Intersection Sphere::GetIntersection(const Ray& r)
    Ray r_obj(r.getTransformedCopy(this->transform.invT()));

    float radius = 0.5f;
    glm::vec3 center(0.f);

    float A = glm::length2(r_obj.direction);
    float B = 2 * (glm::dot(r_obj.direction, r_obj.origin - center));
    float C = glm::length2(r_obj.origin - center) - glm::pow(radius, 2.f);

    float disc = glm::pow(B, 2.f) - 4 * A * C;
    if (disc<0) return Intersection(); // B^2-4AC<0 then no intersection

    float t = ( -B + glm::sqrt(disc) ) / (2 * A);
    float temp = ( -B - glm::sqrt(disc) ) / (2 * A);
    if (t >= 0)
        if (temp < t && temp >= 0) t = temp;
        t = temp;

    if (t < 0 ) return Intersection(); // not in the front

    glm::vec3 ipoint(r_obj.origin + t * r_obj.direction);
    glm::vec3 inormal(glm::normalize(ipoint - center));
    glm::vec3 itangent = glm::cross(glm::vec3(0,1,0), inormal);
    if (fequal(glm::length2(itangent), 0.f))
        itangent = glm::vec3(0,0,1);

    glm::vec3 ipoint_world(this->transform.T() * glm::vec4(ipoint, 1.f));

    glm::vec4 normal4_world(this->transform.invTransT() * glm::vec4(inormal,0.f));

    glm::vec3 normal_world( normal4_world );
    normal_world = glm::normalize(normal_world);

    glm::vec3 tangent_world = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(this->transform.invTransT() * glm::vec4(itangent, 0.f)));
    //bitangent computed in Intersection constructor

    float t_world = glm::dot(ipoint_world - r.origin, r.direction);

    glm::vec2 uv = this->GetUVCoordinates(ipoint);
    glm::vec3 s_color = Material::GetImageColorInterp(uv, this->material->texture);

    return Intersection(ipoint_world, normal_world, tangent_world, t_world, s_color, this);

Intersection SquarePlane::GetIntersection(const Ray& r)
    Ray r_obj(r.getTransformedCopy(this->transform.invT()));

    glm::vec3 center(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
    glm::vec3 normal(0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
    float halfside = 1 * 0.5f;

    if (fequal(r_obj.direction.z, 0.f))
        return Intersection();

    // since it's a fixed XY plane, this is a simplified ray-plane intersection
    float t = (center.z - r_obj.origin.z) / r_obj.direction.z;

    if (t < 0) return Intersection();

    glm::vec3 ipoint(r_obj.origin + t * r_obj.direction);

    if (ipoint.x > center.x + halfside || ipoint.x < center.x - halfside)
        return Intersection();
    if (ipoint.y > center.y + halfside || ipoint.y < center.y - halfside)
        return Intersection();

    glm::vec3 ipoint_world(this->transform.T() * glm::vec4(ipoint, 1.f));
    glm::vec4 normal4_world(this->transform.invTransT() * glm::vec4(normal,0.f));

    glm::vec3 normal_world(normal4_world);
    normal_world = glm::normalize(normal_world);

    float t_world = glm::dot(ipoint_world - r.origin, r.direction);
    glm::vec3 s_color = Material::GetImageColorInterp(this->GetUVCoordinates(ipoint), this->material->texture);

    glm::vec4 tangent_o(1,0,0,0);
    glm::vec3 tangent_world = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(this->transform.invTransT() * tangent_o));
    //bitangent computed in Intersection constructor

    return Intersection(ipoint_world, normal_world, tangent_world, t_world, s_color, this);
	UInt32 RigidBodyShape::ComputeFitTo(RigidTransform3& T, const RigidBodyShape& base) const
		size_t num_points = NumMarkers();
		if (num_points == base.NumMarkers())
			// get centroids
			Vector3 centroidA(0,0,0);
			Vector3 centroidB(0,0,0);
			const RigidBodyMarker* iter_A = &base.marker[0];
			const RigidBodyMarker* iter_B = &marker[0];
			size_t ipoint(0);
			size_t num_in_common(0);
			for (ipoint = 0; ipoint < num_points; ipoint++, iter_A++,iter_B++)
				if (iter_A->visible && iter_B->visible)
					Vector3::Add(centroidA.x, centroidA.x, iter_A->position);
					Vector3::Add(centroidB.x, centroidB.x, iter_B->position);

			if (num_in_common >= 3)
				// normalise
				centroidA /= num_in_common;
				centroidB /= num_in_common;

				// correlation matrix
				double sum_correl[9] =
				{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
					0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
					0.0, 0.0, 0.0 

				// find correlation matrix
				iter_A = &base.marker[0];
				iter_B = &marker[0];
				for (ipoint = 0; ipoint < num_points; ipoint++, iter_A++, iter_B++)
					if (iter_A->visible && iter_B->visible)
						// input minus centroid
						Vector3 normA;
						Vector3::Sub(normA, iter_A->position, centroidA);

						// cal minus centroid
						Vector3 normB;
						Vector3::Sub(normB, iter_B->position, centroidB);

						// correlation (outer product)
						for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
							for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
							sum_correl[3*i+j] += normA[i]*normB[j];

				// SVD of correlation to get rotation
				// from mean coords to this frame
				double s[3];
				double U[9], VT[9];
				Matrix3x3::SVD(U, s, VT, sum_correl);

				// force right-handed coord system
				double detU = Matrix3x3::Det(U);
				double detV = Matrix3x3::Det(VT);
				if (detU*detV < 0.0)
					VT[6] *= -1.0;
					VT[7] *= -1.0;
					VT[8] *= -1.0;

				// this is the correct way round
				Matrix3x3::Mul(T.R, U, VT);

				// do post-subtraction of centroid B to get translation vector
				double RcentroidB[3];
				Matrix3x3::MulVec(RcentroidB, T.R, centroidB);
				Vector3::Sub(T.t, centroidA, RcentroidB);

		#if 0
				iter_A = ptA;
				iter_B = ptB;
				for (ipoint = 0; ipoint < npoints; ipoint++, iter_A+=3, iter_B+=3)
					Vector3 Tb;
					RigidTransform3::MulVec(Tb, R, t, iter_B);
					cerr << "x: " << iter_A[0] << " " << Tb[0] << endl;
					cerr << "y: " << iter_A[1] << " " << Tb[1] << endl;
					cerr << "z: " << iter_A[2] << " " << Tb[2] << endl;
					Vector3::Sub(Tb, Tb, iter_A);
					cerr << "Mod: " << Tb.Modulus() << endl;

				return RigidBodyResult::success;

		return RigidBodyResult::insufficient_points;