Beispiel #1
bool init()
	if(io_Init() == false) return false;
	// set ADC Base Address
	sb_Write(0xBC, sb_Read(0xBC) & (~(1L<<28)));  // active adc
	sb1_Write16(0xDE, sb1_Read16(0xDE) | 0x02);   // not Available for 8051A Access ADC
	sb1_Write(0xE0, 0x00500000UL | ADC_BASEADDR); // baseaddr = 0xfe00, disable irq
	return true;
Beispiel #2
RBAPI(bool) spi_Init2(unsigned baseaddr, int clkmode) {
    int i;

	if(spi_InUse() == true)
		err_SetMsg(ERROR_SPI_INUSE, "SPI was already opened");
		return false;
	if ((SPI_ioSection = io_Init()) == -1) return false;

	//NOTE: base address should be selected carefully to avoid conflicts with other devices!
	if (baseaddr != 0xffff)
        baseaddr = spi_SetDefaultBaseAddress();
        if ((baseaddr == 0x0000) || (baseaddr == 0xffff)) spi_SetBaseAddress(0xfc00);


    // enable FIFO and set clock divisor
    //if (spi_SetControlREG(0x10 + SPI_CLKMODE[clkmode]) == false)
    if (spi_SetControlREG(0x10 + get_spidivisor(clkmode)) == false)
        err_SetMsg(ERROR_SPI_INITFAIL, "fail to write SPI Control Register");
        return false;
    // clear the input buffer if it is not empty
    for (i=0; i<20; i++)
        if (spi_InputReady() == false) break;
        if (spidx_Read() == 0xffff)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_SPI_INITFAIL, "fail to clear SPI input buffer");
            return false;

    // switch GPIO3[3:0] to external SPI interface
    write_sb_reg(SB_MULTIFUNC_REG, OLD_SPIGPIO3FLAG | 1L);

    return true;
Beispiel #3
RBAPI(bool) i2c_InitSW2(unsigned devs, int i2c0mode, unsigned long i2c0clkdelay, int i2c1mode, unsigned long i2c1clkdelay) {
    int  i;
    if (I2C_ioSection != -1)
        err_SetMsg(ERROR_I2C_INUSE, "I2C lib was already opened");
		return false;
	if ((I2C_ioSection = io_Init()) == -1) return false;

    #ifdef ROBOIO
        switch (roboio_GetRBVer())
            case RB_100b1:
            case RB_100b2:
            case RB_100b3:
            case RB_100:
            case RB_100RD:
            case RB_110:
            case RB_050:
                devs = devs & I2C_USEMODULE0;
                devs = 0;

    I2C_swMode[0] = i2c0mode; I2CSW_delay[0] = i2c0clkdelay;
    I2C_swMode[1] = i2c1mode; I2CSW_delay[1] = i2c1clkdelay;

    I2C_action[0] = I2C_action[1] = I2CACT_DISABLE;
    for (i=0; i<2; i++)
        if ((i == 0) && ((devs & I2C_USEMODULE0) == 0)) continue;
        if ((i == 1) && ((devs & I2C_USEMODULE1) == 0)) continue;
        I2C_action[i] = I2CACT_IDLE;

        // switch GPIO/I2C pins into GPIO pins
        OLD_I2CGPIO3FLAG[i] = read_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG) & OLD_I2CGPIO3MASK[i];  // backup GPIO/I2C switch flag
        write_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG, read_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG) & (~OLD_I2CGPIO3MASK[i]));

        OLD_I2CGPIO3DIR[i] = io_inpb(GPIO3_DIR)  & (0x03 << (i*2+4));  // backup GPIO3 DIR
        OLD_I2CGPIO3VAL[i] = io_inpb(GPIO3_DATA) & (0x03 << (i*2+4));  // backup GPIO3 VAL
        // set GPIO pins as INPUT state (equiv. to OUT 1 of I2C lines)
        io_outpb(GPIO3_DIR, io_inpb(GPIO3_DIR) & ~(0x03 << (i*2+4)));

    return true;
Beispiel #4
void WIFI_SPIClass::begin() {
	void *pciDev = NULL;
	if(io_Init() == false)
	// Get SPI device base address	
	pciDev = pci_Alloc(0x00, 0x10, 0x01); // PCI SPI configuration space
	if(pciDev == NULL) {printf("WiFi-SPI device don't exist\n"); return;}
	WIFI_SPI_IOaddr = (unsigned)(pci_In16(pciDev, 0x10) & 0xFFFFFFF0L); // get SPI base address
	#if defined WIFI_DEBUG_MODE
	printf("WiFi-SPI base address = %04X\n", WIFI_SPI_IOaddr);
	io_outpb(WIFI_SPI_IOaddr + 7, WIFI_FULLDUPEX); // full-dupex
	io_outpb(WIFI_SPI_IOaddr + 7, io_inpb(WIFI_SPI_IOaddr + 7) & 0xF1 | WIFI_SPI_MODE0); // set mode
	io_outpb(WIFI_SPI_IOaddr + 0x0b, 0x08); // delay clk between two transfers
    //SOURCE clock/(2 * SPI_CLOCK_DIV)
	setClockDivider(WIFI_SPI_CLOCK_DIV800); // 125k Hz
	io_outpb(WIFI_SPI_IOaddr + 4, 0x01); // set CS = high
	// Set SS to high so a connected chip will be "deselected" by default
	digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
	// When the SS pin is set as OUTPUT, it can be used as
	// a general purpose output port (it doesn't influence
	// SPI operations).
	//pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);
	// Warning: if the SS pin ever becomes a LOW INPUT then SPI
	// automatically switches to Slave, so the data direction of
	// the SS pin MUST be kept as OUTPUT.
	//SPCR |= _BV(MSTR);
	//SPCR |= _BV(SPE);
	// Set direction register for SCK and MOSI pin.
	// MISO pin automatically overrides to INPUT.
	// By doing this AFTER enabling SPI, we avoid accidentally
	// clocking in a single bit since the lines go directly
	// from "input" to SPI control.  
	//pinMode(SCK, OUTPUT);
	//pinMode(MOSI, OUTPUT);
Beispiel #5
uint8_t *EthernetClass::localMAC()
	int i;
	void *mac_io;
	if (io_Init() == false)
	else if ((mac_io = io_Alloc(IO_USE_MMIO, 0xFFFFFFB0UL, 0x06UL)) == NULL)
	else {
		for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) MAC_address[i] = io_In8(mac_io, i);
	return &MAC_address[0];
Beispiel #6
static bool set_gpio_config_addr(unsigned short addr)
	if (io_Init() == false) {
		err_print((char*)"%s: Init IO lib error!!\n", __FUNCTION__);
		return false;
	if ((gpio_config_addr = sb_Read16(0x62) & 0xfffe) == 0x0000)
	sb_Write16(0x62, sb_Read16(0x62) | (gpio_config_addr = GPIO_CONFIG_ADDR));
	sb_Write16(0x62, sb_Read16(0x62) | 0x0001);
	// io_outpdw(GPIO_CONFIG_ADDR + 0x00, io_inpdw(GPIO_CONFIG_ADDR + 0x00) | 0x00000004L);
	if (io_Close() == false) err_print((char*)"%s: Close IO lib error!!\n", __FUNCTION__);
	return true;
Beispiel #7
bool cm_init(void)
  if (io_Init() == false)
    return false;
  sb_Write(0xc0, sb_Read(0xc0) & 0x7fffffffL | ((unsigned long)1UL << 31));
  //com_SetUSBPins(2, 0, 2, 1);
  if ((Serial = com_Init(COM4)) == NULL)
    return false;
  com_SetTimeOut(Serial, 0);
  com_SetBPS(Serial, COM_UARTBAUD_1000000BPS);
  com_SetFormat(Serial, BYTESIZE8 + STOPBIT1 + NOPARITY);
  com_SetFlowControl(Serial, NO_CONTROL);
  com_EnableFIFO(Serial, FIFO_032);
  return true;
Beispiel #8
 * \brief Steuerung initialisieren.
void cntrl_open( void )
    cntrl_cnt            = 0;
    cntrl_TaskFlag_cnt   = 0;
    cntrl_Heartbeat      = 0x00;
    cntrl_Stoerungslampe = 0x00;
    Debug                = 0;
    MUTEX_lock {

        err_Init( &cntrl_err );
        cntrl_err.i.common_errcnt += param_Init();
        zeit_Init( &cntrl_zeit_absenkung, &cntrl_zeit_event );
        if( io_Normal != io_ReadT( &io_ALL_Tau_MW ) ) cntrl_err.i.tempsens_errcnt --;
        task_Init( &cntrl_tau, io_ALL_Tau_MW.messwert );
        sol_Init( &cntrl_sol );
        fb_Init( &cntrl_fb );
        hk_Init( &cntrl_hk );
        ww_Init( &cntrl_ww, io_get_WW_WZ_MW() );
        kes_Init( &cntrl_kes );

        /*----- Module aktivieren ----*/
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.sol_aktiv     = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.fb_aktiv      = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.hk_aktiv      = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.ww_aktiv      = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.kes_aktiv     = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.err_aktiv     = RESET; /* Default erst einmal AUS! */
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.inp_sol_aktiv = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.inp_fb_aktiv  = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.inp_hk_aktiv  = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.inp_ww_aktiv  = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.inp_kes_aktiv = SET;
        cntrl_mdl_aktiv.inp_err_aktiv = SET;
    } MUTEX_unlock();

Beispiel #9
bool init() {
	int i;
	if(io_Init() == false) return false;

	//set corssbar Base Address
	//printf("SB C0~C3 REG: 0x%08X\n", sb_Read(0xc0));
	sb_Write(0xc0, sb_Read(0xc0) | 0x8000C000L);
	//printf("SB C0~C3 REG: 0x%08X\n", sb_Read(0xc0));
	//set GPIO Base Address
	// GPIO enable
	//set GPIO P0~9 dircetion & data Address
	for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
		io_outpdw(0xf100 + (i+1)*4,((0xf202 + i*4)<<16) + 0xf200 + i*4);
	//setADC Base Address
	sb_Write(0xbc, sb_Read(0xbc) & (~(1L<<28)));  // active adc
	sb1_Write16(0xde, sb1_Read16(0xde) | 0x02);   // not Available for 8051A Access ADC
	sb1_Write(0xe0, 0x0010fe00L); // baseaddr = 0xfe00, disable irq
	USBDEV = CreateUSBDevice();
    if(USBDEV == NULL)
        printf("init error\n");
        return false;
    usb_SetUSBPins(USBDEV, 7, 0, 7, 1);
    if(usb_Init(USBDEV) == false)
        printf("init2 error\n");
        return false;
	return true;
Beispiel #10
RBAPI(bool) spi_InitSW(int mode, unsigned long clkdelay) {
	if(spi_InUse() == true)
		err_SetMsg(ERROR_SPI_INUSE, "SPI was already opened");
		return false;
	if ((SPI_ioSection = io_Init()) == -1) return false;

	SPISW_mode  = mode;
	SPISW_delay = clkdelay;

    // set the initial state of SPI GPIO pins

	io_outpb(GPIO3_DIR,  (OLD_SPIGPIODIR & 0xf0) | 0x07);
	if ((SPISW_mode & SPIMODE_CPOL1) != 0)
	   io_outpb(GPIO3_DATA, (OLD_SPIGPIODATA & 0xf0) + 0x03);  // SPI_CLK = 1, SPI_CS = 1
	   io_outpb(GPIO3_DATA, (OLD_SPIGPIODATA & 0xf0) + 0x01);  // SPI_CLK = 0, SPI_CS = 1


	// switch to GPIO interface
    write_sb_reg(SB_MULTIFUNC_REG, OLD_SPIGPIO3FLAG & 0xfffffffeL);

	SPISW_active = true;

	return true;
Beispiel #11
DMPAPI(void *) CreateUART(int com)
	SerialPort *port;
	if (io_Init() == false)
		err_print((char*)"%s: Init IO lib error!!\n", __FUNCTION__);
		return NULL;
	if ((port = (SerialPort *)ker_Malloc(sizeof(SerialPort))) == NULL)
		return NULL;

	port->com  = com;
	port->addr = vx86_uart_GetBaseAddr(com);
	port->nIRQ = vx86_uart_GetIRQ(com);
	if (port->addr == 0x00 || port->nIRQ == 0)
		err_print((char*)"%s: COM%d is null. [Base address: 0x%04x, IRQ: %d]\n", __FUNCTION__, com+1, port->addr, port->nIRQ);
		return NULL;
	port->nBuad        = 115200L;
	port->nData        = BYTESIZE8;
	port->nStop        = STOPBIT1;
	port->nParity      = NOPARITY;
	port->control      = NO_CONTROL;
	port->InUse        = 0;
	port->INT_InUse    = 0;
	port->rts          = 0;
	port->cts          = CTS_OFF;
	port->xonxoff_rcvd = XOFF_RCVD;
	port->xonxoff_xmit = XOFF_XMIT;
	port->xon          = 0;
	port->xoff         = 0;
	port->old_lsb      = port->lsb      = 0;
	port->old_msb      = port->msb      = 0;
	port->old_ier      = port->ier      = 0;
	port->old_lcr      = port->lcr      = 0;
	port->old_mcr      = port->mcr      = 0;
	port->old_TimeOut  = port->TimeOut  = UART_NO_TIMEOUT;
	port->fcr = 0;
	port->RFIFO_Size   = 0;
	port->WFIFO_Size   = 0;
	if ((port->rcvd = CreateQueue(RX_QUEUE_SIZE)) == NULL) goto CREATE_RX_QUEUE_FAIL;
	if ((port->xmit = CreateQueue(TX_QUEUE_SIZE)) == NULL) goto CREATE_TX_QUEUE_FAIL;
	port->msr_handler = NULL;
	port->lsr_handler = NULL;
	port->TXDB  = port->addr + 0;
	port->RXDB  = port->addr + 0;
	port->DLLSB = port->addr + 0;
	port->DLMSB = port->addr + 1;
	port->IER   = port->addr + 1;
	port->IIR   = port->addr + 2;
	port->FCR   = port->addr + 2;
	port->LCR   = port->addr + 3;
	port->MCR   = port->addr + 4;
	port->LSR   = port->addr + 5;
	port->MSR   = port->addr + 6;
	port->SCR   = port->addr + 7;
	return (void *)port;
	return NULL;
Beispiel #12
RBAPI(bool) i2c_Init2(unsigned baseaddr, unsigned devs, int i2c0irq, int i2c1irq) {
    int  i;
    if (I2C_ioSection != -1)
        err_SetMsg(ERROR_I2C_INUSE, "I2C lib was already opened");
		return false;
	if ((I2C_ioSection = io_Init()) == -1) return false;

	//NOTE: base address should be selected carefully to avoid conflicts with other devices!
	if (baseaddr != 0xffff)
        if (i2c_SetDefaultBaseAddress() == 0x0000) i2c_SetBaseAddress(0xfb00);

    #ifdef ROBOIO
        switch (roboio_GetRBVer())
            case RB_100b1:
            case RB_100b2:
            case RB_100b3:
            case RB_100:
            case RB_100RD:
            case RB_110:
            case RB_050:
                devs = devs & I2C_USEMODULE0;
                i2c1irq = I2CIRQ_DISABLE;
                devs = 0;
                i2c0irq = i2c1irq = I2CIRQ_DISABLE;
    i2c_SetIRQ(i2c0irq, i2c1irq);

    I2C_swMode[0] = I2C_swMode[1] = I2CSW_DISABLE;
    I2C_action[0] = I2C_action[1] = I2CACT_DISABLE;
    for (i=0; i<2; i++)
        if ((i == 0) && ((devs & I2C_USEMODULE0) == 0)) continue;
        if ((i == 1) && ((devs & I2C_USEMODULE1) == 0)) continue;
        I2C_action[i] = I2CACT_IDLE;

        //switch GPIO/I2C pins into GPIO pins
        OLD_I2CGPIO3FLAG[i] = read_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG) & OLD_I2CGPIO3MASK[i]; //backup GPIO/I2C switch flag
        write_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG, read_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG) & (~OLD_I2CGPIO3MASK[i]));

        //send START & STOP signal to reset I2C devices
        OLD_I2CGPIO3DIR[i] = io_inpb(GPIO3_DIR)  & (0x03 << (i*2+4)); //backup GPIO3 DIR
        OLD_I2CGPIO3VAL[i] = io_inpb(GPIO3_DATA) & (0x03 << (i*2+4)); //backup GPIO3 VAL

        //set_pins(i, 1, 1); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 1, SDA = 1; START
        //set_pins(i, 1, 0); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 1, SDA = 0
        //set_pins(i, 0, 0); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 0, SDA = 0
        //Note: if we send the above START, some I2C sensors, such as ADI ADXL345, may fail to respond

        //set_pins(i, 0, 0); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 0, SDA = 0; STOP
        //Note: if we perform the line above, some I2C sensors, such as MEMSIC MXC6202, may fail to respond
        //set_pins(i, 1, 0); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 1, SDA = 0
        //set_pins(i, 1, 1); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 1, SDA = 1
        //Note: the above lines work for all sensors we tested, but we disable them to avoid unexpected sensor behaviors

        if (i2c_Reset(i) == false)  // assume the status of GPIO/I2C pins are GPIO "IN" or "OUT 1"
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_I2C_INITFAIL, "can't reset the I2C modules");
		    return false;

        i2c_DisableINT(i, I2CINT_ALL);
        i2c_ClearSTAT(i, I2CSTAT_ALL);

        //Remarks: for DX ver.2, we must disable the noise filter to ensure that 3.3Mbps works in high-speed mode
        i2c_DisableStandardHSM(i); //SCL open-drain in high-speed mode
        i2c_SetSpeed(i, I2CMODE_AUTO, 100000L); //default 100Kbps

        i2cslave_SetAddr(i, 0x7f); //set slave address 0x7F by default (change this if it collide with external I2C devices)

        //switch GPIO pins into I2C SCL,SDA pins
        //Remarks: Vortex86DX's H/W I2C has an issue here; if you call i2c_Reset() in case GPIO/SCL pin = GPIO out 0,
        //         then, whenever you switch GPIO/SCL pin to SCL pin, the SCL pin always first send the 10 reset dummy clocks
        write_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG, read_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG) | OLD_I2CGPIO3MASK[i]);

    return true;
Beispiel #13
RBAPI(bool) com_Init(int com, int duplex) {
    if (com_InUse(com) == true)
        err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_INUSE, "COM%d was already opened", com);
		return false;

    #ifdef ROBOIO
        duplex = (duplex == COM_ADUPLEX)? COM_FDUPLEX : duplex;
        switch (roboio_GetRBVer())
            case RB_100b1:
                switch (com)
                    case COM_PORT1: COM_duplex[com] = (duplex != COM_HDUPLEX_TXDEN)? duplex : COM_HDUPLEX; break;
                    case COM_PORT2: COM_duplex[com] = COM_HDUPLEX_TXDEN; break;
                    case COM_PORT3: COM_duplex[com] = (duplex == COM_FDUPLEX)? duplex : COM_HDUPLEX; break;
                    case COM_PORT4: COM_duplex[com] = COM_HDUPLEX_RTS;   break;
            case RB_100b2:
                switch (com)
                    case COM_PORT1: COM_duplex[com] = COM_FDUPLEX;       break;
                    case COM_PORT2: COM_duplex[com] = COM_HDUPLEX_TXDEN; break;
                    case COM_PORT3: COM_duplex[com] = (duplex == COM_FDUPLEX)? duplex : COM_HDUPLEX; break;
                    case COM_PORT4: COM_duplex[com] = COM_HDUPLEX_RTS;   break;
            case RB_100b3:
                switch (com)
                    case COM_PORT1: COM_duplex[com] = (duplex != COM_HDUPLEX_TXDEN)? duplex : COM_HDUPLEX; break;
                    case COM_PORT2: COM_duplex[com] = COM_HDUPLEX_TXDEN; break;
                    case COM_PORT3: COM_duplex[com] = (duplex == COM_FDUPLEX)? duplex : COM_HDUPLEX; break;
                    case COM_PORT4: COM_duplex[com] = COM_HDUPLEX;       break;
            case RB_100:
            case RB_100RD:
                switch (com)
                    case COM_PORT1: COM_duplex[com] = COM_FDUPLEX;       break;
                    case COM_PORT2: COM_duplex[com] = COM_HDUPLEX_TXDEN; break;
                    case COM_PORT3: COM_duplex[com] = (duplex == COM_FDUPLEX)? duplex : COM_HDUPLEX; break;
                    case COM_PORT4: COM_duplex[com] = COM_HDUPLEX;       break;
            case RB_110:
            case RB_050:
                switch (com)
                    case COM_PORT1: COM_duplex[com] = COM_FDUPLEX;       break;
                    case COM_PORT2: COM_duplex[com] = COM_HDUPLEX_TXDEN; break;
                    case COM_PORT3: COM_duplex[com] = (duplex == COM_FDUPLEX)? duplex : COM_HDUPLEX; break;
                    case COM_PORT4: COM_duplex[com] = (duplex == COM_FDUPLEX)? duplex : COM_HDUPLEX; break;
                err_SetMsg(ERROR_RBVER_UNKNOWN, "unrecognized RoBoard");
                return false;
        COM_duplex[com] = duplex;
    if((COM_ioSection[com] = io_Init()) == -1) return false;

    if(uart_isenabled(com) == false)
        err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_INVALID, "COM%d isn't enabled in BIOS", com);
        goto COMINIT_FAIL;
    COM_baseaddr[com] = uart_getbaseaddr(com);
    COM_oldTMode[com] = com_IsTurboMode(com);
    COM_oldFMode[com] = com_IsFIFO32Mode(com);
    #if defined(RB_MSVC_WIN32) || defined(RB_MSVC_WINCE)
        #ifdef RB_MSVC_WINCE
            int idx = com;
            int i, idx;

            // find the device name of the COM port
            for (idx=0, i=0; i<com; i++) if (uart_isenabled(i) == true) idx++;
        COM_info[com].fp = CreateFile(
                               COM_portname[idx],             // device name of COM port
                               GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,  // access mode
                               0,                             // share mode
                               0,                             // security attributes
                               OPEN_EXISTING,                 // opens a device only if it exists
                               0,                             // non-overlapped
                               NULL);                         // NULL when opening an existing file

    	if (COM_info[com].fp == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_FAIL, "cannot open COM%d device driver", com);
            goto COMINIT_FAIL;

        // backup the old DCB
	    if (GetCommState(COM_info[com].fp, &(COM_info[com].oldstate)) == FALSE)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_FAIL, "fail to get DCB settings");
            goto COMINIT_FAIL2;
	    memcpy(&(COM_info[com].newstate), &(COM_info[com].oldstate), sizeof(DCB));

        // set new DCB
        COM_info[com].newstate.fBinary         = TRUE;                 // binary mode
        COM_info[com].newstate.fOutxCtsFlow    = FALSE;                // no CTS output control
        COM_info[com].newstate.fOutxDsrFlow    = FALSE;                // no DSR output control
        COM_info[com].newstate.fDtrControl     = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE;  // no DRT control
        COM_info[com].newstate.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE;                // no sensitive to DSR
        COM_info[com].newstate.fOutX           = FALSE;                // no S/W output flow control
        COM_info[com].newstate.fInX            = FALSE;                // no S/W input flow control
        COM_info[com].newstate.fErrorChar      = FALSE;                // no replace parity-error byte
        COM_info[com].newstate.fNull           = FALSE;                // no discard NULL byte
        COM_info[com].newstate.fRtsControl     = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;  // no S/W input flow control
        COM_info[com].newstate.fAbortOnError   = FALSE;                // no terminate on errors
	    if (SetCommState(COM_info[com].fp, &(COM_info[com].newstate)) == FALSE)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_FAIL, "fail to set DCB settings");
            goto COMINIT_FAIL2;

        // get old timeout parameters
        if (GetCommTimeouts(COM_info[com].fp, &(COM_info[com].oldtimeouts)) == FALSE)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_FAIL, "fail to get TIMEOUTS settings");
            goto COMINIT_FAIL3;

        // set timeout parameters (no waiting on read/write)
        COM_info[com].newtimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout         = MAXDWORD;
    	COM_info[com].newtimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant    = 0;
    	COM_info[com].newtimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier  = 0;
    	COM_info[com].newtimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant   = 0;
    	COM_info[com].newtimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
        if (SetCommTimeouts(COM_info[com].fp, &(COM_info[com].newtimeouts)) == FALSE)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_FAIL, "fail to set TIMEOUT parameters");
            goto COMINIT_FAIL3;
        ClearCommError(COM_info[com].fp, NULL, NULL);  // clear all communication errors
        SetupComm(COM_info[com].fp, 8192, 8192);          // set read/write FIFO to 8KB
        PurgeComm(COM_info[com].fp, PURGE_RXABORT | PURGE_RXCLEAR | PURGE_TXABORT | PURGE_TXCLEAR);  // clear all communication buffers
    #elif defined(RB_LINUX)
        if ((COM_info[com].fp = open(COM_portname[com], O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_FAIL, "cannot open COM%d device driver", com);
            goto COMINIT_FAIL;
        // backup the old termios settings
    	if (tcgetattr(COM_info[com].fp, &(COM_info[com].oldstate)) < 0)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_FAIL, "fail to get termios settings");
            goto COMINIT_FAIL2;
	    memcpy(&(COM_info[com].newstate), &(COM_info[com].oldstate), sizeof(termios));

        // set new termios settings
        COM_info[com].newstate.c_cflag     |= CLOCAL | CREAD;
        COM_info[com].newstate.c_cflag     &= ~CRTSCTS;                 // disable H/W flow control
    	COM_info[com].newstate.c_lflag     &= ~(ICANON |                // raw mode
                                                ISIG   |                // disable SIGxxxx signals
                                                IEXTEN |                // disable extended functions
                                                ECHO | ECHOE);          // disable all auto-echo functions
    	COM_info[com].newstate.c_iflag     &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY);  // disable S/W flow control
    	COM_info[com].newstate.c_oflag     &= ~OPOST;                   // raw output
    	COM_info[com].newstate.c_cc[VTIME]  = 0;                        // no waiting to read
        COM_info[com].newstate.c_cc[VMIN]   = 0;
    	if(tcsetattr(COM_info[com].fp, TCSANOW, &(COM_info[com].newstate)) < 0)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_FAIL, "fail to set termios settings");
            goto COMINIT_FAIL2;
        // clear input/output buffers
    	tcflush(COM_info[com].fp, TCIOFLUSH);

        // TODO ...
        err_SetMsg(ERROR_COM_INVALID, "unsupported platform");
        goto COMINIT_FAIL;

    if (COM_duplex[com] == COM_HDUPLEX_RTS) clear_rts(com);  // set COM direction as input

    com_SetFormat(com, COM_BYTESIZE8, COM_STOPBIT1, COM_NOPARITY);  // default data format: 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
    com_SetBaud(com, COMBAUD_115200BPS);                            // default baudrate: 115200 bps
    com_EnableFIFO32(com);                                          // set Vortex86DX's UART FIFO as 32 bytes
    return true;

    #if defined(RB_MSVC_WIN32) || defined(RB_MSVC_WINCE)
        SetCommState(COM_info[com].fp, &(COM_info[com].oldstate));

    #elif defined(RB_LINUX)

    COM_ioSection[com] = -1;
    return false;
Beispiel #14
RBAPI(bool) i2c_Initialize2(unsigned devs, int i2c0irq, int i2c1irq) {
    int  i;
    if (I2C_ioSection != -1)
        err_SetMsg(ERROR_I2C_INUSE, "I2C lib was already opened");
		return false;
	if ((I2C_ioSection = io_Init()) == -1) return false;

    if (i2c_SetDefaultBaseAddress() == 0x0000) i2c_SetBaseAddress(0xfb00);
    i2c_SetIRQ(i2c0irq, i2c1irq);
    I2C_action[0] = I2C_action[1] = I2CACT_DISABLE;
    for (i=0; i<2; i++)
        if ((i == 0) && ((devs & I2C_USEMODULE0) == 0)) continue;
        if ((i == 1) && ((devs & I2C_USEMODULE1) == 0)) continue;
        I2C_action[i] = I2CACT_IDLE;

        //switch GPIO/I2C pins into GPIO pins
        OLD_I2CGPIO3FLAG[i] = read_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG) & OLD_I2CGPIO3MASK[i]; //backup GPIO/I2C switch flag
        write_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG, read_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG) & (~OLD_I2CGPIO3MASK[i]));

        //send START & STOP signal to reset I2C devices
        OLD_I2CGPIO3DIR[i] = io_inpb(0x9b) & (0x03 << (i*2+4)); //backup GPIO3 DIR
        OLD_I2CGPIO3VAL[i] = io_inpb(0x7b) & (0x03 << (i*2+4)); //backup GPIO3 VAL

        //set_pins(i, 1, 1); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 1, SDA = 1; START
        //set_pins(i, 1, 0); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 1, SDA = 0
        //set_pins(i, 0, 0); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 0, SDA = 0
        //Note: if we send the above START, some I2C sensors, such as ADI ADXL345, may fail to respond

        //set_pins(i, 0, 0); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 0, SDA = 0; STOP
        //Note: if we perform the line above, some I2C sensors, such as MEMSIC MXC6202, may fail to respond
        set_pins(i, 1, 0); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 1, SDA = 0
        set_pins(i, 1, 1); delay_ms(1); //SCL = 1, SDA = 1

        if (i2c_Reset(i) == false)
            err_SetMsg(ERROR_I2C_INITFAIL, "can't reset the I2C modules");
		    return false;

        i2c_DisableINT(i, I2CINT_ALL);
        i2c_ClearSTAT(i, I2CSTAT_ALL);

        //Remarks: for DX ver.2, we must disable the noise filter to ensure that 3.3Mbps works in high-speed mode
        i2c_DisableStandardHSM(i); //SCL open-drain in high-speed mode
        i2c_SetSpeed(i, I2CMODE_AUTO, 100000L); //default 100Kbps

        i2cslave_SetAddr(i, 0x7f); //set slave address 0x7F by default (change this if it collide with external I2C devices)

        //switch GPIO pins into I2C SCL,SDA pins
        //Remarks: Vortex86DX's H/W I2C has an issue here; if you call i2c_Reset() in case GPIO/SCL pin = GPIO out 0,
        //         then, whenever you switch GPIO/SCL pin to SCL pin, the SCL pin always first send the 10 reset dummy clocks
        write_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG, read_sb_reg(SB_IPFCTRL3_REG) | OLD_I2CGPIO3MASK[i]);

    return true;
Beispiel #15
bool init() {
	int i, crossbarBase, gpioBase;
	if(io_Init() == false) return false;
    timer_NowTime(); // initialize timer
    // Set IRQ4 as level-trigger
    io_outpb(0x4D0, io_inpb(0x4D0) | 0x10);
	//set corssbar Base Address
	crossbarBase = sb_Read16(SB_CROSSBASE) & 0xfffe;
	if(crossbarBase == 0 || crossbarBase == 0xfffe)
		sb_Write16(SB_CROSSBASE, CROSSBARBASE | 0x01);
	// Force set HIGH speed ISA on SB
	sb_Write(SB_FCREG, sb_Read(SB_FCREG) | 0x8000C000L);
	//set SB GPIO Base Address
	gpioBase = sb_Read16(SB_GPIOBASE) & 0xfffe;
	if(gpioBase == 0 || gpioBase == 0xfffe)
		sb_Write16(SB_GPIOBASE, GPIOCTRLBASE | 0x01);
		gpioBase = GPIOCTRLBASE;
	// Enable GPIO 0 ~ 7 
	io_outpdw(gpioBase, 0x00ff);
	// set GPIO Port 0~7 dircetion & data Address
		io_outpdw(gpioBase + (i+1)*4,((GPIODIRBASE + i*4)<<16) + GPIODATABASE + i*4);
	// set ADC Base Address
	sb_Write(0xbc, sb_Read(0xbc) & (~(1L<<28)));  // active adc
	sb1_Write16(0xde, sb1_Read16(0xde) | 0x02);   // not Available for 8051A Access ADC
	sb1_Write(0xe0, 0x0050fe00L); // baseaddr = 0xfe00, disable irq
	// set MCM Base Address
	for(i=0; i<4; i++)
		mc_SetMode(i, MCMODE_PWM_SIFB);
	if(Global_irq_Init == false)
		// set MCM IRQ
		if(irq_Init() == false) 
	        printf("MCM IRQ init fail\n"); return false;
	    if(irq_Setting(GetMCIRQ(), IRQ_LEVEL_TRIGGER + IRQ_DISABLE_INTR) == false)
	        printf("MCM IRQ Setting fail\n"); return false;
	    Global_irq_Init = true;
	USBDEV = CreateUSBDevice();
		printf("init error\n");
		return false;
	usb_SetUSBPins(USBDEV, 7, 0, 7, 1);
	usb_SetTimeOut(USBDEV, 0L, 500L); // USB RX timerout is 0ms and TX timeout is 500ms
	if(usb_Init(USBDEV) == false)
		printf("init2 error\n");
		return false;
	return true;
Beispiel #16
DMPAPI(void *) CreateUSBDevice(void)
	USB_Device *usb = NULL;
	if ((usb = (USB_Device *)ker_Malloc(sizeof(USB_Device))) == NULL) return NULL;
	if (io_Init() == false) {
		err_print((char*)"%s: Init IO lib error!!\n", __FUNCTION__);
		ker_Mfree((void *)usb);
		return NULL;

	usb->addr = vx86_GetUSBDevAddr();
	usb->nIRQ = vx86_GetUSBDevIRQ();
	if (usb->addr == 0x0000 || usb->nIRQ == 0)
		ker_Mfree((void *)usb);
		return NULL;
	usb->DevAddr                 = 0x00;
	usb->ReadySetAddr            = false;
	usb->state					 = USB_DEV_NOT_ATTACHED;
	usb->stall					 = false;
	usb->InUse                   = 0;
	usb->IsSet                   = 0;
	usb->setup_in_handled        = false;
	usb->setup_out_handled       = false;
	usb->bulk_in_transmitting 	 = false;
	usb->TimeOut		         = USB_NO_TIMEOUT;
	usb->InDataPtr               = NULL;
	usb->OutDataPtr              = NULL;
	usb->InDataSize              = 0;
	usb->OutDataSize             = 0;

	if ((usb->rcvd = CreateQueue(RX_QUEUE_SIZE)) == NULL) goto CREATE_RX_QUEUE_FAIL;
	if ((usb->xmit = CreateQueue(TX_QUEUE_SIZE)) == NULL) goto CREATE_TX_QUEUE_FAIL;
	usb->Setup.bmRequestType     = 0;
	usb->Setup.bRequest          = 0;
	usb->Setup.wValue.Value      = 0;
	usb->Setup.wIndex.Value      = 0;
	usb->Setup.wLength           = 0;
	usb->ling_coding.dwDTERate   = 0;
	usb->ling_coding.bCharFormat = 0;
	usb->ling_coding.bParityType = 0;
	usb->ling_coding.bDataBits   = 0;
	usb->control_line_state      = 0;
	usb->serial_state            = 0;
	usb->DAR = usb->addr + 0x00;
	usb->CFR = usb->addr + 0x02;
	usb->FNR = usb->addr + 0x06;
	usb->IER = usb->addr + 0x08;
	usb->ISR = usb->addr + 0x0C;
	usb->TMR = usb->addr + 0x68;
	memset((Endpoint *)usb->EP, 0, sizeof(usb->EP));
	usb->EP[0].CtrlTR   = usb->addr + 0x10;
	usb->EP[1].OutTR    = usb->addr + 0x12;
	usb->EP[1].InTR     = usb->addr + 0x14;
	usb->EP[2].OutTR    = usb->addr + 0x16;
	usb->EP[2].InTR     = usb->addr + 0x18;
	usb->EP[3].OutTR    = usb->addr + 0x1A;
	usb->EP[3].InTR     = usb->addr + 0x1C;
	usb->EP[0].SetupDLR = usb->addr + 0x20;
	usb->EP[0].OutDLR   = usb->addr + 0x24;
	usb->EP[0].InDLR    = usb->addr + 0x28;
	usb->EP[1].OutDLR   = usb->addr + 0x2C;
	usb->EP[1].InDLR    = usb->addr + 0x30;
	usb->EP[2].OutDLR   = usb->addr + 0x34;
	usb->EP[2].InDLR    = usb->addr + 0x38;
	usb->EP[3].OutDLR   = usb->addr + 0x3C;
	usb->EP[3].InDLR    = usb->addr + 0x40;
	usb->EP[0].SetupDSR = usb->addr + 0x44;
	usb->EP[0].OutDSR   = usb->addr + 0x48;
	usb->EP[0].InDSR    = usb->addr + 0x4C;
	usb->EP[1].OutDSR   = usb->addr + 0x50;
	usb->EP[1].InDSR    = usb->addr + 0x54;
	usb->EP[2].OutDSR   = usb->addr + 0x58;
	usb->EP[2].InDSR    = usb->addr + 0x5C;
	usb->EP[3].OutDSR   = usb->addr + 0x60;
	usb->EP[3].InDSR    = usb->addr + 0x64;	

	set_gpio_config_addr(GPIO_CONFIG_ADDR); // for 86duino
	set_tx_led(7, 2);
	set_rx_led(7, 3);
	return (void *)usb;
	ker_Mfree((void *)usb);
	return NULL;