bool GameController::handleItemContextMenu(const Item& item) { bool dpad_moved = false; if (!itemMenuOpen) { return false; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP])) { selectItemMenuSlot(item, itemMenuSelected - 1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN])) { selectItemMenuSlot(item, itemMenuSelected + 1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (dpad_moved) { dpad_moved = false; draw_cursor = false; return true; } return false; }
bool GameController::handleRepairGUIMovement() { bool dpad_moved = false; if ( itemMenuOpen ) { return false; } if ( *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP]) ) { GenericGUI.selectSlot(GenericGUI.selectedSlot - 1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if ( *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN]) ) { GenericGUI.selectSlot(GenericGUI.selectedSlot + 1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if ( dpad_moved ) { dpad_moved = false; draw_cursor = false; return true; } return false; }
bool GameController::handleIdentifyMovement() { bool dpad_moved = false; if ( itemMenuOpen ) { return false; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP])) { selectIdentifySlot(selectedIdentifySlot - 1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN])) { selectIdentifySlot(selectedIdentifySlot + 1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (dpad_moved) { dpad_moved = false; draw_cursor = false; return true; } return false; }
bool GameController::handleShopMovement() { bool dpad_moved = false; if ( itemMenuOpen ) { return false; } /* //I would love to just do these, but it just wouldn't work with the way the code is set up. if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_LEFT])) { cycleShopCategories(-1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_LEFT]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_RIGHT])) { cycleShopCategories(1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_RIGHT]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; }*/ if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP])) { selectShopSlot(selectedShopSlot - 1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN])) { selectShopSlot(selectedShopSlot + 1); *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (dpad_moved) { dpad_moved = false; draw_cursor = false; return true; } return false; }
bool GameController::handleInventoryMovement() { bool dpad_moved = false; if (itemMenuOpen) { return false; } if ( hotbarHasFocus && !hotbarGamepadControlEnabled() ) { hotbarHasFocus = false; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_LEFT])) { if ( hotbarHasFocus && hotbarGamepadControlEnabled() ) { //If hotbar is focused and chest, etc, not opened, navigate hotbar. selectHotbarSlot(current_hotbar - 1); warpMouseToSelectedHotbarSlot(); } else { //Navigate inventory. select_inventory_slot(selected_inventory_slot_x - 1, selected_inventory_slot_y); } *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_LEFT]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_RIGHT])) { if ( hotbarHasFocus && hotbarGamepadControlEnabled() ) { //If hotbar is focused and chest, etc, not opened, navigate hotbar. selectHotbarSlot(current_hotbar + 1); warpMouseToSelectedHotbarSlot(); } else { //Navigate inventory. select_inventory_slot(selected_inventory_slot_x + 1, selected_inventory_slot_y); } *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_RIGHT]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP])) { if ( hotbarHasFocus && hotbarGamepadControlEnabled() ) { //Warp back to top of inventory. hotbarHasFocus = false; float percentage = static_cast<float>(current_hotbar + 1) / static_cast<float>(NUM_HOTBAR_SLOTS); select_inventory_slot((percentage) * INVENTORY_SIZEX - 1, INVENTORY_SIZEY - 1); } else { select_inventory_slot(selected_inventory_slot_x, selected_inventory_slot_y - 1); //Will handle warping to hotbar. } *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_UP]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (*inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN])) { if ( hotbarHasFocus && hotbarGamepadControlEnabled() ) { //Warp back to bottom of inventory. hotbarHasFocus = false; float percentage = static_cast<float>(current_hotbar + 1) / static_cast<float>(NUM_HOTBAR_SLOTS); select_inventory_slot((percentage) * INVENTORY_SIZEX - 1, 0); } else { select_inventory_slot(selected_inventory_slot_x, selected_inventory_slot_y + 1); } *inputPressed(joyimpulses[INJOY_DPAD_DOWN]) = 0; dpad_moved = true; } if (dpad_moved) { dpad_moved = false; draw_cursor = false; return true; } return false; }
void clickDescription(int player, Entity *entity) { stat_t *stat; Item *item; Uint32 uidnum; if( entity==NULL ) { if( !(*inputPressed(impulses[IN_ATTACK])) || shootmode ) return; if( omousex<camera.winx || omousex>=camera.winx+camera.winw || omousey<camera.winy || omousey>=camera.winy+camera.winh ) return; if (openedChest[clientnum]) if (omousex > CHEST_INVENTORY_X && omousex < CHEST_INVENTORY_X + inventoryChest_bmp->w && omousey > CHEST_INVENTORY_Y && omousey < CHEST_INVENTORY_Y + inventoryChest_bmp->h) return; //Click falls inside the chest inventory GUI. if (identifygui_active) if (omousex > IDENTIFY_GUI_X && omousex < IDENTIFY_GUI_X + identifyGUI_img->w && omousey > IDENTIFY_GUI_Y && omousey < IDENTIFY_GUI_Y + identifyGUI_img->h) return; //Click falls inside the identify item gui. if (book_open) if (mouseInBounds(BOOK_GUI_X, BOOK_GUI_X + bookgui_img->w, BOOK_GUI_Y, BOOK_GUI_Y + bookgui_img->h)) return; //Click falls inside the book GUI. if (gui_mode == GUI_MODE_INVENTORY || gui_mode == GUI_MODE_SHOP) { if( gui_mode == GUI_MODE_INVENTORY ) if (mouseInBounds(RIGHTSIDEBAR_X, RIGHTSIDEBAR_X + rightsidebar_titlebar_img->w, RIGHTSIDEBAR_Y, RIGHTSIDEBAR_Y + rightsidebar_height)) return; //Click falls inside the right sidebar. //int x = std::max(character_bmp->w, xres/2-inventory_bmp->w/2); //if (mouseInBounds(x,x+inventory_bmp->w,0,inventory_bmp->h)) //return NULL; if( mouseInBounds(INVENTORY_STARTX,INVENTORY_STARTX+INVENTORY_SIZEX*INVENTORY_SLOTSIZE,INVENTORY_STARTY,INVENTORY_STARTY+INVENTORY_SIZEY*INVENTORY_SLOTSIZE) ) { // clicked in inventory return; } if( gui_mode == GUI_MODE_SHOP ) { int x1 = xres/2-SHOPWINDOW_SIZEX/2, x2 = xres/2+SHOPWINDOW_SIZEX/2; int y1 = yres/2-SHOPWINDOW_SIZEY/2, y2 = yres/2+SHOPWINDOW_SIZEY/2; if (mouseInBounds(x1,x2,y1,y2)) return; } } else if (gui_mode == GUI_MODE_MAGIC) { if (magic_GUI_state == 0) { //Right, now calculate the spell list's height (the same way it calculates it for itself). int height = spell_list_titlebar_bmp->h; int numspells = 0; node_t *node; for (node = spellList.first; node != NULL; node = node->next) { numspells++; } int maxSpellsOnscreen = camera.winh / spell_list_gui_slot_bmp->h; numspells = std::min(numspells, maxSpellsOnscreen); height += numspells * spell_list_gui_slot_bmp->h; int spelllist_y = camera.winy + ((camera.winh / 2) - (height / 2)) + magicspell_list_offset_x; if (mouseInBounds(MAGICSPELL_LIST_X, MAGICSPELL_LIST_X + spell_list_titlebar_bmp->w, spelllist_y, spelllist_y + height)) return; } } if (mouseInBounds(0,224,0,420)) // character sheet return; int x = xres/2-(status_bmp->w/2); if (mouseInBounds(x,x+status_bmp->w,yres-status_bmp->h-hotbar_img->h,yres)) return; *inputPressed(impulses[IN_ATTACK])=0; if( softwaremode ) { entity = clickmap[omousey+omousex*yres]; } else { GLubyte pixel[4]; glReadPixels(omousex,yres-omousey,1,1,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,(void *)pixel); uidnum = pixel[0] + (((Uint32)pixel[1])<<8) + (((Uint32)pixel[2])<<16) + (((Uint32)pixel[3])<<24); entity = uidToEntity(uidnum); } } if( entity != NULL ) { if( multiplayer != CLIENT ) { if( (stat=entity->getStats())==NULL ) { Entity *parent = uidToEntity(entity->parent); if( entity->behavior==&actPlayerLimb || entity->skill[2]==entity->parent ) { if( parent ) { if( parent->behavior==&actPlayer || parent->behavior==&actMonster ) { stat_t *stats = parent->getStats(); if( stats ) { if( strcmp(stats->name,"") ) { messagePlayer(player,language[253],language[90+stats->type],stats->name); } else { messagePlayer(player,language[254],language[90+stats->type]); } } } } } else if( entity->behavior==&actTorch ) { messagePlayer(player,language[255]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actDoor ) { messagePlayer(player,language[256]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actItem ) { item = newItem(static_cast<ItemType>(entity->skill[10]),static_cast<Status>(entity->skill[11]),entity->skill[12],entity->skill[13],entity->skill[14],FALSE,NULL); if (item) { messagePlayer(player,language[257],item->description()); free(item); } } else if( entity->behavior==&actGoldBag ) { if( entity->skill[0]==1 ) messagePlayer(player,language[258]); else messagePlayer(player,language[259],entity->skill[0]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actCampfire) { messagePlayer(player,language[260]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actFountain) { messagePlayer(player,language[262]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actSink) { messagePlayer(player,language[263]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actLadder) { messagePlayer(player,language[264]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actLadderUp) { messagePlayer(player,language[265]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actChest || entity->behavior==&actChestLid ) { messagePlayer(player,language[266]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actGate) { messagePlayer(player,language[267]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actSpearTrap) { messagePlayer(player,language[268]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actSwitch) { messagePlayer(player,language[269]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actBoulder ) { messagePlayer(player,language[270]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actHeadstone ) { messagePlayer(player,language[271]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actPortal || entity->behavior==&actWinningPortal ) { messagePlayer(player,language[272]); } else if( entity->behavior==&actFurniture ) { if( entity->skill[0] ) messagePlayer(player,language[273]); else messagePlayer(player,language[274]); } } else { if( !strcmp(stat->name,"") ) { messagePlayer(player,language[254],language[90+stat->type]); } else { messagePlayer(player,language[253],language[90+stat->type],stat->name); } } } else { // send spot command to server strcpy((char *)net_packet->data,"SPOT"); net_packet->data[4]=player; SDLNet_Write32((Uint32)entity->uid,&net_packet->data[5]); net_packet-> =; net_packet->address.port = net_server.port; net_packet->len = 9; sendPacketSafe(net_sock, -1, net_packet, 0); } } }