struct ufs1_dinode *
getnextinode(ino_t inumber)
	long size;
	daddr_t dblk;
	static struct ufs1_dinode *dp;

	if (inumber != nextino++ || inumber > maxino) {
		errx(1, "bad inode number %ju to nextinode",
	if (inumber >= lastinum) {
		dblk = fsbtodb(&sblock, ino_to_fsba(&sblock, lastinum));
		if (readcnt % readpercg == 0) {
			size = partialsize;
			lastinum += partialcnt;
		} else {
			size = inobufsize;
			lastinum += fullcnt;
		bread(dblk, (char *)inodebuf, size);
		dp = inodebuf;
	return (dp++);
Beispiel #2
union dinode *
getnextinode(ino_t inumber)
	long size;
	ufs2_daddr_t dblk;
	union dinode *dp;
	static caddr_t nextinop;

	if (inumber != nextino++ || inumber > lastvalidinum)
		errx(1, "bad inode number %ju to nextinode",
	if (inumber >= lastinum) {
		dblk = fsbtodb(&sblock, ino_to_fsba(&sblock, lastinum));
		if (readcnt % readpercg == 0) {
			size = partialsize;
			lastinum += partialcnt;
		} else {
			size = inobufsize;
			lastinum += fullcnt;
		 * If bread returns an error, it will already have zeroed
		 * out the buffer, so we do not need to do so here.
		bread(dblk, inodebuf, size);
		nextinop = inodebuf;
	dp = (union dinode *)nextinop;
	if (sblock.fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC)
		nextinop += sizeof(struct ufs1_dinode);
		nextinop += sizeof(struct ufs2_dinode);
	return (dp);
Beispiel #3
static struct ufs1_dinode *
get_inode(int fd, struct fs *super, ino_t ino)
	static struct ufs1_dinode *ip;
	static ino_t last;
	if (fd < 0) {		/* flush cache */
		if (ip) {
			ip = NULL;
		return 0;
	if (!ip || ino < last || ino >= last + INOCNT(super)) {
		if (!ip
		    && !(ip = (struct ufs1_dinode *)malloc(INOSZ(super))))
			errx(1, "allocate inodes");
		last = (ino / INOCNT(super)) * INOCNT(super);
		if (lseek(fd, (off_t)ino_to_fsba(super, last) << super->fs_fshift, 0) < (off_t)0
		    || read(fd,ip,INOSZ(super)) != (ssize_t)INOSZ(super))
			err(1, "read inodes");
	return ip + ino % INOCNT(super);
Beispiel #4
 * Allocate an inode on the disk
iput(union dinode *ip, ino_t ino)
	ufs2_daddr_t d;

	bread(&disk, part_ofs + fsbtodb(&sblock, cgtod(&sblock, 0)), (char *)&acg,
	if (acg.cg_magic != CG_MAGIC) {
		printf("cg 0: bad magic number\n");
	setbit(cg_inosused(&acg), ino);
	wtfs(fsbtodb(&sblock, cgtod(&sblock, 0)), sblock.fs_cgsize,
	    (char *)&acg);
	if (ino >= (unsigned long)sblock.fs_ipg * sblock.fs_ncg) {
		printf("fsinit: inode value out of range (%ju).\n",
	d = fsbtodb(&sblock, ino_to_fsba(&sblock, ino));
	bread(&disk, part_ofs + d, (char *)iobuf, sblock.fs_bsize);
	if (sblock.fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC)
		((struct ufs1_dinode *)iobuf)[ino_to_fsbo(&sblock, ino)] =
		((struct ufs2_dinode *)iobuf)[ino_to_fsbo(&sblock, ino)] =
	wtfs(d, sblock.fs_bsize, (char *)iobuf);
Beispiel #5
static long ReadInode( long inodeNum, InodePtr inode, long * flags, long * time )
    long fragNum = ino_to_fsba(gFS, inodeNum);
    long blockOffset = ino_to_fsbo(gFS, inodeNum) * sizeof(Inode);

    ReadBlock(fragNum, blockOffset, sizeof(Inode), (char *)inode, 1);

    if (time != 0) *time = inode->di_mtime;

    if (flags != 0) {
        switch (inode->di_mode & IFMT) {
            case IFREG: *flags = kFileTypeFlat; break;
            case IFDIR: *flags = kFileTypeDirectory; break;
            case IFLNK: *flags = kFileTypeLink; break;
            default :   *flags = kFileTypeUnknown; break;

        *flags |= inode->di_mode & kPermMask;

        if (inode->di_uid != 0) *flags |= kOwnerNotRoot;

    return 0;
Beispiel #6
 * Update the access, modified, and inode change times as specified by the
 * IN_ACCESS, IN_UPDATE, and IN_CHANGE flags respectively.  Write the inode
 * to disk if the IN_MODIFIED flag is set (it may be set initially, or by
 * the timestamp update).  The IN_LAZYMOD flag is set to force a write
 * later if not now.  If we write now, then clear both IN_MODIFIED and
 * IN_LAZYMOD to reflect the presumably successful write, and if waitfor is
 * set, then wait for the write to complete.
ext2_update(struct vnode *vp, int waitfor)
	struct m_ext2fs *fs;
	struct buf *bp;
	struct inode *ip;
	int error;

	ASSERT_VOP_ELOCKED(vp, "ext2_update");
	ip = VTOI(vp);
	if ((ip->i_flag & IN_MODIFIED) == 0 && waitfor == 0)
		return (0);
	fs = ip->i_e2fs;
		return (0);
	if ((error = bread(ip->i_devvp,
	    fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, ip->i_number)),
		(int)fs->e2fs_bsize, NOCRED, &bp)) != 0) {
		return (error);
	ext2_i2ei(ip, (struct ext2fs_dinode *)((char *)bp->b_data +
	    EXT2_INODE_SIZE(fs) * ino_to_fsbo(fs, ip->i_number)));
	if (waitfor && !DOINGASYNC(vp))
		return (bwrite(bp));
	else {
		return (0);
Beispiel #7
struct ufs1_dinode *
getnextinode(ufs1_ino_t inumber)
	long size;
	ufs_daddr_t dblk;
	static struct ufs1_dinode *dp;

	if (inumber != nextino++ || inumber > maxino)
		errx(EEXIT, "bad inode number %d to nextinode", inumber);
	if (inumber >= lastinum) {
		dblk = fsbtodb(&sblock, ino_to_fsba(&sblock, lastinum));
		if (readcnt % readpercg == 0) {
			size = partialsize;
			lastinum += partialcnt;
		} else {
			size = inobufsize;
			lastinum += fullcnt;
		 * If bread returns an error, it will already have zeroed
		 * out the buffer, so we do not need to do so here.
		bread(fsreadfd, (char *)inodebuf, dblk, size);
		dp = inodebuf;
	return (dp++);
Beispiel #8
union dinode *
getino(ino_t inum, int *modep)
	static ino_t minino, maxino;
	static caddr_t inoblock;
	struct ufs1_dinode *dp1;
	struct ufs2_dinode *dp2;

	if (inoblock == NULL && (inoblock = malloc(sblock->fs_bsize)) == NULL)
		quit("cannot allocate inode memory.\n");
	curino = inum;
	if (inum >= minino && inum < maxino)
		goto gotit;
	bread(fsbtodb(sblock, ino_to_fsba(sblock, inum)), inoblock,
	minino = inum - (inum % INOPB(sblock));
	maxino = minino + INOPB(sblock);
	if (sblock->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC) {
		dp1 = &((struct ufs1_dinode *)inoblock)[inum - minino];
		*modep = (dp1->di_mode & IFMT);
		return ((union dinode *)dp1);
	dp2 = &((struct ufs2_dinode *)inoblock)[inum - minino];
	*modep = (dp2->di_mode & IFMT);
	return ((union dinode *)dp2);
Beispiel #9
 * This function provides access to an individual inode. We find out in which
 * block  the  requested inode is located, read it from disk if  needed,  and
 * return  the pointer into that block. We maintain a cache of one  block  to
 * not  read the same block again and again if we iterate linearly  over  all
 * inodes.
struct ufs1_dinode *
ginode(ino_t inumber, int fsi)
	ufs_daddr_t	iblk;
	static ino_t	startinum=0;	/* first inode in cached block */
	struct ufs1_dinode	*pi;


	pi=(struct ufs1_dinode *)(void *)ablk;
	if (startinum == 0 || inumber < startinum ||
	    inumber >= startinum + INOPB(&sblock)) {
		 * The block needed is not cached, so we have to read it from
		 * disk now.
		iblk = ino_to_fsba(&sblock, inumber);
		rdfs(fsbtodb(&sblock, iblk), (size_t)sblock.fs_bsize,
		    &ablk, fsi);
		startinum = (inumber / INOPB(&sblock)) * INOPB(&sblock);

	return (&(pi[inumber % INOPB(&sblock)]));
Beispiel #10
 * Update the access, modified, and inode change times as specified by the
 * IN_ACCESS, IN_UPDATE, and IN_CHANGE flags respectively.  Write the inode
 * to disk if the IN_MODIFIED flag is set (it may be set initially, or by
 * the timestamp update).  The IN_LAZYMOD flag is set to force a write
 * later if not now.  If we write now, then clear both IN_MODIFIED and
 * IN_LAZYMOD to reflect the presumably successful write, and if waitfor is
 * set, then wait for the write to complete.
ffs_update(struct vnode *vp, int waitfor)
	struct fs *fs;
	struct buf *bp;
	struct inode *ip;
	int error;

	ip = VTOI(vp);
	if ((ip->i_flag & IN_MODIFIED) == 0 && waitfor == 0)
		return (0);
	ip->i_flag &= ~(IN_LAZYMOD | IN_MODIFIED);
	fs = ip->i_fs;
	if (fs->fs_ronly)
		return (0);

	 * The vnode type is usually set to VBAD if an unrecoverable I/O
	 * error has occured (such as when reading the inode).  Clear the
	 * modified bits but do not write anything out in this case.
	if (vp->v_type == VBAD)
		return (0);
	 * Ensure that uid and gid are correct. This is a temporary
	 * fix until fsck has been changed to do the update.
	if (fs->fs_inodefmt < FS_44INODEFMT) {		/* XXX */
		ip->i_din.di_ouid = ip->i_uid;		/* XXX */
		ip->i_din.di_ogid = ip->i_gid;		/* XXX */
	}						/* XXX */
	error = bread(ip->i_devvp, 
		      fsbtodoff(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, ip->i_number)),
		      (int)fs->fs_bsize, &bp);
	if (error) {
		return (error);
		softdep_update_inodeblock(ip, bp, waitfor);
	else if (ip->i_effnlink != ip->i_nlink)
		panic("ffs_update: bad link cnt");
	*((struct ufs1_dinode *)bp->b_data +
	    ino_to_fsbo(fs, ip->i_number)) = ip->i_din;
	if (waitfor && !DOINGASYNC(vp)) {
		return (bwrite(bp));
	} else if (vm_page_count_severe() || buf_dirty_count_severe()) {
		return (bwrite(bp));
	} else {
		if (bp->b_bufsize == fs->fs_bsize)
			bp->b_flags |= B_CLUSTEROK;
		return (0);
Beispiel #11
 * Read a new inode into a file structure.
static int
read_inode(ino32_t inumber, struct open_file *f)
	struct file *fp = (struct file *)f->f_fsdata;
	struct fs *fs = fp->f_fs;
	char *buf;
	size_t rsize;
	int rc;
	daddr_t inode_sector = 0; /* XXX: gcc */
#ifdef LIBSA_LFS
	struct ufs_dinode *dip;
	int cnt;

#ifdef LIBSA_LFS
	if (inumber == fs->lfs_ifile)
		inode_sector = FSBTODB(fs, fs->lfs_idaddr);
	else if ((rc = find_inode_sector(inumber, f, &inode_sector)) != 0)
		return rc;
	inode_sector = FSBTODB(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, inumber));

	 * Read inode and save it.
	buf = fp->f_buf;
	rc = DEV_STRATEGY(f->f_dev)(f->f_devdata, F_READ,
	    inode_sector, fs->fs_bsize, buf, &rsize);
	if (rc)
		return rc;
	if (rsize != fs->fs_bsize)
		return EIO;

#ifdef LIBSA_LFS
	cnt = INOPBx(fs);
	dip = (struct ufs_dinode *)buf + (cnt - 1);
	for (; dip->di_inumber != inumber; --dip) {
		/* kernel code panics, but boot blocks which panic are Bad. */
		if (--cnt == 0)
			return EINVAL;
	fp->f_di = *dip;
	fp->f_di = ((struct ufs_dinode *)buf)[ino_to_fsbo(fs, inumber)];

	 * Clear out the old buffers
	fp->f_ind_cache_block = ~0;
	fp->f_buf_blkno = -1;
	return rc;
Beispiel #12
static union dinode *
get_inode(int fd, struct fs *super, ino_t ino)
	static caddr_t ipbuf;
	static struct cg *cgp;
	static ino_t last;
	static int cg;
	struct ufs2_dinode *di2;

	if (fd < 0) {		/* flush cache */
		if (ipbuf) {
			ipbuf = NULL;
			if (super != NULL && super->fs_magic == FS_UFS2_MAGIC) {
				cgp = NULL;
		return 0;

	if (!ipbuf || ino < last || ino >= last + INOCNT(super)) {
		if (super->fs_magic == FS_UFS2_MAGIC &&
		    (!cgp || cg != ino_to_cg(super, ino))) {
			cg = ino_to_cg(super, ino);
			if (!cgp && !(cgp = malloc(super->fs_cgsize)))
				errx(1, "allocate cg");
			if (pread(fd, cgp, super->fs_cgsize,
			    (off_t)cgtod(super, cg) << super->fs_fshift)
			    != super->fs_cgsize)
			if (read(fd, cgp, super->fs_cgsize) != super->fs_cgsize)
				err(1, "read cg");
			if (!cg_chkmagic(cgp))
				errx(1, "cg has bad magic");
		if (!ipbuf && !(ipbuf = malloc(INOSZ(super))))
			err(1, "allocate inodes");
		last = (ino / INOCNT(super)) * INOCNT(super);
		if (lseek(fd, (off_t)ino_to_fsba(super, last)
		    << super->fs_fshift, SEEK_SET) < 0 ||
		    read(fd, ipbuf, INOSZ(super)) != INOSZ(super)) {
			err(1, "read inodes");

	if (super->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC)
		return ((union dinode *)
		    &((struct ufs1_dinode *)ipbuf)[ino % INOCNT(super)]);
	di2 = &((struct ufs2_dinode *)ipbuf)[ino % INOCNT(super)];
	/* If the inode is unused, it might be unallocated too, so zero it. */
	if (isclr(cg_inosused(cgp), ino % super->fs_ipg))
		memset(di2, 0, sizeof(*di2));
	return ((union dinode *)di2);
Beispiel #13
putino(struct uufsd *disk)
	struct fs *fs;

	fs = &disk->d_fs;
	if (disk->d_inoblock == NULL) {
		ERROR(disk, "No inode block allocated");
		return (-1);
	if (bwrite(disk, fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(&disk->d_fs, disk->d_inomin)),
	    disk->d_inoblock, disk->d_fs.fs_bsize) <= 0)
		return (-1);
	return (0);
Beispiel #14
struct ufs1_dinode *
getino(ufs1_ino_t inum)
	static daddr_t minino, maxino;
	static struct ufs1_dinode inoblock[MAXINOPB];

	curino = inum;
	if (inum >= (unsigned)minino && inum < (unsigned)maxino)
		return (&inoblock[inum - minino]);
	bread(fsbtodb(sblock, ino_to_fsba(sblock, inum)), (char *)inoblock,
	minino = inum - (inum % INOPB(sblock));
	maxino = minino + INOPB(sblock);
	return (&inoblock[inum - minino]);
Beispiel #15
 * Read a new inode into a file structure.
static int
read_inode(ino_t inumber, struct open_file *f)
	struct file *fp = (struct file *)f->f_fsdata;
	struct fs *fs = fp->f_fs;
	char *buf;
	size_t rsize;
	int rc;

	if (fs == NULL)
	    panic("fs == NULL");

	 * Read inode and save it.
	buf = malloc(fs->fs_bsize);
	rc = (f->f_dev->dv_strategy)(f->f_devdata, F_READ,
		fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, inumber)), fs->fs_bsize,
		buf, &rsize);
	if (rc)
		goto out;
	if (rsize != fs->fs_bsize) {
		rc = EIO;
		goto out;

		struct ufs1_dinode *dp;

		dp = (struct ufs1_dinode *)buf;
		fp->f_di = dp[ino_to_fsbo(fs, inumber)];

	 * Clear out the old buffers
		int level;

		for (level = 0; level < NIADDR; level++)
			fp->f_blkno[level] = -1;
		fp->f_buf_blkno = -1;
	return (rc);	 
Beispiel #16
static int
find(char *path)
    char *rest, ch;
    int block, off, loc, ino = ROOTINO;
    struct dirent *dp;
    char list_only;

    list_only = (path[0] == '?' && path[1] == '\0');
    devread(iobuf, fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, ino)) + boff, fs->fs_bsize);
    bcopy((void *)&((struct dinode *)iobuf)[ino % fs->fs_inopb],
	  (void *)&inode.i_din,
	  sizeof (struct dinode));
    if (!*path)
	return 1;
    while (*path == '/')
    if (!inode.i_size || ((inode.i_mode&IFMT) != IFDIR))
	return 0;
    for (rest = path; (ch = *rest) && ch != '/'; rest++) ;
    *rest = 0;
    loc = 0;
    do {
	if (loc >= inode.i_size) {
	    if (list_only) {
		return -1;
	    } else {
		return 0;
	if (!(off = blkoff(fs, loc))) {
	    block = lblkno(fs, loc);
	    devread(iobuf, fsbtodb(fs, block_map(block)) + boff,
		    blksize(fs, &inode, block));
	dp = (struct dirent *)(iobuf + off);
	loc += dp->d_reclen;
	if (dp->d_fileno && list_only) {
	    putchar(' ');
    } while (!dp->d_fileno || strcmp(path, dp->d_name));
    ino = dp->d_fileno;
    *(path = rest) = ch;
    goto loop;
Beispiel #17
getino(struct uufsd *disk, void **dino, ino_t inode, int *mode)
	ino_t min, max;
	caddr_t inoblock;
	struct ufs1_dinode *dp1;
	struct ufs2_dinode *dp2;
	struct fs *fs;

	ERROR(disk, NULL);

	fs = &disk->d_fs;
	inoblock = disk->d_inoblock;
	min = disk->d_inomin;
	max = disk->d_inomax;

	if (inoblock == NULL) {
		inoblock = malloc(fs->fs_bsize);
		if (inoblock == NULL) {
			ERROR(disk, "unable to allocate inode block");
			return (-1);
		disk->d_inoblock = inoblock;
	if (inode >= min && inode < max)
		goto gotit;
	bread(disk, fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, inode)), inoblock,
	disk->d_inomin = min = inode - (inode % INOPB(fs));
	disk->d_inomax = max = min + INOPB(fs);
gotit:	switch (disk->d_ufs) {
	case 1:
		dp1 = &((struct ufs1_dinode *)inoblock)[inode - min];
		*mode = dp1->di_mode & IFMT;
		*dino = dp1;
		return (0);
	case 2:
		dp2 = &((struct ufs2_dinode *)inoblock)[inode - min];
		*mode = dp2->di_mode & IFMT;
		*dino = dp2;
		return (0);
	ERROR(disk, "unknown UFS filesystem type");
	return (-1);
Beispiel #18
 * General purpose interface for reading inodes.
struct ufs1_dinode *
ginode(ufs1_ino_t inumber)
	ufs_daddr_t iblk;

	if (inumber < ROOTINO || inumber > maxino)
		errx(EEXIT, "bad inode number %d to ginode", inumber);
	if (startinum == 0 ||
	    inumber < startinum || inumber >= startinum + INOPB(&sblock)) {
		iblk = ino_to_fsba(&sblock, inumber);
		if (pbp != 0)
			pbp->b_flags &= ~B_INUSE;
		pbp = getdatablk(iblk, sblock.fs_bsize);
		startinum = (inumber / INOPB(&sblock)) * INOPB(&sblock);
	return (&pbp->b_un.b_dinode[inumber % INOPB(&sblock)]);
Beispiel #19
ffs_reload_vnode(struct vnode *vp, void *args) 
	struct ffs_reload_args *fra = args;
	struct inode *ip;
	struct buf *bp;
	int error;

	 * Step 4: invalidate all inactive vnodes.
	if (vp->v_usecount == 0) {
		vgonel(vp, fra->p);
		return (0);

	 * Step 5: invalidate all cached file data.
	if (vget(vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE, fra->p))
		return (0);

	if (vinvalbuf(vp, 0, fra->cred, fra->p, 0, 0))
		panic("ffs_reload: dirty2");

	 * Step 6: re-read inode data for all active vnodes.
	ip = VTOI(vp);

	error = bread(fra->devvp, 
	    fsbtodb(fra->fs, ino_to_fsba(fra->fs, ip->i_number)),
	    (int)fra->fs->fs_bsize, NOCRED, &bp);
	if (error) {
		return (error);

	*ip->i_din1 = *((struct ufs1_dinode *)bp->b_data +
	    ino_to_fsbo(fra->fs, ip->i_number));
	ip->i_effnlink = DIP(ip, nlink);
	return (0);
Beispiel #20
cgialloc(struct uufsd *disk)
	struct ufs2_dinode *dp2;
	u_int8_t *inosused;
	struct cg *cgp;
	struct fs *fs;
	ino_t ino;
	int i;

	fs = &disk->d_fs;
	cgp = &disk->d_cg;
	inosused = cg_inosused(cgp);
	for (ino = 0; ino < fs->fs_ipg; ino++)
		if (isclr(inosused, ino))
			goto gotit;
	return (0);
	if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS2_MAGIC &&
	    ino + INOPB(fs) > cgp->cg_initediblk &&
	    cgp->cg_initediblk < cgp->cg_niblk) {
		char block[MAXBSIZE];
		bzero(block, (int)fs->fs_bsize);
		dp2 = (struct ufs2_dinode *)&block;
		for (i = 0; i < INOPB(fs); i++) {
			dp2->di_gen = arc4random() / 2 + 1;
		if (bwrite(disk, ino_to_fsba(fs,
		    cgp->cg_cgx * fs->fs_ipg + cgp->cg_initediblk),
		    block, fs->fs_bsize))
			return (0);
		cgp->cg_initediblk += INOPB(fs);

	setbit(inosused, ino);
	cgp->cg_irotor = ino;
	fs->fs_cs(fs, cgp->cg_cgx).cs_nifree--;
	fs->fs_fmod = 1;

	return (ino + (cgp->cg_cgx * fs->fs_ipg));
Beispiel #21
 * Update the access, modified, and inode change times as specified by the
 * IACCESS, IUPDATE, and ICHANGE flags respectively. The IMODIFIED flag is
 * used to specify that the inode needs to be updated but that the times have
 * already been set. The access and modified times are taken from the second
 * and third parameters; the inode change time is always taken from the current
 * time. If waitfor is set, then wait for the disk write of the inode to
 * complete.
ext2fs_update(struct inode *ip, int waitfor)
	struct m_ext2fs *fs;
	struct buf *bp;
	int error;
	caddr_t cp;

	if (ITOV(ip)->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY)
		return (0);
	if ((ip->i_flag & IN_MODIFIED) == 0)
		return (0);
	ip->i_flag &= ~IN_MODIFIED;
	fs = ip->i_e2fs;
	error = bread(ip->i_devvp,
			  fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, ip->i_number)),
			  (int)fs->e2fs_bsize, &bp);
	if (error) {
		return (error);
	ip->i_flag &= ~(IN_MODIFIED);
	cp = (caddr_t)bp->b_data +
	    (ino_to_fsbo(fs, ip->i_number) * EXT2_DINODE_SIZE(fs));

	 * See note about 16-bit UID/GID limitation in ext2fs_vget(). Now
	 * that we are about to write the inode, construct the split UID and
	 * GID fields out of the two 32-bit fields we kept in memory.
	ip->i_e2fs_uid_low = (u_int16_t)ip->i_e2fs_uid;
	ip->i_e2fs_gid_low = (u_int16_t)ip->i_e2fs_gid;
	ip->i_e2fs_uid_high = ip->i_e2fs_uid >> 16;
	ip->i_e2fs_gid_high = ip->i_e2fs_gid >> 16;

	e2fs_isave(fs, ip->i_e2din, (struct ext2fs_dinode *)cp);
	if (waitfor)
		return (bwrite(bp));
	else {
		return (0);
Beispiel #22
ext2fs_reload_vnode(struct vnode *vp, void *args)
	struct ext2fs_reload_args *era = args;
	struct buf *bp;
	struct inode *ip;
	int error;
	caddr_t cp;

	 * Step 4: invalidate all inactive vnodes.
	if (vp->v_usecount == 0) {
		vgonel(vp, era->p);
		return (0);

	 * Step 5: invalidate all cached file data.
	if (vget(vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE, era->p))
		return (0);
	if (vinvalbuf(vp, 0, era->cred, era->p, 0, 0))
		panic("ext2fs_reload: dirty2");
	 * Step 6: re-read inode data for all active vnodes.
	ip = VTOI(vp);
	error = bread(era->devvp, 
	    fsbtodb(era->fs, ino_to_fsba(era->fs, ip->i_number)),
	    (int)era->fs->e2fs_bsize, &bp);
	if (error) {
		return (error);
	cp = (caddr_t)bp->b_data +
	    (ino_to_fsbo(era->fs, ip->i_number) * EXT2_DINODE_SIZE(era->fs));
	e2fs_iload((struct ext2fs_dinode *)cp, ip->i_e2din);
	return (0);
Beispiel #23
 * General purpose interface for reading inodes.
union dinode *
ginode(ino_t inumber)
	ufs2_daddr_t iblk;

	if (inumber < ROOTINO || inumber > maxino)
		errx(EEXIT, "bad inode number %ju to ginode",
	if (startinum == 0 ||
	    inumber < startinum || inumber >= startinum + INOPB(&sblock)) {
		iblk = ino_to_fsba(&sblock, inumber);
		if (pbp != NULL)
			pbp->b_flags &= ~B_INUSE;
		pbp = getdatablk(iblk, sblock.fs_bsize, BT_INODES);
		startinum = rounddown(inumber, INOPB(&sblock));
	if (sblock.fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC)
		return ((union dinode *)
		    &pbp->b_un.b_dinode1[inumber % INOPB(&sblock)]);
	return ((union dinode *)&pbp->b_un.b_dinode2[inumber % INOPB(&sblock)]);
Beispiel #24
 * Allocate an inode on the disk
iput(union dinode *ip, ino_t ino)
	daddr64_t d;

	if (Oflag <= 1)
		ip->dp1.di_gen = (u_int32_t)arc4random();
		ip->dp2.di_gen = (u_int32_t)arc4random();

	rdfs(fsbtodb(&sblock, cgtod(&sblock, 0)), sblock.fs_cgsize,
	    (char *)&acg);
	if (acg.cg_magic != CG_MAGIC)
		errx(41, "cg 0: bad magic number");

	setbit(cg_inosused(&acg), ino);

	wtfs(fsbtodb(&sblock, cgtod(&sblock, 0)), sblock.fs_cgsize,
	    (char *)&acg);

	if (ino >= sblock.fs_ipg * sblock.fs_ncg)
		errx(32, "fsinit: inode value %d out of range", ino);
	d = fsbtodb(&sblock, ino_to_fsba(&sblock, ino));
	rdfs(d, sblock.fs_bsize, iobuf);

	if (Oflag <= 1)
		((struct ufs1_dinode *)iobuf)[ino_to_fsbo(&sblock, ino)] =
		((struct ufs2_dinode *)iobuf)[ino_to_fsbo(&sblock, ino)] =

	wtfs(d, sblock.fs_bsize, iobuf);
Beispiel #25
 * Read a new inode into a file structure.
static int
read_inode(ino32_t inumber, struct open_file *f)
	struct file *fp = (struct file *)f->f_fsdata;
	struct m_ext2fs *fs = fp->f_fs;
	char *buf;
	size_t rsize;
	int rc;
	daddr_t inode_sector;
	struct ext2fs_dinode *dip;

	inode_sector = FSBTODB(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, inumber));

	 * Read inode and save it.
	buf = fp->f_buf;
	rc = DEV_STRATEGY(f->f_dev)(f->f_devdata, F_READ,
	    inode_sector, fs->e2fs_bsize, buf, &rsize);
	if (rc)
		return rc;
	if (rsize != fs->e2fs_bsize)
		return EIO;

	dip = (struct ext2fs_dinode *)(buf +
	    EXT2_DINODE_SIZE(fs) * ino_to_fsbo(fs, inumber));
	e2fs_iload(dip, &fp->f_di, EXT2_DINODE_SIZE(fs));

	 * Clear out the old buffers
	fp->f_ind_cache_block = ~0;
	fp->f_buf_blkno = -1;
	return rc;
Beispiel #26
 * Update the access, modified, and inode change times as specified by the
 * IN_ACCESS, IN_UPDATE, and IN_CHANGE flags respectively.  Write the inode
 * to disk if the IN_MODIFIED flag is set (it may be set initially, or by
 * the timestamp update).  The IN_LAZYMOD flag is set to force a write
 * later if not now.  If we write now, then clear both IN_MODIFIED and
 * IN_LAZYMOD to reflect the presumably successful write, and if waitfor is
 * set, then wait for the write to complete.
ext2_update(struct vnode *vp, int waitfor)
    struct ext2_sb_info *fs;
    struct buf *bp;
    struct inode *ip;
    int error;

    ip = VTOI(vp);
    if ((ip->i_flag & IN_MODIFIED) == 0)
        return (0);
    ip->i_flag &= ~(IN_LAZYMOD | IN_MODIFIED);
    if (vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY)
        return (0);
    fs = ip->i_e2fs;
    error = bread(ip->i_devvp,
                  fsbtodoff(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, ip->i_number)),
                  (int)fs->s_blocksize, &bp);
    if (error) {
        return (error);
    ext2_di2ei( &ip->i_din, (struct ext2_inode *) ((char *)bp->b_data + EXT2_INODE_SIZE(fs) *
                ino_to_fsbo(fs, ip->i_number)));
    	if (waitfor && (vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_ASYNC) == 0)
    		return (bwrite(bp));
    	else {
    return (0);
Beispiel #27
 * Look up an EXT2FS dinode number to find its incore vnode, otherwise read it
 * in from disk.  If it is in core, wait for the lock bit to clear, then
 * return the inode locked.  Detection and handling of mount points must be
 * done by the calling routine.
static int
ext2_vget(struct mount *mp, ino_t ino, int flags, struct vnode **vpp)
	struct m_ext2fs *fs;
	struct inode *ip;
	struct ext2mount *ump;
	struct buf *bp;
	struct vnode *vp;
	struct cdev *dev;
	struct thread *td;
	int i, error;
	int used_blocks;

	td = curthread;
	error = vfs_hash_get(mp, ino, flags, td, vpp, NULL, NULL);
	if (error || *vpp != NULL)
		return (error);

	ump = VFSTOEXT2(mp);
	dev = ump->um_dev;

	 * If this malloc() is performed after the getnewvnode()
	 * it might block, leaving a vnode with a NULL v_data to be
	 * found by ext2_sync() if a sync happens to fire right then,
	 * which will cause a panic because ext2_sync() blindly
	 * dereferences vp->v_data (as well it should).
	ip = malloc(sizeof(struct inode), M_EXT2NODE, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);

	/* Allocate a new vnode/inode. */
	if ((error = getnewvnode("ext2fs", mp, &ext2_vnodeops, &vp)) != 0) {
		*vpp = NULL;
		free(ip, M_EXT2NODE);
		return (error);
	vp->v_data = ip;
	ip->i_vnode = vp;
	ip->i_e2fs = fs = ump->um_e2fs;
	ip->i_ump  = ump;
	ip->i_number = ino;

	lockmgr(vp->v_vnlock, LK_EXCLUSIVE, NULL);
	error = insmntque(vp, mp);
	if (error != 0) {
		free(ip, M_EXT2NODE);
		*vpp = NULL;
		return (error);
	error = vfs_hash_insert(vp, ino, flags, td, vpp, NULL, NULL);
	if (error || *vpp != NULL)
		return (error);

	/* Read in the disk contents for the inode, copy into the inode. */
	if ((error = bread(ump->um_devvp, fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, ino)),
	    (int)fs->e2fs_bsize, NOCRED, &bp)) != 0) {
		 * The inode does not contain anything useful, so it would
		 * be misleading to leave it on its hash chain. With mode
		 * still zero, it will be unlinked and returned to the free
		 * list by vput().
		*vpp = NULL;
		return (error);
	/* convert ext2 inode to dinode */
	ext2_ei2i((struct ext2fs_dinode *) ((char *)bp->b_data + EXT2_INODE_SIZE(fs) *
			ino_to_fsbo(fs, ino)), ip);
	ip->i_block_group = ino_to_cg(fs, ino);
	ip->i_next_alloc_block = 0;
	ip->i_next_alloc_goal = 0;

	 * Now we want to make sure that block pointers for unused
	 * blocks are zeroed out - ext2_balloc depends on this
	 * although for regular files and directories only
	if(S_ISDIR(ip->i_mode) || S_ISREG(ip->i_mode)) {
		used_blocks = (ip->i_size+fs->e2fs_bsize-1) / fs->e2fs_bsize;
		for (i = used_blocks; i < EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS; i++)
			ip->i_db[i] = 0;

	 * Initialize the vnode from the inode, check for aliases.
	 * Note that the underlying vnode may have changed.
	if ((error = ext2_vinit(mp, &ext2_fifoops, &vp)) != 0) {
		*vpp = NULL;
		return (error);

	 * Finish inode initialization.

	 * Set up a generation number for this inode if it does not
	 * already have one. This should only happen on old filesystems.
	if (ip->i_gen == 0) {
		ip->i_gen = random() / 2 + 1;
		if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) == 0)
			ip->i_flag |= IN_MODIFIED;
	*vpp = vp;
	return (0);
Beispiel #28
 * Reload all incore data for a filesystem (used after running fsck on
 * the root filesystem and finding things to fix). The filesystem must
 * be mounted read-only.
 * Things to do to update the mount:
 *	1) invalidate all cached meta-data.
 *	2) re-read superblock from disk.
 *	3) invalidate all cluster summary information.
 *	4) invalidate all inactive vnodes.
 *	5) invalidate all cached file data.
 *	6) re-read inode data for all active vnodes.
 * XXX we are missing some steps, in particular # 3, this has to be reviewed.
static int
ext2_reload(struct mount *mp, struct thread *td)
	struct vnode *vp, *mvp, *devvp;
	struct inode *ip;
	struct buf *bp;
	struct ext2fs *es;
	struct m_ext2fs *fs;
	struct csum *sump;
	int error, i;
	int32_t *lp;

	if ((mp->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) == 0)
		return (EINVAL);
	 * Step 1: invalidate all cached meta-data.
	devvp = VFSTOEXT2(mp)->um_devvp;
	vn_lock(devvp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY);
	if (vinvalbuf(devvp, 0, 0, 0) != 0)
		panic("ext2_reload: dirty1");
	VOP_UNLOCK(devvp, 0);

	 * Step 2: re-read superblock from disk.
	 * constants have been adjusted for ext2
	if ((error = bread(devvp, SBLOCK, SBSIZE, NOCRED, &bp)) != 0)
		return (error);
	es = (struct ext2fs *)bp->b_data;
	if (ext2_check_sb_compat(es, devvp->v_rdev, 0) != 0) {
		return (EIO);		/* XXX needs translation */
	fs = VFSTOEXT2(mp)->um_e2fs;
	bcopy(bp->b_data, fs->e2fs, sizeof(struct ext2fs));

	if((error = compute_sb_data(devvp, es, fs)) != 0) {
		return (error);
#ifdef UNKLAR
	if (fs->fs_sbsize < SBSIZE)
		bp->b_flags |= B_INVAL;

	 * Step 3: invalidate all cluster summary information.
	if (fs->e2fs_contigsumsize > 0) {
		lp = fs->e2fs_maxcluster;
		sump = fs->e2fs_clustersum;
		for (i = 0; i < fs->e2fs_gcount; i++, sump++) {
			*lp++ = fs->e2fs_contigsumsize;
			sump->cs_init = 0;
			bzero(sump->cs_sum, fs->e2fs_contigsumsize + 1);

	MNT_VNODE_FOREACH_ALL(vp, mp, mvp) {
		 * Step 4: invalidate all cached file data.
		if (vget(vp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_INTERLOCK, td)) {
			goto loop;
		if (vinvalbuf(vp, 0, 0, 0))
			panic("ext2_reload: dirty2");

		 * Step 5: re-read inode data for all active vnodes.
		ip = VTOI(vp);
		error = bread(devvp, fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, ip->i_number)),
		    (int)fs->e2fs_bsize, NOCRED, &bp);
		if (error) {
			VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0);
			return (error);
		ext2_ei2i((struct ext2fs_dinode *) ((char *)bp->b_data +
		    EXT2_INODE_SIZE(fs) * ino_to_fsbo(fs, ip->i_number)), ip);
		VOP_UNLOCK(vp, 0);
	return (0);
Beispiel #29
 * Update the access, modified, and inode change times as specified by the
 * IN_ACCESS, IN_UPDATE, and IN_CHANGE flags respectively. The IN_MODIFIED
 * flag is used to specify that the inode needs to be updated but that the
 * times have already been set. The access and modified times are taken from
 * the second and third parameters; the inode change time is always taken
 * from the current time. If waitfor is set, then wait for the disk write
 * of the inode to complete.
ffs_update(struct inode *ip, struct timespec *atime, 
    struct timespec *mtime, int waitfor)
	struct vnode *vp;
	struct fs *fs;
	struct buf *bp;
	int error;
	struct timespec ts;

	vp = ITOV(ip);
	if (vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) {
		ip->i_flag &=
		return (0);

	if ((ip->i_flag &
	    waitfor != MNT_WAIT)
		return (0);


	if (ip->i_flag & IN_ACCESS) {
		DIP_ASSIGN(ip, atime, atime ? atime->tv_sec : ts.tv_sec);
		DIP_ASSIGN(ip, atimensec, atime ? atime->tv_nsec : ts.tv_nsec);

	if (ip->i_flag & IN_UPDATE) {
		DIP_ASSIGN(ip, mtime, mtime ? mtime->tv_sec : ts.tv_sec);
		DIP_ASSIGN(ip, mtimensec, mtime ? mtime->tv_nsec : ts.tv_nsec);

	if (ip->i_flag & IN_CHANGE) {
		DIP_ASSIGN(ip, ctime, ts.tv_sec);
		DIP_ASSIGN(ip, ctimensec, ts.tv_nsec);

	fs = ip->i_fs;

	 * Ensure that uid and gid are correct. This is a temporary
	 * fix until fsck has been changed to do the update.
	if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC && fs->fs_inodefmt < FS_44INODEFMT) {
		ip->i_din1->di_ouid = ip->i_ffs1_uid;
		ip->i_din1->di_ogid = ip->i_ffs1_gid;

	error = bread(ip->i_devvp, fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, ip->i_number)),
	    (int)fs->fs_bsize, &bp);
	if (error) {
		return (error);

		softdep_update_inodeblock(ip, bp, waitfor);
	else if (ip->i_effnlink != DIP(ip, nlink))
		panic("ffs_update: bad link cnt");

#ifdef FFS2
	if (ip->i_ump->um_fstype == UM_UFS2)
		*((struct ufs2_dinode *)bp->b_data +
		    ino_to_fsbo(fs, ip->i_number)) = *ip->i_din2;
		*((struct ufs1_dinode *)bp->b_data +
		    ino_to_fsbo(fs, ip->i_number)) = *ip->i_din1;

	if (waitfor && !DOINGASYNC(vp)) {
		return (bwrite(bp));
	} else {
		return (0);
Beispiel #30
 * Look up a FFS dinode number to find its incore vnode, otherwise read it
 * in from disk.  If it is in core, wait for the lock bit to clear, then
 * return the inode locked.  Detection and handling of mount points must be
 * done by the calling routine.
ffs_vget(struct mount *mp, ino_t ino, struct vnode **vpp)
	struct fs *fs;
	struct inode *ip;
	struct ufs1_dinode *dp1;
#ifdef FFS2
	struct ufs2_dinode *dp2;
	struct ufsmount *ump;
	struct buf *bp;
	struct vnode *vp;
	dev_t dev;
	int error;

	ump = VFSTOUFS(mp);
	dev = ump->um_dev;
	if ((*vpp = ufs_ihashget(dev, ino)) != NULL)
		return (0);

	/* Allocate a new vnode/inode. */
	if ((error = getnewvnode(VT_UFS, mp, ffs_vnodeop_p, &vp)) != 0) {
		*vpp = NULL;
		return (error);
	vp->v_flag |= VLOCKSWORK;
	/* XXX - we use the same pool for ffs and mfs */
	ip = pool_get(&ffs_ino_pool, PR_WAITOK);
	bzero((caddr_t)ip, sizeof(struct inode));
	lockinit(&ip->i_lock, PINOD, "inode", 0, 0);
	ip->i_ump = ump;
	vp->v_data = ip;
	ip->i_vnode = vp;
	ip->i_fs = fs = ump->um_fs;
	ip->i_dev = dev;
	ip->i_number = ino;
	ip->i_vtbl = &ffs_vtbl;

	 * Put it onto its hash chain and lock it so that other requests for
	 * this inode will block if they arrive while we are sleeping waiting
	 * for old data structures to be purged or for the contents of the
	 * disk portion of this inode to be read.
	error = ufs_ihashins(ip);
	if (error) {
		 * VOP_INACTIVE will treat this as a stale file
		 * and recycle it quickly

		if (error == EEXIST)
			goto retry;

		return (error);

	/* Read in the disk contents for the inode, copy into the inode. */
	error = bread(ump->um_devvp, fsbtodb(fs, ino_to_fsba(fs, ino)),
		      (int)fs->fs_bsize, NOCRED, &bp);
	if (error) {
		 * The inode does not contain anything useful, so it would
		 * be misleading to leave it on its hash chain. With mode
		 * still zero, it will be unlinked and returned to the free
		 * list by vput().
		*vpp = NULL;
		return (error);

#ifdef FFS2
	if (ip->i_ump->um_fstype == UM_UFS2) {
		ip->i_din2 = pool_get(&ffs_dinode2_pool, PR_WAITOK);
		dp2 = (struct ufs2_dinode *) bp->b_data + ino_to_fsbo(fs, ino);
		*ip->i_din2 = *dp2;
	} else
		ip->i_din1 = pool_get(&ffs_dinode1_pool, PR_WAITOK);
		dp1 = (struct ufs1_dinode *) bp->b_data + ino_to_fsbo(fs, ino);
		*ip->i_din1 = *dp1;


		ip->i_effnlink = DIP(ip, nlink);

	 * Initialize the vnode from the inode, check for aliases.
	 * Note that the underlying vnode may have changed.
	error = ufs_vinit(mp, ffs_specop_p, FFS_FIFOOPS, &vp);
	if (error) {
		*vpp = NULL;
		return (error);

	 * Set up a generation number for this inode if it does not
	 * already have one. This should only happen on old filesystems.
	if (DIP(ip, gen) == 0) {
		DIP_ASSIGN(ip, gen, arc4random() & INT_MAX);
		if (DIP(ip, gen) == 0 || DIP(ip, gen) == -1)
			DIP_ASSIGN(ip, gen, 1);	/* Shouldn't happen */
		if ((vp->v_mount->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) == 0)
			ip->i_flag |= IN_MODIFIED;

	 * Ensure that uid and gid are correct. This is a temporary
	 * fix until fsck has been changed to do the update.
	if (fs->fs_magic == FS_UFS1_MAGIC && fs->fs_inodefmt < FS_44INODEFMT) {
		ip->i_ffs1_uid = ip->i_din1->di_ouid;
		ip->i_ffs1_gid = ip->i_din1->di_ogid;

	*vpp = vp;

	return (0);