Beispiel #1
PROCESS_THREAD(usb_eth_process, ev , data)
    usb_set_ep_event_process(DATA_OUT, process_current);

    while(1) {
        if (ev == PROCESS_EVENT_EXIT) break;
        if (ev == PROCESS_EVENT_POLL) {
            unsigned int events = usb_get_global_events();
            if (events) {
                if (events & USB_EVENT_CONFIG) {
                    if (usb_get_current_configuration() != 0) {
                        usb_submit_recv_buffer(DATA_OUT, &recv_buffer);
#if 0
                            static const uint8_t foo[4] = {0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78};
                            xmit_buffer[0].next = NULL;
                            xmit_buffer[0].left = sizeof(foo);
                            xmit_buffer[0].flags = USB_BUFFER_SHORT_END;
                            xmit_buffer[0].data = &foo;

                            usb_submit_xmit_buffer(DATA_IN, &xmit_buffer[0]);
                    } else {
            events = usb_get_ep_events(DATA_OUT);
            if (events & USB_EP_EVENT_NOTIFICATION) {
                uip_len = sizeof(recv_data) - recv_buffer.left;
                /* printf("Received: %d bytes\n", uip_len);  */
                memcpy(uip_buf, recv_data, uip_len);
                if(BUF->type == uip_htons(UIP_ETHTYPE_IPV6)) {
                    uip_neighbor_add(&IPBUF->srcipaddr, &BUF->src);
                } else
#endif /* UIP_CONF_IPV6 */
                    if(BUF->type == uip_htons(UIP_ETHTYPE_IP)) {
                        uip_len -= sizeof(struct uip_eth_hdr);
                    } else if(BUF->type == uip_htons(UIP_ETHTYPE_ARP)) {
                        /* If the above function invocation resulted in data that
                           should be sent out on the network, the global variable
                           uip_len is set to a value > 0. */
                        if (uip_len > 0) {
                            memcpy(xmit_data, uip_buf, uip_len);
                            xmit_buffer[0].next = NULL;
                            xmit_buffer[0].data = xmit_data;
                            xmit_buffer[0].left = uip_len;
                            xmit_buffer[0].flags = USB_BUFFER_SHORT_END;

                            usb_submit_xmit_buffer(DATA_IN, &xmit_buffer[0]);
                            /* printf("Sent: %d bytes\n", uip_len); */

                usb_submit_recv_buffer(DATA_OUT, &recv_buffer);
Beispiel #2
data_packet_list_t *handle_packet(data_packet_t *packet, bt_config_t* config, int sockfd, packet_tracker_t *p_tracker){
	/*	read a incoming packet, 
		return a list of response packets
	packet->header.magicnum = ntohs(packet->header.magicnum);
    packet->header.header_len = ntohs(packet->header.header_len);
    packet->header.packet_len = ntohs(packet->header.packet_len);
    packet->header.seq_num = ntohl(packet->header.seq_num);
    packet->header.ack_num = ntohl(packet->header.ack_num);
	printf("RECV handle_packet() type == %d length = %d socket = %d\n", packet->header.packet_type,packet->header.packet_len,sockfd );
	  if( packet->header.packet_type == 3  ){
        printf("|||| RECV packet with type = DATA seq = %d\n", packet->header.seq_num);
      if(packet->header.packet_type == 4){
        printf("|||| RECV packet with type = ACK ack = %d\n", packet->header.ack_num);

	if(packet->header.packet_type == 0){
		/* if incoming packet is a WHOHAS packet */
		/* scan the packet datafiled to fetch the hashes and get the count */
		int count = packet->data[0];
		printf("WHOHAS %d chunks\n", count);
		int i;
		char local_has[100];
		char data[1500];
		memset(data, 0 ,1500);
		int reply_count = 0;

		char * chunkfile = config->has_chunk_file;
		if ( read_chunkfile(chunkfile, local_has) < 0 ){
			printf("Can not locate local chunkfile = %s\n", chunkfile);
			return NULL;
		int find = -1;

		for(i = 0;i < count; i ++){
			int hash_start = 4 + 20 * i;

			int j;
			char request_chunk[20];
			for(j = hash_start; j <  hash_start + 20; j ++){
				/* if I have the chunck locally */
				request_chunk[j - hash_start] = packet->data[j];
			if( 1 == find_in_local_has(request_chunk, local_has) ){
				printf("find a valid local hash [%s]\n", request_chunk);
				find = 1;
				for( j = 0;j < 20;j ++){
					data[reply_count + j] = request_chunk[j];
				reply_count += 20;
		data[reply_count] = '\0';

		if( find == -1){
			return NULL;
			data_packet_list_t *ret = (data_packet_list_t *)malloc(sizeof(data_packet_list_t));
			ret->packet = init_packet(1, data, reply_count);
			ret->next = NULL;
			return ret;

	else if( packet->header.packet_type == 1 ){
		/* if the incoming packet is an IHAVE packet */
		/* here one qustions are what if mutiple nodes declare he has the requested chunk */
		data_packet_list_t *ret = NULL;
		int count = packet->data[0];
		int i;
		printf("starting IHAVE, %d chunks\n", count);
		for(i = 0;i < count; i ++){
		/* for each hash value generate a GET packet */
		/* each GET packet will only contain ONE hash value*/
		/* TODO(cp2): add a data structrue to record which node has this chunk */
			char data[21];
			memset(data, 0 , 21);
			int j;
			for(j = 0;j < 20;j ++ ){
				data[j] = packet->data[4 + 20 * i + j];
			int offset = get_off_set_from_master_chunkfile(data, config);
			printf("IHAVE registing for chunk = %d \n", offset);

			/*	add node selection here
			/* based on node id, find the address of this node */
			bt_peer_t *node;
   			node = config->peers;
   			while(node != NULL){
		        // Don't send request to itself
		        printf("%d \n", node->id);
		        if(node->id == sockfd){
		        node = node->next;

		    if(node == NULL){
		    	printf("Can not locate the node exiting\n");

			printf("In node check offset = %d node_id = %d\n", offset,sockfd);

        	/* for this chunk if I never use this node before, use this node, otherwise return*/
        	chunk_owner_list_t *p;
        	for( p = file_manager.already_used; p != NULL; p = p->next){
        		if( p->offset == offset ){
        			if( p->address->sin_family == node->addr.sin_family
        				&& p->address->sin_port == node->addr.sin_port
        				&& p->address->sin_addr.s_addr == node->addr.sin_addr.s_addr){

			// after decide the node that I will be talking to, init the recv list
			// if decide to use this node {
			if( offset == -1){
				printf("Can not init the recv_buffer with hash = %s\n", data);
			printf("DEBUG init recv_buffer with offset = %d\n", offset);

			if ( -1 == init_recv_buffer(offset,sockfd)){
				printf("Can not allocate recv_buffer\n");

			chunk_owner_list_t *new_element = (chunk_owner_list_t *)malloc(sizeof(chunk_owner_list_t));
			new_element->address = (struct sockaddr_in*)malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));

			new_element->offset = offset;
		    new_element->address->sin_family = node->addr.sin_family;
        	new_element->address->sin_port = node->addr.sin_port;
        	new_element->address->sin_addr.s_addr = node->addr.sin_addr.s_addr;    

			if( NULL == file_manager.already_used){
				file_manager.already_used = new_element;
				new_element->next = NULL;
				new_element->next = file_manager.already_used;
				file_manager.already_used = new_element;

			printf("Generating GET packet to nodeid = %d\n", sockfd);
			data[20] = '\0';
			if ( ret == NULL ){
				ret = (data_packet_list_t *)malloc( sizeof(data_packet_list_t));
  				ret->packet = init_packet(2,  data, 20);
  				ret->next = NULL;
				data_packet_t *packet = init_packet(2,  data, 20);
				data_packet_list_t *new_block = (data_packet_list_t *)malloc( sizeof(data_packet_list_t));
				new_block->packet = packet;
				new_block->next = ret;
				ret = new_block;
			memset(data, 0 , 20);

			/* uodate the timer for this chunk */
			for(j = 0;j < file_manager.chunk_count; j ++){
				if( file_manager.offset[j] == offset ){
			file_manager.timer[j] = time(NULL);			
		return ret;
	else if( packet->header.packet_type == 2 ){
		/* if the incoming packet is an GET packet */
		/* start transmit of the data */
		char hash[21];
		memcpy(hash, packet->data, 20);
		hash[20] = '\0';

		char *data = get_data_from_hash(hash, config);
		int offset = get_off_set_from_master_chunkfile(hash, config);

		/* init the flow control machine for sending back the data */
		init_datalist(sockfd, offset,data);
		/* and call the first send */

		data_packet_list_t *ret = send_data(sockfd);

		return ret;
	else if ( packet->header.packet_type == 3 ){
		/* if the incoming packet is an DATA packet */
		//int offset = packet->header.ack_num;
		int offset;
		printf("Before recv_data seq = %d\n", packet->header.seq_num);

		data_packet_list_t *ret = recv_data(packet, sockfd, &offset);

		int j;
		for(j = 0;j < file_manager.chunk_count; j ++){
			if( file_manager.offset[j] == offset ){
		file_manager.timer[j] = time(NULL);	

		/* this datapacket may be the last packet, check if it is then write back to disk */
		printf("DEBUG after recv_data()\n");
		printf("DEBUG after check_file_manager()\n");
		return ret;
	else if( packet->header.packet_type == 4){
		/* if the incoming packet is an ACK packet */
		//int offset = packet->header.seq_num;
		data_packet_list_t *ret = handle_ack(sockfd , packet->header.ack_num - 1, p_tracker);
		return ret;
		/* TODO(for next checkpoint) : if incoming packet is other packets*/
		printf("ERROR: INVALID PACKET TYPE = %d\n", packet->header.packet_type);

	return NULL;