Beispiel #1
MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, PassRefPtr<AbstractView> abstractView,
                                     int detail, const IntPoint& screenLocation, const IntPoint& windowLocation,
                                     const IntPoint& movementDelta,
                                     bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, bool isSimulated)
    : UIEventWithKeyState(eventType, canBubble, cancelable, abstractView, detail, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey)
    , m_screenLocation(screenLocation)
    , m_movementDelta(movementDelta)
    , m_isSimulated(isSimulated)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPageLocation;
    LayoutPoint scrollPosition;

    Frame* frame = view() ? view()->frame() : 0;
    if (frame && !isSimulated) {
        if (FrameView* frameView = frame->view()) {
            scrollPosition = frameView->scrollPosition();
            adjustedPageLocation = frameView->windowToContents(windowLocation);
            float scaleFactor = frame->pageZoomFactor() * frame->frameScaleFactor();
            if (scaleFactor != 1.0f) {
                // Adjust our pageX and pageY to account for the page zoom.
                adjustedPageLocation.scale(1 / scaleFactor, 1 / scaleFactor);

                // FIXME: Change this to use float math and proper rounding (or
                // better yet, use LayoutPoint::scale).
                scrollPosition.setX(scrollPosition.x() / scaleFactor);
                scrollPosition.setY(scrollPosition.y() / scaleFactor);

    m_clientLocation = adjustedPageLocation - toLayoutSize(scrollPosition);
    m_pageLocation = adjustedPageLocation;

Beispiel #2
MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp, PassRefPtr<AbstractView> abstractView,
                                     int detail, const IntPoint& screenLocation, const IntPoint& windowLocation,
                                     const IntPoint& movementDelta,
                                     bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, bool isSimulated)
    : UIEventWithKeyState(eventType, canBubble, cancelable, timestamp, abstractView, detail, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey)
    , m_screenLocation(screenLocation)
    , m_movementDelta(movementDelta)
    , m_isSimulated(isSimulated)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPageLocation;
    LayoutPoint scrollPosition;

    Frame* frame = view() ? view()->frame() : 0;
    if (frame && !isSimulated) {
        if (FrameView* frameView = frame->view()) {
            scrollPosition = frameView->scrollPosition();
            scrollPosition = frameView->actualScrollPosition();
            adjustedPageLocation = frameView->windowToContents(windowLocation);
            float scaleFactor = 1 / (frame->pageZoomFactor() * frame->frameScaleFactor());
            if (scaleFactor != 1.0f) {
                adjustedPageLocation.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
                scrollPosition.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

    m_clientLocation = adjustedPageLocation - toLayoutSize(scrollPosition);
    m_pageLocation = adjustedPageLocation;

Beispiel #3
void WheelEvent::initWheelEvent(int rawDeltaX, int rawDeltaY, PassRefPtr<AbstractView> view,
                                int screenX, int screenY, int pageX, int pageY,
                                bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey)
    if (dispatched())

    initUIEvent(eventNames().wheelEvent, true, true, view, 0);

    m_screenLocation = IntPoint(screenX, screenY);
    m_ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
    m_altKey = altKey;
    m_shiftKey = shiftKey;
    m_metaKey = metaKey;

    m_wheelDelta = IntPoint(rawDeltaX * TickMultiplier, rawDeltaY * TickMultiplier);
    m_deltaX = -rawDeltaX;
    m_deltaY = -rawDeltaY;
    m_deltaMode = DOM_DELTA_PIXEL;
    m_directionInvertedFromDevice = false;

    initCoordinates(IntPoint(pageX, pageY));
Beispiel #4
void MouseRelatedEvent::init(bool isSimulated, const IntPoint& windowLocation)
    LayoutPoint adjustedPageLocation;
    LayoutPoint scrollPosition;

    Frame* frame = view() ? view()->frame() : nullptr;
    if (frame && !isSimulated) {
        if (FrameView* frameView = frame->view()) {
            scrollPosition = frameView->contentsScrollPosition();
            adjustedPageLocation = frameView->windowToContents(windowLocation);
            float scaleFactor = 1 / (frame->pageZoomFactor() * frame->frameScaleFactor());
            if (scaleFactor != 1.0f) {
                adjustedPageLocation.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
                scrollPosition.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor);

    m_clientLocation = adjustedPageLocation - toLayoutSize(scrollPosition);
    m_pageLocation = adjustedPageLocation;

Beispiel #5
void WheelEvent::initWheelEvent(int rawDeltaX, int rawDeltaY, PassRefPtr<AbstractView> view,
                                int screenX, int screenY, int pageX, int pageY,
                                bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey)
    if (dispatched())

    initUIEvent(eventNames().mousewheelEvent, true, true, view, 0);

    m_screenLocation = IntPoint(screenX, screenY);
    m_ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
    m_altKey = altKey;
    m_shiftKey = shiftKey;
    m_metaKey = metaKey;

    // Normalize to the Windows 120 multiple
    m_wheelDelta = IntPoint(rawDeltaX * 120, rawDeltaY * 120);

    m_rawDelta = IntPoint(rawDeltaX, rawDeltaY);
    m_granularity = Pixel;

    initCoordinates(IntPoint(pageX, pageY));
Beispiel #6
void MouseEvent::initMouseEvent(const AtomicString& type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, PassRefPtr<AbstractView> view,
                                int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY,
                                bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey,
                                unsigned short button, PassRefPtr<EventTarget> relatedTarget)
    if (dispatched())

    initUIEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, detail);

    m_screenLocation = IntPoint(screenX, screenY);
    m_ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
    m_altKey = altKey;
    m_shiftKey = shiftKey;
    m_metaKey = metaKey;
    m_button = button == (unsigned short)-1 ? 0 : button;
    m_buttonDown = button != (unsigned short)-1;
    m_relatedTarget = relatedTarget;

    initCoordinates(IntPoint(clientX, clientY));

    // FIXME: m_isSimulated is not set to false here.
    // FIXME: m_clipboard is not set to 0 here.