Beispiel #1
void set_race( string name )
   race = name;
   race_object = RACE_D->query_race_object( name );
   initialize_stats();  /* set up stat/race bonus here */
   /* temp removal of min and max damage satch */
Beispiel #2
void set_race(string name, varargs int is_new_player) {
   if (!name || name == "") {
      race = "human";
   } else {
      race = name;
      race_object = RACE_D->query_race_object(name);
   if (!race_object) {
      race_object = RACE_D->query_race_object("human");

   if (is_new_player) {
      initialize_stats();            /* set up stat/race bonus here */
Beispiel #3
void set_race(string name, varargs int is_new_player) {
   if (!name || name == "") {
      race = "human";
   } else {
      race = name;
      race_object = RACE_D->query_race_object(name);
   if (!race_object) 
      race_object = RACE_D->query_race_object("human");

	if (is_new_player) {
   	initialize_stats();		/* set up stat/race bonus here */
   /* temp removal of min and max damage satch */
Beispiel #4
void fer_sim(int *rate)
    int     i,j,k,ix;
    short   fer_flag;

    static short    first_time = 1;

    if( first_time )
        first_time = 0;

        /*...initialize data...*/

        /*...set seed...*/
        if (fer_sim_seed == 0) {
            fer_sim_seed = (int)(time(NULL) & 0x0fff);

        if ((trans_fp=fopen(trans_fname,"r")) == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:  Cannot open file \"%s\" for reading.\n",trans_fname );
            fprintf(log_fp,"ERROR:  Cannot open file \"%s\" for reading.\n",trans_fname );
            fprintf(log_fp,"FER Transition Prob. File              : \"%s\"\n\n",trans_fname);
        /* record initial parameters in log file */
        fprintf(log_fp,"Random number generator initial seed : %d\n",fer_sim_seed);

        /* read transition probability matrices */
                    ix = fscanf(trans_fp,"%lf",&p[i][j][k]);
                        printf("Error in read of transition matrices file\n");
                        fprintf(log_fp,"Error in read of transition matrices file\n");
        /* convert probability transition matrices to cumulative values */
            fprintf(stderr,"Problem with prob_to_cum()\n");
            fprintf(log_fp,"Problem with prob_to_cum()\n");

        /* clear rate and transition stat matrices */

    } /* end if( first_time ) */

    /* read encoded data */
    /* convert code to internal value */
    if(*rate==fullRate) rate_in = FULL;
    else if(*rate==halfRate) rate_in = HALF;
    else if(*rate==quarRate) rate_in = QUARTER;
    else if(*rate==eighRate) rate_in = EIGHTH;
    else if(*rate==fullProb) rate_in = FULL_ERRS;
    else rate_in = -1;   /* other codes invalid */

    fer_flag = 0;

    if (rate_in == -1)
        fer_flag = 1;
    else if (rate_in == -2)
        fer_flag = 1;
        fprintf(stderr,"Encoded data file format error -- invalid rate specified in %d-th frame\n",frame_cnt);
        fprintf(log_fp,"Encoded data file format error -- invalid rate specified in %d-th frame\n",frame_cnt);

    trans(rate_in);  /* determine rate_out, event from random number and  */
		                 /* transition probability matrix */

    /* Force RANDOM and MODIFIED to be an ERASURE (for simplicity) */
    if(event==RANDOM)           /* random data for the given frame length */
        event = ERASURE;
    else if(event==MODIFIED)    /* XOR data with a randomly selected mask */
        event = ERASURE;
    else if( fer_flag == 1 )
        event = ERASURE;

    /* determine output rate code */
    if(event==ERASURE) rate_code = erasRate;
    else if(rate_out==FULL) rate_code = fullRate;
    else if(rate_out==HALF) rate_code = halfRate;
    else if(rate_out==QUARTER) rate_code = quarRate;
    else if(rate_out==EIGHTH) rate_code = eighRate;
    else if(rate_out==FULL_ERRS) rate_code = fullProb;

    *rate = rate_code;
