Beispiel #1
static int enableSidechannelProtection( INOUT PKC_INFO *pkcInfo,
										IN_ALGO const CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE cryptAlgo )
	assert( isWritePtr( pkcInfo, sizeof( PKC_INFO ) ) );

	REQUIRES( isEccAlgo( cryptAlgo ) );

	/* Use constant-time modexp() to protect the private key from timing 

	   (There really isn't much around in the way of side-channel protection 
	   for the ECC computations, for every operation we use a new random 
	   secret value as the point multiplier so there doesn't seem to be much 
	   scope for timing attacks.  In the absence of anything better to do, 
	   we set the constant-time modexp() flag just for warm fuzzies) */
	BN_set_flags( &pkcInfo->eccParam_d, BN_FLG_EXP_CONSTTIME );

	/* Checksum the bignums to try and detect fault attacks.  Since we're 
	   setting the checksum at this point there's no need to check the 
	   return value */
	( void ) calculateBignumChecksum( pkcInfo, cryptAlgo );

	return( CRYPT_OK );
Beispiel #2
							  OUT PKC_INFO *contextData, 
							  const CAPABILITY_INFO *capabilityInfoPtr,
							  IN_BUFFER( publicKeyDataLength ) \
									const void *publicKeyData,
									const int publicKeyDataLength )
	STREAM stream;
	int status;

	assert( isWritePtr( staticContextInfo, sizeof( CONTEXT_INFO ) ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( contextData, sizeof( PKC_INFO ) ) );
	assert( isReadPtr( capabilityInfoPtr, sizeof( CAPABILITY_INFO ) ) );
	assert( isReadPtr( publicKeyData, publicKeyDataLength ) );

	REQUIRES( ( isEccAlgo( capabilityInfoPtr->cryptAlgo ) && \
				publicKeyDataLength >= MIN_PKCSIZE_ECCPOINT && \
				publicKeyDataLength < MAX_INTLENGTH_SHORT ) || \
			  ( !isEccAlgo( capabilityInfoPtr->cryptAlgo ) && \
				publicKeyDataLength >= MIN_PKCSIZE && \
				publicKeyDataLength < MAX_INTLENGTH_SHORT ) );

	/* Initialise a static context to read the key data into */
	status = staticInitContext( staticContextInfo, CONTEXT_PKC, 
								capabilityInfoPtr, contextData, 
								sizeof( PKC_INFO ), NULL );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );

	/* Read the key data into the static context and calculate the keyIDs.
	   We can do this now that the data is in a native context rather than 
Beispiel #3
BOOLEAN sanityCheckCapability( const CAPABILITY_INFO *capabilityInfoPtr )
	CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE cryptAlgo = capabilityInfoPtr->cryptAlgo;

	assert( isReadPtr( capabilityInfoPtr, sizeof( CAPABILITY_INFO ) ) );

	/* Check the algorithm and mode parameters.  We check for an algorithm
	   name one shorter than the maximum because as returned to an external
	   caller it's an ASCIZ string so we need to allow room for the
	   terminator */
	if( cryptAlgo <= CRYPT_ALGO_NONE || cryptAlgo >= CRYPT_ALGO_LAST )
		return( FALSE );
	if( capabilityInfoPtr->algoName == NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->algoNameLen < 3 || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->algoNameLen > CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE - 1 )
		return( FALSE );

	/* Make sure that the minimum functions are present.  We don't check for
	   the presence of the keygen function since the symmetric capabilities
	   use the generic keygen and the hash capabilities don't do keygen at 
	   all */
	if( capabilityInfoPtr->selfTestFunction == NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->getInfoFunction == NULL )
		return( FALSE );
	if( !sanityCheckFunctionality( capabilityInfoPtr, cryptAlgo ) )
		return( FALSE );

	/* Make sure that the algorithm/mode-specific parameters are
	   consistent */
	if( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize > capabilityInfoPtr->keySize || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize < capabilityInfoPtr->keySize )
		return( FALSE );
	if( isConvAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize < bitsToBytes( 8 ) || \
        	  capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize > CRYPT_MAX_IVSIZE ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize < MIN_KEYSIZE || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize > CRYPT_MAX_KEYSIZE ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->keySize > MAX_WORKING_KEYSIZE )
			return( FALSE );	/* Requirement for key wrap */
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->initParamsFunction == NULL || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->initKeyFunction == NULL )
			return( FALSE );
		if( !isStreamCipher( cryptAlgo ) && \
			 capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize < bitsToBytes( 64 ) )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );

	/* Check any remaining algorithm types */
	if( isPkcAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		const int minKeySize = isEccAlgo( cryptAlgo ) ? \

		if( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize != 0 || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize < minKeySize || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize > CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->initKeyFunction == NULL || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->generateKeyFunction == NULL )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );
	if( isHashAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize < bitsToBytes( 128 ) || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize > CRYPT_MAX_HASHSIZE ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize != 0 || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->keySize != 0 || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize != 0 ) )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );
	if( isMacAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize < bitsToBytes( 128 ) || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize > CRYPT_MAX_HASHSIZE ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize < MIN_KEYSIZE || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize > CRYPT_MAX_KEYSIZE ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->keySize > MAX_WORKING_KEYSIZE )
			return( FALSE );	/* Requirement for key wrap */
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->initKeyFunction == NULL )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );
	if( isSpecialAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize != 0 || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize < bitsToBytes( 128 ) || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize > CRYPT_MAX_KEYSIZE )
			return( FALSE );
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->initKeyFunction == NULL )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );

Beispiel #4
int exchangeServerKeys( INOUT SESSION_INFO *sessionInfoPtr, 
						INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO *handshakeInfo )
	STREAM *stream = &handshakeInfo->stream;
	int length, status;

	assert( isWritePtr( sessionInfoPtr, sizeof( SESSION_INFO ) ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( handshakeInfo, sizeof( SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO ) ) );

	/* Read the response from the client and, if we're expecting a client 
	   certificate, make sure that it's present */
	status = readHSPacketSSL( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, &length,
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );
	sMemConnect( stream, sessionInfoPtr->receiveBuffer, length );
	if( clientCertAuthRequired( sessionInfoPtr ) )
		/* Read the client certificate chain and make sure that the 
		   certificate being presented is valid for access */
		status = readCheckClientCerts( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, 
									   stream );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

		/* Read the next packet(s) if necessary */
		status = refreshHSStream( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			return( status );

	/* Process the client key exchange packet:

		uint24		len
		uint16		yLen
		byte[]		y
		uint16		ecPointLen
		byte[]		ecPoint
		uint16		userIDLen
		byte[]		userID 
	  [ uint16		encKeyLen		-- TLS 1.x ]
		byte[]		rsaPKCS1( byte[2] { 0x03, 0x0n } || byte[46] random ) */
	status = checkHSPacketHeader( sessionInfoPtr, stream, &length,
								  UINT16_SIZE + 1 );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		sMemDisconnect( stream );
		return( status );
	if( isKeyxAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) )
		KEYAGREE_PARAMS keyAgreeParams;
		const BOOLEAN isECC = isEccAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo );

		memset( &keyAgreeParams, 0, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
		if( isECC )
			status = readEcdhValue( stream, keyAgreeParams.publicValue,
									&keyAgreeParams.publicValueLen );
			status = readInteger16UChecked( stream, 
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );

			/* Some misconfigured clients may use very short keys, we 
			   perform a special-case check for these and return a more 
			   specific message than the generic bad-data error */
			if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_NOSECURE )
						  "Insecure key used in key exchange" ) );

					  "Invalid DH/ECDH phase 2 key agreement data" ) );

		/* Perform phase 2 of the DH/ECDH key agreement */
		status = krnlSendMessage( handshakeInfo->dhContext,
								  IMESSAGE_CTX_DECRYPT, &keyAgreeParams, 
								  sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			retExt( status,
					( status, SESSION_ERRINFO, 
					  "Invalid DH/ECDH phase 2 key agreement value" ) );
		if( isECC )
			const int xCoordLen = ( keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen - 1 ) / 2;

			/* The output of the ECDH operation is an ECC point, but for
			   some unknown reason TLS only uses the x coordinate and not 
			   the full point.  To work around this we have to rewrite the
			   point as a standalone x coordinate, which is relatively
			   easy because we're using an "uncompressed" point format: 

				|04	|		qx		|		qy		|
					|<- fldSize --> |<- fldSize --> | */
			REQUIRES( keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen >= MIN_PKCSIZE_ECCPOINT && \
					  keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen <= MAX_PKCSIZE_ECCPOINT && \
					  ( keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen & 1 ) == 1 && \
					  keyAgreeParams.wrappedKey[ 0 ] == 0x04 );
			memmove( keyAgreeParams.wrappedKey, 
					 keyAgreeParams.wrappedKey + 1, xCoordLen );
			keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen = xCoordLen;
		ENSURES( rangeCheckZ( 0, keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen,
		memcpy( handshakeInfo->premasterSecret, keyAgreeParams.wrappedKey,
				keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen );
		handshakeInfo->premasterSecretSize = keyAgreeParams.wrappedKeyLen;
		zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
		if( handshakeInfo->authAlgo == CRYPT_ALGO_NONE )
			const ATTRIBUTE_LIST *attributeListPtr;

			/* Read the client user ID and make sure that it's a valid 
			   user.  Handling non-valid users is somewhat problematic,
			   we can either bail out immediately or invent a fake 
			   password for the (non-)user and continue with that.  The
			   problem with this is that it doesn't really help hide 
			   whether the user is valid or not due to the fact that we're 
			   still vulnerable to a timing attack because it takes 
			   considerably longer to generate the random password than it 
			   does to read a fixed password string from memory, so an 
			   attacker can tell from the timing whether the username is 
			   valid or not.  In addition usability research on real-world 
			   users indicates that this actually reduces security while 
			   having little to no tangible benefit.  Because of this we 
			   don't try and fake out the valid/invalid user name indication 
			   but just exit immediately if an invalid name is found */
			length = readUint16( stream );
			if( length < 1 || length > CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE || \
				cryptStatusError( sread( stream, userID, length ) ) )
				sMemDisconnect( stream );
						  "Invalid client user ID" ) );
			attributeListPtr = \
				findSessionInfoEx( sessionInfoPtr->attributeList,
								   CRYPT_SESSINFO_USERNAME, userID, length );
			if( attributeListPtr == NULL )
				sMemDisconnect( stream );
						  "Unknown user name '%s'", 
						  sanitiseString( userID, CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE, 
										  length ) ) );

			/* Select the attribute with the user ID and move on to the
			   associated password */
			sessionInfoPtr->attributeListCurrent = \
								( ATTRIBUTE_LIST * ) attributeListPtr;
			attributeListPtr = attributeListPtr->next;
			ENSURES( attributeListPtr != NULL && \
					 attributeListPtr->attributeID == CRYPT_SESSINFO_PASSWORD );

			/* Create the shared premaster secret from the user password */
			status = createSharedPremasterSecret( \
							( attributeListPtr->flags & ATTR_FLAG_ENCODEDVALUE ) ? \
								TRUE : FALSE );
			if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
				sMemDisconnect( stream );
				retExt( status, 
						( status, SESSION_ERRINFO, 
						  "Couldn't create master secret from shared "
						  "secret/password value" ) );
			BYTE wrappedKey[ CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE + 8 ];

			if( sessionInfoPtr->version <= SSL_MINOR_VERSION_SSL )
				/* The original Netscape SSL implementation didn't provide a 
				   length for the encrypted key and everyone copied that so 
				   it became the de facto standard way to do it (sic faciunt 
				   omnes.  The spec itself is ambiguous on the topic).  This 
				   was fixed in TLS (although the spec is still ambigous) so 
				   the encoding differs slightly between SSL and TLS.  To 
				   work around this we have to duplicate a certain amount of
				   the integer-read code here */
				if( isShortPKCKey( length ) )
					if( length < MIN_PKCSIZE || length > CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE || \
						cryptStatusError( sread( stream, wrappedKey, length ) ) )
						status = CRYPT_ERROR_BADDATA;
				status = readInteger16UChecked( stream, wrappedKey, &length, 
												CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE );
			if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
				sMemDisconnect( stream );

				/* Some misconfigured clients may use very short keys, we 
				   perform a special-case check for these and return a more 
				   specific message than the generic bad-data */
				if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_NOSECURE )
							  "Insecure key used in key exchange" ) );

						  "Invalid RSA encrypted key data" ) );

			/* Decrypt the pre-master secret */
			status = unwrapPremasterSecret( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo,
											wrappedKey, length );
			if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
				sMemDisconnect( stream );
				return( status );

	/* If we're expecting a client certificate, process the client 
	   certificate verify */
	if( clientCertAuthRequired( sessionInfoPtr ) )
		const BOOLEAN isECC = isEccAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo );

		/* Since the client certificate-verify message requires the hash of
		   all handshake packets up to this point, we have to interrupt the
		   processing to calculate the hash before we continue */
		status = createCertVerifyHash( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			return( status );

		/* Read the next packet(s) if necessary */
		status = refreshHSStream( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			return( status );

		/* Process the client certificate verify packet:

			uint24		len
			byte[]		signature */
		status = checkHSPacketHeader( sessionInfoPtr, stream, &length,
									  isECC ? MIN_PKCSIZE_ECCPOINT : \
											  MIN_PKCSIZE );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = checkCertVerify( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, stream, 
									  length );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );
	sMemDisconnect( stream );

	return( CRYPT_OK );
Beispiel #5
int beginServerHandshake( INOUT SESSION_INFO *sessionInfoPtr, 
						  INOUT SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO *handshakeInfo )
	STREAM *stream = &handshakeInfo->stream;
	int length, resumedSessionID = CRYPT_ERROR;
	int packetOffset, status;

	assert( isWritePtr( sessionInfoPtr, sizeof( SESSION_INFO ) ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( handshakeInfo, sizeof( SSL_HANDSHAKE_INFO ) ) );

	/* Read and process the client hello */
	status = readHSPacketSSL( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, &length,
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );
	sMemConnect( stream, sessionInfoPtr->receiveBuffer, length );
	status = processHelloSSL( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, stream, TRUE );
	sMemDisconnect( stream );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		if( status != OK_SPECIAL )
			return( status );

		/* The client has sent us a sessionID in an attempt to resume a 
		   previous session, see if it's in the session cache */
		resumedSessionID = \
			lookupScoreboardEntry( sessionInfoPtr->sessionSSL->scoreboardInfoPtr,
					SCOREBOARD_KEY_SESSIONID_SVR, handshakeInfo->sessionID, 
					&lookupResult );
		resumedSessionID = CRYPT_ERROR;	/* Disable for Suite B tests */

	/* Handle session resumption.  If it's a new session or the session data 
	   has expired from the cache, generate a new session ID */
	if( cryptStatusError( resumedSessionID ) )
		setMessageData( &msgData, handshakeInfo->sessionID, SESSIONID_SIZE );
		status = krnlSendMessage( SYSTEM_OBJECT_HANDLE, 
								  IMESSAGE_GETATTRIBUTE_S, &msgData, 
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			return( status );
		handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength = SESSIONID_SIZE;
		/* We're resuming a previous session, remember the premaster secret */
		status = attributeCopyParams( handshakeInfo->premasterSecret, 
									  lookupResult.dataSize );
		ENSURES( cryptStatusOK( status ) );

	/* Get the nonce that's used to randomise all crypto operations and set 
	   up the server DH/ECDH context if necessary */
	setMessageData( &msgData, handshakeInfo->serverNonce, SSL_NONCE_SIZE );
	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) && isKeyxAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) )
		status = initDHcontextSSL( &handshakeInfo->dhContext, NULL, 0,
							( handshakeInfo->authAlgo != CRYPT_ALGO_NONE ) ? \
							sessionInfoPtr->privateKey : CRYPT_UNUSED,
							isEccAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) ? \
								handshakeInfo->eccCurveID : CRYPT_ECCCURVE_NONE );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );

	/* Build the server hello, certificate, optional certificate request, 
	   and done packets:

		uint24		len
		byte[2]		version = { 0x03, 0x0n }
		byte[32]	nonce
		byte		sessIDlen
		byte[]		sessID
		uint16		suite
		byte		copr = 0
	  [	uint16	extListLen		-- RFC 3546/RFC 4366
			byte	extType
			uint16	extLen
			byte[]	extData ] 

	   We have to be careful how we handle extensions because the RFC makes 
	   the rather optimistic assumption that implementations can handle the 
	   presence of unexpected data at the end of the hello packet, to avoid 
	   problems with this we avoid sending extensions unless they're in 
	   response to extensions already sent by the client */
	status = openPacketStreamSSL( stream, sessionInfoPtr, CRYPT_USE_DEFAULT, 
								  SSL_MSG_HANDSHAKE );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );
	status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_SERVER_HELLO, 
									 &packetOffset );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		sMemDisconnect( stream );
		return( status );
	sputc( stream, SSL_MAJOR_VERSION );
	sputc( stream, sessionInfoPtr->version );
	swrite( stream, handshakeInfo->serverNonce, SSL_NONCE_SIZE );
	sputc( stream, handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
	swrite( stream, handshakeInfo->sessionID, 
			handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
	writeUint16( stream, handshakeInfo->cipherSuite ); 
	status = sputc( stream, 0 );	/* No compression */
	if( handshakeInfo->hasExtensions )
		status = writeServerExtensions( stream, handshakeInfo );
	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
		status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		sMemDisconnect( stream );
		return( status );

	/* If it's a resumed session then the server hello is followed 
	   immediately by the change cipherspec, which is sent by the shared 
	   handshake completion code */
	if( !cryptStatusError( resumedSessionID ) )
		status = completePacketStreamSSL( stream, 0 );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = hashHSPacketWrite( handshakeInfo, stream, 0 );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

		/* Tell the caller that it's a resumed session, leaving the stream
		   open in order to write the change cipherspec message that follows 
		   the server hello in a resumed session */
		DEBUG_PRINT(( "Resuming session with client based on "
					  "sessionID = \n" ));
		DEBUG_DUMP_DATA( handshakeInfo->sessionID, 
						 handshakeInfo->sessionIDlength );
		return( OK_SPECIAL );

	/*	...	(optional server supplemental data)
		uint24		len
		uint16		type
		uint16		len
		byte[]		value
		... */

	/*	...
		(optional server certificate chain)
		... */
	if( handshakeInfo->authAlgo != CRYPT_ALGO_NONE )
		status = writeSSLCertChain( sessionInfoPtr, stream );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

	/*	...			(optional server keyex)
		uint24		len
		uint16		dh_pLen
		byte[]		dh_p
		uint16		dh_gLen
		byte[]		dh_g
		uint16		dh_YsLen
		byte[]		dh_Ys
	  [	byte		hashAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
	  [	byte		sigAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
		uint16		signatureLen
		byte[]		signature
		byte		curveType
		uint16		namedCurve
		uint8		ecPointLen		-- NB uint8 not uint16
		byte[]		ecPoint
	  [	byte		hashAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
	  [	byte		sigAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
		uint16		signatureLen
		byte[]		signature */
	if( isKeyxAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) )
		KEYAGREE_PARAMS keyAgreeParams;
		void *keyData = DUMMY_INIT_PTR;
		int keyDataOffset, keyDataLength = DUMMY_INIT;

		/* Perform phase 1 of the DH/ECDH key agreement process */
		memset( &keyAgreeParams, 0, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
		status = krnlSendMessage( handshakeInfo->dhContext,
								  IMESSAGE_CTX_ENCRYPT, &keyAgreeParams,
								  sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

		/* Write the DH/ECDH key parameters and public value and sign them */
		status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_SERVER_KEYEXCHANGE, 
										 &packetOffset );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );
		keyDataOffset = stell( stream );
		status = exportAttributeToStream( stream, handshakeInfo->dhContext,
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			if( isEccAlgo( handshakeInfo->keyexAlgo ) )
				sputc( stream, keyAgreeParams.publicValueLen );
				swrite( stream, keyAgreeParams.publicValue,
						keyAgreeParams.publicValueLen );
				status = writeInteger16U( stream, keyAgreeParams.publicValue, 
										  keyAgreeParams.publicValueLen );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			keyDataLength = stell( stream ) - keyDataOffset;
			status = sMemGetDataBlockAbs( stream, keyDataOffset, &keyData, 
										  keyDataLength );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = createKeyexSignature( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo,
										   stream, keyData, keyDataLength );
		zeroise( &keyAgreeParams, sizeof( KEYAGREE_PARAMS ) );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

	/*	...			(optional request for client certificate authentication)
		uint24		len
		byte		certTypeLen
		byte[]		certType = { RSA, DSA, ECDSA }
	  [	uint16	sigHashListLen		-- TLS 1.2 ]
	  [		byte	hashAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
	  [		byte	sigAlgoID		-- TLS 1.2 ]
		uint16		caNameListLen = 4
			uint16	caNameLen = 2
			byte[]	caName = { 0x30, 0x00 }
		... */
	if( clientCertAuthRequired( sessionInfoPtr ) )
		status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_SERVER_CERTREQUEST, 
										 &packetOffset );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );
		status = writeCertRequest( sessionInfoPtr, handshakeInfo, stream );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
		if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
			sMemDisconnect( stream );
			return( status );

	/*	...
		uint24		len = 0 */
	status = continueHSPacketStream( stream, SSL_HAND_SERVER_HELLODONE, 
									 &packetOffset );
	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
		status = completeHSPacketStream( stream, packetOffset );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		sMemDisconnect( stream );
		return( status );

	/* Send the combined server packets to the client.  We perform the 
	   assorted hashing of the packets in between the network ops where 
	   it's effectively free */
	status = sendPacketSSL( sessionInfoPtr, stream, FALSE );
	if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
		status = hashHSPacketWrite( handshakeInfo, stream, 0 );
	sMemDisconnect( stream );
	return( status );
Beispiel #6
BOOLEAN sanityCheckCapability( const CAPABILITY_INFO *capabilityInfoPtr,
							   const BOOLEAN asymmetricOK )
	CRYPT_ALGO_TYPE cryptAlgo = capabilityInfoPtr->cryptAlgo;

	assert( isReadPtr( capabilityInfoPtr, sizeof( CAPABILITY_INFO ) ) );

	/* Check the algorithm and mode parameters.  We check for an algorithm
	   name one shorter than the maximum because as returned to an external
	   caller it's an ASCIZ string so we need to allow room for the
	   terminator */
	if( cryptAlgo <= CRYPT_ALGO_NONE || cryptAlgo >= CRYPT_ALGO_LAST || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->algoName == NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->algoNameLen < 3 || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->algoNameLen > CRYPT_MAX_TEXTSIZE - 1 )
		return( FALSE );

	/* Make sure that the minimum functions are present.  We don't check for
	   the presence of the keygen function since the symmetric capabilities
	   use the generic keygen and the hash capabilities don't do keygen at 
	   all */
	if( capabilityInfoPtr->selfTestFunction == NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->getInfoFunction == NULL )
		return( FALSE );
	if( isStreamCipher( cryptAlgo ) )
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptOFBFunction == NULL || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->decryptOFBFunction == NULL )
			return( FALSE );
		if( asymmetricOK )
			/* If asymmetric capabilities (e.g. decrypt but not encrypt,
			   present in some tinkertoy tokens) are permitted then we only 
			   check that there's at least one useful capability available */
			if( capabilityInfoPtr->decryptFunction == NULL && \
				capabilityInfoPtr->signFunction == NULL )
				return( FALSE );
			if( !isSpecialAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
				/* We need at least one mechanism pair to be able to do 
				   anything useful with the capability */
				if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptFunction == NULL || \
					  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptFunction == NULL ) && \
					( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptCBCFunction == NULL || \
					  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptCBCFunction == NULL ) && \
					( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptCFBFunction == NULL || \
					  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptCFBFunction == NULL ) && \
					( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptOFBFunction == NULL || \
					  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptOFBFunction == NULL ) && \
					( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptGCMFunction == NULL || \
					  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptGCMFunction == NULL ) && \
					( capabilityInfoPtr->signFunction == NULL || \
					  capabilityInfoPtr->sigCheckFunction == NULL ) )
					return( FALSE );

	/* Make sure that the algorithm/mode-specific parameters are
	   consistent */
	if( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize > capabilityInfoPtr->keySize || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize < capabilityInfoPtr->keySize )
		return( FALSE );
	if( isConvAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize < bitsToBytes( 8 ) || \
        	  capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize > CRYPT_MAX_IVSIZE ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize < MIN_KEYSIZE || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize > CRYPT_MAX_KEYSIZE ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->keySize > MAX_WORKING_KEYSIZE )
			return( FALSE );	/* Requirement for key wrap */
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->initParamsFunction == NULL || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->initKeyFunction == NULL )
			return( FALSE );
		if( !isStreamCipher( cryptAlgo ) && \
			 capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize < bitsToBytes( 64 ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptCBCFunction != NULL && \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptCBCFunction == NULL ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptCBCFunction == NULL && \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptCBCFunction != NULL ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptCFBFunction != NULL && \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptCFBFunction == NULL ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptCFBFunction == NULL && \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptCFBFunction != NULL ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptOFBFunction != NULL && \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptOFBFunction == NULL ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptOFBFunction == NULL && \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptOFBFunction != NULL ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptGCMFunction != NULL && \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptGCMFunction == NULL ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptGCMFunction == NULL && \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->decryptGCMFunction != NULL ) )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );

	/* We've checked the conventional algorithms, beyond this point there
	   shouldn't be any conventional encryption modes present */
	if( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptCBCFunction != NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->decryptCBCFunction != NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->encryptCFBFunction != NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->decryptCFBFunction != NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->encryptOFBFunction != NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->decryptOFBFunction != NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->encryptGCMFunction != NULL || \
		capabilityInfoPtr->decryptGCMFunction != NULL )
		return( FALSE );

	/* Check any remaining algorithm types */
	if( isPkcAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		const int minKeySize = isEccAlgo( cryptAlgo ) ? \

		if( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize != 0 || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize < minKeySize || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize > CRYPT_MAX_PKCSIZE ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->initKeyFunction == NULL || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->generateKeyFunction == NULL )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );
	if( isHashAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize < bitsToBytes( 128 ) || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize > CRYPT_MAX_HASHSIZE ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize != 0 || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->keySize != 0 || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize != 0 ) )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );
	if( isMacAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		if( ( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize < bitsToBytes( 128 ) || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize > CRYPT_MAX_HASHSIZE ) || \
			( capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize < MIN_KEYSIZE || \
			  capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize > CRYPT_MAX_KEYSIZE ) )
			return( FALSE );
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->keySize > MAX_WORKING_KEYSIZE )
			return( FALSE );	/* Requirement for key wrap */
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->initKeyFunction == NULL )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );
	if( isSpecialAlgo( cryptAlgo ) )
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->blockSize != 0 || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->minKeySize < bitsToBytes( 128 ) || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->maxKeySize > CRYPT_MAX_KEYSIZE )
			return( FALSE );
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->encryptFunction != NULL || \
			capabilityInfoPtr->decryptFunction != NULL )
			return( FALSE );
		if( capabilityInfoPtr->initKeyFunction == NULL )
			return( FALSE );

		return( TRUE );
