Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
	init_program_options(argc, argv);

	//signal(SIGSEGV, stackTraceHandler);

	auto threadSafeQueue = std::make_shared<ThreadSafeQueue<std::vector<char>>>();

	SerialSender serialSender(threadSafeQueue);

	SocketServer socketServer(Options::instance()._port, threadSafeQueue);

	std::cout << "Done initializing\nHit any key followed by enter to stop program." << std::endl;

	//wait for the user to tell us to stop

	//serialSender will shutdown
	serialSender.shouldStop = true;

	socketServer.socketServerShouldStop = true;

	//let things do their stuff
#ifdef _WIN32

	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	std::string inputfile  = "";
	std::string outputfile = "";
	std::string passphrase = "";
	std::string publicKey  = "";
	bool encrypt = false,
	     decrypt = false,
	     keygen  = false;

	// set up command line options and
	// check for help requests and usage errors
	po::variables_map var_map;

		init_program_options(argc, argv, &var_map);
	catch( po::multiple_occurrences m )
		std::cerr << "Error: Please use each options at most once."
			  << std::endl << std::endl;
		print_usage( argv[0] );
		exit( 2 );
	catch( ... )
		std::cerr << "Error: unknown error in command line options."
			  << std::endl << std::endl;
		print_usage( argv[0] );
		exit( 2 );

	// no options -> print usage message
	if( argc == 1 )
		print_usage( argv[0] );
		exit( 1 );

	// check command line options
	if( var_map.count("test") > 0 )
		exit( run_tests() );

	encrypt = (var_map.count("encrypt")    > 0);
	decrypt = (var_map.count("decrypt")    > 0);
	keygen  = (var_map.count("create-key") > 0);

	// check that the user only request one out of decrypt/encrypt/keygen
	if( (int)decrypt + (int)encrypt + (int)keygen > 1 )
		std::cerr << "You need to chose one of encrypt, decrypt and key-gen."
			  << std::endl << std::endl;
		print_usage( argv[0] );
		exit( 2 );

	if (var_map.count("pass")   > 0) passphrase = var_map["pass"].as<std::string>();
	if (var_map.count("input")  > 0) inputfile  = var_map["input"].as<std::string>();
	if (var_map.count("output") > 0) outputfile = var_map["output"].as<std::string>();
	if (var_map.count("key")    > 0) publicKey  = var_map["key"].as<std::string>();
	quiet = (var_map.count("quiet") > 0);

	// here comes the program logic
	if( keygen )
		if( passphrase == "" )
			passphrase = prompt_password( "passphrase", true );
		uint8_t publicKey[32];
		if( generate_key( publicKey, passphrase ) )
			std::cerr << "Public key: " << b64encode( publicKey );
			std::cerr << "Failed to generate public key" << std::endl;
	else if( encrypt )
		if( inputfile == "" && publicKey == "" )
			std::cerr << "Error: Public key needs to be given on "
				  << "commandline when encrypting from stdin" << std::endl;
			exit( 1 );

		if( publicKey == "" )
			publicKey  = prompt_password( "public key" );

		encryptFile( outputfile, inputfile, passphrase, publicKey );
	else if( decrypt )
		if( inputfile == "" && passphrase == "" )
			std::cerr << "Error: passphrase needs to be given on "
				  << "commandline when decrypting from stdin" << std::endl;
			exit( 1 );

		if( passphrase == "" )
			passphrase = prompt_password( "passphrase", true );

		decryptFile( outputfile, inputfile, passphrase );
		print_usage( argv[0] );
		exit( 0 );

	return 0;