Beispiel #1
void Gripper::create()
	RECT		rc		= {0};
	POINT		pt		= {0};

	// start hooking
	::SetWindowPos(_pCont->getHSelf(), HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE);
	winVer ver = getWinVersion();
	hookMouse = ::SetWindowsHookEx(ver >= WV_W2K?WH_MOUSE_LL:WH_MOUSE, (HOOKPROC)hookProcMouse, _hInst, 0);

    if (!hookMouse)
        DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError();
        TCHAR  str[128];
        ::wsprintf(str, TEXT("GetLastError() returned %lu"), dwError);
        ::MessageBox(NULL, str, TEXT("SetWindowsHookEx(MOUSE) failed"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);

	if (ver < WV_VISTA)
		hookKeyboard = ::SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, (HOOKPROC)hookProcKeyboard, _hInst, 0);
		if (!hookKeyboard)
			DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError();
			TCHAR  str[128];
			::wsprintf(str, TEXT("GetLastError() returned %lu"), dwError);
			::MessageBox(NULL, str, TEXT("SetWindowsHookEx(KEYBOARD) failed"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
//  Removed regarding W9x systems
//	mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0);

	// calculate the mouse pt within dialog

	// get tab informations

	if (_pCont->isFloating() == true)
		::GetWindowRect(_pCont->getHSelf(), &rc);
		::ScreenToClient(_pCont->getHSelf(), &pt);

	_ptOffset.x	= pt.x - rc.left;
	_ptOffset.y	= pt.y -;
Beispiel #2
void Gripper::doTabReordering(POINT pt)
	vector<DockingCont*>	vCont		= _pDockMgr->getContainerInfo();
	BOOL					inTab		= FALSE;
	HWND					hTab		= NULL;
	HWND					hTabOld		= _hTab;
	int						iItem		= -1;
	int						iItemOld	= _iItem;

	/* search for every tab entry */
	for (size_t iCont = 0, len = vCont.size(); iCont < len; iCont++)
		hTab = vCont[iCont]->getTabWnd();

		/* search only if container is visible */
		if (::IsWindowVisible(hTab) == TRUE)
			RECT	rc		= {0};

			::GetWindowRect(hTab, &rc);

			/* test if cursor points in tab window */
			if (::PtInRect(&rc, pt) == TRUE)
				TCHITTESTINFO	info	= {0};

				if (_hTab == NULL)
					hTabOld  = _hTab;
					iItemOld = _iItem;

				/* get pointed tab item */	= pt;
				::ScreenToClient(hTab, &;
				iItem = ::SendMessage(hTab, TCM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)&info);

				if (iItem != -1)
					/* prevent flickering of tabs with different sizes */
					::SendMessage(hTab, TCM_GETITEMRECT, iItem, (LPARAM)&rc);
					ClientRectToScreenRect(hTab, &rc);

					if ((rc.left + (_rcItem.right  - _rcItem.left)) < pt.x)

					_iItem	= iItem;
				else if ((hTab != _hTab) || (_iItem == -1))
					/* test if cusor points after last tab */
					int		iLastItem	= ::SendMessage(hTab, TCM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0) - 1;

					::SendMessage(hTab, TCM_GETITEMRECT, iLastItem, (LPARAM)&rc);
					if ((rc.left + rc.right) < pt.x)
						_iItem = iLastItem + 1;

				_hTab = hTab;
				inTab = TRUE;

	/* set and remove tabs correct */
	if ((inTab == TRUE) && (iItemOld != _iItem))
		if (_hTab == _hTabSource)
			/* delete item if switching back to source tab */
			int iSel = ::SendMessage(_hTab, TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
			::SendMessage(_hTab, TCM_DELETEITEM, iSel, 0);
		else if (_hTab == hTabOld)
			/* delete item on switch between tabs */
			::SendMessage(_hTab, TCM_DELETEITEM, iItemOld, 0);
	else if (inTab == FALSE)
		if (hTabOld != _hTabSource)
			::SendMessage(hTabOld, TCM_DELETEITEM, iItemOld, 0);
		_iItem = -1;

	/* insert new entry when mouse doesn't point to current hovered tab */
	if ((_hTab != hTabOld) || (_iItem != iItemOld))
		_tcItem.mask	= TCIF_PARAM | (_hTab == _hTabSource ? TCIF_TEXT : 0);
		::SendMessage(_hTab, TCM_INSERTITEM, _iItem, (LPARAM)&_tcItem);

	/* select the tab only in source tab window */
	if ((_hTab == _hTabSource) && (_iItem != -1))
		::SendMessage(_hTab, TCM_SETCURSEL, _iItem, 0);

#if 0
	extern HWND g_hMainWnd;
	TCHAR str[128];
	wsprintf(str, TEXT("Size: %i"), vCont.size());
	::SetWindowText(g_hMainWnd, str);
