void menu() { int option; FrList list = 0; do { printf("\nLINKED LIST MENU: Fraction"\ "\n1. Displaying current list"\ "\n2. Inserting"\ "\n3. Removing"\ "\n4. Quit"); printf("\nEnter the option (1 or 2): "); scanf("%d", &option); switch (option) { case 1: displayListTylerHill(list); break; case 2: insMenu(&list); break; case 3: remMenu(&list); break; case 4: printf("\nGood work have fun goodbye \n"); break; default: printf("\nWRONG OPTION ...\n"); } } while (option != 4); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int opt, opti, insnr = 0, stdnr = 0; Instructor instructors[INS_MAX]; Student students[STD_MAX]; Schedule schedule[SCH_LINE][SCH_COL]; do{ menu(); printf("Option?: "); scanf("%d", &opt); if(opt == 1){ students[STD_MAX] = readStdFile(students); stdMenu(); printf("Option?: "); scanf("%d", &opti); if(opti == 1){ stdnr = stdVerifyPos(students, STD_INIT); if(stdnr != EOF){ stdAdd(students, stdnr); saveStdFile(students); } }else if(opti == 2){ stdModify(students); saveStdFile(students); }else if(opti == 3){ stdList(students); }else if(opti == 4){ stdRemove(students); saveStdFile(students); } }else if(opt == 2){ instructors[INS_MAX] = readInsFile(instructors); insMenu(); printf("Option?: "); scanf("%d", &opti); if(opti == 1){ insnr = insVerifyPos(instructors, INS_INIT); if(insnr != EOF){ insAdd(instructors, insnr); saveInsFile(instructors); } }else if(opti == 2){ insModify(instructors); saveInsFile(instructors); }else if(opti == 3){ insList(instructors); }else if(opti == 4){ insRemove(instructors); saveInsFile(instructors); } }else if(opt == 3){ } } while(opt != 4); saveInsFile(instructors); saveStdFile(students); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }