void main (void) { BSP_Init( ); SET_MAIN_CLOCK_SOURCE(CRYSTAL); initUART(); printf( "Start iwsn system...\n" ); InitRFIO(); /* set io as normal io, not uart */ //P0DIR &= ~0x03; /* Set button as input */ EnableRecv(); SMPL_Init( NULL ); /* turn on the radio so we are always able to receive data asynchronously */ SMPL_Ioctl( IOCTL_OBJ_RADIO, IOCTL_ACT_RADIO_RXON, NULL ); /* turn on LED. */ BSP_TURN_ON_LED1( ); BSP_TURN_ON_LED2( ); /* never coming back... */ framework_entry(); /* but in case we do... */ while (1) ; }
int main(void) { ConfigPins(); initUART(); initSysTick(); RValue = initAccel(); printInteger(RValue); if (RValue == 0) { printString("Boldly going :)\r\n"); } else { printString("Inertia sensors offline :(\r\n"); } while (1) { Temperature = getTemperature(); printShort(Temperature); printString(" "); getMotion(&m); printShort(m.x_a); printString(" "); printShort(m.y_a); printString(" "); printShort(m.z_a); printString(" "); printString("\r\n"); GPIO0DATA ^= BIT2; delay(10000); } return 0; }
int main(void){ DDRC |= _BV(PC0); DDRC |= _BV(PC1); DDRC |= _BV(PC4); DDRC |= _BV(PC5); DDRC |= _BV(PC6); DDRC |= _BV(PC7); DDRB |= 0xFF; DDRD |= _BV(PD0); DDRD |= _BV(PD1); DDRD |= _BV(PD2); DDRD |= _BV(PD3); DDRD |= _BV(PD4); DDRD |= _BV(PD5); DDRD |= _BV(PD6); DDRD |= _BV(PD7); initCAN(NODE_HOME); initUART(); char output[size]; while(1){ ssDisplay(velocity); } }
int main (void) { uint8_t no = 0; // wait(10); setMU2PutFunc(uart0Put); setMU2GetFunc(uart0Get); initUART( UART0, StopBitIs1Bit|NonParity, ReceiverEnable|TransmiterEnable|ReceiveCompleteInteruptEnable, UARTBAUD(19200) ); initLED(); initSwitch(); initRCRx(); no = Switch() & 0x03; mu2Command("EI",EI[no]); mu2Command("DI",DI[no]); mu2Command("GI",GI[no]); mu2Command("CH",CH[no]); sei(); userMain(); return 0; }
int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT initPorts(); initUART(); char g_x[15]; volatile int i = 0; __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM0, interrupts enabled // __bis_SR_register(GIE); while(1) { test_func(); if (flg_rx) { if (UCA1RXBUF == '*') { analyze_cmd(g_x); // UART_sendChar(g_x); memset(g_x, 0, i); i = 0; } else if (UCA1RXBUF == 13) { // compare to ascii {CR} d'13, 0x0D analyze_cmd(g_x); memset(g_x, 0, i); i = 0; } else { g_x[i] = UCA1RXBUF; i++; } flg_rx = 0; } if (flg_rx == 0) __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM0, interrupts enabled } }
void main(void) { SYSTEMConfig(SYS_FREQ, SYS_CFG_WAIT_STATES | SYS_CFG_PCACHE); INTEnableSystemMultiVectoredInt(); ANSELA = 0x00000000; ANSELB = 0x00000000; initUART(); I2CModule * i2c = initI2C(); //testUART(); SID * sid = createSid(); SIDPlayer * sidPlayer = createSIDPlayer(sid); initSIDNet(sidPlayer,getI2CReceiveBuffer(i2c),getI2CTransmitBuffer(i2c)); writeStringUART(HELLO_MSG,strlen(HELLO_MSG)); while(1) { if(FIFOCount(getI2CReceiveBuffer(i2c)) >0) { // writeFIFO(getI2CTransmitBuffer(i2c),readFIFO(getI2CReceiveBuffer(i2c)) & 0xFF); processSidNetCommand(); } //play(); } }
// MAIN FUNCTION ----------------------------------- / int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer initPorts(); // initialize ports initUART(); // initialize uart char rxBuffer[15]; // Serial RX buffer __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM0 volatile unsigned int i = 0; while(1) { if (g_rxFlag) { if (UCA1RXBUF == '*') { // * signifies end of cmd, do analysis rxBuffer[i] = UCA1RXBUF; analyze_cmd(rxBuffer); memset(rxBuffer, 0, i); i = 0; } else if (UCA1RXBUF == 13) { // compare to ascii {CR} d'13, 0x0D analyze_cmd(rxBuffer); memset(rxBuffer, 0, i); i = 0; } else { rxBuffer[i] = UCA1RXBUF; i++; } g_rxFlag = 0; // reset Rx Flag } __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM0, interrupts enabled } }
int main() { initUART(); UART_enable(); UART_puts("\r\nSTARTING...\r\n"); PSX_init(); _delay_ms(1000); UART_puts("\r\nENTERING MAIN...\r\n"); while(1) { _delay_ms(50); PSX_get_button_state(); UART_puth(PSX_get_button_pressure(BUTTON_PRESSURE_R2)); UART_puts(" "); if(PSX_button_pressed(BUTTON_SQUARE)) { PSX_set_pressure_mode(CMD_PRESSURE_OFF); } if(PSX_button_pressed(BUTTON_TRIANGLE)) { PSX_set_pressure_mode(CMD_PRESSURE_ON); } if(PSX_button_pressed(BUTTON_R1)) PSX_set_input_mode(CMD_SET_ANALOG, CMD_LOCK_OFF); if(PSX_button_pressed(BUTTON_L1)) PSX_set_input_mode(CMD_SET_DIGITAL, CMD_LOCK_OFF); } return 0; }
void main(void) { initUART(); *pSIC_IAR1 = 0x43322221; register_handler(ik_ivg10,RX_IRQ); register_handler(ik_ivg11, DMA_IRQ); *pSIC_IMASK= 0xC000; }
int main() { initADC(); initUART(); DDRC|=(1<<PC5); while(1) { } }
void wcycle_init () { initPins (); initClocks (); initFlash (); initUART (); initPWM (); initDHT (); wcycle_pwm_ctl (readFlash()); }
int main(void) { initUART(); while(1) { writeString(readString()); putByte('\r'); putByte('\n'); } return 0; }
int main() { /* IOCON_PIO1_5 = 0x000000d0; GPIO1DIR |= 1 << 5; GPIO1MASKED[1 << 5] = 0; for (int i = 0;; i++) { GPIO1MASKED[1 << 5] = i; } */ matrixled_init(); ux_init(); #if ENEBLE_WDT == 1 slowClock(); #endif #if SYSTICK_WAIT == 1 #if ENEBLE_WDT == 1 InitSysTick(120000); #else InitSysTick(12000); // 12,000,000Hz 12,000 -> 10 = 1ms #endif #endif #if ENEBLE_WDT == 0 initUART(); #endif /* for (;;) { playMML("C"); println("TEST\n"); toggleSounder(); wait(10000); } // uart(); */ // bitman(); // bitman2(); for (;;) { if (!ux_state()) { break; } WAIT(10); } for (;;) { animate(DATA_ANIM, LEN_DATA_ANIM); app_mikuji(); // app_keytest(); app_renda(); } return 0; }
int main(void) { init32MHzClock(); initUART(); spi_set_up(); intiLoopTimer(); sendUM6_Data(); while(1) {} }
int main(void) { char ch; LockoutProtection(); InitializeMCU(); initUART(); MoveStraight(); /* while(1) { UARTprintf("\nROBZ DEMO\n"); UARTprintf(" 0=UART Demo\n 1=Motor Demo\n"); UARTprintf(" 2=Servo Demo\n 3=Line Sensor\n"); UARTprintf(" 4=IR Sensor Demo\n 5=Encoders Demo\n"); UARTprintf(" 6=MoveStraight\n"); UARTprintf(">> "); ch = getc(); putc(ch); UARTprintf("\n"); if (ch == '0') { UARTprintf("\nUART Demo\n"); uartDemo(); } else if (ch == '1') { UARTprintf("\nMotor Demo\n"); initMotors(); motorDemo(); } else if (ch == '2') { UARTprintf("\nServo Demo\n"); initServo(); servoDemo(); } else if (ch == '3') { UARTprintf("\nLine Sensor Demo\n"); initLineSensor(); lineSensorDemo(); } else if (ch == '4') { UARTprintf("\nIR Sensor Demo\n"); initIRSensor(); IRSensorDemo(); } else if (ch == '5') { UARTprintf("\nEncoders Demo\n"); initEncoders(); encoderDemo(); } else if (ch == '6') { UARTprintf("\nMove Straight\n"); MoveStraight(); } } */ }
int main(void) { initUART(); while(1) { writeString("Surya Na Mass"); putByte('\r'); putByte('\n'); } return 0; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main void main(void) { initPorts(); initTimer1(); initUART(); while(1) { updateDigits(); updateDisplay(); if(beepCounter<115) beepCounter++; // beeper off count else { beepCounter = 0; BEEP_BEEP_OFF; } if(secondCounter<1000) secondCounter++; // 1 second tasks else { if(LATBbits.LATB0 == 0) COLON_ON; // blink colon once per second else COLON_OFF; secondCounter = 0; } if(lnetTimeoutCounter<14580) lnetTimeoutCounter++; // (lnet timeout 14.58 sec) else // no overlap with 1 sec { LNET_OFF; lnetConnected = FALSE; PM_OFF; lnetHours = 88; lnetMinutes = 88; } // tasks that execute once per second are located in secTasks() while(TMR1H < 0x09); while(TMR1L < 0xC4); // wait for 1 ms to elapse TMR1H = 0; TMR1L = 0; // reset tmr1 registers } return; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { printf ("Usage: graph <serial port device (ex /dev/ttyUSB0)> <csv filename>\n"); exit(-1); } uartfd = initUART(argv[1]); file = fopen(argv[2], "w"); fprintf (file, "roll, "); fprintf (file, "pitch, "); fprintf (file, "yaw, "); fprintf (file, "x accel, "); fprintf (file, "y accel, "); fprintf (file, "z accel\n"); //Set up termination signal routine (when user hits Ctrl-c or SIGINT is sent to this process) signal(SIGINT, terminate); unsigned char rxBuffer[RX_BUFFER_LENGTH]; int counter = 0; while (1) { int bytesRead = read (uartfd, rxBuffer, RX_BUFFER_LENGTH-1); int i; for (i=0; i<bytesRead; i++) { if (rxBuffer[i] == 0xAA) { int j=0; while (i<bytesRead) { // if 0xAA was found at index in rxBuffer other than 0, shift everything over so that 0xAA is at 0 rxBuffer[j] = rxBuffer[i]; j++; i++; } while (j<18) { int dataBytesRead = read (uartfd, rxBuffer+j, RX_BUFFER_LENGTH-j-1); j += dataBytesRead; usleep(100); } fprintf (file, "%d, ", ((struct imu_rx_pkt_t*)rxBuffer)->roll); fprintf (file, "%d, ", ((struct imu_rx_pkt_t*)rxBuffer)->pitch); fprintf (file, "%d, ", ((struct imu_rx_pkt_t*)rxBuffer)->yaw); fprintf (file, "%d, ", ((struct imu_rx_pkt_t*)rxBuffer)->x_accel); fprintf (file, "%d, ", ((struct imu_rx_pkt_t*)rxBuffer)->y_accel); fprintf (file, "%d\n", ((struct imu_rx_pkt_t*)rxBuffer)->z_accel); break; } } } }
static void prvQueueReceiveTask( void *pvParameters ) { static const TickType_t xShortBlock = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 50 ); /* Check the task parameter is as expected. */ configASSERT( ( ( unsigned long ) pvParameters ) == mainQUEUE_RECEIVE_PARAMETER ); initUART(); initI2CModule(); for( ;; ) { uint8_t msg[sizeof(TransportMessages)]; MsgBaseType& code = reinterpret_cast<MsgBaseType&>(msg); /* Wait until something arrives in the queue - this task will block indefinitely provided INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend is set to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h. */ xQueueReceive( xQueue, &msg, portMAX_DELAY ); /* To get here something must have been received from the queue, but is it the expected value? If it is, toggle the LED. */ switch (static_cast<TransportCodes>(code.msgCode)) { case TransportCodes::BLINK: /* Blip the LED for a short while so as not to use too much power. */ configTOGGLE_LED(); vTaskDelay( xShortBlock ); configTOGGLE_LED(); break; case TransportCodes::RXMSG: { RxMsgBase& rxmsg = static_cast<RxMsgBase&>(code); tLayer.handleMsg(rxmsg); break; } case TransportCodes::TXMSG: { TxMsgBase& txmsg = static_cast<TxMsgBase&>(code); tLayer.msgWasSent(txmsg); break; } default: break; } } }
int main(void) { char ch; LockoutProtection(); InitializeMCU(); initUART(); while(1) { UARTprintf("\nRAS Demo for Robotathon 2012\n"); UARTprintf(" 0=UART Demo\n 1=Motor Demo\n"); UARTprintf(" 2=Servo Demo\n 3=Line Sensor\n"); UARTprintf(" 4=IR Sensor Demo\n 5=Encoders Demo\n"); UARTprintf(">> "); ch = getc(); putc(ch); UARTprintf("\n"); if (ch == '0') { UARTprintf("\nUART Demo\n"); uartDemo(); } else if (ch == '1') { UARTprintf("\nMotor Demo\n"); initMotors(); motorDemo(); } else if (ch == '2') { UARTprintf("\nServo Demo\n"); initServo(); servoDemo(); } else if (ch == '3') { UARTprintf("\nLine Sensor Demo\n"); initLineSensor(); lineSensorDemo(); } else if (ch == '4') { UARTprintf("\nIR Sensor Demo\n"); initIRSensor(); IRSensorDemo(); } else if (ch == '5') { UARTprintf("\nEncoders Demo\n"); initEncoders(); encoderDemo(); } } }
bool MainWindow::startCommunication() { if (initUART((char*)mSerialPort->currentText().toLocal8Bit().constData(),mBaudrate->currentText().toInt())!=UART_OK) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Open failed"),tr("Failed, an error occured during opening serial port...")); return false; } connect( mSerialThread, SIGNAL(controlState(bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool)), this, SLOT(receiveControlState(bool,bool,bool,bool,bool,bool))); connect( mSerialThread, SIGNAL(charReceived(int,int)),this, SLOT(eventDataReceived(int,int))); mSerialThread->start(); return true; }
void main() { BSP_Init( ); SET_MAIN_CLOCK_SOURCE(CRYSTAL); initUART(); initOuterRF(); enableOuterRF(); enableOuterRFData(); /* turn on LED. */ BSP_TURN_ON_LED1( ); BSP_TURN_ON_LED2( ); running(); return; }
int main(void) { initIO(); initTimer0(); initA2D(); initUART(); initLCD(); sei(); while(1) { handleEvents(); } return 0; }
int main(void) { DisableInterrupts(); // Permet de ne pas avoir d'interruption durant l'initialisation LCD_Init(); initGPIO(); //Appel des fonctions d'initialisation initSysTick(); initUART(); initADC0(); EnableInterrupts(); // Active les interruptions pour la suite de l'exécution du programme __asm { WFI } while(1){} // Boucle vide }
int main(){ sampleBufferStruct sampleBuffer; initUART(); printf("Start up\n\r"); initSampling(&sampleBuffer); DDRA = 0x01; PORTA = 0x01; startSampling(); while(1){ printf("%d;\n\r",popSample(&sampleBuffer)); } return 0; }
int main(void) { //Init Motor /* BYTE_SET(DDRD,0xFE); PORTB = 0xFF; PORTB = 0xC0; DDRA = 0x10; PORTA = 0x00; */ initAdc(); initUART(); initTimer(); // DDRC=0xFF; //Enable interrupt after all init else Infinite loop sei(); calibration(); //Enable_watchdog(WDTO_500MS); for (;;) { /* loop forever */ // lireTelecommande(); /* if(timerOvf == 1) { */ Vitesse_D = getUartVitesse(); Angle_D = getUartAngle(); Vg = getAvgSpeedMoteurGauche(); Vd = getAvgSpeedMoteurDroit(); CalculPWM(Vitesse_D,Angle_D,Vg,Vd,&Duty_G,&Duty_D); /* timerOvf = 0; } */ } }
int main() { LED1_ENABLE(); LED1_ON(); /* LED1_ON(); delay(800000); LED1_OFF(); */ unsigned char ch = '\0'; init_baudrate(); clock_init(); initUART(); serial_putc('c'); serial_putc('o'); serial_putc('d'); serial_putc('e'); serial_putc('\n'); serial_putc('\n'); ch = '\n'; serial_putc(ch/10+'0'); serial_putc(ch%10+'0'); serial_putc(' '); //printf1("pclk scale is %d\n", get_PCLK()); while(1) { ch = serial_getc(); //if (ch <= '9' && ch >= '0') if (ch == '\r') ch = '\n'; serial_putc(ch); }; return 0; };
int main () { #ifdef DELAY DDRB |= (1 << DDB1); // PB1 as OUTPUT PORTB |= (1 << PB1); _delay_ms(4800); PORTB &= ~(1 << PB1); #endif #ifdef SERIAL // UART initUART(); writeString("Shadow Initialized \n"); #endif setup_outputs(); DDRB |= (1 << DDB4); #ifdef ADC_SHADOW setup_adc(); #endif #ifdef COLLISION_DETECTION setup_collision(); #endif // Loop while(1) { // check_collision(); // PORTB |= (1 << PB1); // PORTB &= ~(1 << PB1); // _delay_ms(1); // char str[15]; // sprintf(str, "%d", val); // writeString(str); // writeString("\n"); } }
/**************************************************************** * Main ****************************************************************/ int main(){ // Set the signal callback for Ctrl-C signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); initUART(); setSerial(); while(keepgoing){ cwrotate(800); ccwrotate(800); burstout(1000); burstin(1000); starburstout(600); starburstin(600); spiralin(400); spiralout(400); flashon_off(800); snake(200); } return 0; }
void main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer initUART(); P1OUT = 0; // Preload LEDs off (active high!) P1DIR |= LED1|LED2; // Set pin with LED1 to output P1REN |= B1; // Enable pull up/down resistor for B1 (P1.3) P1OUT |= B1; // set as pull up resistor for B1 (P1.3) P1IE |= B1; // Enable interrupts on edge P1IES |= B1; // Sensitive to negative edge (H->L) do { P1IFG = 0; // Clear any pending interrupts ... } while (P1IFG != 0); // ... until none remain for (;;) { // Loop forever (should not need) __low_power_mode_0 (); // LPM0 with int'pts } }