int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); new Kernel; // will be deleted by the QQmlEngine qmlRegisterSingletonType<Kernel>("Lemonade", 1, 0, "Kernel", kernelInstanceProvider); QQmlEngine engine; auto window_color = app.palette().color(QPalette::Window); QMainWindow window; window.setWindowTitle("Lemonade")); window.setMenuBar(initMenuBar()); auto central = new QWidget; auto layout = new QHBoxLayout; layout->setSpacing(0); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); auto tool_button_bar = new QQuickWidget(&engine, central); tool_button_bar->setClearColor(window_color); tool_button_bar->setSource( QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:/content/ToolButtonBar.qml"))); layout->addWidget(tool_button_bar); auto hsplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal); hsplitter->setChildrenCollapsible(false); hsplitter->addWidget(initCanvasView()); layout->addWidget(hsplitter); auto vsplitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical); vsplitter->addWidget(initNavigatorPanel()); vsplitter->addWidget(initLayerTreePanel()); hsplitter->addWidget(vsplitter); central->setLayout(layout); window.setCentralWidget(central); window.resize(800, 600);; return app.exec(); }
void App::initView(void) { initSettings(); initDoc(); initSequenceEngine(); QString dir; settings()->get(KEY_SYSTEM_DIR, dir); dir += QString("/") + PIXMAPPATH; setIcon(QPixmap(dir + QString("/Q.xpm"))); initWorkspace(); connect(m_settings, SIGNAL(outputPluginChanged(const QString&)), m_doc, SLOT(slotChangeOutputPlugin(const QString&))); initMenuBar(); initStatusBar(); initToolBar(); initVirtualConsole(); initDeviceManagerView(); QString config; settings()->get(KEY_OPEN_LAST_WORKSPACE, config); if (config == Settings::trueValue()) { settings()->get(KEY_LAST_WORKSPACE_NAME, config); doc()->loadWorkspaceAs(config); setCaption(KApplicationNameLong + QString(" - ") + doc()->workspaceFileName()); virtualConsole()->hide(); } }
settings_frame::settings_frame(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &title, const wxPoint &position, const wxSize& pa_size) : wxFrame(parent, id, title, position, pa_size), WindowAttributesPickle( _T("SETTINGSFRAME"), this, wxSize( DEFSETT_SW_WIDTH, DEFSETT_SW_HEIGHT ) ) { alreadyCalled = false; parentWindow = parent; if ( !usync().IsLoaded() ) usync().ReloadUnitSyncLib(); notebook = new wxNotebook(this, ID_OPTIONS, wxPoint(0,0),TAB_SIZE, wxNB_TOP|wxNB_NOPAGETHEME); notebook->SetFont(wxFont(8, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL, false, _T("Tahoma"))); settingsIcon = new wxIcon(springsettings_xpm); if (abstract_panel::loadValuesIntoMap()) { CreateGUIControls(); initMenuBar(); } else { notebook->AddPage(new PathOptionPanel(notebook,this),_("Error!")); SetTitle(_T("SpringSettings")); } SetIcon(*settingsIcon); Layout(); Center(); }
App::App(QWidget* parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { _app = this; m_fileMenu = NULL; m_helpMenu = NULL; m_toolBar = NULL; m_copyChannel = NULL; setWindowTitle(App::longName()); setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/qlc-fixtureeditor.png")); setCentralWidget(new QMdiArea(this)); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("qlc"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain(""); QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(FXEDNAME); initActions(); initMenuBar(); initToolBar(); QSettings settings; QVariant var = settings.value(KSettingsGeometry); if (var.isValid() == true) restoreGeometry(var.toByteArray()); }
Frame::Frame(const wxString& title, const wxString& filetag) : wxFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(800, 600)) , m_task(NULL) , m_filetag(filetag) { initMenuBar(); }
ChatBase::ChatBase( QWidget* parent, const char *name ) : KMainWindow(parent, name, WDestructiveClose) { initMenuBar(); QMimeSourceFactory::setDefaultFactory((QMimeSourceFactory *)(kapp->mimeSourceFactory())); }
scopePlot::scopePlot(QString title, QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { wd=new QWidget(this); ui.setupUi(wd); mrk1=0; mrk2=0; initActions(); initMenuBar(); initToolBar(); initStatusBar(); curve1 = new QwtPlotCurve("Curve 1"); curve2 = new QwtPlotCurve("Curve 2"); curve3 = new QwtPlotCurve("Curve 3"); curve4 = new QwtPlotCurve("Curve 4"); xScaleMul=1.; xPrimeScaleMul=1.; xAltScaleMul=1; xAxisTitle="Samples"; xAltAxisTitle="Time (s)"; toggleMarker=false; showCrv1=true; showCrv2=true; showCrv3=true; showCrv4=true; init(title); }
/** * Main initialization function */ void App::init() { QSettings settings; setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/qlc.png")); #ifndef __APPLE__ /* MDI Area */ setCentralWidget(new QMdiArea(this)); centralWidget()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(centralWidget(), SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(slotCustomContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&))); /* Workspace background */ setBackgroundImage(settings.value("/workspace/background").toString()); /* Application geometry and window state */ QVariant var; var = settings.value(KXMLQLCGeometry, QRect(0, 0, 800, 600)); if (var.isValid() == true) setGeometry(var.toRect()); var = settings.value(KXMLQLCWindowState, Qt::WindowNoState); if (var.isValid() == true) setWindowState(Qt::WindowState(var.toInt())); #else /* App is just a toolbar, we only need it to be the size of the toolbar's buttons */ resize(600, 32); move(0, 22); #endif /* Input & output mappers and their plugins */ initOutputMap(); initInputMap(); /* Function running engine/master timer */ m_masterTimer = new MasterTimer(this, m_outputMap); m_masterTimer->start(); /* Buses */ Bus::init(this); /* Fixture definitions */ loadFixtureDefinitions(); // The main view initStatusBar(); initActions(); initMenuBar(); initToolBar(); // Document initDoc(); // Start up in non-modified state m_doc->resetModified(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow ( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags ) :QMainWindow ( parent , flags ), m_fullScreenAction ( 0 ), m_closeFullScreenAction ( 0 ), m_adminPanel(0) { init(); initActions(); initMenuBar(); retranslateStrings(); }
/** add comments here */ InterfaceDuel::InterfaceDuel() { _server = new AttalServer( ATTAL_PORT ); setCaption("Attal - Lords of Doom (Server)"); initMenuBar(); initStatusBar(); _widget = new ServerWidget( this ); setCentralWidget( _widget ); }
void settings_frame::buildGuiFromErrorPanel() { notebook->DeletePage(0); //to be safe we'll try again if (abstract_panel::loadValuesIntoMap()) { CreateGUIControls(); initMenuBar(); } }
/** add comments here */ InterfaceDuel::InterfaceDuel() { _server = new AttalServer( PORT.toInt() ); setWindowTitle("Attal - Lords of Doom (Server)"); initMenuBar(); initStatusBar(); _widget = new ServerWidget( this ); setCentralWidget( _widget ); }
/* * The show() public SLOT, when the app is being drawn!!! * Init member variables and all UI widgets */ void MainWindow::show() { if(m_initializationCompleted == false) { restoreGeometry(SettingsManager::getWindowSize()); m_commandExecuting=ectn_NONE; m_commandQueued=ectn_NONE; m_leFilterPackage = new SearchLineEdit(this, m_hasSLocate); setWindowTitle(StrConstants::getApplicationName()); setMinimumSize(QSize(820, 520)); initTabOutput(); initTabInfo(); initTabFiles(); initTabTransaction(); initTabHelpUsage(); initTabNews(); initLineEditFilterPackages(); initPackageTreeView(); initActions(); loadSettings(); loadPanelSettings(); initStatusBar(); initToolButtonPacman(); initToolButtonAUR(); initAppIcon(); initMenuBar(); initToolBar(); initTabWidgetPropertiesIndex(); refreshDistroNews(false); if (Package::hasPacmanDatabase()) { refreshGroupsWidget(); } QMainWindow::show(); m_listOfVisitedPackages.clear(); m_indOfVisitedPackage = 0; if (Package::hasPacmanDatabase()) { metaBuildPackageList(); } // Maybe this system has never run a pacman -Syy else { doSyncDatabase(); } } else QMainWindow::show(); }
ParamConverter::ParamConverter(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { setWindowTitle("Param Converter"); setMinimumSize(800, 600); mainEdit = new QPlainTextEdit(); setCentralWidget(mainEdit); initMenuBar(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size) : wxFrame( NULL, -1, title, pos, size ), m_menuBar(NULL), m_toolBar(NULL), m_bitmap(wxBitmap()), m_hsizer(NULL) { m_mgr.SetManagedWindow(this); wxInitAllImageHandlers(); initMenuBar(); SetMenuBar( m_menuBar ); initToolBars(); initMainPanel(); { wxPanel * pnSettings = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY); wxPanel * p = pnSettings; wxButton * btnInpaint = new wxButton(p, wxID_ANY, wxT("Inpaint"), // wxBitmap(inpaint_xpm), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); wxBoxSizer * vsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); vsizer->Add(btnInpaint, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxEXPAND ); p->SetSizer(vsizer); p->SetSize(wxSize(200,150)); //if (0) { wxPanel * pInpaint = new wxPanel(this, wxID_ANY); wxSpinCtrl * scThreshold = new wxSpinCtrl(pInpaint, wxID_ANY, wxT("threshold")); scThreshold->SetValue(5); scThreshold->SetRange(1,100); wxBoxSizer * pInpaintSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); pInpaintSizer->Add(scThreshold, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxEXPAND); pInpaint->SetSizer(pInpaintSizer); pInpaint->SetSize(200, 150); p = pInpaint; // m_mgr.AddPane(p, wxRIGHT, wxT("Inpaint Panel")); } m_mgr.AddPane(p, wxRIGHT, wxT("Manipulations Panel")); } initEvents(); m_mgr.Update(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow() { setCaption(tr("GA Bots " VERSION)); initActions(); initMenuBar(); initToolBar(); initStatusBar(); initGABotDoc(); initView(); ViewToolBar->setOn(true); ViewStatusBar->setOn(true); //ViewGame->setOn(true); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(gameReady(bool)), this, SLOT(slotGameReady(bool))); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(teamAScores()), View, SLOT(slotScoreA())); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(teamBScores()), View, SLOT(slotScoreB())); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(clearScores()), View, SLOT(slotClearScores())); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(moveTeamA(Coordinate, Coordinate)), View, SLOT(slotMoveTeamA(Coordinate, Coordinate))); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(moveTeamB(Coordinate, Coordinate)), View, SLOT(slotMoveTeamB(Coordinate, Coordinate))); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(turnTeamA(Coordinate, Direction)), View, SLOT(slotTurnTeamA(Coordinate, Direction))); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(turnTeamB(Coordinate, Direction)), View, SLOT(slotTurnTeamB(Coordinate, Direction))); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(moveBall(Coordinate,Coordinate)), View, SLOT(slotMoveBall(Coordinate,Coordinate))); connect(GoGame, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotGoGame())); connect(GoGame, SIGNAL(activated()), GABotDoc, SLOT(slotStartTimer())); connect(StopGame, SIGNAL(activated()), GABotDoc, SLOT(slotStopTimer())); connect(StopGame, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotStopGame())); connect(View, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotTickInterval(int))); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(clearField()), View, SLOT(slotClearField())); connect(ResetScreen, SIGNAL(activated()), View, SLOT(slotClearField())); //not sure if we should clear the field whenever regenerating the team // connect(TeamAGenerate,SIGNAL(activated()), View, SLOT(slotClearField())); // connect(TeamBGenerate,SIGNAL(activated()), View, SLOT(slotClearField())); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(gameOver()), View, SLOT(slotClearField())); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(gameOver()), View, SLOT(slotClearScores())); connect(GABotDoc, SIGNAL(gameOver()), this, SLOT(slotGameOver())); }
void App::initView(void) { initSettings(); setIcon(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/Q.xpm"))); initWorkspace(); initMenuBar(); initStatusBar(); initToolBar(); m_lastPath = QString(FIXTURES); }
/** add comments here */ ScenarioInterface::ScenarioInterface() { _filename = ""; setCaption( "Scenario editor for 'Attal - Lords of Doom'" ); initMenuBar(); initStatusBar(); DataTheme.init(); ImageTheme.init(); _screen = new Screen( this ); setCentralWidget( _screen ); resize( 600, 600 ); }
void App::initView(void) { setIcon(QPixmap(QString(PIXMAPS) + QString("/qlc-fixtureeditor.png"))); initWorkspace(); initMenuBar(); initStatusBar(); initToolBar(); m_lastPath = QString(FIXTURES); resize(800, 600); }
/*XmdvToolMainWnd::XmdvToolMainWnd(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { //To display help in QT Assistant assistant = new Assistant; m_pipelineManager = new PipelineManager(this); m_viewManager = new ViewManager(this); if (this->objectName().isEmpty()) this->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("XmdvToolMainWnd")); this->resize(1000, 600); this->setWindowIcon(ICON_PA); m_mdiArea = new QMdiArea(this); this->setCentralWidget(m_mdiArea); m_viewManager->setMdiArea(m_mdiArea); connect(m_mdiArea, SIGNAL(subWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow*)), m_viewManager, SLOT(mdiSubWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow*)) ); m_handleFiles = new HandleFiles(this); m_handleView = new HandleView(this); m_handleBrush = new HandleBrush(this); m_handleTools = new HandleTools(this); m_handleZoom = new HandleZoom(this); initFileActions(); initViewActions(); initBrushActions(); initToolsActions(); initWindowActions(); initVisActions(); initZoomActions(); initHelpActions(); initMenuBar(); initFileMenu(); initViewMenu(); initBrushMenu(); initToolsMenu(); initWindowMenu(); initHelpMenu(); initToolBarTop(); initToolBarRight(); initStatusBar(); this->setMouseTracking(true); }*/ XmdvToolMainWnd::XmdvToolMainWnd(QWidget *parent, RInside &R) :QMainWindow(parent),m_R(R) { // m_R = R.instance(); assistant = new Assistant; m_pipelineManager = new PipelineManager(this); m_viewManager = new ViewManager(this); if (this->objectName().isEmpty()) this->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("XmdvToolMainWnd")); this->resize(1000, 600); this->setWindowIcon(ICON_PA); m_mdiArea = new QMdiArea(this); this->setCentralWidget(m_mdiArea); m_viewManager->setMdiArea(m_mdiArea); connect(m_mdiArea, SIGNAL(subWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow*)), m_viewManager, SLOT(mdiSubWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow*)) ); m_handleFiles = new HandleFiles(this); m_handleView = new HandleView(this); m_handleBrush = new HandleBrush(this); m_handleTools = new HandleTools(this); m_handleZoom = new HandleZoom(this); initFileActions(); initViewActions(); initBrushActions(); initToolsActions(); initWindowActions(); initVisActions(); initZoomActions(); initHelpActions(); initMenuBar(); initFileMenu(); initViewMenu(); initBrushMenu(); initToolsMenu(); initWindowMenu(); initHelpMenu(); initToolBarTop(); initToolBarRight(); initStatusBar(); this->setMouseTracking(true); }
void settings_frame::buildGuiFromErrorPanel() { notebook->DeletePage(0); //to be safe we'll try again if (abstract_panel::loadValuesIntoMap()) { CreateGUIControls(); initMenuBar(); } else { notebook->AddPage(new PathOptionPanel(notebook,this),_("Error!")); } }
bool DiffAnalystWindow::init(QString session0, QString session1) { QString diffSessName; bool ret = false; // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instantiate the workspace // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// m_pSplitter = new QSplitter (this); if(m_pSplitter == NULL) return ret; m_pVBox = new QVBox (m_pSplitter); if(m_pVBox == NULL) return ret; m_pWs = new QWorkspace (m_pVBox); if(m_pWs == NULL) return ret; // When we cascade the sessions... m_pWs->setScrollBarsEnabled (true); m_pVBox->setFrameStyle (QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken); QObject::connect (m_pWs, SIGNAL (windowActivated (QWidget *)), SLOT (onWindowActivated (QWidget *))); setCentralWidget (m_pSplitter); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Setup Initial Caption setDiffAnalystCaption(diffSessName); ret = true; ret = ret && initMenuBar(); ret = ret && initViewToolBar(); ret = ret && initDasmDockView(); ret = ret && initPropDockView(); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialize Status Bar ret = ret && initStatusBar(); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if( !session0.isEmpty() && !session1.isEmpty()) { ret = ret && startCAProfDiffSession(session0, session1,diffSessName); } return ret; }//init()
/** add comments here */ AiInterface::AiInterface() { _socket = 0; iaLogLevel = LOG_VERBOSE; DataTheme.init(); _analyst = new Analyst(); setCaption( "Attal: IA client" ); initMenuBar(); initStatusBar(); _edit = new QMultiLineEdit( this ); _edit->setReadOnly( true ); screen = _edit; setCentralWidget( _edit ); connect( &aifLog, SIGNAL( sig_print( QString ) ), SLOT( slot_log( QString ) ) ); }
/** * Initialisiert die Komponenten der Anwendung */ AstroCalcApp::AstroCalcApp() { CalcBib = new AstroCalcBib(); QPixmap imageApp( ( const char** ) imageApp_data ); setIcon( imageApp ); setCaption( tr( "AstroCalc" )); /* setCaption(tr("AstroCalc " VERSION)); */ /* Fenster laesst sich dennoch verkleinern... Any hints ?! */ setFixedSize( 400, 240 ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // call inits to invoke all other construction parts initActions(); initMenuBar(); initToolBar(); initMainLabel(); initStatusBar(); viewToolBar->setOn(true); viewStatusBar->setOn(true); }
settings_frame::settings_frame(wxWindow *parent, const wxString &title, wxWindowID id) : wxFrame(parent, id, title ), WindowAttributesPickle( _T("SETTINGSFRAME"), this, wxSize( DEFSETT_SW_WIDTH, DEFSETT_SW_HEIGHT ) ), simpleTab(0), uiTab(0), audioTab(0), detailTab(0), qualityTab(0), hotkeyTab(0), settingsIcon( new wxIcon(springsettings_xpm) ), m_has_focus(true) { SetIcons( SLcustomizations().GetAppIconBundle() ); alreadyCalled = false; parentWindow = parent; if ( !usync().IsLoaded() ) usync().ReloadUnitSyncLib(); notebook = new wxNotebook(this, ID_OPTIONS); // notebook->SetFont(wxFont(8, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL, false, _T("Tahoma"))); if (abstract_panel::loadValuesIntoMap()) { CreateGUIControls(); initMenuBar(); } else { notebook->AddPage(new PathOptionPanel(notebook,this),_("Error!")); } Layout(); Center(); if ( !parentWindow ) UpdateMainAppHasFocus(m_has_focus); // only do if not being a slave of main SL app }
/** add comments here */ ServerInterface::ServerInterface() :QMainWindow() { setCaption( "Attal - Lords of Doom (Server)" ); initMenuBar(); initStatusBar(); DataTheme.init(); _widget = new ServerWidget( this ); setCentralWidget( _widget ); connect( _widget, SIGNAL( sig_stop() ), SLOT( slot_stop() ) ); connect( _widget, SIGNAL( sig_load( QString ) ), SLOT( slot_load( QString ) ) ); connect( _widget, SIGNAL( sig_save() ), SLOT( slot_save() ) ); setMinimumSize( 350, 200 ); if( !init() ) { logDD( "quit" ); qApp->quit(); } connect( _server, SIGNAL( sig_endConnection( QString ) ), _widget, SLOT( slot_endConnection( QString ) ) ); }
settings_frame::settings_frame(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title, wxWindowID id) : wxFrame(parent, id, title) , WindowAttributesPickle(_T("SETTINGSFRAME"), this, wxSize(DEFSETT_SW_WIDTH, DEFSETT_SW_HEIGHT)) , simpleTab(0) , uiTab(0) , audioTab(0) , detailTab(0) , qualityTab(0) , // hotkeyTab(0), settingsIcon(new wxIcon(springsettings_xpm)) , m_has_focus(true) { SetMinSize(wxSize(DEFSETT_SW_WIDTH, DEFSETT_SW_HEIGHT)); alreadyCalled = false; parentWindow = parent; notebook = new wxNotebook(this, ID_OPTIONS); // notebook->SetFont(wxFont(8, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL,wxNORMAL, false, _T("Tahoma"))); if (abstract_panel::loadValuesIntoMap()) { CreateGUIControls(); initMenuBar(); } //Dialog just created, no setting were changed yet abstract_panel::settingsChanged = false; Layout(); Center(); if (!parentWindow) UpdateMainAppHasFocus(m_has_focus); // only do if not being a slave of main SL app }
// // Init the whole view // void VirtualConsole::initView(void) { setCaption("Virtual Console"); resize(200, 400); initMenuBar(); // Reset ID VCFrame::ResetID(); // Dock & Draw Area initDockArea(); initDrawArea(); slotModeChanged(); connect(_app, SIGNAL(modeChanged()), this, SLOT(slotModeChanged())); // Check if VC should be open QString config; _app->settings()->get(KEY_VIRTUAL_CONSOLE_OPEN, config); if (config == Settings::trueValue()) { _app->slotViewVirtualConsole(); } else { hide(); _app->slotVirtualConsoleClosed(); } // Grid _app->settings()->get(KEY_VIRTUAL_CONSOLE_SNAPGRID, config); if (config == Settings::trueValue()) { m_gridEnabled = true; } else { m_gridEnabled = false; } // Grid X if (_app->settings()->get(KEY_VIRTUAL_CONSOLE_GRIDX, config)) { m_gridX = config.toInt(); } else { m_gridX = 10; } // Grid Y if (_app->settings()->get(KEY_VIRTUAL_CONSOLE_GRIDY, config)) { m_gridY = config.toInt(); } else { m_gridY = 10; } }
VirtualConsole::VirtualConsole(QWidget* parent, Doc* doc) : QWidget(parent) , m_doc(doc) , m_editAction(EditNone) , m_toolbar(NULL) , m_addActionGroup(NULL) , m_editActionGroup(NULL) , m_bgActionGroup(NULL) , m_fgActionGroup(NULL) , m_fontActionGroup(NULL) , m_frameActionGroup(NULL) , m_stackingActionGroup(NULL) , m_addButtonAction(NULL) , m_addButtonMatrixAction(NULL) , m_addSliderAction(NULL) , m_addSliderMatrixAction(NULL) , m_addSpeedDialAction(NULL) , m_addXYPadAction(NULL) , m_addCueListAction(NULL) , m_addFrameAction(NULL) , m_addSoloFrameAction(NULL) , m_addLabelAction(NULL) , m_toolsSettingsAction(NULL) , m_editCutAction(NULL) , m_editCopyAction(NULL) , m_editPasteAction(NULL) , m_editDeleteAction(NULL) , m_editPropertiesAction(NULL) , m_editRenameAction(NULL) , m_bgColorAction(NULL) , m_bgImageAction(NULL) , m_bgDefaultAction(NULL) , m_fgColorAction(NULL) , m_fgDefaultAction(NULL) , m_fontAction(NULL) , m_resetFontAction(NULL) , m_frameSunkenAction(NULL) , m_frameRaisedAction(NULL) , m_frameNoneAction(NULL) , m_stackingRaiseAction(NULL) , m_stackingLowerAction(NULL) , m_customMenu(NULL) , m_editMenu(NULL) , m_addMenu(NULL) , m_dockArea(NULL) , m_contentsLayout(NULL) , m_scrollArea(NULL) , m_contents(NULL) , m_tapModifierDown(false) { Q_ASSERT(s_instance == NULL); s_instance = this; Q_ASSERT(doc != NULL); /* Main layout */ new QHBoxLayout(this); layout()->setMargin(1); layout()->setSpacing(1); initActions(); initDockArea(); m_contentsLayout = new QVBoxLayout; layout()->addItem(m_contentsLayout); initMenuBar(); initContents(); // Propagate mode changes to all widgets connect(m_doc, SIGNAL(modeChanged(Doc::Mode)), this, SLOT(slotModeChanged(Doc::Mode))); // Use the initial mode slotModeChanged(m_doc->mode()); // Nothing is selected updateActions(); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main initialization function // // // // This creates all items that are not saved in workspace files // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void App::init(QString openFile) { // // Default size // resize(maximumSize()); // // Settings has to be first // initSettings(); // // Menus, toolbar, statusbar // initMenuBar(); initStatusBar(); initToolBar(); // // The main view // initWorkspace(); // // Plugins // initPlugins(); // // Device classes // initDeviceClasses(); // // Submasters & values // initSubmasters(); initValues(); // // Function consumer // initFunctionConsumer(); // // Buses // Bus::init(); // // Document // initDoc(); // // Views // initDeviceManagerView(); initVirtualConsole(); // Trying to load workspace files // Either specified on command line or the last active workspace bool success = false; if (openFile != "") { success = doc()->loadWorkspaceAs(openFile); if (!success) { QString msg = "File: " + openFile + "\ncould'nt be opened. Please check path and spelling!\n"; msg += "We revert to the previously used workspace."; QMessageBox::warning(this, KApplicationNameShort, msg, QMessageBox::Ok, 0); } } // // Load the previous workspace // if (!success) { QString config; if (settings()->get(KEY_OPEN_LAST_WORKSPACE, config)) { if (config == Settings::trueValue()) { if (settings()->get(KEY_LAST_WORKSPACE_NAME, config)) { success = doc()->loadWorkspaceAs(config); if (!success) { QString msg = "Previously used workspace file: " + config + "\ncould'nt be opened."; msg += "We start over with a new workspace."; QMessageBox::warning(this, KApplicationNameShort, msg, QMessageBox::Ok, 0); } } } } } if (!success) { newDocument(); } }