Beispiel #1
int disp_config_tcpip(u8* param)
	const static struct strDealParam dealparam[] ={
		{(u8*)"IP地址",  (unsigned char *)gSysParam.m_ip, 0, sizeof(gSysParam.m_ip) - 1, DATA_TYPE_STR, DEAL_MODE_PARAM},
		{(u8*)"端口",  (unsigned char *)&gSysParam.m_port, 2, 2, DATA_TYPE_INT, DEAL_MODE_PARAM}

	input_item((struct strDealParam*)dealparam, sizeof(dealparam) / sizeof(dealparam[0]));
	return 0;
	Function: get_dimension
	Traverses a given file and finds the total number of users and items
	for this source. The acquired number is stored in this given source
	structure. This method is used in the case that the hint line is not

	file - source file
	src - source structure
void get_dimension(FILE *file, Source *src)
	int user_num = 0;
	char chars[MAX_CHARS];
	char *token = NULL;
	char **seg = (char**)malloc(3 * sizeof(*seg));
	struct Item_Tree *item_tree = initialize();
	Item *items = NULL;
	while (fgets(chars, MAX_CHARS, file) != NULL) {
		// Gets all segments
		seg[0] = strtok_s(chars, _SEP, &token);
		if (seg[0] != NULL) {
			seg[1] = strtok_s(NULL, _SEP, &token);

			if (seg[1] != NULL) {
				seg[2] = strtok_s(NULL, _SEP, &token);

				if (seg[2] != NULL) {
					// Handles item segment
					input_item(item_tree, seg[0]);
					// Handles user IDs
					long temp = (long) find_number(seg[1]);
					if (temp > user_num) {
						user_num = temp;


	// Retrieves all item names and free its item tree
	get_items(item_tree, &items);
	src->items = items;
	// Sets user numbers
	src->N = user_num;