Beispiel #1
bool MediaServerList::addServer( MediaServerDesc* desc )
    input_item_t* p_input_item = NULL;
    if ( getServer( desc->UDN ) )
        return false;

    msg_Dbg( m_sd, "Adding server '%s' with uuid '%s'", desc->friendlyName.c_str(), desc->UDN.c_str() );

    if ( desc->isSatIp )
        p_input_item = input_item_NewDirectory( desc->location.c_str(),
                                                ITEM_NET );

        input_item_SetSetting( p_input_item, SATIP_SERVER_DEVICE_TYPE );

        char *psz_playlist_option;

        if (asprintf( &psz_playlist_option, "satip-host=%s",
                      desc->satIpHost.c_str() ) >= 0 ) {
            input_item_AddOption( p_input_item, psz_playlist_option, 0 );
            free( psz_playlist_option );
    } else {
        char* psz_mrl;
        // We might already have some options specified in the location.
        char opt_delim = desc->location.find( '?' ) == 0 ? '?' : '&';
        if( asprintf( &psz_mrl, "upnp://%s%cObjectID=0", desc->location.c_str(), opt_delim ) < 0 )
            return false;

        p_input_item = input_item_NewDirectory( psz_mrl,
                                                ITEM_NET );

        input_item_SetSetting( p_input_item, MEDIA_SERVER_DEVICE_TYPE );
        free( psz_mrl );
    if ( !p_input_item )
        return false;

    if ( desc->iconUrl.empty() == false )
        input_item_SetArtworkURL( p_input_item, desc->iconUrl.c_str() );
    desc->inputItem = p_input_item;
    input_item_SetDescription( p_input_item, desc->UDN.c_str() );
    services_discovery_AddItem( m_sd, p_input_item, NULL );
    m_list.push_back( desc );

    return true;
Beispiel #2
bool MediaServer::addContainer( IXML_Element* containerElement )
    char* psz_url;

    const char* objectID = ixmlElement_getAttribute( containerElement, "id" );
    if ( !objectID )
        return false;

    const char* title = xml_getChildElementValue( containerElement, "dc:title" );
    if ( !title )
        return false;

    if( asprintf( &psz_url, "upnp://%s?ObjectID=%s", m_psz_root, objectID ) < 0 )
        return false;

    input_item_t* p_item = input_item_NewDirectory( psz_url, title, ITEM_NET );
    free( psz_url);
    if ( !p_item )
        return false;
    input_item_CopyOptions( p_item, m_node->p_item );
    input_item_node_AppendItem( m_node, p_item );
    input_item_Release( p_item );
    return true;
Beispiel #3
Datei: sd.c Projekt: etix/vlc
static void netbios_ns_discover_on_entry_added( void *p_opaque,
                                                netbios_ns_entry *p_entry )
    services_discovery_t *p_sd = (services_discovery_t *)p_opaque;

    char type = netbios_ns_entry_type( p_entry );

    if( type == NETBIOS_FILESERVER )
        input_item_t *p_item;
        char *psz_mrl;
        const char *name = netbios_ns_entry_name( p_entry );

        if( asprintf(&psz_mrl, "smb://%s", name) < 0 )

        p_item = input_item_NewDirectory( psz_mrl, name, ITEM_NET );
        msg_Dbg( p_sd, "Adding item %s", psz_mrl );

        entry_item_append( p_sd, p_entry, p_item );
        vlc_gc_decref( p_item );