int resolution(t_letubbies po) { t_mlx list; list = init_mlx(po); list.lp = put_gap_lpoint(list); ft_try(list); mlx_hook(, 2, 1, key_hook, &list); mlx_mouse_hook(, mouse_hook, &list); mlx_put_image_to_window(list.mlx,,, list.pos_x_image, list.pos_y_image); mlx_loop(list.mlx); return (0); }
static void launch_fractol(int type) { t_env e; e.type = type; init_mlx(&(e.mlx)); if (type == TYPE_JULIA) init_julia(&(, &(; else if (type == TYPE_MANDELBROT) init_mandelbrot(&(, &(; else if (type == TYPE_BUDDHABROT) init_buddhabrot(&(, &(; mlx_expose_hook(, expose_hook, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx.mlx); }
t_data *init(void) { t_data *d; if(!(d = tt_malloc(sizeof(t_data)))) exit(tt_pl("Failed to alloc data")); d->r.o = VEC3(0, 0, 0); tt_pl("Init mlx"); init_mlx(d); tt_pl("Init obj"); init_obj(d); tt_pl("Init light"); init_light(d); return (d); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { t_ref *d_ref; t_mlx *d_mlx; if (argc != 2) return (0); if ((d_ref = init_ref(argv[1])) == NULL) free_ex(d_ref, 0, 0, argv[0]); if ((d_mlx = init_mlx(d_ref->win_i, d_ref->win_j, d_ref)) == NULL) free_ex(d_ref, d_mlx, 0, argv[0]); if (print_it(d_ref, d_mlx) == 0) free_ex(d_ref, d_mlx, 0, argv[0]); mlx_hook(d_mlx->win, 2, 0, (*key_hook), d_mlx); mlx_loop(d_mlx->mlx); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { t_mlx *ptr; t_img *i; ptr = init_mlx(); i = init_img(ptr); if (argc == 2) bombyx1(i, ptr, argv[1]); if (argc == 3) graph2(argv, ptr, i); else printf("Usage: ./106bombyx [-k] OR [-i_min -i_max]"); printf("\n"); return (0); }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int two_win; if (ac < 2) ft_error(INVALID_ARGZ); init_all(); two_win = parse_params(av); init_mlx(two_win); mlx_hook(g()->, 6, 64, &mouse_hook, &g()->p); mlx_key_hook(g()->, key_hook, &g()->p); mlx_mouse_hook(g()->, mouse2_hook, &g()->p); mlx_expose_hook(g()->, expose_hook, &g()->p); if (two_win) handle_second_win(); mlx_loop_hook(g()->e.mlx, loop_hook, &g()->cur); mlx_loop(g()->e.mlx); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { t_vm *vm; int i; if ((vm = malloc(sizeof(t_vm))) == NULL) my_print_error("Error with a memory allocation\n"); if ((vm->arena = malloc(sizeof(t_vm))) == NULL) my_print_error("Error with a memory allocation\n"); init_arena(vm->arena->arena, MEM_SIZE); check_arg(argc); i = check_dump(vm, argv); check_champ(vm, argc, argv, i); init_champs(vm); my_parsing(vm, argc, argv, i); init_mlx(vm); aff_grid(vm); my_hook(vm); corewar(vm); return (0); }
int main(void) { t_env e; int fd; t_ray ray; e = init_mlx(1000, 1022); init_env(&e); ray.origin =; fd = ft_open(); e.list = recur_list_build(fd, NULL); close(fd); fd = ft_open(); e.lights = recur_lights_build(fd, NULL); close(fd); e.ray = ray; mlx_do_key_autorepeaton(e.mlx); mlx_hook(, 2, 1L << 0, key_hook, &e); mlx_expose_hook(, expose_hook, &e); mlx_loop(e.mlx); return (0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { t_rt s_rt; if (argc == 3) { s_rt.s_eye.x = -3000; s_rt.s_eye.y = 0; s_rt.s_eye.z = 0; s_rt.s_rot.x = 0; s_rt.s_rot.y = 0; s_rt.s_rot.z = 0; s_rt.mode = 0; init_mlx(&s_rt); load_scene(&s_rt, argv); raytracing(&s_rt); launch_mlx(&s_rt); mlx_loop(s_rt.mlx_ptr); } else ft_putstr("Usage : ./rtv1 misc/objects.rt misc/spots.rt\n", 2); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void init_struct(t_all *all) { init_mlx(all); init_draw(all); }