Real LodCollapseCostQuadric::computeEdgeCollapseCost( LodData* data, LodData::Vertex* src, LodData::Edge* dstEdge )
        LodData::Vertex* dst = dstEdge->dst;

        if (isBorderVertex(src)) {
            return LodData::NEVER_COLLAPSE_COST;
        if (src->seam && !dst->seam) {
            return LodData::NEVER_COLLAPSE_COST;

        Matrix4 Qnew = mVertexQuadricList[LodData::getVectorIDFromPointer(data->mVertexList, src)] +
            mVertexQuadricList[LodData::getVectorIDFromPointer(data->mVertexList, dst)];

        Vector4 Vnew(dst->position);

        // error = Vnew^T * Qnew * Vnew
        Real cost =
            (Vnew[0] * Qnew[0][0] + Vnew[1] * Qnew[0][1] + Vnew[2] * Qnew[0][2] + Vnew[3] * Qnew[0][3]) * Vnew[0] +
            (Vnew[0] * Qnew[1][0] + Vnew[1] * Qnew[1][1] + Vnew[2] * Qnew[1][2] + Vnew[3] * Qnew[1][3]) * Vnew[1] +
            (Vnew[0] * Qnew[2][0] + Vnew[1] * Qnew[2][1] + Vnew[2] * Qnew[2][2] + Vnew[3] * Qnew[2][3]) * Vnew[2] +
            (Vnew[0] * Qnew[3][0] + Vnew[1] * Qnew[3][1] + Vnew[2] * Qnew[3][2] + Vnew[3] * Qnew[3][3]) * Vnew[3];

        if (dst->seam) {
            cost *= 8;

        return cost;

	Real LodCollapseCostCurvature::computeEdgeCollapseCost( LodData* data, LodData::Vertex* src, LodData::Edge* dstEdge )
		LodData::Vertex* dst = dstEdge->dst;

		// Degenerate case check
		// Are we going to invert a face normal of one of the neighboring faces?
		// Can occur when we have a very small remaining edge and collapse crosses it
		// Look for a face normal changing by > 90 degrees
		if(MESHLOD_QUALITY >= 2) { // 30% speedup if disabled.
			LodData::VTriangles::iterator it = src->triangles.begin();
			LodData::VTriangles::iterator itEnd = src->triangles.end();
			for (; it != itEnd; ++it) {
				LodData::Triangle* triangle = *it;
				// Ignore the deleted faces (those including src & dest)
				if (!triangle->hasVertex(dst)) {
					// Test the new face normal
					LodData::Vertex* pv0, * pv1, * pv2;

					// Replace src with dest wherever it is
					pv0 = (triangle->vertex[0] == src) ? dst : triangle->vertex[0];
					pv1 = (triangle->vertex[1] == src) ? dst : triangle->vertex[1];
					pv2 = (triangle->vertex[2] == src) ? dst : triangle->vertex[2];

					// Cross-product 2 edges
					Vector3 e1 = pv1->position - pv0->position;
					Vector3 e2 = pv2->position - pv1->position;

					Vector3 newNormal = e1.crossProduct(e2);

					// Dot old and new face normal
					// If < 0 then more than 90 degree difference
					if (newNormal.dotProduct(triangle->normal) < 0.0f) {
						// Don't do it!
						return LodData::NEVER_COLLAPSE_COST;

		Real cost;

		// Special cases
		// If we're looking at a border vertex
		if (isBorderVertex(src)) {
			if (dstEdge->refCount > 1) {
				// src is on a border, but the src-dest edge has more than one tri on it
				// So it must be collapsing inwards
				// Mark as very high-value cost
				// curvature = 1.0f;
				cost = 1.0f;
			} else {
				// Collapsing ALONG a border
				// We can't use curvature to measure the effect on the model
				// Instead, see what effect it has on 'pulling' the other border edges
				// The more colinear, the less effect it will have
				// So measure the 'kinkiness' (for want of a better term)

				// Find the only triangle using this edge.
				// PMTriangle* triangle = findSideTriangle(src, dst);

				cost = -1.0f;
				Vector3 collapseEdge = src->position - dst->position;
				LodData::VEdges::iterator it = src->edges.begin();
				LodData::VEdges::iterator itEnd = src->edges.end();
				for (; it != itEnd; it++) {
					LodData::Vertex* neighbor = it->dst;
					if (neighbor != dst && it->refCount == 1) {
						Vector3 otherBorderEdge = src->position - neighbor->position;
						// This time, the nearer the dot is to -1, the better, because that means
						// the edges are opposite each other, therefore less kinkiness
						// Scale into [0..1]
						Real kinkiness = otherBorderEdge.dotProduct(collapseEdge);
						cost = std::max<Real>(cost, kinkiness);
				cost = (1.002f + cost) * 0.5f;
		} else { // not a border

			// Standard inner vertex
			// Calculate curvature
			// use the triangle facing most away from the sides
			// to determine our curvature term
			// Iterate over src's faces again
			cost = 1.0f;
			LodData::VTriangles::iterator it = src->triangles.begin();
			LodData::VTriangles::iterator itEnd = src->triangles.end();
			for (; it != itEnd; ++it) {
				Real mincurv = -1.0f; // curve for face i and closer side to it
				LodData::Triangle* triangle = *it;
				LodData::VTriangles::iterator it2 = src->triangles.begin();
				for (; it2 != itEnd; ++it2) {
					LodData::Triangle* triangle2 = *it2;
					if (triangle2->hasVertex(dst)) {

						// Dot product of face normal gives a good delta angle
						Real dotprod = triangle->normal.dotProduct(triangle2->normal);
						// NB we do (1-..) to invert curvature where 1 is high curvature [0..1]
						// Whilst dot product is high when angle difference is low
						mincurv = std::max<Real>(mincurv, dotprod);
				cost = std::min<Real>(cost, mincurv);
			cost = (1.002f - cost) * 0.5f;

		// check for texture seam ripping and multiple submeshes
		if (src->seam) {
			if (!dst->seam) {
				cost = std::max<Real>(cost, (Real)0.05f);
				cost *= 64;
			} else {
				if(MESHLOD_QUALITY >= 3) {
					int seamNeighbors = 0;
					LodData::Vertex* otherSeam;
					LodData::VEdges::iterator it = src->edges.begin();
					LodData::VEdges::iterator itEnd = src->edges.end();
					for (; it != itEnd; it++) {
						LodData::Vertex* neighbor = it->dst;
						if(neighbor->seam) {
							if(neighbor != dst){
								otherSeam = neighbor;
					if(seamNeighbors != 2 || (seamNeighbors == 2 && dst->edges.has(LodData::Edge(otherSeam)))) {
						cost = std::max<Real>(cost, 0.05f);
						cost *= 64;
					} else {
						cost = std::max<Real>(cost, 0.005f);
						cost *= 8;
				} else {
					cost = std::max<Real>(cost, 0.005f);
					cost *= 8;


		Real diff = src->normal.dotProduct(dst->normal) / 8.0f;
		Real dist = src->position.distance(dst->position);
		cost = cost * dist;
			//Take into account vertex normals.
			Real normalCost = 0;
			LodData::VEdges::iterator it = src->edges.begin();
			LodData::VEdges::iterator itEnd = src->edges.end();
			for (; it != itEnd; ++it) {
				LodData::Vertex* neighbor = it->dst;
				Real beforeDist = neighbor->position.distance(src->position);
				Real afterDist = neighbor->position.distance(dst->position);
				Real beforeDot = neighbor->normal.dotProduct(src->normal);
				Real afterDot = neighbor->normal.dotProduct(dst->normal);
				normalCost = std::max<Real>(normalCost, std::max<Real>(diff, std::abs(beforeDot - afterDot)) *
					std::max<Real>(afterDist/8.0f, std::max<Real>(dist, std::abs(beforeDist - afterDist))));
			cost = std::max<Real>(normalCost * 0.25f, cost);

		OgreAssert(cost >= 0 && cost != LodData::UNINITIALIZED_COLLAPSE_COST, "Invalid collapse cost");
		return cost;