Beispiel #1
		/// includes tests for getNumberOfStates/Inputs/Outputs()
		/// and confirms generate(), removeTransition(), removeState()
		void tGenerateSaveLoad() {
			DEBUG_MSG("Generate: %s", machineTypeNames[fsm->getType()]);
			fsm->generate(0, 0, 0);// = create(1,1,1) is minimum
			/// ERR: <type>::generate - the number of states needs to be greater than 0 (set to 1)
			/// ERR: <type>::generate - the number of inputs needs to be greater than 0 (set to 1)
			/// ERR: <type>::generate - the number of outputs needs to be greater than 0 (set to 1)
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfStates(), state_t(1), "The number of states is not correct.");
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfInputs(), input_t(1), "The number of inputs is not correct.");
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfOutputs(), output_t(1), "The number of outputs is not correct.");

			fsm->generate(5, 3, 2);
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfStates(), state_t(5), "The number of states is not correct.");
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfInputs(), input_t(3), "The number of inputs is not correct.");
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfOutputs(), output_t(2), "The number of outputs is not correct.");

			fsm->removeTransition(0, 0);
			fsm->removeTransition(1, 1);
			fsm->removeTransition(2, 2);
			/// 3 transitions * 2 machines = 6 ERRs if fsm->isOutputTransition()
			/// <type>::getOutput - there is no such transition
			/// if fsm->isOutputTransition() && there was a transition to state 3, then 2 ERRs:
			/// <type>::getOutput - there is no such transition
Beispiel #2
		/// includes tests for getNumberOfStates/Inputs/Outputs()
		/// and confirms create(), removeTransition()
		void tCreateSaveLoad() {
			DEBUG_MSG("Create: %s", machineTypeNames[fsm->getType()]);
			fsm->create(0, 0, 0);// = create(1,0,0) is minimum
			/// ERR: <type>::create - the number of states needs to be greater than 0 (set to 1)
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfStates(), state_t(1), "The number of states is not correct.");
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfInputs(), input_t(0), "The number of inputs is not correct.");
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfOutputs(), output_t(0), "The number of outputs is not correct.");

			fsm->create(5, 3, 2);
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfStates(), state_t(5), "The number of states is not correct.");
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfInputs(), input_t(3), "The number of inputs is not correct.");
			ARE_EQUAL(fsm->getNumberOfOutputs(), output_t(2), "The number of outputs is not correct.");
			/// 5 states * 3 inputs * 2 machines = 30 ERRs if fsm->isOutputTransition()
			/// <type>::getOutput - there is no such transition

			fsm->setTransition(0, 0, 0);
			fsm->setTransition(0, 1, 1);
			fsm->setTransition(0, 2, 2);
			fsm->setTransition(1, 0, 3);
			fsm->setTransition(2, 1, 4);
			fsm->setTransition(3, 2, 0);
			fsm->setTransition(4, 0, 2);
			/// (5 states * 3 inputs - 7 transitions) * 2 machines = 16 ERRs if fsm->isOutputTransition()
			/// <type>::getOutput - there is no such transition
Beispiel #3
 bool input() {
   if ( ! ( input_nk() ) )
     return false;
   return true;
    const RCP<const Adapter> &ia,
    const RCP<const Environment> &env,
    const RCP<const Comm<int> > &comm,
    modelFlag_t &modelFlags):
      numGlobalIdentifiers_(), env_(env), comm_(comm),
      gids_(), nUserWeights_(0), weights_()
  // Get the local and global problem size
  size_t nLocalIds = ia->getLocalNumIDs();
  gno_t lsum = nLocalIds;
  reduceAll<int, gno_t>(*comm_, Teuchos::REDUCE_SUM, 1, &lsum,

  // Get the number of weights
  // Use max number of weights over all processes as nUserWeights_
  int tmp = ia->getNumWeightsPerID();
  Teuchos::reduceAll<int, int>(*comm, Teuchos::REDUCE_MAX, 1,
      &tmp, &nUserWeights_);

  // Prepare to store views from input adapter
  // TODO:  Do we have to store these views, or can we get them on an 
  // TODO:  as-needed basis?
  Array<const scalar_t *> wgts(nUserWeights_, (const scalar_t *)NULL);
  Array<int> wgtStrides(nUserWeights_, 0);

  if (nUserWeights_ > 0){
    input_t *w = new input_t [nUserWeights_];
    weights_ = arcp<input_t>(w, 0, nUserWeights_);

  const gno_t *gids=NULL;
  // Get the input adapter's views
    for (int idx=0; idx < nUserWeights_; idx++)
      ia->getWeightsView(wgts[idx], wgtStrides[idx], idx);

  if (nLocalIds){
    gids_ = arcp(gids, 0, nLocalIds, false);

    if (nUserWeights_ > 0){
      for (int idx=0; idx < nUserWeights_; idx++){
        ArrayRCP<const scalar_t> wgtArray(wgts[idx], 0,
                                          nLocalIds*wgtStrides[idx], false);
        weights_[idx] = input_t(wgtArray, wgtStrides[idx]);

  env_->memory("After construction of identifier model");
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Mnist mnist;
    auto in = mnist.readInputFile("./resources/train-images-idx3-ubyte");
    auto out = mnist.readLabelFile("./resources/train-labels-idx1-ubyte");
    auto in_t = mnist.readInputFile("./resources/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte");
    auto out_t = mnist.readLabelFile("./resources/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte");

    std::vector<std::vector<float>> input(in.size());
    std::vector<std::vector<float>> label(out.size());

    std::vector<std::vector<float>> input_t(in_t.size());

    for(int i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i) {
        input[i] = std::vector<float>(in[i].size());
        for(int j = 0; j < in[i].size(); ++j) {
            input[i][j] = in[i][j] / 255.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < input_t.size(); ++i) {
        input_t[i] = std::vector<float>(in_t[i].size());
        for(int j = 0; j < in_t[i].size(); ++j) {
            input_t[i][j] = in_t[i][j] / 255.0;
    for(int i = 0; i < label.size(); ++i) {
        label[i] = Utility::to_categorical((int)out[i], 10);

    Container model;
    model.add(new Dense(300, input[0].size()));
    model.add(new Relu());
    model.add(new Dense(label[0].size()));
    model.add(new Softmax());

    model.compile(new CrossEntropy(), new Adam(0.001));
    model.train(input, label, 50, 50);

    auto result = model.predict(input_t);
    int acr = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) {
        auto max = std::max_element(result[i].begin(), result[i].end());
        auto max_id = std::distance(result[i].begin(), max);
        if(std::abs(max_id - out_t[i]) < 1e-7) {
    printf("accuracy = %lf\n", 100.0 * acr / result.size());

    return 0;
Beispiel #6
  IdentifierModel<IdentifierInput<User> >::IdentifierModel( 
    const IdentifierInput<User> *ia,
    const RCP<const Environment> &env, const RCP<const Comm<int> > &comm,
    modelFlag_t &modelFlags):
      gnosAreGids_(false), numGlobalIdentifiers_(), env_(env), comm_(comm),
      gids_(), userWeightDim_(0), weights_(), gnos_(), gnosConst_()
  userWeightDim_ = ia->getNumberOfWeights();
  size_t nLocalIds = ia->getLocalNumberOfIdentifiers();

  Model<IdentifierInput<User> >::maxCount(*comm, userWeightDim_);

  Array<const scalar_t *> wgts(userWeightDim_, (const scalar_t *)NULL);
  Array<int> wgtStrides(userWeightDim_, 0);
  Array<lno_t> weightArrayLengths(userWeightDim_, 0);

  if (userWeightDim_ > 0){
    input_t *w = new input_t [userWeightDim_];
    weights_ = arcp<input_t>(w, 0, userWeightDim_);

  const gid_t *gids=NULL;

    for (int dim=0; dim < userWeightDim_; dim++)
      ia->getIdentifierWeights(dim, wgts[dim], wgtStrides[dim]);

  if (nLocalIds){
    gids_ = arcp(gids, 0, nLocalIds, false);

    if (userWeightDim_ > 0){
      for (int i=0; i < userWeightDim_; i++){
        if (wgts[i] != NULL){
          ArrayRCP<const scalar_t> wgtArray(
            wgts[i], 0, nLocalIds*wgtStrides[i], false);
          weights_[i] = input_t(wgtArray, wgtStrides[i]);
          weightArrayLengths[i] = nLocalIds;

  this->setWeightArrayLengths(weightArrayLengths, *comm_);

  RCP<const idmap_t> idMap;

    if (modelFlags.test(IDS_MUST_BE_GLOBALLY_CONSECUTIVE))
      idMap = rcp(new idmap_t(env_, comm_, gids_, true));
      idMap = rcp(new idmap_t(env_, comm_, gids_, false));

  gnosAreGids_ = idMap->gnosAreGids();


  gno_t lsum = nLocalIds;
  reduceAll<int, gno_t>(*comm_, Teuchos::REDUCE_SUM, 1, &lsum,

  if (!gnosAreGids_ && nLocalIds>0){
    gno_t *tmpGno = new gno_t [nLocalIds];
    env_->localMemoryAssertion(__FILE__, __LINE__, nLocalIds, tmpGno);
    gnos_ = arcp(tmpGno, 0, nLocalIds);

      ArrayRCP<gid_t> gidsNonConst = arcp_const_cast<gid_t>(gids_);
      idMap->gidTranslate( gidsNonConst(0,nLocalIds),  gnos_(0,nLocalIds),