Beispiel #1
 *  --	inv_open_next_log - Open next best log file in inventory.
 *	inv_open_next_log searches the inventory for the next best
 *	log file to process.
 *	Returns:
 * 		1 if no next log file
 * 		0 if successful
 * 		-1 other error
static int
inv_open_next_log(sam_fsa_inv_t **invp)
	sam_fsa_inv_t *inv;
	int done_ord = -1; /* Ordinal of youngest done log */
	sam_time_t done_time = 0; /* Init time of youngest done log */
	int next_ord = -1; /* Ordinal of oldest not done log */
	sam_time_t next_time = 0; /* Init time of oldest not done log */
	int i;

	if (inv_update(invp) < 0) {
		return (-1);
	inv = *invp;

	 * Scan inventory table:
	 * 1. Find youngest log file that is completely processed (i.e.  done)
	 * 2. Find next best log file for processing (i.e., oldest not done)
	for (i = 0; i < inv->n_logs; i++) {
		/* Don't want to pick current log */
		if (i == inv->c_log) {

		/* If log already processed record youngest done time */
		if (inv->logs[i].status == fstat_done &&
		    inv->logs[i].init_time > done_time) {
			done_ord = i;
			done_time = inv->logs[i].init_time;

		/* If log still requires processing */
		if (inv->logs[i].status == fstat_none ||
		    inv->logs[i].status == fstat_part) {
			if (inv->logs[i].init_time < next_time ||
			    next_ord == -1) {
				next_ord = i;
				next_time = inv->logs[i].init_time;

	if (next_ord < 0) {
		return (1); /* If no next entry */

	if (inv->c_log >= 0 &&
	    next_time < inv->logs[inv->c_log].init_time) {
		Trace(TR_ERR, "next file [%s] older than current file [%s]",
		    inv->logs[next_ord].name, inv->logs[inv->c_log].name);

	if (inv->last_time != 0 && next_time < inv->last_time) {
		Trace(TR_ERR, "next file [%s] older than last processed event",
		    inv->logs[next_ord].name, inv->logs[inv->c_log].name);

	if (done_ord >= 0 && next_time < done_time) {
		Trace(TR_ERR, "next file [%s] older than"
		    "youngest done file [%s]", inv->logs[next_ord].name,

	/* Close current log, mark as done */
	if (inv->c_log >= 0) {
		inv_close_log(inv, TRUE);

	inv_open_log(inv, next_ord);

	return (0);
Beispiel #2
dyret_enum dy_pivot (int xipos, double abarij, double maxabarj)

  This routine handles a single pivot. It first checks that the pivot element
  satisfies a stability test, then calls inv_update to pivot the basis. We
  can still run into trouble, however, if the pivot results in a singular or
  near-singular basis.
  NOTE: There is an implicit argument here that's not immediately obvious.
	inv_update gets the entering column from a cached result set with the
	most recent call to inv_ftran(*,1) (dy_ftran(*,true), if you prefer).
	The underlying assumption is that this is readily available from when
	we ftran'd the entering column to find the leaving variable.

    xipos:	the basis position of the entering variable
    abarij:	the pivot element (only the absolute value is used)
    maxabarj:	for a primal pivot, max{i} |abar<i,j>|,
		for a dual pivot, max{j} |abar<i,j>|

    dyrOK:	the pivot was accomplished without incident (inv_update)
    dyrMADPIV:	the pivot element abar<i,j> was rejected as numerically
		unstable (dy_chkpiv)
    dyrSINGULAR: the pivot attempt resulted in a structurally singular basis
		(i.e., some diagonal element is zero) (inv_update)
    dyrNUMERIC:	the pivot attempt resulted in a numerically singular (unstable)
		basis (i.e, some diagonal element is too small compared to
		other elements in the associated row and column) (inv_update)
    dyrBSPACE:	glpinv/glpluf ran out of space for the basis representation
    dyrFATAL:	internal confusion

{ int retval ;
  double ratio ;
  dyret_enum retcode ;

  const char *rtnnme = "dy_pivot" ;

  Check that the pivot element meets the current criterion for numerical
  stability. Arguably this should have been checked by the caller, but that's
  no excuse for not doing it now.
  ratio = dy_chkpiv(abarij,maxabarj) ;
  if (ratio < 1.0)
#   ifndef DYLP_NDEBUG
    if (dy_opts->print.basis >= 3)
    { dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,
		  "\n      %s(%d) pivot aborted; est. pivot stability %g.",
		  dy_lp->tot.iters,rtnnme,ratio) ; }
#   endif
    return (dyrMADPIV) ; }
  Make the call to inv_update, then recode the result.
  retval = inv_update(luf_basis,xipos) ;
# ifndef DYLP_NDEBUG
  if ((retval == 0 && dy_opts->print.basis >= 5) ||
      (retval > 0 && dy_opts->print.basis >= 3))
  { dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,
		"\n    %s(%d) estimated pivot stability %g; ",
		dy_prtlpphase(dy_lp->phase,TRUE),dy_lp->tot.iters,ratio) ;
    dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,"measured pivot stability %g.",
	        luf_basis->min_vrratio) ; }
# endif
  switch (retval)
  { case 0:
    { retcode = dyrOK ;
      break ; }
    case 1:
    { retcode = dyrSINGULAR ;
#     ifndef DYLP_NDEBUG
      if (dy_opts->print.basis >= 2)
      { dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,
		    "\n    %s(%d) singular basis (structural) after pivot.",
		    dy_prtlpphase(dy_lp->phase,TRUE),dy_lp->tot.iters) ; }
#     endif
      break ; }
    case 2:
    { retcode = dyrNUMERIC ;
#     ifndef DYLP_NDEBUG
      if (dy_opts->print.basis >= 2)
      { dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,
		    "\n    %s(%d) singular basis (numeric) after pivot.",
		    dy_prtlpphase(dy_lp->phase,TRUE),dy_lp->tot.iters) ; }
#     endif
      break ; }
    case 3:
    case 4:
    { retcode = dyrBSPACE ;
#     ifndef DYLP_NDEBUG
      if (dy_opts->print.basis >= 2)
      { dyio_outfmt(dy_logchn,dy_gtxecho,"\n    %s(%d) out of space (%s)",
		    (retval == 3)?"eta matrix limit":"sparse vector area") ; }
#     endif
      break ; }
    { errmsg(1,rtnnme,__LINE__) ;
      retcode = dyrFATAL ;
      break ; } }
  return (retcode) ; }
Beispiel #3
 * sam_fsa_open_inv - opens inventory for event log path
 *	inv - address of pointer for inventory to create
 * 	path - absolute path to directory with events logs
 * 	fs_name - family set name for filesystem events
 * 	appname - unique identifier for application using this fsa api
 * precond -
 * 	inv pointer is null
 * 	fs_name is valid family set name
 * 	path points to valid directory with event logs for fs_name
 * postcond -
 * 	inv is allocated and populated with complete event log information
 *	inventory file is created in path with name 'fs_name.appname.inv'
 * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
	sam_fsa_inv_t **invp,
	char *path,
	char *fs_name,
	char *appname)
	sam_fsa_inv_t *inv;
	char *inv_path;
	int inv_fd;
	int inv_sz;
	int rst = 0;

	if (*invp != NULL) {
		Trace(TR_ERR, "Inventory table already allocated.");
		return (-1);

	inv_path = inv_build_path(path, fs_name, appname);
	inv_fd = inv_open(inv_path, &inv_sz);
	if (inv_fd < 0) {
		Trace(TR_ERR, "Open inventory file failed.");
		return (-1);

	 * Allocate inventory table.  Initially inv_sz+100 file entries
	 * allocated (one in fsalog_inv_t)
	SamMalloc(inv, sizeof (sam_fsa_inv_t) + inv_sz +
	    99*sizeof (sam_fsa_log_t));
	memset(inv, 0, sizeof (sam_fsa_inv_t) + inv_sz +
	    99*sizeof (sam_fsa_log_t));

	/* Initialize inventory */
	strncpy(inv->fs_name, fs_name, sizeof (inv->fs_name));
	inv->l_fsn = strlen(fs_name);
	inv->n_logs = inv_sz / sizeof (sam_fsa_log_t);
	inv->n_alloc = inv->n_logs+100;
	inv->c_log = -1;
	inv->fd_log = -1;
	inv->fd_inv = inv_fd;
	SamStrdup(inv->path_fsa, path);
	inv->path_inv = inv_path;

	/* Read inventory file. */
	if (inv_sz > 0) {
		rst = read(inv->fd_inv, &inv->logs[0], inv_sz);
		if (rst < 0) {
			Trace(TR_ERR, "read(%s) failed", inv->path_inv);
			goto error;
		if (rst != inv_sz) {
			Trace(TR_ERR, "read(%s) failed: incomplete read",
			goto error;

	if (inv_update(&inv) < 0) {
		goto error;

	*invp = inv;
	return (0);
	return (-1);