initialize the class handlers */ initPrograms(); /* Initialize program handling */ initDict(); /* Start up the dictionaries */ install_escapes(); /* Initialize the escape table */ initFiles(); /* initialize file tables */ init_args(argv, argc, narg); /* Initialize the argument list */ init_time(); /* Initialize time stuff */ setupSignals(); #ifdef EXECTRACE if (traceCount) atexit(dumpInsCount); #endif bootstrap(entryPoint, bootPkg, bootVer); return EXIT_SUCCEED; /* exit the lo system cleanly */ }
PeParser::PeParser() { initClass(); }