Beispiel #1
Adds features to an array for every orientation in a histogram greater than a specified threshold.
@param features new features are added to the end of this array
@param hist orientation histogram
@param n number of bins in hist
@param mag_thr new features are added for entries in hist greater than this
@param feat new features are clones of this with different orientations
static void add_good_ori_features( CvSeq* features, double* hist, int n,
								   double mag_thr, struct feature* feat )
	struct feature* new_feat;
	double bin, PI2 = CV_PI * 2.0;
	int l, r, i;

	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        l = ( i == 0 )? n - 1 : i-1;//前一个(左边的)bin的下标
        r = ( i + 1 ) % n;//后一个(右边的)bin的下标

		if( hist[i] > hist[l]  &&  hist[i] > hist[r]  &&  hist[i] >= mag_thr )
			bin = i + interp_hist_peak( hist[l], hist[i], hist[r] );
            bin = ( bin < 0 )? n + bin : ( bin >= n )? bin - n : bin;//将插值结果规范到[0,n]内
            new_feat = clone_feature( feat );//克隆当前特征点为新特征点
            new_feat->ori = ( ( PI2 * bin ) / n ) - CV_PI;//新特征点的方向
            cvSeqPush( features, new_feat );//插入到特征点序列末尾
			free( new_feat );
Beispiel #2
Adds features to an array for every orientation in a histogram greater than
a specified threshold.

@param features new features are added to the end of this array
@param hist orientation histogram
@param n number of bins in hist
@param mag_thr new features are added for entries in hist greater than this
@param feat new features are clones of this with different orientations
void add_good_ori_features( CvSeq* features, double* hist, int n,
						   double mag_thr, struct feature* feat )
	struct feature* new_feat;
	double bin, PI2 = CV_PI * 2.0;
	int l, r, i;

	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		l = ( i == 0 )? n - 1 : i-1;
		r = ( i + 1 ) % n;

		if( hist[i] > hist[l]  &&  hist[i] > hist[r]  &&  hist[i] >= mag_thr )
			bin = i + interp_hist_peak( hist[l], hist[i], hist[r] );
			bin = ( bin < 0 )? n + bin : ( bin >= n )? bin - n : bin;
			new_feat = clone_feature( feat );
			new_feat->ori = ( ( PI2 * bin ) / n ) - CV_PI;
			cvSeqPush( features, new_feat );
			free( new_feat );