Beispiel #1
void parseLine(String str) {
	if (str.empty()) { return; }
	if ( parseSetCommand( str ) ) { return; }
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss >> str;
	if ( (str[0] >= '0') && (str[0] <= '9') ) {	
		int dest = std::stoi(str);
		if ( (dest < 0) || (dest >= indexes) ) { return; }
		for ( int i = currentLine; i < currentLine + noteLength; ++i ) {
			outputFiles[dest] << lines[i] << "\n";
	if ( str == "save" ) {
	} else if ( str == "s" ) {
		if (currentLine != (int)lines.size()) {
			log.push_back( String("Skipped ") + std::to_string(currentLine) );
		int before = currentLine;
		if ((before != currentLine) && (currentLine == (int)lines.size())) {
			log.push_back("Reached End of Input");
	if ( str == "i" ) {
		std::cout << "Insert Custom Note > ";
		String line;
		getline(std::cin, line);
		if ( !isBlankLine(line) ) {
			lines.insert( lines.begin() + currentLine, line );
	if ( str == "d" ) {
		log.push_back( String("Deleted ") + std::to_string(currentLine) );
	if ( str == "p" ) {
		currentLine = std::max(0, currentLine);
	if ( str == "q" ) {
		doQuit = true;
	if ( str == "\t" ) {
Beispiel #2
void getNextNoteLine() {
	currentLine += noteLength;
	while (currentLine < (int)lines.size()) {
		if (isBlankLine(lines[currentLine])) {
		} else { break; }
Beispiel #3
bool Document::read(std::istream& in) {
	if (mProcessed) return false;

	token::Container *tokens=dynamic_cast<token::Container*>(mTokenContainer.get());

	std::string line;
	TokenGroup tgt;
	while (_getline(in, line)) {
		if (isBlankLine(line)) {
			tgt.push_back(TokenPtr(new token::BlankLine(line)));
		} else {
			tgt.push_back(TokenPtr(new token::RawText(line)));

	return true;
int main()
	//get the filename
	char filename[256];
	printf("Enter the file with all the courses in it:");
	scanf("%s", filename);
	//open the file
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen(filename, "r");
	//try to create our pipe for use later
	int pfds[2];
	if(pipe(pfds) == -1)
	//check for a good open
	if(fp != NULL)
		char buffer[256];
		//while we have something in the file
		while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
			//check for useless lines
			if(buffer[0] == '#' || isBlankLine(buffer))
				//this line is a comment
			//construct our strings to send
			std::string myStr = std::string(buffer);
			myStr = myStr.substr(0, myStr.size() - LENGTH_OF_EXTENSION - 1);
			myStr = myStr + OUTPUT_ADDITION;
			//fork our process
			int pid;
			pid = fork();
			if(pid == 0)
				//we're redirecting STDIN such that it comes from the pipe
				//close standard in
				//duplicate our stdin as the pipe output
				dup2(pfds[0], STDIN_FILENO);
				//child process
				system("roslaunch AU_UAV_ROS evaluation.launch");
				//send out output over that there pipe
				printf("Writing to the pipe! %s\n", buffer);
				write(pfds[1], buffer, strlen(buffer));
				printf("Writing to the pipe! %s\n", myStr.c_str());
				write(pfds[1], myStr.c_str(), strlen(myStr.c_str()));
				//parent waits some time, then kills before starting new one
				printf("Killing Process ID #%d\n", pid);
				kill(pid, SIGTERM);
				waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
				//give the SIGTERM time to work
		printf("ERROR: Bad file name\n");
	return 0;
This callback takes a filename and parses that file to load a course into the coordinator. A course in
this sense would be several paths for multiple UAVs.  We want this so we can test a collision avoidance
course by preplanning the course.
bool loadCourseCallback(AU_UAV_ROS::LoadCourse::Request &req, AU_UAV_ROS::LoadCourse::Response &res)
	ROS_INFO("Received request: Load course from \"%s\"\n", req.filename.c_str());
	//open our file
	FILE *fp;
	//JC - April 9th - GUI gives full path
	fp = fopen(req.filename.c_str(), "r");
	//fp = fopen((ros::package::getPath("AU_UAV_ROS")+"/courses/"+req.filename).c_str(), "r");
	//check for a good file open
	if(fp != NULL)
		char buffer[256];
		std::map<int, bool> isFirstPoint;
		std::map<int, std::vector<AU_UAV_ROS::waypoint> > allPlanesWaypoints;
		std::map<int, AU_UAV_ROS::PlaneObject> realPlanes;
		bool isAvoidance = false;
		//while we have something in the file
		while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
			//check first character
			if(buffer[0] == '#' || isBlankLine(buffer))
				//this line is a comment
				//set some invalid defaults
				int planeID = -1;
				struct AU_UAV_ROS::waypoint temp;
				temp.latitude = temp.longitude = temp.altitude = -1000;
				//parse the string
				sscanf(buffer, "%d %lf %lf %lf\n", &planeID, &temp.latitude, &temp.longitude, &temp.altitude);
				ROS_INFO("Loaded %d to %lf %lf %lf", planeID, temp.latitude, temp.longitude, temp.altitude);
				//check for the invalid defaults
				if(planeID == -1 || temp.latitude == -1000 || temp.longitude == -1000 || temp.altitude == -1000)
					//this means we have a bad file somehow
					ROS_ERROR("Bad file parse");
					res.error = "Bad file parse, some points loaded";
					return false;
				//check our map for an entry, if we dont have one then this is the first time
				//that this plane ID has been referenced so it's true
				if(isFirstPoint.find(planeID) == isFirstPoint.end())
					isFirstPoint[planeID] = true;
					realPlanes[planeID] = AU_UAV_ROS::PlaneObject();
					// add this as waypoint to the front of queue, simulation is set up so that the 
					// first waypoint is the starting location, then the simulation really begins
					realPlanes[planeID].setCurrentLoc(temp.latitude, temp.longitude, temp.altitude);
				else {
				//call the goToPoint function for the correct plane
				//planesArray[planeID].goToPoint(temp, isAvoidance, isFirstPoint[planeID]);
				//only clear the queue with the first point
				if(isFirstPoint[planeID]) isFirstPoint[planeID] = false;
		std::map<int, std::vector<waypointPath> > *allPlanesPaths = getAvoidancePlan(&realPlanes, 0, &allPlanesWaypoints);
		// set the first waypoint to the planes starting location; this is for the simulation
		for (std::map<int, AU_UAV_ROS::PlaneObject>::iterator it = realPlanes.begin(); it != realPlanes.end(); it++) {
			AU_UAV_ROS::waypoint temp;
			temp.latitude = it->second.getCurrentLoc().latitude;
			temp.longitude = it->second.getCurrentLoc().longitude;
			temp.altitude = it->second.getCurrentLoc().altitude;
			planesArray[it->first].goToPoint(temp, false, true);

		for (std::map<int, std::vector<waypointPath> >::iterator it = allPlanesPaths->begin(); it != allPlanesPaths->end(); it++) {
			vector<AU_UAV_ROS::waypoint> combinedWays = generateCombinedWaypoints(&(allPlanesWaypoints[it->first]), &(it->second));
			ROS_INFO("Size of combined waypoints for plane %d is %d", it->first, combinedWays.size());
			for (int i = 0; i < combinedWays.size(); i++) {
				planesArray[it->first].goToPoint(combinedWays[i], false, false);

		//end of file, return
		return true;
		ROS_ERROR("Invalid filename or location: %s", req.filename.c_str());
		res.error = "Invalid filename or location";
		return false;
This is the callback used when the user requests for a plane to start a certain path.
bool loadPathCallback(AU_UAV_ROS::LoadPath::Request &req, AU_UAV_ROS::LoadPath::Response &res)
	ROS_INFO("Received request: Load path from \"%s\" to plane #%d\n", req.filename.c_str(), req.planeID);
	//check for a valid plane ID sent
		//open our file
		FILE *fp;
		fp = fopen((ros::package::getPath("AU_UAV_ROS")+"/paths/"+req.filename).c_str(), "r");
		//check for a good file open
		if(fp != NULL)
			char buffer[256];
			bool isFirstLine = true;
			bool isAvoidance = false;
			//while we have something in the file
			while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
				//check first character for comment or if the line is blank
				if(buffer[0] == '#' || isBlankLine(buffer))
					//this line is a comment
					//set some invalid defaults
					struct AU_UAV_ROS::waypoint temp;
					temp.latitude = temp.longitude = temp.altitude = -1000;
					//parse the string
					sscanf(buffer, "%lf %lf %lf\n", &temp.latitude, &temp.longitude, &temp.altitude);
					ROS_INFO("Parsing path file: %lf %lf %lf", temp.latitude, temp.longitude, temp.altitude);
					//check for the invalid defaults
					if(temp.latitude == -1000 || temp.longitude == -1000 || temp.altitude == -1000)
						//this means we have a bad file somehow
						ROS_ERROR("Bad file parse");
						res.error = "Bad file parse, some points loaded";
						return false;
					//call the goToPoint function for the correct plane
					planesArray[req.planeID].goToPoint(temp, isAvoidance, isFirstLine);
					//only clear the queue with the first point
					if(isFirstLine) isFirstLine = false;
			//end of file, return
			return true;
			ROS_ERROR("Invalid filename or location: %s", req.filename.c_str());
			res.error = "Invalid filename or location";
			return false;
		ROS_ERROR("Invalid plane ID");	
		res.error = "Invalid plane ID";
		return false;
This callback takes a filename and parses that file to load a course into the coordinator. A course in
this sense would be several paths for multiple UAVs.  We want this so we can test a collision avoidance
course by preplanning the course.
bool loadCourseCallback(AU_UAV_ROS::LoadCourse::Request &req, AU_UAV_ROS::LoadCourse::Response &res)
	ROS_INFO("Received request: Load course from \"%s\"\n", req.filename.c_str());
	//open our file
	FILE *fp;
	//JC - April 9th - GUI gives full path
	fp = fopen(req.filename.c_str(), "r");
	//fp = fopen((ros::package::getPath("AU_UAV_ROS")+"/courses/"+req.filename).c_str(), "r");
	//check for a good file open
	if(fp != NULL)
		char buffer[256];
		std::map<int, bool> isFirstPoint;
		bool isAvoidance = false;
		//while we have something in the file
		while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
			//check first character
			if(buffer[0] == '#' || isBlankLine(buffer))
				//this line is a comment
				//set some invalid defaults
				int planeID = -1;
				struct AU_UAV_ROS::waypoint temp;
				temp.latitude = temp.longitude = temp.altitude = -1000;
				//parse the string
				sscanf(buffer, "%d %lf %lf %lf\n", &planeID, &temp.latitude, &temp.longitude, &temp.altitude);
				ROS_INFO("Loaded %d to %lf %lf %lf", planeID, temp.latitude, temp.longitude, temp.altitude);
				//check for the invalid defaults
				if(planeID == -1 || temp.latitude == -1000 || temp.longitude == -1000 || temp.altitude == -1000)
					//this means we have a bad file somehow
					ROS_ERROR("Bad file parse");
					res.error = "Bad file parse, some points loaded";
					return false;
				//check our map for an entry, if we dont have one then this is the first time
				//that this plane ID has been referenced so it's true
				if(isFirstPoint.find(planeID) == isFirstPoint.end())
					isFirstPoint[planeID] = true;
				//call the goToPoint function for the correct plane
				planesArray[planeID].goToPoint(temp, isAvoidance, isFirstPoint[planeID]);
				//only clear the queue with the first point
				if(isFirstPoint[planeID]) isFirstPoint[planeID] = false;

		//DEBUG: print out planesArray to see if waypoints were loaded to the real planes
		//AU_UAV_ROS::PlaneCoordinator uav32 =;		
		//ROS_ERROR("The size of planesArray[32] = %d", uav32.getNormalSize());
		//end of file, return
		return true;
		ROS_ERROR("Invalid filename or location: %s", req.filename.c_str());
		res.error = "Invalid filename or location";
		return false;
takes a filename and will parse it to determine how many UAVs there are and create them as needed
bool createCourseUAVs(std::string filename)
    //open our file
    FILE *fp;
    fp = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");

    //check for a good file open
    if(fp != NULL)
        char buffer[256];

        std::map<int, bool> isFirstPoint;

        while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
            if(buffer[0] == '#' || isBlankLine(buffer))
                //this line is a comment
                //set some invalid defaults
                int planeID = -1;
                struct AU_UAV_ROS::waypoint temp;
                temp.latitude = temp.longitude = temp.altitude = -1000;

                //parse the string
                sscanf(buffer, "%d %lf %lf %lf\n", &planeID, &temp.latitude, &temp.longitude, &temp.altitude);

                //check for the invalid defaults
                if(planeID == -1 || temp.latitude == -1000 || temp.longitude == -1000 || temp.altitude == -1000)
                    //this means we have a bad file somehow
                    ROS_ERROR("Bad file parse");
                    return false;

                //check our map for an entry, if we dont have one then this is the first time
                //that this plane ID has been referenced so it's true
                if(isFirstPoint.find(planeID) == isFirstPoint.end())
                    if (planeID >= 0 && planeID <= 31) {
                        isFirstPoint[planeID] = true;

                        //this is the first time we've seen this ID in the file, attempt to create it
                        AU_UAV_ROS::CreateSimulatedPlane srv;
                        srv.request.startingLatitude = temp.latitude;
                        srv.request.startingLongitude = temp.longitude;
                        srv.request.startingAltitude = temp.altitude;
                        srv.request.startingBearing = 0;
                        srv.request.requestedID = planeID;

                        //send the service request
                        printf("\nRequesting to create new simulated plane with ID #%d...\n", planeID);
                            printf("New simulated plane with ID #%d has been created!\n", srv.response.planeID);
                            ROS_ERROR("Did not receive a response from simulator");
                    else if (planeID >= 32 && planeID <= 63){
                        isFirstPoint[planeID] = true;
                        //this planeID is for a real UAV
                        // use the requestPlaneID service to initialize the planesArray in coordinator with real UAV object
                        AU_UAV_ROS::RequestPlaneID srv;
                        srv.request.requestedID = planeID;
                        printf("\nRequesting to create new real plane with ID #%d...\n", planeID);
                        //check to make sure the client call worked (regardless of return values from service)

                            if(srv.response.planeID == -1)
                                ROS_ERROR("Couldn't create plane with ID %d", planeID);
                                return false;
                            //plane added successfully
                            printf("New real plane with ID #%d has been created!\n", srv.response.planeID);
                            //if this happens, chances are the coordinator isn't running
                            ROS_ERROR("Did not receive an ID from coordinator");
                            return false;
                    else {
                        //this means we have a bad file somehow
                        ROS_ERROR("Bad file parse");
                        return false;

                //only clear the queue with the first point
                if(isFirstPoint[planeID]) isFirstPoint[planeID] = false;

        //if we make it here everything happened according to plan
        return true;
        ROS_ERROR("Invalid filename or location: %s", filename.c_str());
        return false;
Beispiel #9
int main()
	//get the filename
	char filename[256];
	printf("Enter the file with all the courses in it:");
	scanf("%s", filename);
	//try to create our pipe for use later
	int pfds[2];
	if(pipe(pfds) == -1)
	char buffer[256];
	char buffer_2[256];
	char str_value[50];

	FILE *results, *ripna, *fp, *scorefile;
	results = fopen( "/home/eric/ros_workspace/sim/scores/Results.txt", "w");
	fprintf(results, "Conflicts\tCollisions\tEfficiency\n");

	/* This loops through all the values you specify for your parameter of choice. Each time through
	it runs all of the courses with the given value. */
	for ( double value = 0.5; value <= 2.5; value += 0.2 ) {
		//open the file
		fp = fopen(filename, "r");
		//check for a good open
		if(fp != NULL)
			sprintf(str_value, "%f\n", value);
			fprintf(results, str_value);
			// Change the value of the chosen parameter here
			ripna = fopen("/home/eric/ros_workspace/sim/src/ripna.cpp", "r+");
			fseek (ripna, 366, SEEK_SET );
			fputs (str_value, ripna);
			fclose (ripna);	

			system("rosmake sim");

			//while we have something in the file
			while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
				//check for useless lines
				if(buffer[0] == '#' || isBlankLine(buffer))
					//this line is a comment
				//construct our strings to send
				std::string myStr = std::string(buffer);
				myStr = myStr.substr(0, myStr.size() - LENGTH_OF_EXTENSION - 1);
				myStr = myStr + OUTPUT_ADDITION;
				//fork our process
				int pid;
				pid = fork();

				if(pid == 0)
					//we're redirecting STDIN such that it comes from the pipe
					//close standard in
					//duplicate our stdin as the pipe output
					dup2(pfds[0], STDIN_FILENO);
					//child process
					system("roslaunch sim evaluation.launch");
					//send out output over that there pipe
					printf("Writing to the pipe! %s\n", buffer);
					write(pfds[1], buffer, strlen(buffer));
					printf("Writing to the pipe! %s\n", myStr.c_str());
					write(pfds[1], myStr.c_str(), strlen(myStr.c_str()));
					//parent waits some time, then kills before starting new one
					printf("Killing Process ID #%d\n", pid);
					kill(pid, SIGTERM);
					waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
					//give the SIGTERM time to work
		else {
			printf("ERROR: Bad file name\n");


		// Writing data to a file
		char buffer_3[256];
		char name[256];
		int j;
		for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_COURSES; i++) {
			// Open ith score file
			sprintf(name, "/home/eric/ros_workspace/sim/scores/final_32_500m_%d_test.score", i);
			scorefile = fopen(name, "r");
			while(fgets(buffer_3, sizeof(buffer_3), scorefile)) {
				for (j = 0; j < sizeof(buffer_3); j++) {				
					if (buffer_3[j] == '\n') {
				char output[j-1];
				for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) {
					output[k] = buffer_3[k];
				output[j] = '\0';
				// Print data to a different kind of score file
				fprintf(results, "%s\t", output);			
			fprintf(results, "\n");
		fprintf(results, "\n\n");


	return 0;
takes a filename and will parse it to determine how many UAVs there are and create them as needed
NOTE: this was copied from the ControlMenu and modified somewhat
bool createCourseUAVs(std::string filename)
	//open our file
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen((ros::package::getPath("AU_UAV_ROS")+"/courses/"+filename).c_str(), "r");
	//check for a good file open
	if(fp != NULL)
		char buffer[256];
		std::map<int, bool> isFirstPoint;
		while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
			if(buffer[0] == '#' || isBlankLine(buffer))
				//this line is a comment
				//set some invalid defaults
				int planeID = -1;
				struct AU_UAV_ROS::waypoint temp;
				temp.latitude = temp.longitude = temp.altitude = -1000;
				//parse the string
				sscanf(buffer, "%d %lf %lf %lf\n", &planeID, &temp.latitude, &temp.longitude, &temp.altitude);
				//check for the invalid defaults
				if(planeID == -1 || temp.latitude == -1000 || temp.longitude == -1000 || temp.altitude == -1000)
					//this means we have a bad file somehow
					ROS_ERROR("Bad file parse");
					return false;
				//add this point to the correct queue
				//check our map for an entry, if we dont have one then this is the first time
				//that this plane ID has been referenced so it's true
				if(isFirstPoint.find(planeID) == isFirstPoint.end())
					isFirstPoint[planeID] = true;
					//this is the first time we've seen this ID in the file, attempt to create it
					AU_UAV_ROS::CreateSimulatedPlane srv;
					srv.request.startingLatitude = temp.latitude;
					srv.request.startingLongitude = temp.longitude;
					srv.request.startingAltitude = temp.altitude;
					srv.request.startingBearing = 0;
					srv.request.requestedID = planeID;
					//send the service request
					printf("\nRequesting to create new plane with ID #%d...\n", planeID);
						printf("New plane with ID #%d has been created!\n", srv.response.planeID);
						ROS_ERROR("Did not receive a response from simulator");
					//set our last plane ID to this one
					lastPlaneID = planeID;
					maxAlivePlane = planeID;
					//set up some base values for a new plane
					latestUpdatesMap[planeID] = AU_UAV_ROS::TelemetryUpdate();
					latestUpdatesMap[planeID].currentLatitude = temp.latitude;
					latestUpdatesMap[planeID].currentLongitude = temp.longitude;
					latestUpdatesMap[planeID].currentAltitude = temp.altitude;
					previousUpdatesMap[planeID] = AU_UAV_ROS::TelemetryUpdate();
					previousUpdatesMap[planeID].currentLatitude = temp.latitude;
					previousUpdatesMap[planeID].currentLongitude = temp.longitude;
					previousUpdatesMap[planeID].currentAltitude = temp.altitude;
					distanceTraveled[planeID] = 0;
					waypointDistTraveled[planeID] = 0;
					distSinceLastWP[planeID] = 0;
					waypointsAchieved[planeID] = -1; //we get a "free" waypoint
					minimumTravelDistance[planeID] = 0;
					waypointMinTravelDist[planeID] = 0;
					isDead[planeID] = false;
					//subtract points to make up for the "free" waypoint at the start
					score = score - 5;
				//only clear the queue with the first point
				if(isFirstPoint[planeID]) isFirstPoint[planeID] = false;
		//if we make it here everything happened according to plan
		return true;
		ROS_ERROR("Invalid filename or location: %s", filename.c_str());
		return false;