Beispiel #1
void bwtool_matrix(struct hash *options, char *favorites, char *regions, unsigned decimals,
		   double fill, char *range_s, char *bigfile, char *tmp_dir, char *outputfile)
/* bwtool_matrix - main for matrix-creation program */
    boolean do_k = (hashFindVal(options, "cluster") != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    boolean do_tile = (hashFindVal(options, "tiled-averages") != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    boolean do_binary_matrix = (hashFindVal(options, "binary-matrix") != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    boolean keep_bed = (hashFindVal(options, "keep-bed") != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    boolean starts = (hashFindVal(options, "starts") != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    boolean ends = (hashFindVal(options, "ends") != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    boolean lf_header = (hashFindVal(options, "long-form-header") != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    char *centroid_file = (char *)hashFindVal(options, "cluster-centroids");
    char *long_form = (char *)hashFindVal(options, "long-form");
    boolean do_long_form = (long_form != NULL);
    unsigned left = 0, right = 0;
    int meta = 0;
    int num_parse = parse_left_right(range_s, &left, &right, &meta);
    boolean do_meta = (num_parse == 3);
    int k = (int)sqlUnsigned((char *)hashOptionalVal(options, "cluster", "0"));
    int tile = (int)sqlUnsigned((char *)hashOptionalVal(options, "tiled-averages", "1"));
    if ((do_k) && ((k < 2) || (k > 10)))
	errAbort("k should be between 2 and 10\n");
    if ((do_tile) && (tile < 2))
	errAbort("tiling should be done for larger regions");
    if ((left % tile != 0) || (right % tile != 0))
	errAbort("tiling should be multiple of both up and down values");
    if (do_meta && starts && ends)
	warn("meta uses -starts and -ends anyway");
    else if ((do_meta) && (starts || ends))
	warn("-starts and -ends both automatically used with meta");
    if (do_meta && do_tile)
	errAbort("meta not compatible with -tile... yet");
    if (do_binary_matrix && do_long_form)
	errAbort("Writing binary matrix is not compatible with -long-form... yet");
    struct slName *bw_names = slNameListFromComma(bigfile);
    struct slName *bw_name;
    struct slName *labels_from_file = NULL;
    int num_bigwigs = check_for_list_files(&bw_names, &labels_from_file, 0);
    struct slName *labels = setup_labels(long_form, bw_names, &labels_from_file);
    struct bed6 *regs = NULL;
    struct bed6 *regions_left = NULL, *regions_right = NULL, *regions_meta = NULL;
    struct perBaseMatrix *pbm = NULL;
    int i;
    if (do_meta)
	if (meta == -1)
	    meta = calculate_meta_file(regions);
	    fprintf(stderr, "calculated meta = %d bases\n", meta);
	regions_left = load_and_recalculate_coords(regions, left, 0, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
	regions_right = load_and_recalculate_coords(regions, 0, right, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
	regions_meta = (meta > 0) ? readBed6Soft(regions) : NULL;
	regs = load_and_recalculate_coords(regions, left, right, FALSE, starts, ends);
    for (bw_name = bw_names; bw_name != NULL; bw_name = bw_name->next)
	struct metaBig *mb = metaBigOpenWithTmpDir(bw_name->name, tmp_dir, NULL);
	if (do_meta)
	    struct perBaseMatrix *one_pbm = load_perBaseMatrix(mb, regions_left, fill);
	    struct perBaseMatrix *right_pbm = load_perBaseMatrix(mb, regions_right, fill);
	    if (meta > 0)
		struct perBaseMatrix *meta_pbm = load_meta_perBaseMatrix(mb, regions_meta, meta, fill);
		fuse_pbm(&one_pbm, &meta_pbm, TRUE);
	    fuse_pbm(&one_pbm, &right_pbm, TRUE);
	    fuse_pbm(&pbm, &one_pbm, FALSE);
	    struct perBaseMatrix *one_pbm = (do_tile) ? load_ave_perBaseMatrix(mb, regs, tile, fill) :
		load_perBaseMatrix(mb, regs, fill);
	    fuse_pbm(&pbm, &one_pbm, FALSE);
    if (do_k)
	struct cluster_bed_matrix *cbm = NULL;
	/* ordered by cluster with label in first column */
	cbm = init_cbm_from_pbm(pbm, k);
	do_kmeans_sort(cbm, 0.001, TRUE);
	if (do_long_form)
	    output_cluster_matrix_long(cbm, labels, keep_bed, outputfile, lf_header);
	    if (do_binary_matrix)
		output_binary_cluster_matrix(cbm, keep_bed, outputfile);
		output_cluster_matrix(cbm, decimals, keep_bed, outputfile);
	if (centroid_file)
	    output_centroids(cbm, centroid_file, decimals);
	if (do_long_form)
	    output_matrix_long(pbm, decimals, labels, keep_bed, left, right, tile, lf_header, outputfile);
	    if (do_binary_matrix)
		output_binary_matrix(pbm, keep_bed, outputfile);
		output_matrix(pbm, decimals, keep_bed, outputfile);
	/* unordered, no label  */
    if (do_meta)
	if (meta > 0)
Beispiel #2
struct cluster_bed_matrix *init_cbm(struct metaBig *mb, struct bed6 *regions, int k, double fill)
/* initialize the cluster struct */
    struct perBaseMatrix *pbm = load_perBaseMatrix(mb, regions, fill);
    return init_cbm_from_pbm(pbm, k);