static int decode0(char *filename){ raw_t raw; int i; FILE* file; if(!(file = fopen(filename,"r"))) return -1; if(!(init_raw(&raw))) return -1; while(fgets(raw.buff,MAXRAWLEN,file)){ decode_gpgsa(&raw); #if 0 printf("\nprn:"); for(i = 0;i < PRNNUMBER;i++) printf("%d ",raw.gpgsa.prn[i]); #endif #if 0 printf("\npdop:%f hdop:%f vdop:%f",raw.gpgsa.pdop,raw.gpgsa.hdop, raw.gpgsa.vdop); #endif #if 0 fputs(raw.buff,stdout); #endif } fclose(file); free_raw(&raw); return 0; }
/* generate stream file ------------------------------------------------------*/ static strfile_t *gen_strfile(int format, const char *opt, gtime_t time) { strfile_t *str; trace(3,"init_strfile:\n"); if (!(str=(strfile_t *)malloc(sizeof(strfile_t)))) return NULL; if (format==STRFMT_RTCM2||format==STRFMT_RTCM3) { if (!init_rtcm(&str->rtcm)) { showmsg("init rtcm error"); return 0; } str->rtcm.time=time; str->obs=&str->rtcm.obs; str->nav=&str->rtcm.nav; strcpy(str->rtcm.opt,opt); } else if (format<=MAXRCVFMT) { if (!init_raw(&str->raw)) { showmsg("init raw error"); return 0; } str->raw.time=time; str->obs=&str->raw.obs; str->nav=&str->raw.nav; str->pvt=&str->raw.pvt; strcpy(str->raw.opt,opt); } else if (format==STRFMT_RINEX) { if (!init_rnxctr(&str->rnx)) { showmsg("init rnx error"); return 0; } str->obs=&str->rnx.obs; str->nav=&str->rnx.nav; strcpy(str->rnx.opt,opt); } str->format=format; str->sat=0; str->fp=NULL; str->time=time; return str; }
static int decode1(char *filename){ raw_t raw;int i,sum,data,inputsum; FILE * file; if(!(file = fopen(filename,"rb"))) return -1; if(!(init_raw(&raw))) return -1; while((inputsum = input_oem4f(&raw,file)) > 0) ; #if 0 while(1){ if((data=fgetc(file)) != EOF){ if((sum = fread(raw.buff,sizeof(char),3,file)) == 3){ if(sync_oem4(raw.buff,())) } } } #endif fclose(file); free_raw(&raw); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* local variables */ raw_t *raw; socket_t sock; unsigned char buff[4096]; int recvnum, i; /* initialise raw */ raw = (raw_t *)malloc(sizeof(raw_t)); if (0 == init_raw(raw)) { trace(0, "%s\n\n", "ERROR: memory allocation error!"); return 0; } strcpy(raw->opt, "-LE"); /* the file type is set to LITTLE_ENDIAN */ raw->outtype = 1; /* set to output message type id */ /* initialize socket */ sock = creat_client_socket("", 50000); if(sock < 0) { printf("sock error\n"); exit(0); } /* main loop */ while(1) { memset(buff, 0x00, sizeof(buff)); recvnum = recv(sock, (char*)buff, 4000, 0); #ifdef WIN32_ Sleep(1000); #endif decode_stream(raw, buff, recvnum); } /* clear */ free_raw(raw); close_client_socket(sock); }
/* start rtk server ------------------------------------------------------------ * start rtk server thread * args : rtksvr_t *svr IO rtk server * int cycle I server cycle (ms) * int buffsize I input buffer size (bytes) * int *strs I stream types (STR_???) * types[0]=input stream rover * types[1]=input stream base station * types[2]=input stream correction * types[3]=output stream solution 1 * types[4]=output stream solution 2 * types[5]=log stream rover * types[6]=log stream base station * types[7]=log stream correction * char *paths I input stream paths * int *format I input stream formats (STRFMT_???) * format[0]=input stream rover * format[1]=input stream base station * format[2]=input stream correction * int navsel I navigation message select * (0:rover,1:base,2:ephem,3:all) * char **cmds I input stream start commands * cmds[0]=input stream rover (NULL: no command) * cmds[1]=input stream base (NULL: no command) * cmds[2]=input stream corr (NULL: no command) * char **rcvopts I receiver options * rcvopt[0]=receiver option rover * rcvopt[1]=receiver option base * rcvopt[2]=receiver option corr * int nmeacycle I nmea request cycle (ms) (0:no request) * int nmeareq I nmea request type (0:no,1:base pos,2:single sol) * double *nmeapos I transmitted nmea position (ecef) (m) * prcopt_t *prcopt I rtk processing options * solopt_t *solopt I solution options * solopt[0]=solution 1 options * solopt[1]=solution 2 options * stream_t *moni I monitor stream (NULL: not used) * return : status (1:ok 0:error) *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern int rtksvrstart(rtksvr_t *svr, int cycle, int buffsize, int *strs, char **paths, int *formats, int navsel, char **cmds, char **rcvopts, int nmeacycle, int nmeareq, const double *nmeapos, prcopt_t *prcopt, solopt_t *solopt, stream_t *moni) { gtime_t time,time0; int i,j,rw; INIT_ZERO(time); INIT_ZERO(time0); tracet(3,"rtksvrstart: cycle=%d buffsize=%d navsel=%d nmeacycle=%d nmeareq=%d\n", cycle,buffsize,navsel,nmeacycle,nmeareq); if (svr->state) return 0; strinitcom(); svr->cycle=cycle>1?cycle:1; svr->nmeacycle=nmeacycle>1000?nmeacycle:1000; svr->nmeareq=nmeareq; for (i=0;i<3;i++) svr->nmeapos[i]=nmeapos[i]; svr->buffsize=buffsize>4096?buffsize:4096; for (i=0;i<3;i++) svr->format[i]=formats[i]; svr->navsel=navsel; svr->nsbs=0; svr->nsol=0; svr->prcout=0; rtkfree(&svr->rtk); rtkinit(&svr->rtk,prcopt); for (i=0;i<3;i++) { /* input/log streams */ svr->nb[i]=svr->npb[i]=0; if (!(svr->buff[i]=(unsigned char *)malloc(buffsize))|| !(svr->pbuf[i]=(unsigned char *)malloc(buffsize))) { tracet(1,"rtksvrstart: malloc error\n"); return 0; } for (j=0;j<10;j++) svr->nmsg[i][j]=0; for (j=0;j<MAXOBSBUF;j++) svr->obs[i][j].n=0; /* initialize receiver raw and rtcm control */ init_raw (svr->raw +i); init_rtcm(svr->rtcm+i); /* set receiver and rtcm option */ strcpy(svr->raw [i].opt,rcvopts[i]); strcpy(svr->rtcm[i].opt,rcvopts[i]); /* connect dgps corrections */ svr->rtcm[i].dgps=svr->nav.dgps; } for (i=0;i<2;i++) { /* output peek buffer */ if (!(svr->sbuf[i]=(unsigned char *)malloc(buffsize))) { tracet(1,"rtksvrstart: malloc error\n"); return 0; } } /* set solution options */ for (i=0;i<2;i++) { svr->solopt[i]=solopt[i]; } /* set base station position */ for (i=0;i<6;i++) { svr->rtk.rb[i]=i<3?prcopt->rb[i]:0.0; } /* update navigation data */ for (i=0;i<MAXSAT *2;i++) svr->nav.eph [i].ttr=time0; for (i=0;i<NSATGLO*2;i++) svr->nav.geph[i].tof=time0; for (i=0;i<NSATSBS*2;i++) svr->nav.seph[i].tof=time0; updatenav(&svr->nav); /* set monitor stream */ svr->moni=moni; /* open input streams */ for (i=0;i<8;i++) { rw=i<3?STR_MODE_R:STR_MODE_W; if (strs[i]!=STR_FILE) rw|=STR_MODE_W; if (!stropen(svr->stream+i,strs[i],rw,paths[i])) { for (i--;i>=0;i--) strclose(svr->stream+i); return 0; } /* set initial time for rtcm and raw */ if (i<3) { time=utc2gpst(timeget()); svr->raw [i].time=strs[i]==STR_FILE?strgettime(svr->stream+i):time; svr->rtcm[i].time=strs[i]==STR_FILE?strgettime(svr->stream+i):time; } } /* sync input streams */ strsync(svr->stream,svr->stream+1); strsync(svr->stream,svr->stream+2); /* write start commands to input streams */ for (i=0;i<3;i++) { if (cmds[i]) strsendcmd(svr->stream+i,cmds[i]); } /* write solution header to solution streams */ for (i=3;i<5;i++) { writesolhead(svr->stream+i,svr->solopt+i-3); } /* create rtk server thread */ #ifdef WIN32 if (!(svr->thread=CreateThread(NULL,0,rtksvrthread,svr,0,NULL))) { #else if (pthread_create(&svr->thread,NULL,rtksvrthread,svr)) { #endif for (i=0;i<MAXSTRRTK;i++) strclose(svr->stream+i); return 0; } return 1; } /* stop rtk server ------------------------------------------------------------- * start rtk server thread * args : rtksvr_t *svr IO rtk server * char **cmds I input stream stop commands * cmds[0]=input stream rover (NULL: no command) * cmds[1]=input stream base (NULL: no command) * cmds[2]=input stream ephem (NULL: no command) * return : none *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern void rtksvrstop(rtksvr_t *svr, char **cmds) { int i; tracet(3,"rtksvrstop:\n"); /* write stop commands to input streams */ rtksvrlock(svr); for (i=0;i<3;i++) { if (cmds[i]) strsendcmd(svr->stream+i,cmds[i]); } rtksvrunlock(svr); /* stop rtk server */ svr->state=0; /* free rtk server thread */ #ifdef WIN32 WaitForSingleObject(svr->thread,10000); CloseHandle(svr->thread); #else pthread_join(svr->thread,NULL); #endif }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "rtk_robot"); ROS_INFO("RTKlib for ROS Robot Edition"); ros::NodeHandle nn; ros::NodeHandle pn("~"); ros::Subscriber ecef_sub; if(pn.getParam("base_position/x", ecef_base_station.position.x) && pn.getParam("base_position/y", ecef_base_station.position.y) && pn.getParam("base_position/z", ecef_base_station.position.z)) { ROS_INFO("RTK -- Loading base station parameters from the parameter server..."); XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue position_covariance; if( pn.getParam("base_position/covariance", position_covariance) ) { ROS_ASSERT(position_covariance.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray); if(position_covariance.size() != 9) { ROS_WARN("RTK -- The base station covariances are not complete! Using default values..."); } else { for(int i=0 ; i<position_covariance.size() ; ++i) { ROS_ASSERT(position_covariance[i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble); ecef_base_station.position_covariance[i] = static_cast<double>(position_covariance[i]); } } } } else { ROS_INFO("RTK -- Subscribing to the base station for online parameters..."); ecef_sub = nn.subscribe("base_station/gps/ecef", 50, ecefCallback); } double rate; pn.param("rate", rate, 2.0); std::string gps_frame_id; pn.param<std::string>("gps_frame_id", gps_frame_id, "gps"); std::string port; pn.param<std::string>("port", port, "ttyACM0"); int baudrate; pn.param("baudrate", baudrate, 115200); ros::Publisher gps_pub = nn.advertise<sensor_msgs::NavSatFix>("gps/fix", 50); ros::Publisher status_pub = nn.advertise<rtk_msgs::Status>("gps/status", 50); ros::Subscriber gps_sub = nn.subscribe("base_station/gps/raw_data", 50, baseStationCallback); int n; //********************* rtklib stuff ********************* rtksvrinit(&server); if(server.state) { ROS_FATAL("RTK -- Failed to initialize rtklib server!"); ROS_BREAK(); } gtime_t time, time0 = {0}; int format[] = {STRFMT_UBX, STRFMT_UBX, STRFMT_RTCM2}; prcopt_t options = prcopt_default; options.mode = 2; = 1; options.navsys = SYS_GPS | SYS_SBS; options.modear = 3; options.glomodear = 0; options.minfix = 3; options.ionoopt = IONOOPT_BRDC; options.tropopt = TROPOPT_SAAS; options.rb[0] = ecef_base_station.position.x; options.rb[1] = ecef_base_station.position.y; options.rb[2] = ecef_base_station.position.z; strinitcom(); server.cycle = 10; server.nmeacycle = 1000; server.nmeareq = 0; for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) server.nmeapos[i] = 0; server.buffsize = BUFFSIZE; for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) server.format[i] = format[i]; server.navsel = 0; server.nsbs = 0; server.nsol = 0; server.prcout = 0; rtkfree(&server.rtk); rtkinit(&server.rtk, &options); for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { server.nb[i] = server.npb[i] = 0; if(!(server.buff[i]=(unsigned char *)malloc(BUFFSIZE)) || !(server.pbuf[i]=(unsigned char *)malloc(BUFFSIZE))) { ROS_FATAL("RTK -- Failed to initialize rtklib server - malloc error!"); ROS_BREAK(); } for(int j=0 ; j<10 ; j++) server.nmsg[i][j] = 0; for(int j=0 ; j<MAXOBSBUF ; j++) server.obs[i][j].n = 0; /* initialize receiver raw and rtcm control */ init_raw(server.raw + i); init_rtcm(server.rtcm + i); /* set receiver option */ strcpy(server.raw[i].opt, ""); strcpy(server.rtcm[i].opt, ""); /* connect dgps corrections */ server.rtcm[i].dgps = server.nav.dgps; } /* output peek buffer */ for(int i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) { if (!(server.sbuf[i]=(unsigned char *)malloc(BUFFSIZE))) { ROS_FATAL("RTK -- Failed to initialize rtklib server - malloc error!"); ROS_BREAK(); } } /* set solution options */ solopt_t sol_options[2]; sol_options[0] = solopt_default; sol_options[1] = solopt_default; for(int i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) server.solopt[i] = sol_options[i]; /* set base station position */ for(int i=0 ; i<6 ; i++) server.rtk.rb[i] = i < 3 ? options.rb[i] : 0.0; /* update navigation data */ for(int i=0 ; i<MAXSAT*2 ; i++) server.nav.eph[i].ttr = time0; for(int i=0 ; i<NSATGLO*2 ; i++) server.nav.geph[i].tof = time0; for(int i=0 ; i<NSATSBS*2 ; i++) server.nav.seph[i].tof = time0; updatenav(&server.nav); /* set monitor stream */ server.moni = NULL; /* open input streams */ int stream_type[8] = {STR_SERIAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; char gps_path[64]; sprintf(gps_path, "%s:%d:8:n:1:off", port.c_str(), baudrate); char * paths[] = {gps_path, "localhost:27015", "", "", "", "", "", ""}; char * cmds[] = {"", "", ""}; int rw; for(int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) { rw = i < 3 ? STR_MODE_R : STR_MODE_W; if(stream_type[i] != STR_FILE) rw |= STR_MODE_W; if(!stropen(, stream_type[i], rw, paths[i])) { ROS_ERROR("RTK -- Failed to open stream %s", paths[i]); for(i-- ; i>=0 ; i--) strclose(; ROS_FATAL("RTK -- Failed to initialize rtklib server - failed to open all streams!"); ROS_BREAK(); } /* set initial time for rtcm and raw */ if(i<3) { time = utc2gpst(timeget()); server.raw[i].time = stream_type[i] == STR_FILE ? strgettime( : time; server.rtcm[i].time = stream_type[i] == STR_FILE ? strgettime( : time; } } /* sync input streams */ strsync(,; strsync(,; /* write start commands to input streams */ for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) { if(cmds[i]) strsendcmd(, cmds[i]); } /* write solution header to solution streams */ for(int i=3 ; i<5 ; i++) { unsigned char buff[1024]; int n; n = outsolheads(buff, server.solopt+i-3); strwrite(, buff, n); } //******************************************************** obs_t obs; obsd_t data[MAXOBS*2]; server.state=1;; double tt; unsigned int tick; int fobs[3] = {0}; server.tick = tickget(); ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Initialization complete."); ros::Rate r(rate); while(ros::ok()) { tick = tickget(); unsigned char *p = server.buff[RTK_ROBOT]+server.nb[RTK_ROBOT]; unsigned char *q = server.buff[RTK_ROBOT]+server.buffsize; ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Getting data from GPS..."); /* read receiver raw/rtcm data from input stream */ n = strread(, p, q-p); /* write receiver raw/rtcm data to log stream */ strwrite(, p, n); server.nb[RTK_ROBOT] += n; /* save peek buffer */ rtksvrlock(&server); n = n < server.buffsize - server.npb[RTK_ROBOT] ? n : server.buffsize - server.npb[RTK_ROBOT]; memcpy(server.pbuf[RTK_ROBOT] + server.npb[RTK_ROBOT], p, n); server.npb[RTK_ROBOT] += n; rtksvrunlock(&server); ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Decoding GPS data..."); /* decode data */ fobs[RTK_ROBOT] = decoderaw(&server, RTK_ROBOT); fobs[RTK_BASE_STATION] = decoderaw(&server, RTK_BASE_STATION); ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Got %d observations.", fobs[RTK_ROBOT]); /* for each rover observation data */ for(int i=0 ; i<fobs[RTK_ROBOT] ; i++) { obs.n = 0; for(int j=0 ; j<server.obs[RTK_ROBOT][i].n && obs.n<MAXOBS*2 ; j++) {[obs.n++] = server.obs[RTK_ROBOT][i].data[j]; } for(int j=0 ; j<server.obs[1][0].n && obs.n<MAXOBS*2 ; j++) {[obs.n++] = server.obs[1][0].data[j]; } ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Calculating RTK positioning..."); /* rtk positioning */ rtksvrlock(&server); rtkpos(&server.rtk,, obs.n, &server.nav); rtksvrunlock(&server); sensor_msgs::NavSatFix gps_msg; gps_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); gps_msg.header.frame_id = gps_frame_id; rtk_msgs::Status status_msg; status_msg.stamp = gps_msg.header.stamp; if(server.rtk.sol.stat != SOLQ_NONE) { /* adjust current time */ tt = (int)(tickget()-tick)/1000.0+DTTOL; timeset(gpst2utc(timeadd(server.rtk.sol.time,tt))); /* write solution */ unsigned char buff[1024]; n = outsols(buff, &server.rtk.sol, server.rtk.rb, server.solopt); if(n==141 && buff[0]>'0' && buff[0]<'9') { int ano,mes,dia,horas,minutos,Q,nsat; double segundos,lat,longi,alt,sde,sdn,sdu,sdne,sdeu,sdun; sscanf((const char *)(buff),"%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%lf %lf %lf %lf %d %d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &ano, &mes, &dia, &horas, &minutos, &segundos, &lat, &longi, &alt, &Q, &nsat, &sdn, &sde, &sdu, &sdne, &sdeu, &sdun); gps_msg.latitude = lat; gps_msg.longitude = longi; gps_msg.altitude = alt; gps_msg.position_covariance_type = sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN; gps_msg.position_covariance[0] = sde + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[0]; gps_msg.position_covariance[1] = sdne + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[1]; gps_msg.position_covariance[2] = sdeu + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[2]; gps_msg.position_covariance[3] = sdne + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[3]; gps_msg.position_covariance[4] = sdn + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[4]; gps_msg.position_covariance[5] = sdun + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[5]; gps_msg.position_covariance[6] = sdeu + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[6]; gps_msg.position_covariance[7] = sdun + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[7]; gps_msg.position_covariance[8] = sdu + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[8]; gps_msg.status.status = Q==5 ? sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_FIX : sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_GBAS_FIX; gps_msg.status.service = sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::SERVICE_GPS; status_msg.fix_quality = Q; status_msg.number_of_satellites = nsat; } } else { gps_msg.status.status = sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_NO_FIX; gps_msg.status.service = sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::SERVICE_GPS; } ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Publishing ROS msg..."); gps_pub.publish(gps_msg); status_pub.publish(status_msg); } ros::spinOnce(); r.sleep(); } return(0); }