Beispiel #1
bool test_29() {

	bool state = true;

	IP_Address ip0("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334");
	OS::get_singleton()->print("ip0 is %ls\n", String(ip0).c_str());

	IP_Address ip(0x0123, 0x4567, 0x89ab, 0xcdef, true);
	OS::get_singleton()->print("ip6 is %ls\n", String(ip).c_str());

	IP_Address ip2("fe80::52e5:49ff:fe93:1baf");
	OS::get_singleton()->print("ip6 is %ls\n", String(ip2).c_str());

	IP_Address ip3("::ffff:");
	OS::get_singleton()->print("ip6 is %ls\n", String(ip3).c_str());

	String ip4 = "";
	bool success = ip4.is_valid_ip_address();
	OS::get_singleton()->print("Is valid ipv4: %ls, %s\n", ip4.c_str(), success ? "OK" : "FAIL");
	state = state && success;

	ip4 = "192.368.0.1";
	success = (!ip4.is_valid_ip_address());
	OS::get_singleton()->print("Is invalid ipv4: %ls, %s\n", ip4.c_str(), success ? "OK" : "FAIL");
	state = state && success;

	String ip6 = "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334";
	success = ip6.is_valid_ip_address();
	OS::get_singleton()->print("Is valid ipv6: %ls, %s\n", ip6.c_str(), success ? "OK" : "FAIL");
	state = state && success;

	ip6 = "2001:0db8:85j3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334";
	success = (!ip6.is_valid_ip_address());
	OS::get_singleton()->print("Is invalid ipv6: %ls, %s\n", ip6.c_str(), success ? "OK" : "FAIL");
	state = state && success;

	ip6 = "2001:0db8:85f345:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334";
	success = (!ip6.is_valid_ip_address());
	OS::get_singleton()->print("Is invalid ipv6: %ls, %s\n", ip6.c_str(), success ? "OK" : "FAIL");
	state = state && success;

	ip6 = "2001:0db8::0:8a2e:370:7334";
	success = (ip6.is_valid_ip_address());
	OS::get_singleton()->print("Is valid ipv6: %ls, %s\n", ip6.c_str(), success ? "OK" : "FAIL");
	state = state && success;

	ip6 = "::ffff:";
	success = (ip6.is_valid_ip_address());
	OS::get_singleton()->print("Is valid ipv6: %ls, %s\n", ip6.c_str(), success ? "OK" : "FAIL");
	state = state && success;

	return state;
Beispiel #2
 std::tuple<I0, I1, O>
 operator()(I0 begin0, iterator_difference_t<I0> n0,
            I1 begin1, iterator_difference_t<I1> n1,
            O out, C r = C{}, P0 p0 = P0{}, P1 p1 = P1{}) const
     using T = std::tuple<I0, I1, O>;
     auto &&ir = invokable(r);
     auto &&ip0 = invokable(p0);
     auto &&ip1 = invokable(p1);
     auto n0orig = n0;
     auto n1orig = n1;
     auto b0 = uncounted(begin0);
     auto b1 = uncounted(begin1);
         if(0 == n0)
             auto res = copy_n(b1, n1, out);
             begin0 = recounted(begin0, b0, n0orig);
             begin1 = recounted(begin1, res.first, n1orig);
             return T{begin0, begin1, res.second};
         if(0 == n1)
             auto res = copy_n(b0, n0, out);
             begin0 = recounted(begin0, res.first, n0orig);
             begin1 = recounted(begin1, b1, n1orig);
             return T{begin0, begin1, res.second};
         if(ir(ip1(*b1), ip0(*b0)))
             *out = *b1;
             ++b1; ++out; --n1;
             *out = *b0;
             ++b0; ++out; --n0;
	Geometrical funcs
bool GeometricalFunctions::get_d_spheres_intersections(size_t num_dim,size_t* spheres_indices,double* q1,double* q2)
	// prepare memory
	_planes_normals = new double*[num_dim];
	_B = new double[num_dim];
	_ortho_basis = new double*[num_dim];
	_ortho_tmp = new double[num_dim];
	_I = new double[num_dim];
	_p1 = new double[num_dim]; // point of the d-planes intersectio

	size_t ip0 (spheres_indices[0]),ip1;

	for (size_t isphere = 0; isphere < num_dim - 1; isphere++)
		_planes_normals[isphere] = new double[num_dim];

		ip1 = spheres_indices[isphere + 1];
		double dot(0.0);

		for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
			_planes_normals[isphere][idim] = _spheres[ip1][idim] - _spheres[ip0][idim];
			double xm = 0.5 * (_spheres[ip1][idim] + _spheres[ip0][idim]);
			dot += _planes_normals[isphere][idim]*xm;

		_B[isphere] = dot;

	// get the direction of the d vector normal to the d-1 vectors

	// orthonormal basis 
	for (size_t k = 0; k < num_dim - 1; k++)
		_ortho_basis[k] = new double[num_dim];
		for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
			_ortho_basis[k][idim] = _planes_normals[k][idim];

		for (size_t j = 0; j < k; j++)
			double dot = 0.0;
			for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
				dot += _ortho_basis[j][idim]*_planes_normals[k][idim];

			_ortho_tmp[j] = dot;

			for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
				_ortho_basis[k][idim] -= _ortho_tmp[j]*_ortho_basis[j][idim];	
		double sum = 0.0;
		for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
			sum += _ortho_basis[k][idim]*_ortho_basis[k][idim];

		// normailze
		sum = sqrt(sum);
		for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)

	// random vector as the d vector , then normalize
	_planes_normals[num_dim-1] = new double[num_dim];	
	while (true)
		for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
			_planes_normals[num_dim-1][idim] =  generate_a_random_number();

		size_t k = num_dim - 1;
		_ortho_basis[k] = new double[num_dim];
		for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
			_ortho_basis[k][idim] = _planes_normals[k][idim];

		for (size_t j = 0; j < k; j++)
			double dot = 0.0;
			for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
				dot += _ortho_basis[j][idim]*_planes_normals[k][idim];

			_ortho_tmp[j] = dot;

			for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
				_ortho_basis[k][idim] -= _ortho_tmp[j]*_ortho_basis[j][idim];	
		double sum = 0.0;
		for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
			sum += _ortho_basis[k][idim]*_ortho_basis[k][idim];

		// normailze
		sum = sqrt(sum);
		if(sum < 1E-10) continue; // try again 
		for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
			_I[idim] = _ortho_basis[k][idim];
		break; // done

	double* tmp_ptr = _planes_normals[num_dim - 1];
	_planes_normals[num_dim - 1] = _ortho_basis[num_dim - 1];
	_ortho_basis[num_dim - 1] = tmp_ptr;
	double dot = 0.0;
	for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
		dot += _spheres[ip0][idim]*_planes_normals[num_dim - 1][idim];
	_B[num_dim - 1] = dot;

	_pivot = new int[num_dim];

	// line sphere intersection 

	// u = -(I.(o-c)) +- sqrt( (I.(o-c))^2 - (o-c)^2 + r^2 )
	// o line first point
	// I line unit vector
	// c sphere centre
	double a(0.0),b(0.0),c(0.0);
	for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
		double fc = _p1[idim] - _spheres[spheres_indices[0]][idim]; //(o - c)
		a += fc * _I[idim];  // (o - c).I
		b += fc*fc;          // (o - c).(o - c)
	c = a*a; // a2
	double r = _spheres[spheres_indices[0]][num_dim];
	double disc = c - b + r*r;

	if(disc < 0.0) // no intersection between the d-spheres
		// clear memory
		delete [] _B;
		delete [] _I;
		delete [] _p1;
		delete [] _ortho_tmp;
		delete [] _pivot;

		for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
			delete [] _planes_normals[idim];
			delete [] _ortho_basis[idim];

		return false;	

	// intersection point between the d-spheres exist
 	a*= -1;
	double disc_sq = sqrt(disc);
	double u1 = a + disc_sq;
	double u2 = a - disc_sq;

	for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
		q1[idim] = _p1[idim] + u1 * _I[idim];
		q2[idim] = _p1[idim] + u2 * _I[idim];

	// clear memory
	delete [] _B;
	delete [] _I;
	delete [] _p1;
	delete [] _ortho_tmp;
	delete [] _pivot;

	for (size_t idim = 0; idim < num_dim; idim++)
		delete [] _planes_normals[idim];
		delete [] _ortho_basis[idim];
	return true;
bool rspfNitfRpcModel::parseImageHeader(const rspfNitfImageHeader* ih)
   if (getRpcData(ih) == false)
      if (traceDebug())
         << "rspfNitfRpcModel::parseFile DEBUG:"
         << "\nError parsing rpc tags.  Aborting with error."
         << std::endl;
      return false;
   rspfString os = ih->getImageMagnification();
   if ( os.contains("/") )
      os = os.after("/");
      rspf_float64 d = os.toFloat64();
      if (d)
         theDecimation = 1.0 / d;
   theImageID = ih->getImageId();
   rspfIrect imageRect = ih->getImageRect();
   theImageSize.line =
   static_cast<rspf_int32>(imageRect.height() / theDecimation);
   theImageSize.samp =
   static_cast<rspf_int32>(imageRect.width() / theDecimation);
   theRefImgPt.line = theImageSize.line/2.0;
   theRefImgPt.samp = theImageSize.samp/2.0;  = theLatOffset;
   theRefGndPt.lon  = theLonOffset;
   theRefGndPt.hgt  = theHgtOffset;
   theImageClipRect = rspfDrect(0.0, 0.0,
                                 theImageSize.samp-1, theImageSize.line-1);
   rspfGpt v0, v1, v2, v3;
   rspfDpt ip0 (0.0, 0.0);
   rspfRpcModel::lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip0, theHgtOffset, v0);
   rspfDpt ip1 (theImageSize.samp-1.0, 0.0);
   rspfRpcModel::lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip1, theHgtOffset, v1);
   rspfDpt ip2 (theImageSize.samp-1.0, theImageSize.line-1.0);
   rspfRpcModel::lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip2, theHgtOffset, v2);
   rspfDpt ip3 (0.0, theImageSize.line-1.0);
   rspfRpcModel::lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip3, theHgtOffset, v3);
   = rspfPolygon (rspfDpt(v0), rspfDpt(v1), rspfDpt(v2), rspfDpt(v3));
   if ( theRefGndPt.isLatNan() || theRefGndPt.isLonNan() )
      if (traceDebug())
         << "rspfNitfRpcModel::rspfNitfRpcModel DEBUG:"
         << "\nGround Reference Point not valid." 
         << " Aborting with error..."
         << std::endl;
      return false;
   catch (const rspfException& e)
      if (traceDebug())
         << "rspfNitfRpcModel::rspfNitfRpcModel DEBUG:\n"
         << e.what() << std::endl;
   if (traceExec())
      << "DEBUG rspfNitfRpcModel::parseFile: returning..."
      << std::endl;
   return true;
bool ossimNitfRsmModel::parseImageHeader(const ossimNitfImageHeader* ih)
   static const char MODULE[] = "ossimNitfRsmModel::getRsmData";
   if (traceExec())
      ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << MODULE << " entering..." << std::endl;

   bool status = false;

   if ( getRsmData(ih) )
      theImageID = m_iid.trim();
      ossimIrect imageRect = ih->getImageRect();
      // Fetch Image Size:
      theImageSize.line = static_cast<ossim_int32>(imageRect.height());
      theImageSize.samp = static_cast<ossim_int32>(imageRect.width());
      // Assign other data members:
      theRefImgPt.line = theImageSize.line/2.0;
      theRefImgPt.samp = theImageSize.samp/2.0;
      // Assign the bounding image space rectangle:
      theImageClipRect = ossimDrect(0.0, 0.0, theImageSize.samp-1, theImageSize.line-1);
      ossimGpt v0, v1, v2, v3;
      ossimDpt ip0 (0.0, 0.0);
      lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip0, m_znrmo, v0);
      ossimDpt ip1 (theImageSize.samp-1.0, 0.0);
      lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip1, m_znrmo, v1);
      ossimDpt ip2 (theImageSize.samp-1.0, theImageSize.line-1.0);
      lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip2, m_znrmo, v2);
      ossimDpt ip3 (0.0, theImageSize.line-1.0);
      lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip3, m_znrmo, v3);
      theBoundGndPolygon = ossimPolygon (ossimDpt(v0), ossimDpt(v1), ossimDpt(v2), ossimDpt(v3));
      // Set the ground reference point.
      lineSampleHeightToWorld(theRefImgPt, m_znrmo, theRefGndPt);

      // Height could have nan if elevation is not set so check lat, lon individually.
      if ( ( theRefGndPt.isLatNan() == false ) && ( theRefGndPt.isLonNan() == false ) )
         // This will set theGSD and theMeanGSD.  This model doesn't need these but
         // others do.

            // Set return status.
            status = true;
         catch (const ossimException& e)
            if (traceDebug())
                  << "ossimNitfRpcModel::ossimNitfRpcModel DEBUG:\n"
                  << e.what() << std::endl;
         if (traceDebug())
               << "ossimNitfRpcModel::ossimNitfRpcModel DEBUG:"
               << "\nGround Reference Point not valid(has nans)."
               << " Aborting with error..."
               << std::endl;
      if (traceDebug())
            << "ossimNitfRpcModel::parseFile DEBUG:"
            << "\nError parsing rsm tags.  Aborting with error."
            << std::endl;

   if (traceExec())
         << MODULE << " exit status: " << ( status ? "true" : "false" ) << "\n";

   return status;
} // End: ossimNitfRsmModel::parseImageHeader(const ossimNitfImageHeader* ih)
bool ossimNitfRpcModel::parseImageHeader(const ossimNitfImageHeader* ih)
   // Do this first so we don't waste time if not rpc image.
   if (getRpcData(ih) == false)
      if (traceDebug())
         << "ossimNitfRpcModel::parseFile DEBUG:"
         << "\nError parsing rpc tags.  Aborting with error."
         << std::endl;
      return false;
   // Get the decimation if any from the header "IMAG" field.
   // Look for string like:
   // "/2" = 1/2
   // "/4  = 1/4
   // ...
   // "/16 = 1/16
   // If it is full resolution it should be "1.0"
   ossimString os = ih->getImageMagnification();
   if ( os.contains("/") )
      os = os.after("/");
      ossim_float64 d = os.toFloat64();
      if (d)
         theDecimation = 1.0 / d;
   // Fetch Image ID:
   theImageID = ih->getImageId();
   ossimIrect imageRect = ih->getImageRect();
   // Fetch Image Size:
   theImageSize.line =
   static_cast<ossim_int32>(imageRect.height() / theDecimation);
   theImageSize.samp =
   static_cast<ossim_int32>(imageRect.width() / theDecimation);
   // Search for the STDID Tag to fetch mission (satellite) name:
   // Assign other data members:
   theRefImgPt.line = theImageSize.line/2.0;
   theRefImgPt.samp = theImageSize.samp/2.0;  = theLatOffset;
   theRefGndPt.lon  = theLonOffset;
   theRefGndPt.hgt  = theHgtOffset;
   // Assign the bounding image space rectangle:
   theImageClipRect = ossimDrect(0.0, 0.0,
                                 theImageSize.samp-1, theImageSize.line-1);
   // Assign the bounding ground polygon:
   // NOTE:  We will use the base ossimRpcModel for transformation since all
   // of our calls are in full image space (not decimated).
   ossimGpt v0, v1, v2, v3;
   ossimDpt ip0 (0.0, 0.0);
   ossimRpcModel::lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip0, theHgtOffset, v0);
   ossimDpt ip1 (theImageSize.samp-1.0, 0.0);
   ossimRpcModel::lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip1, theHgtOffset, v1);
   ossimDpt ip2 (theImageSize.samp-1.0, theImageSize.line-1.0);
   ossimRpcModel::lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip2, theHgtOffset, v2);
   ossimDpt ip3 (0.0, theImageSize.line-1.0);
   ossimRpcModel::lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip3, theHgtOffset, v3);
   = ossimPolygon (ossimDpt(v0), ossimDpt(v1), ossimDpt(v2), ossimDpt(v3));
   // Set the ground reference point.
   if ( theRefGndPt.isLatNan() || theRefGndPt.isLonNan() )
      if (traceDebug())
         << "ossimNitfRpcModel::ossimNitfRpcModel DEBUG:"
         << "\nGround Reference Point not valid." 
         << " Aborting with error..."
         << std::endl;
      return false;
   // This will set theGSD and theMeanGSD.  This model doesn't need these but
   // others do.
   catch (const ossimException& e)
      if (traceDebug())
         << "ossimNitfRpcModel::ossimNitfRpcModel DEBUG:\n"
         << e.what() << std::endl;
   if (traceExec())
      << "DEBUG ossimNitfRpcModel::parseFile: returning..."
      << std::endl;
   return true;
//  METHOD: ossimIkonosRpcModel::finishConstruction()
void ossimIkonosRpcModel::finishConstruction()
   if (traceExec())
         << "DEBUG ossimIkonosRpcModel finishConstruction(): entering..."
         << std::endl;

   // Assign other data members:
   thePolyType      = B; // This may not be true for early RPC imagery
   theRefImgPt.line = theLineOffset;
   theRefImgPt.samp = theSampOffset;  = theLatOffset;
   theRefGndPt.lon  = theLonOffset;
   theRefGndPt.hgt  = theHgtOffset;

   // Assign the bounding image space rectangle:
   theImageClipRect = ossimDrect(0.0, 0.0,
                                 theImageSize.samp-1, theImageSize.line-1);

   // NOTE:  We must call "updateModel()" to set parameter used by base
   // ossimRpcModel prior to calling lineSampleHeightToWorld or all
   // the world points will be same.

   // Assign the bounding ground polygon:
   ossimGpt v0, v1, v2, v3;
   ossimDpt ip0 (0.0, 0.0);
   lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip0, 0.0, v0);
   ossimDpt ip1 (theImageSize.samp-1.0, 0.0);
   lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip1, 0.0, v1);
   ossimDpt ip2 (theImageSize.samp-1.0, theImageSize.line-1.0);
   lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip2, 0.0, v2);
   ossimDpt ip3 (0.0, theImageSize.line-1.0);
   lineSampleHeightToWorld(ip3, 0.0, v3);
      = ossimPolygon (ossimDpt(v0), ossimDpt(v1), ossimDpt(v2), ossimDpt(v3));

   // Call compute gsd:
   // This will set theGSD and theMeanGSD using lineSampleHeightToWorld on
   // three image points.  Previously this was pulled from metadata.  Some of
   // which was in US Survey feet and not converted to meters.  This method
   // is more accurate as it uses the sensor model to compute.
      // Method throws ossimException.
   catch (const ossimException& e)
         << "ossimIkonosRpcModel finishConstruction Caught Exception:\n"
         << e.what() << std::endl;
   if (traceExec())
         << "DEBUG ossimIkonosRpcModel finishConstruction(): returning..."
         << std::endl;