int main( void ) { init_servos(); init_dcmotors( 1 ); /* * In this case, i is not quite an iterator. * It counts up from 0 to 255 and then back down. * The incrementor is used to make this happen. */ int8_t i = 0; int8_t inc = 1; uint8_t scaled = i; while( 1 ) { scaled = i + 128; update_servos( scaled, scaled, i ); run_dcmotors( i, i ); _delay_ms( 10 ); switch( i ) { case 127: inc = -1; break; case -127: inc = 1; break; default: break; } i += inc; } return 0; }
void pwm_servo_init(void) { // init timer1 TCNT1 = (uint16_t) 0 - 16000; TCCR1A = 0x00; TCCR1B = 0x00; // init TCCR1B |= (1<<CS10); // prescale no ->50hz TIMSK1 |= _BV(TOIE1); init_servos(); }
void init() { Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD_RATE); // 115200 by default Serial.systemDebugOutput(false); // Debug output to serial // mount spiffs int slot = rboot_get_current_rom(); if (slot == 0) { #ifdef RBOOT_SPIFFS_0 debugf("trying to mount spiffs at %x, length %d", RBOOT_SPIFFS_0 + 0x40200000, SPIFF_SIZE); spiffs_mount_manual(RBOOT_SPIFFS_0 + 0x40200000, SPIFF_SIZE); #else debugf("trying to mount spiffs at %x, length %d", 0x40300000, SPIFF_SIZE); spiffs_mount_manual(0x40300000, SPIFF_SIZE); #endif } else { #ifdef RBOOT_SPIFFS_1 debugf("trying to mount spiffs at %x, length %d", RBOOT_SPIFFS_1 + 0x40200000, SPIFF_SIZE); spiffs_mount_manual(RBOOT_SPIFFS_1 + 0x40200000, SPIFF_SIZE); #else debugf("trying to mount spiffs at %x, length %d", 0x40500000, SPIFF_SIZE); spiffs_mount_manual(0x40500000, SPIFF_SIZE); #endif } WifiAccessPoint.enable(false); WifiStation.config(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PWD); WifiStation.enable(true); Serial.printf("\r\nCurrently running rom %d.\r\n", slot); Serial.println("Type 'help' and press enter for instructions."); Serial.println(); Serial.commandProcessing(true); commandHandler.registerCommand(CommandDelegate("ip","show current ip address","user", cmdIP)); commandHandler.registerCommand(CommandDelegate("ota","perform ota update, switch rom and reboot","user", cmdOTA)); commandHandler.registerCommand(CommandDelegate("heap","display free heap","user", cmdAppHeap)); commandHandler.registerCommand(CommandDelegate("ls","list files in spiffs","user", cmdLs)); commandHandler.registerCommand(CommandDelegate("connect","connect to wifi","user", cmdConnect)); commandHandler.registerCommand(CommandDelegate("disconnect","disconnect from wifi","user", cmdConnect)); commandHandler.registerCommand(CommandDelegate("ap","create access point","user", cmdAP)); //Serial.setCallback(serialCallBack); init_servos(); WifiStation.waitConnection(startWebServer, 30, startAP); }
int main(void) { configure_ports(); a2dInit(); a2dSetPrescaler(ADC_PRESCALE_DIV32); a2dSetReference(ADC_REFERENCE_AVCC); init_servos(); LED_on(); neutral(); hold_pos(); while (1) { move_forward(); // sustain_pos(); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { pi_usb_init(); wb_init(); wb_set(LIGHTS, 0); if ((m = maestro_new()) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to initialize servo controller\n"); exit(1); } song = track_new(SONG_WAV); if (! song) { perror(SONG_WAV); exit(1); } init_servos(); while (1) { wb_set(LIGHTS, 0); rest_servos(); ween2018_wait_until_valid(); ms_sleep(BETWEEN_SONG_MS); nano_gettime(&start); wb_set(LIGHTS, 1); talking_skull_actor_play(lead); talking_skull_actor_play(backup); talking_skull_actor_play(bass); talking_skull_actor_play(triangle); track_play(song); } return 0; }
void application_main(void) { unsigned char toto[2][4]={{0x05,0x01,0x00,0xf0}, // 00000101, 00000001, 00000000, 11110000 {0x0A,0x02,0x00,0xf0}};// 00001010, 00000010, 00000000, 11110000 // Reset the Timer0 value TMR0H = 0; TMR0L = 1; setalim(); init_motors(); setup_adconversion(); init_servos(); init_digitals_in(); init_debug(); init_fdc(); set_fdc((unsigned char *)toto,2); SET_DEVICE_STATUS(REMOTE_WAKEUP_DIS); // Interruptions PIE2bits.USBIE = 0; // Interrupt USB off : on ne touche pas a la gestion de l'USB !! INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; // Interrupts peripheriques (usb, timer 1...) INTCONbits.GIE = 1; // Interrupts global while(usb_active_cfg > 2) { usb_sleep(); dispatch_usb_event(); } cutalim(); PINDEBUG = 0; verif_fdc(0); // clear_device_remote_wakeup(); }
void Tracker::init_tracker() { // initialise console serial port serial_manager.init_console(); hal.console->printf("\n\nInit " THISFIRMWARE "\n\nFree RAM: %u\n", hal.util->available_memory()); // Check the EEPROM format version before loading any parameters from EEPROM load_parameters(); BoardConfig.init(); // initialise serial ports serial_manager.init(); // init baro before we start the GCS, so that the CLI baro test works barometer.init(); // we start by assuming USB connected, as we initialed the serial // port with SERIAL0_BAUD. check_usb_mux() fixes this if need be. usb_connected = true; check_usb_mux(); // setup telem slots with serial ports for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS; i++) { gcs[i].setup_uart(serial_manager, AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_MAVLink, i); gcs[i].set_snoop(mavlink_snoop_static); } // Register mavlink_delay_cb, which will run anytime you have // more than 5ms remaining in your call to hal.scheduler->delay hal.scheduler->register_delay_callback(mavlink_delay_cb_static, 5); mavlink_system.sysid = g.sysid_this_mav; #if LOGGING_ENABLED == ENABLED log_init(); #endif GCS_MAVLINK::set_dataflash(&DataFlash); if (g.compass_enabled==true) { if (!compass.init() || ! { hal.console->println("Compass initialisation failed!"); g.compass_enabled = false; } else { ahrs.set_compass(&compass); } } // GPS Initialization gps.init(NULL, serial_manager); ahrs.init(); ahrs.set_fly_forward(false); ins.init(scheduler.get_loop_rate_hz()); ahrs.reset(); init_barometer(true); // set serial ports non-blocking serial_manager.set_blocking_writes_all(false); // initialise servos init_servos(); // use given start positions - useful for indoor testing, and // while waiting for GPS lock // sanity check location if (fabsf(g.start_latitude) <= 90.0f && fabsf(g.start_longitude) <= 180.0f) { = g.start_latitude * 1.0e7f; current_loc.lng = g.start_longitude * 1.0e7f; gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE, "Ignoring invalid START_LATITUDE or START_LONGITUDE parameter"); } // see if EEPROM has a default location as well if ( == 0 && current_loc.lng == 0) { get_home_eeprom(current_loc); } init_capabilities(); gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"Ready to track"); hal.scheduler->delay(1000); // Why???? set_mode(AUTO); // tracking if (g.startup_delay > 0) { // arm servos with trim value to allow them to start up (required // for some servos) prepare_servos(); } }
void Tracker::init_tracker() { // initialise console serial port serial_manager.init_console(); hal.console->printf_P(PSTR("\n\nInit " THISFIRMWARE "\n\nFree RAM: %u\n"), hal.util->available_memory()); // Check the EEPROM format version before loading any parameters from EEPROM load_parameters(); BoardConfig.init(); // initialise serial ports serial_manager.init(); // init baro before we start the GCS, so that the CLI baro test works barometer.init(); // init the GCS and start snooping for vehicle data gcs[0].setup_uart(serial_manager, AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_Console, 0); gcs[0].set_snoop(mavlink_snoop_static); // Register mavlink_delay_cb, which will run anytime you have // more than 5ms remaining in your call to hal.scheduler->delay hal.scheduler->register_delay_callback(mavlink_delay_cb_static, 5); // we start by assuming USB connected, as we initialed the serial // port with SERIAL0_BAUD. check_usb_mux() fixes this if need be. usb_connected = true; check_usb_mux(); // setup serial port for telem1 and start snooping for vehicle data gcs[1].setup_uart(serial_manager, AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_MAVLink, 0); gcs[1].set_snoop(mavlink_snoop_static); #if MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS > 2 // setup serial port for telem2 and start snooping for vehicle data gcs[2].setup_uart(serial_manager, AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_MAVLink, 1); gcs[2].set_snoop(mavlink_snoop_static); #endif #if MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS > 3 // setup serial port for fourth telemetry port (not used by default) and start snooping for vehicle data gcs[3].setup_uart(serial_manager, AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_MAVLink, 2); gcs[3].set_snoop(mavlink_snoop_static); #endif mavlink_system.sysid = g.sysid_this_mav; if (g.compass_enabled==true) { if (!compass.init() || ! { hal.console->println_P(PSTR("Compass initialisation failed!")); g.compass_enabled = false; } else { ahrs.set_compass(&compass); } } // GPS Initialization gps.init(NULL, serial_manager); ahrs.init(); ahrs.set_fly_forward(false); ins.init(AP_InertialSensor::WARM_START, ins_sample_rate); ahrs.reset(); init_barometer(); // set serial ports non-blocking serial_manager.set_blocking_writes_all(false); // initialise servos init_servos(); // use given start positions - useful for indoor testing, and // while waiting for GPS lock = g.start_latitude * 1.0e7f; current_loc.lng = g.start_longitude * 1.0e7f; // see if EEPROM has a default location as well if ( == 0 && current_loc.lng == 0) { get_home_eeprom(current_loc); } gcs_send_text_P(SEVERITY_LOW,PSTR("\nReady to track.")); hal.scheduler->delay(1000); // Why???? set_mode(AUTO); // tracking if (g.startup_delay > 0) { // arm servos with trim value to allow them to start up (required // for some servos) prepare_servos(); } // calibrate pressure on startup by default nav_status.need_altitude_calibration = true; }