Beispiel #1
uint basicInput::pipeRead(void *buffer, const uint length)
    uint8 *array = (uint8 *)buffer;      // The array buffer
    uint readed = 0;             // Total readed
    uint readedAtOnce = 0;     // How many uint8 readed in order.
    uint leftSize = length;     // How many bytes to read more.

    /* Reading loop */
    while (leftSize > 0)
        // Try to read
        readedAtOnce = read(array, t_min(leftSize, getPipeReadBestRequest()));

        // Increase counters
        array    += readedAtOnce;
        leftSize -= readedAtOnce;
        readed   += readedAtOnce;

        // Test whether we reached the end of the stream
        if (isEOS())
            return readed;

    return readed;
Beispiel #2
// Lexer::Type::pair
//   <identifier> <separator> [ <string> | <word> ]
//   separator '::' | ':=' | ':' | '='
bool Lexer::isPair (std::string& token, Lexer::Type& type)
  std::size_t marker = _cursor;

  std::string ignoredToken;
  Lexer::Type ignoredType;
  if (isIdentifier (ignoredToken, ignoredType))
    // Look for a valid separator.
    std::string separator = _text.substr (_cursor, 2);
    if (separator == "::" || separator == ":=")
      _cursor += 2;
    else if (separator[0] == ':' || separator[0] == '=')
      _cursor = marker;
      return false;

    // String, word or nothing are all valid.
    if (readWord (_text, "'\"", _cursor, ignoredToken) ||
        readWord (_text,        _cursor, ignoredToken) ||
        isEOS ()                                       ||
        isWhitespace (_text[_cursor]))
      token = _text.substr (marker, _cursor - marker);
      type = Lexer::Type::pair;
      return true;

  _cursor = marker;
  return false;
Beispiel #3
 int hasEOS(const lemur::api::Index* idx, 
            const lemur::api::TermInfoList* tList) {
   lemur::api::TermInfo* tEntry;
   while (tList->hasMore()) {
     tEntry = tList->nextEntry();
     if ( isEOS(idx->term(tEntry->termID())) ) return true;
   return false;
Beispiel #4
uint8_t Tokenizer::tokenize()
    return 0;

  // sanitization
  while( isSeparator(*buf_) ) ++buf_;       // skip leading separators
  if( isEOS(*buf_) )                        // nothing inside?
    return 0;

  // process until the end of the string
  char*   s    =buf_;
  uint8_t count=1;
    // end of string means end of processing
    if( isEOS(*s) )
      return count;

    // field separators
    if( isSeparator(*s) )
      // skip all of the separators
      while( isSeparator(*s) )
        *s=0;       // mark this as the end of the token
      // mark next token, only if not the end of the sequence
      if( !isEOS(*s) )

    // proceed to the next character

  return count;
Beispiel #5
// Lexer::Type::pattern
//   / <unquoted-string> /  <EOS> | <isWhitespace>
bool Lexer::isPattern (std::string& token, Lexer::Type& type)
  std::size_t marker = _cursor;

  std::string word;
  if (readWord (_text, "/", _cursor, word) &&
      (isEOS () ||
       isWhitespace (_text[_cursor])))
    token = _text.substr (marker, _cursor - marker);
    type = Lexer::Type::pattern;
    return true;

  _cursor = marker;
  return false;
Beispiel #6
// Lexer::Type::set
//   a single number:      1
//   a list of numbers:    1,3,5
//   a range:              5-10
//   or a combination:     1,3,5-10
//   <id> [ - <id> ] [ , <id> [ - <id> ] ] ...
bool Lexer::isSet (std::string& token, Lexer::Type& type)
  std::size_t marker = _cursor;
  int count = 0;
  std::string dummyToken;
  Lexer::Type dummyType;

    if (isInteger (dummyToken, dummyType))
      if (isLiteral ("-", false, false))
        if (isInteger (dummyToken, dummyType))
          _cursor = marker;
          return false;
      _cursor = marker;
      return false;
  while (isLiteral (",", false, false));

  // Success is multiple numbers, matching the pattern.
  if (count > 1 &&
      (isEOS () ||
       isWhitespace (_text[_cursor]) ||
       isHardBoundary (_text[_cursor], _text[_cursor + 1])))
    token = _text.substr (marker, _cursor - marker);
    type = Lexer::Type::set;
    return true;

  _cursor = marker;
  return false;

Beispiel #7
// When a Lexer object is constructed with a string, this method walks through
// the stream of low-level tokens.
bool Lexer::token (std::string& token, Lexer::Type& type)
  // Eat white space.
  while (isWhitespace (_text[_cursor]))
    utf8_next_char (_text, _cursor);

  // Terminate at EOS.
  if (isEOS ())
    return false;

  // The sequence is specific, and must follow these rules:
  //   - date < duration < uuid < identifier
  //   - dom < uuid
  //   - uuid < hex < number
  //   - url < pair < identifier
  //   - hex < number
  //   - separator < tag < operator
  //   - path < substitution < pattern
  //   - set < number
  //   - word last
  if (isString       (token, type, "'\"") ||
      isDate         (token, type)        ||
      isDuration     (token, type)        ||
      isURL          (token, type)        ||
      isPair         (token, type)        ||
      isUUID         (token, type, true)  ||
      isSet          (token, type)        ||
      isDOM          (token, type)        ||
      isHexNumber    (token, type)        ||
      isNumber       (token, type)        ||
      isSeparator    (token, type)        ||
      isTag          (token, type)        ||
      isPath         (token, type)        ||
      isSubstitution (token, type)        ||
      isPattern      (token, type)        ||
      isOperator     (token, type)        ||
      isIdentifier   (token, type)        ||
      isWord         (token, type))
    return true;

  return false;