/* * Initialize the local and parameter symbol table information. */ void initlocals(void) { initstr(&localnames); initstr(¶mnames); curfunc->f_localcount = 0; curfunc->f_paramcount = 0; }
/* * kernel commandline can be read from /proc/cmdline */ static int cmdline_parse() { char *p, buf[512]; int fd; ssize_t n; fd = open("/proc/cmdline", O_RDONLY); if(fd >= 0) { n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1); if(n > 0) { buf[n] = 0; p = initstr(buf, "rootdelay="); if(p) { cmdline.rootdelay = strtoul(p+10, NULL, 0); } p = initstr(buf, "root="); if(p) { cmdline.rootdev = strdup(p+5); strgetarg(&cmdline.rootdev); } p = initstr(buf, "rootfstype="); if(p) { cmdline.rootfstype = strdup(p+11); strgetarg(&cmdline.rootfstype); } p = initstr(buf, "init="); if(p) { cmdline.init = strdup(p+5); strgetarg(&cmdline.init); } p = initstr(buf, "rootfslabel="); if(p) { cmdline.rootfslabel = strdup(p+12); strgetarg(&cmdline.rootfslabel); } p = initstr(buf, "usbreset"); if(p) { cmdline.usbreset = 1; } p = initstr(buf, "async"); if(p) { cmdline.async = 1; } p = initstr(buf, "noresize"); if(p) { cmdline.autoresize = 0; } p = initstr(buf, "install"); if(p) { cmdline.install = 1; } } close(fd); } return 0; }
void scompile( /* get definitions from a string */ char *str, char *fn, int ln ) { initstr(str, fn, ln); while (nextc != EOF) getstatement(); }
/* * Initialize the global symbol table. */ void initglobals(void) { int i; /* index counter */ for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) globalhash[i] = NULL; initstr(&globalnames); filescope = SCOPE_STATIC; funcscope = 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp; if (argc == 1) { puts("ERROR - NO ARGUMENTS"); } else { char badword[MAXLENGTH]; strncpy(badword, argv[1], MAXLENGTH); int badwlen = strnlen(badword, MAXLENGTH); initstr(badword, badwlen); } return 0; }
EPNODE * eparse( /* parse an expression string */ char *expr ) { EPNODE *ep; initstr(expr, NULL, 0); curfunc = NULL; ep = getE1(); if (nextc != EOF) syntax("unexpected character"); return(ep); }
/* * Initialize the table of user defined functions. */ void initfunctions() { initstr(&funcnames); maxopcodes = OPCODEALLOCSIZE; functemplate = (FUNC *) malloc(funcsize(maxopcodes)); if (functemplate == NULL) math_error("Cannot allocate function template"); functions = (FUNC **) malloc(sizeof(FUNC *) * FUNCALLOCSIZE); if (functions == NULL) math_error("Cannot allocate function table"); funccount = 0; funcavail = FUNCALLOCSIZE; }
/* * Define a (possibly) new element name for an object. * Returns an index which identifies the element name. */ int addelement(char *name) { STRINGHEAD *hp; int index; hp = &elements; if (hp->h_list == NULL) initstr(hp); index = findstr(hp, name); if (index >= 0) return index; if (addstr(hp, name) == NULL) { math_error("Cannot allocate element name"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } return findstr(hp, name); }
int main() { int pid; char *client_pid; client_pid = NULL; client_pid = initstr(client_pid); recep.client_cond = 0; recep.cond = 0; pid = getpid(); my_put_nbr(pid); recep.pbit = 0; recep.lastpbit = recep.pbit; signal(SIGUSR1, get_sig1); signal(SIGUSR2, get_sig2); serv_loop(client_pid); return (0); }
int serv_loop(char *client_pid) { while (1) { if (recep.pbit == 8 && recep.client_cond == 0) client_pid = recep_pid(client_pid); if (recep.pbit == 8 && recep.client_cond == -1) { recep = fill_union(recep); if (recep.byte.u8loctet == 0) { recep.pbit = -1; client_pid = initstr(client_pid); recep.client_cond = 0; } my_putchar(recep.byte.u8loctet); } if (recep.pbit == -1) recep.pbit = 0; while (recep.cond != 1); recep.cond = 0; } return (0); }
/* * Define a (possibly) new class of objects. * The list of indexes for the element names is also specified here, * and the number of elements defined for the object. * * given: * name name of object type * indices table of indices for elements * count number of elements defined for the object */ int defineobject(char *name, int indices[], int count) { OBJECTACTIONS *oap; /* object definition structure */ STRINGHEAD *hp; OBJECTACTIONS **newobjects; int index; hp = &objectnames; if (hp->h_list == NULL) initstr(hp); index = findstr(hp, name); if (index >= 0) { /* * Object is already defined. Give an error unless this * new definition is exactly the same as the old one. */ oap = objects[index]; if (oap->oa_count == count) { for (index = 0; ; index++) { if (index >= count) return 0; if (oap->oa_elements[index] != indices[index]) break; } } return 1; } if (hp->h_count >= maxobjcount) { if (maxobjcount == 0) { newobjects = (OBJECTACTIONS **) malloc( OBJALLOC * sizeof(OBJECTACTIONS *)); maxobjcount = OBJALLOC; } else { maxobjcount += OBJALLOC; newobjects = (OBJECTACTIONS **) realloc(objects, maxobjcount * sizeof(OBJECTACTIONS *)); } if (newobjects == NULL) { math_error("Allocation failure for new object type"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } objects = newobjects; } oap = (OBJECTACTIONS *) malloc(objectactionsize(count)); name = addstr(hp, name); if ((oap == NULL) || (name == NULL)) { math_error("Cannot allocate object type"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } oap->oa_count = count; for (index = OBJ_MAXFUNC; index >= 0; index--) oap->oa_indices[index] = -1; for (index = 0; index < count; index++) oap->oa_elements[index] = indices[index]; index = findstr(hp, name); oap->oa_index = index; objects[index] = oap; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch; int i; dynstr nam1; size_t nam1baselen; d * dp; DIR *dh; struct dirent *di; while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "cnvh")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'n': no_link++; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'c': content_only++; break; case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); } } if (optind >= argc) usage(argv[0]); for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) rf(argv[i]); initstr(&nam1); while (dirs) { dp = dirs; dirs = dp->next; growstr(&nam1, add2(nam1baselen = strlen(dp->name), 1)); memcpy(nam1.buf, dp->name, nam1baselen); free (dp); nam1.buf[nam1baselen++] = '/'; nam1.buf[nam1baselen] = 0; dh = opendir (nam1.buf); if (dh == NULL) continue; ndirs++; while ((di = readdir (dh)) != NULL) { if (!di->d_name[0]) continue; if (di->d_name[0] == '.') { char *q; if (!di->d_name[1] || !strcmp (di->d_name, "..") || !strncmp (di->d_name, ".in.", 4)) continue; q = strrchr (di->d_name, '.'); if (q && strlen (q) == 7 && q != di->d_name) { nam1.buf[nam1baselen] = 0; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Skipping %s%s\n", nam1.buf, di->d_name); continue; } } { size_t subdirlen; growstr(&nam1, add2(nam1baselen, subdirlen = strlen(di->d_name))); memcpy(&nam1.buf[nam1baselen], di->d_name, add2(subdirlen, 1)); } rf(nam1.buf); } closedir(dh); } doexit(0); return 0; }
static void rf (char *name) { struct stat st, st2, st3; nobjects++; if (lstat (name, &st)) return; if (S_ISDIR (st.st_mode)) { size_t namelen; d * dp = malloc(add3(sizeof(d), namelen = strlen(name), 1)); if (!dp) { fprintf(stderr, "\nOut of memory 3\n"); doexit(3); } memcpy(dp->name, name, namelen + 1); dp->next = dirs; dirs = dp; } else if (S_ISREG (st.st_mode)) { int fd, i; f * fp, * fp2; h * hp; char *n1, *n2; int cksumsize = sizeof(buf); unsigned int cksum; time_t mtime = content_only ? 0 : st.st_mtime; unsigned int hsh = hash (st.st_size, mtime); off_t fsize; nregfiles++; if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, " %s", name); fd = open (name, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY | O_NOFOLLOW); if (fd < 0) return; if (st.st_size < sizeof(buf)) { cksumsize = st.st_size; memset (((char *)buf) + cksumsize, 0, (sizeof(buf) - cksumsize) % sizeof(buf[0])); } if (read (fd, buf, cksumsize) != cksumsize) { close(fd); if (verbose > 1) { size_t namelen = strlen(name); if (namelen <= NAMELEN) fprintf(stderr, "\r%*s\r", (int)(namelen + 2), ""); } return; } cksumsize = (cksumsize + sizeof(buf[0]) - 1) / sizeof(buf[0]); for (i = 0, cksum = 0; i < cksumsize; i++) { if (cksum + buf[i] < cksum) cksum += buf[i] + 1; else cksum += buf[i]; } for (hp = hps[hsh]; hp; hp = hp->next) if (hp->size == st.st_size && hp->mtime == mtime) break; if (!hp) { hp = malloc(sizeof(h)); if (!hp) { fprintf(stderr, "\nOut of memory 1\n"); doexit(1); } hp->size = st.st_size; hp->mtime = mtime; hp->chain = NULL; hp->next = hps[hsh]; hps[hsh] = hp; } for (fp = hp->chain; fp; fp = fp->next) if (fp->cksum == cksum) break; for (fp2 = fp; fp2 && fp2->cksum == cksum; fp2 = fp2->next) if (fp2->ino == st.st_ino && fp2->dev == st.st_dev) { close(fd); if (verbose > 1) { size_t namelen = strlen(name); if (namelen <= NAMELEN) fprintf(stderr, "\r%*s\r", (int)(namelen + 2), ""); } return; } for (fp2 = fp; fp2 && fp2->cksum == cksum; fp2 = fp2->next) if (!lstat (fp2->name, &st2) && S_ISREG (st2.st_mode) && !stcmp (&st, &st2, content_only) && st2.st_ino != st.st_ino && st2.st_dev == st.st_dev) { int fd2 = open (fp2->name, O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY | O_NOFOLLOW); if (fd2 < 0) continue; if (fstat (fd2, &st2) || !S_ISREG (st2.st_mode) || st2.st_size == 0) { close (fd2); continue; } ncomp++; if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET)) { close(fd); close(fd2); fprintf(stderr, "\nSeeking error\n"); return; } for (fsize = st.st_size; fsize > 0; fsize -= NIOBUF) { off_t rsize = fsize >= NIOBUF ? NIOBUF : fsize; if (read (fd, iobuf1, rsize) != rsize || read (fd2, iobuf2, rsize) != rsize) { close(fd); close(fd2); fprintf(stderr, "\nReading error\n"); return; } if (memcmp (iobuf1, iobuf2, rsize)) break; } close(fd2); if (fsize > 0) continue; if (lstat (name, &st3)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nCould not stat %s again\n", name); close(fd); return; } st3.st_atime = st.st_atime; if (stcmp (&st, &st3, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nFile %s changed underneath us\n", name); close(fd); return; } n1 = fp2->name; n2 = name; if (!no_link) { const char *suffix = ".$$$___cleanit___$$$"; const size_t suffixlen = strlen(suffix); size_t n2len = strlen(n2); dynstr nam2; initstr(&nam2); growstr(&nam2, add2(n2len, suffixlen)); memcpy(nam2.buf, n2, n2len); memcpy(&nam2.buf[n2len], suffix, suffixlen + 1); if (rename (n2, nam2.buf)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed to rename %s to %s\n", n2, nam2.buf); free(nam2.buf); continue; } if (link (n1, n2)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed to hardlink %s to %s\n", n1, n2); if (rename (nam2.buf, n2)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nBad bad - failed to rename back %s to %s\n", nam2.buf, n2); } close(fd); free(nam2.buf); return; } unlink (nam2.buf); free(nam2.buf); } nlinks++; if (st3.st_nlink > 1) { /* We actually did not save anything this time, since the link second argument had some other links as well. */ if (verbose > 1) { size_t namelen = strlen(name); if (namelen > NAMELEN) namelen = 0; fprintf(stderr, "\r%*s\r%s %s to %s\n", (int)(namelen + 2), "", (no_link ? "Would link" : "Linked"), n1, n2); } } else { nsaved+=((st.st_size+4095)/4096)*4096; if (verbose > 1) { size_t namelen = strlen(name); if (namelen > NAMELEN) namelen = 0; fprintf(stderr, "\r%*s\r%s %s to %s, %s %ld\n", (int)(namelen + 2), "", (no_link ? "Would link" : "Linked"), n1, n2, (no_link ? "would save" : "saved"), st.st_size); } } close(fd); return; } { size_t namelen; fp2 = malloc(add3(sizeof(f), namelen = strlen(name), 1)); if (!fp2) { fprintf(stderr, "\nOut of memory 2\n"); doexit(2); } close(fd); fp2->ino = st.st_ino; fp2->dev = st.st_dev; fp2->cksum = cksum; memcpy(fp2->name, name, namelen + 1); if (fp) { fp2->next = fp->next; fp->next = fp2; } else { fp2->next = hp->chain; hp->chain = fp2; } if (verbose > 1 && namelen <= NAMELEN) fprintf(stderr, "\r%*s\r", (int)(namelen + 2), ""); } return; } }
/* * Initialize the table of labels for a function. */ void initlabels(void) { labelcount = 0; initstr(&labelnames); }